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Created August 19, 2020 20:36
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A helper script to set checker types easily
* @file This is a helper script to set checker types easily.
* @copyright Daniel Mascena 2020
* @function setTypeOf
const setTypeOf = function() {
"use strict";
/** @constant
* @private
const regExp = /\s{1}[Date|Array|RegExp|Promise|Error]+/g,
errTypo = new TypeError('Use only Built-in Objects'),
oProto = Object.prototype,
isProtoOf = oProto.isPrototypeOf.bind(oProto),
defProp = Object.defineProperty;
* @params {(Array|Set|Map)} ArrayOfTypes - Iterable object with built-in objects
* @throws Will throw an error if the argument is a non iterable object.
return (arrayOfTypes) => {
const arr = Object(arrayOfTypes);
// check for parameter type and the content
if (Symbol.iterator in arr?'forEach' in arr?false:true:true) {
throw errTypo;
if (arr.toString().match(regExp).length < arr.length) {
console.log('%cPass only standards built-in objects as a values','color: orange; font-size: 12px');
arr.forEach((fn) => {
const fnProto = Object(fn).prototype;
if (isProtoOf(fnProto) && !fnProto.hasOwnProperty('typeOf')) {
defProp(fnProto, 'typeOf', {
get() {
return super.toString().slice(8, -1);
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