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Created February 22, 2015 05:18
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Fish freezes and then crashes when the current directory is within a large hg-git repo
Time Sum Command
1116 4995 > builtin source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/ 2>/dev/null
68 68 -> set -g IFS \n\ \t
15 15 -> function __fish_default_command_not_found_handler...
17 17 -> function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found...
54 54 -> set -l configdir ~/.config
10 25 -> if set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME...
15 15 --> set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME
38 38 -> set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share
6 20 -> if set -q XDG_DATA_HOME...
14 14 --> set -q XDG_DATA_HOME
11 77 -> if not set -q fish_function_path...
13 13 --> not set -q fish_function_path
53 53 --> set fish_function_path $configdir/fish/functions $__fish_sysconfdir/functions $__fish_datadir/functions
6 83 -> if not contains $__fish_datadir/functions $fish_function_path...
77 77 --> not contains $__fish_datadir/functions $fish_function_path
10 120 -> if not set -q fish_complete_path...
36 36 --> not set -q fish_complete_path
74 74 --> set fish_complete_path $configdir/fish/completions $__fish_sysconfdir/completions $__fish_datadir/vendor_completions.d $__fish_datadir/completions $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions
5 59 -> if not contains $__fish_datadir/completions $fish_complete_path...
54 54 --> not contains $__fish_datadir/completions $fish_complete_path
7 55 -> if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin...
48 48 --> test -d /usr/xpg4/bin
69 69 -> set -g __fish_tmp_path $PATH
16 16 -> function __fish_load_path_helper_paths...
29 29 -> test -r /etc/paths
103 1677 -> and __fish_load_path_helper_paths < /etc/paths
85 85 --> set __fish_tmp_path $__fish_tmp_path[-1..1]
76 1416 --> while read -l new_path_comp...
71 71 ---> read -l new_path_comp
68 143 ---> set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
75 75 ----> contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
37 37 ---> and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
65 65 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
34 34 ---> read -l new_path_comp
56 128 ---> set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
72 72 ----> contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
35 35 ---> and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
65 65 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
28 28 ---> read -l new_path_comp
54 120 ---> set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
66 66 ----> contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
36 36 ---> and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
64 64 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
35 35 ---> read -l new_path_comp
54 118 ---> set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
64 64 ----> contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
36 36 ---> and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
63 63 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
29 29 ---> read -l new_path_comp
53 117 ---> set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
64 64 ----> contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
35 35 ---> and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
63 63 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
18 18 ---> read -l new_path_comp
73 73 --> set __fish_tmp_path $__fish_tmp_path[-1..1]
269 906 -> for pathfile in /etc/paths.d/* ...
99 637 --> __fish_load_path_helper_paths < $pathfile
79 79 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $__fish_tmp_path[-1..1]
23 314 ---> while read -l new_path_comp...
43 43 ----> read -l new_path_comp
57 130 ----> set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
73 73 -----> contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
36 36 ----> and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
64 64 ----> set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
18 18 ----> read -l new_path_comp
145 145 ---> set __fish_tmp_path $__fish_tmp_path[-1..1]
79 79 -> set -xg PATH $__fish_tmp_path
21 21 -> set -e __fish_tmp_path
53 53 -> functions -e __fish_load_path_helper_paths
25 25 -> function __fish_reconstruct_path -d "Update PATH when fish_user_paths changes" --on-variable fish_user_paths...
111 312 -> __fish_reconstruct_path
75 75 --> set -l local_path $PATH
17 17 --> set -l x
9 9 --> for x in $__fish_added_user_paths...
17 17 --> set -e __fish_added_user_paths
10 10 --> for x in $fish_user_paths[-1..1]...
73 73 --> set -xg PATH $local_path
33 33 -> function fish_sigtrap_handler --on-signal TRAP --no-scope-shadowing --description "Signal handler for the TRAP signal. Launches a debug prompt."...
12 12 -> function __fish_on_interactive --on-event fish_prompt...
16 16 -> function . --description 'Evaluate contents of file (deprecated, see "source")' --no-scope-shadowing...
188 237 > builtin source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/etc/fish/ 2>/dev/null
7 49 -> if status --is-login...
42 42 --> status --is-login
555 12852 > builtin source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/ 2>/dev/null
71 1963 -> set -l platform (uname)
1892 1892 --> uname
36 36 -> set fish_cursor_default block
21 21 -> set fish_cursor_insert line
21 21 -> set fish_cursor_visual block
21 21 -> test -d /opt/local/bin
101 101 -> and set -g -x PATH /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin $PATH
41 41 -> test -d ~/opt/local/bin
34 34 -> test -d ~/opt/anaconda/bin
33 33 -> test -d ~/bin
23 23 -> test -d /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin
94 94 -> and set -g -x PATH $PATH /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin
37 37 -> test -d ~/opt/local/share/man
21 21 -> set -g -x EDITOR vim
18 18 -> set -g -x PAGER less
18 18 -> set -g -x MANPAGER less
18 18 -> set -g -x LESS FRSX
24 7141 -> if test $platform = Darwin...
24 24 --> test $platform = Darwin
453 7093 --> eval (gdircolors -c ~/.dircolors)
334 365 ---> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
31 31 ----> function eval -S -d "Evaluate parameters as a command"...
4230 4230 ---> gdircolors -c ~/.dircolors
35 35 ---> set -l status_copy $status
11 11 ---> function __fish_restore_status...
9 65 ---> if not set -q argv[2]...
22 22 ----> not set -q argv[2]
34 34 ----> switch "$argv[1]"...
19 19 ---> set -l mode
10 45 ---> if status --is-interactive-job-control...
17 17 ----> status --is-interactive-job-control
18 18 ----> set mode interactive
11 41 ---> if status --is-interactive...
15 15 ----> status --is-interactive
15 15 ----> status --job-control full
45 78 ---> __fish_restore_status $status_copy
33 33 ----> return $argv[1]
1124 1680 ---> echo "begin; $argv "\n" ;end <&3 3<&-" | source 3<&0
67 556 ----> begin; setenv LS_COLORS 'no=00:fi=00:di=34:ow=34;40:ln=35:pi=30;44:so=35;44:do=35;44:bd=33;44:cd=37;44:or=05;37;41:mi=05;37;41:ex=01;31:*.cmd=01;31:*.exe=01;31:*.com=01;31:*.bat=01;31:*.reg=01;31:*.app=01;31:*.txt=32:*.org=32:*.md=32:*.mkd=32:*.h=32:*.c=32:*.C=32:*.cc=32:*.cpp=32:*.cxx=32:*.objc=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.zsh=32:*.el=32:*.vim=32:*.java=32:*.pl=32:*.pm=32:*.py=32:*.rb=32:*.hs=32:*.php=32:*.htm=32:*.html=32:*.shtml=32:*.erb=32:*.haml=32:*.xml=32:*.rdf=32:*.css=32:*.sass=32:*.scss=32:*.less=32:*.js=32:*.coffee=32:*.man=32:*.0=32:*.1=32:*.2=32:*.3=32:*.4=32:*.5=32:*.6=32:*.7=32:*.8=32:*.9=32:*.l=32:*.n=32:*.p=32:*.pod=32:*.tex=32:*.go=32:*.bmp=33:*.cgm=33:*.dl=33:*.dvi=33:*.emf=33:*.eps=33:*.gif=33:*.jpeg=33:*.jpg=33:*.JPG=33:*.mng=33:*.pbm=33:*.pcx=33:*.pdf=33:*.pgm=33:*.png=33:*.PNG=33:*.ppm=33:*.pps=33:*.ppsx=33:*.ps=33:*.svg=33:*.svgz=33:*.tga=33:*.tif=33:*.tiff=33:*.xbm=33:*.xcf=33:*.xpm=33:*.xwd=33:*.xwd=33:*.yuv=33:*.aac=33:*.au=33:*.flac=33:*.m4a=33:*.mid=33:*.midi=33:*.mka=33:*.mp3=33:*.mpa=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.ogg=33:*.ra=33:*.wav=33:*.anx=33:*.asf=33:*.avi=33:*.axv=33:*.flc=33:*.fli=33:*.flv=33:*.gl=33:*.m2v=33:*.m4v=33:*.mkv=33:*.mov=33:*.MOV=33:*.mp4=33:*.mp4v=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.nuv=33:*.ogm=33:*.ogv=33:*.ogx=33:*.qt=33:*.rm=33:*.rmvb=33:*.swf=33:*.vob=33:*.webm=33:*.wmv=33:*.doc=31:*.docx=31:*.rtf=31:*.dot=31:*.dotx=31:*.xls=31:*.xlsx=31:*.ppt=31:*.pptx=31:*.fla=31:*.psd=31:*.7z=1;35:*.apk=1;35:*.arj=1;35:*.bin=1;35:*.bz=1;35:*.bz2=1;35:*.cab=1;35:*.deb=1;35:*.dmg=1;35:*.gem=1;35:*.gz=1;35:*.iso=1;35:*.jar=1;35:*.msi=1;35:*.rar=1;35:*.rpm=1;35:*.tar=1;35:*.tbz=1;35:*.tbz2=1;35:*.tgz=1;35:*.tx=1;35:*.war=1;35:*.xpi=1;35:*.xz=1;35:*.z=1;35:*.Z=1;35:*.zip=1;35:*.ANSI-30-black=30:*.ANSI-01;30-brblack=01;30:*.ANSI-31-red=31:*.ANSI-01;31-brred=01;31:*.ANSI-32-green=32:*.ANSI-01;32-brgreen=01;32:*.ANSI-33-yellow=33:*.ANSI-01;33-bryellow=01;33:*.ANSI-34-blue=34:*.ANSI-01;34-brblue=01;34:*.ANSI-35-magenta=35:*.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta=01;35:*.ANSI-36-cyan=36:*.ANSI-01;36-brcyan=01;36:*.ANSI-37-white=37:*.ANSI-01;37-brwhite=01;37:*.log=01;32:*~=01;32:*#=01;32:*.bak=01;33:*.BAK=01;33:*.old=01;33:*.OLD=01;33:*.org_archive=01;33:*.off=01;33:*.OFF=01;33:*.dist=01;33:*.DIST=01;33:*.orig=01;33:*.ORIG=01;33:*.swp=01;33:*.swo=01;33:*,v=01;33:*.gpg=34:*.gpg=34:*.pgp=34:*.asc=34:*.3des=34:*.aes=34:*.enc=34:*.sqlite=34:'
;end <&3 3<&-
269 489 -----> setenv LS_COLORS 'no=00:fi=00:di=34:ow=34;40:ln=35:pi=30;44:so=35;44:do=35;44:bd=33;44:cd=37;44:or=05;37;41:mi=05;37;41:ex=01;31:*.cmd=01;31:*.exe=01;31:*.com=01;31:*.bat=01;31:*.reg=01;31:*.app=01;31:*.txt=32:*.org=32:*.md=32:*.mkd=32:*.h=32:*.c=32:*.C=32:*.cc=32:*.cpp=32:*.cxx=32:*.objc=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.zsh=32:*.el=32:*.vim=32:*.java=32:*.pl=32:*.pm=32:*.py=32:*.rb=32:*.hs=32:*.php=32:*.htm=32:*.html=32:*.shtml=32:*.erb=32:*.haml=32:*.xml=32:*.rdf=32:*.css=32:*.sass=32:*.scss=32:*.less=32:*.js=32:*.coffee=32:*.man=32:*.0=32:*.1=32:*.2=32:*.3=32:*.4=32:*.5=32:*.6=32:*.7=32:*.8=32:*.9=32:*.l=32:*.n=32:*.p=32:*.pod=32:*.tex=32:*.go=32:*.bmp=33:*.cgm=33:*.dl=33:*.dvi=33:*.emf=33:*.eps=33:*.gif=33:*.jpeg=33:*.jpg=33:*.JPG=33:*.mng=33:*.pbm=33:*.pcx=33:*.pdf=33:*.pgm=33:*.png=33:*.PNG=33:*.ppm=33:*.pps=33:*.ppsx=33:*.ps=33:*.svg=33:*.svgz=33:*.tga=33:*.tif=33:*.tiff=33:*.xbm=33:*.xcf=33:*.xpm=33:*.xwd=33:*.xwd=33:*.yuv=33:*.aac=33:*.au=33:*.flac=33:*.m4a=33:*.mid=33:*.midi=33:*.mka=33:*.mp3=33:*.mpa=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.ogg=33:*.ra=33:*.wav=33:*.anx=33:*.asf=33:*.avi=33:*.axv=33:*.flc=33:*.fli=33:*.flv=33:*.gl=33:*.m2v=33:*.m4v=33:*.mkv=33:*.mov=33:*.MOV=33:*.mp4=33:*.mp4v=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.nuv=33:*.ogm=33:*.ogv=33:*.ogx=33:*.qt=33:*.rm=33:*.rmvb=33:*.swf=33:*.vob=33:*.webm=33:*.wmv=33:*.doc=31:*.docx=31:*.rtf=31:*.dot=31:*.dotx=31:*.xls=31:*.xlsx=31:*.ppt=31:*.pptx=31:*.fla=31:*.psd=31:*.7z=1;35:*.apk=1;35:*.arj=1;35:*.bin=1;35:*.bz=1;35:*.bz2=1;35:*.cab=1;35:*.deb=1;35:*.dmg=1;35:*.gem=1;35:*.gz=1;35:*.iso=1;35:*.jar=1;35:*.msi=1;35:*.rar=1;35:*.rpm=1;35:*.tar=1;35:*.tbz=1;35:*.tbz2=1;35:*.tgz=1;35:*.tx=1;35:*.war=1;35:*.xpi=1;35:*.xz=1;35:*.z=1;35:*.Z=1;35:*.zip=1;35:*.ANSI-30-black=30:*.ANSI-01;30-brblack=01;30:*.ANSI-31-red=31:*.ANSI-01;31-brred=01;31:*.ANSI-32-green=32:*.ANSI-01;32-brgreen=01;32:*.ANSI-33-yellow=33:*.ANSI-01;33-bryellow=01;33:*.ANSI-34-blue=34:*.ANSI-01;34-brblue=01;34:*.ANSI-35-magenta=35:*.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta=01;35:*.ANSI-36-cyan=36:*.ANSI-01;36-brcyan=01;36:*.ANSI-37-white=37:*.ANSI-01;37-brwhite=01;37:*.log=01;32:*~=01;32:*#=01;32:*.bak=01;33:*.BAK=01;33:*.old=01;33:*.OLD=01;33:*.org_archive=01;33:*.off=01;33:*.OFF=01;33:*.dist=01;33:*.DIST=01;33:*.orig=01;33:*.ORIG=01;33:*.swp=01;33:*.swo=01;33:*,v=01;33:*.gpg=34:*.gpg=34:*.pgp=34:*.asc=34:*.3des=34:*.aes=34:*.enc=34:*.sqlite=34:'
105 134 ------> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
29 29 -------> function setenv --description 'Set global variable. Alias for set -g, made for csh compatibility'...
86 86 ------> set -gx $argv
32 32 ---> set -l res $status
27 27 ---> status --job-control $mode
12 12 ---> return $res
188 2181 -> configure_ssh
168 177 --> source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
9 9 ---> function configure_ssh...
45 1816 --> set -l platform (uname)
1736 1736 ---> uname
27 27 ---> test $platform = Darwin
8 8 ---> return
49 49 -> set fish_color_autosuggestion green --bold
31 31 -> set fish_color_normal normal
24 24 -> set fish_color_command blue
24 24 -> set fish_color_quote yellow
23 23 -> set fish_color_redirection red
18 18 -> set fish_color_end red
23 23 -> set fish_color_error normal
23 23 -> set fish_color_param cyan
26 26 -> set fish_color_comment green --bold
23 23 -> set fish_color_match red
25 25 -> set fish_color_search_match --background=black
23 23 -> set fish_color_operator red
22 22 -> set fish_color_escape red
26 26 -> set fish_color_valid_path cyan --underline
19 19 -> set fish_color_selection --background=black
22 22 -> set fish_pager_color_prefix blue
23 23 -> set fish_pager_color_completion cyan
28 28 -> set fish_pager_color_description green --bold
23 23 -> set fish_pager_color_progress red
90 98 > source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
8 8 -> function fish_title...
36 3754 > fish_title
121 3718 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1242 1379 --> hostname
116 137 ---> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
21 21 ----> set -q USERDOMAIN
118 2218 --> prompt_pwd
101 121 ---> source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
20 20 ----> function prompt_pwd --description 'Print the current working directory, shortend to fit the prompt'...
1979 1979 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
47 26011 > __fish_on_interactive
587 25944 -> __fish_config_interactive
1234 1320 --> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
86 86 ---> function __fish_config_interactive -d "Initializations that should be performed when entering interactive mode"...
7 42 --> if set -q __fish_config_interactive_done...
35 35 ---> set -q __fish_config_interactive_done
22 22 --> set -g __fish_config_interactive_done
45 45 --> set -l configdir ~/.config
7 21 --> if set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME...
14 14 ---> set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME
33 33 --> set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share
7 20 --> if set -q XDG_DATA_HOME...
13 13 ---> set -q XDG_DATA_HOME
6 20 --> if not set -q __fish_init_1_50_0...
14 14 ---> not set -q __fish_init_1_50_0
9 41 --> if not test -d $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions...
32 32 ---> not test -d $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions
9 9948 --> if status -i...
13 13 ---> status -i
9 9926 ---> if functions -q fish_greeting...
65 165 ----> functions -q fish_greeting
89 100 -----> source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
11 11 ------> function fish_greeting...
50 9752 ----> fish_greeting
8 9702 -----> if type chkpwage > /dev/null ^ /dev/null...
367 9694 ------> type chkpwage > /dev/null ^ /dev/null
720 752 -------> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
32 32 --------> function type --description "Print the type of a command"...
21 21 -------> set -l res 1
17 17 -------> set -l mode normal
16 16 -------> set -l multi no
17 17 -------> set -l selection all
25 25 -------> set -l IFS \n\ \t
18 18 -------> set -l names
7 2227 -------> if test (count $argv) -gt 0...
52 113 --------> test (count $argv) -gt 0
61 61 ---------> count $argv
88 2107 --------> for i in (seq (count $argv))...
1407 1789 ---------> seq (count $argv)
301 350 ----------> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
3 49 -----------> if begin ...
11 46 ------------> begin ...
35 35 -------------> not test -x /usr/bin/seq
32 32 ----------> count $argv
37 37 ---------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
18 18 ---------> set -l needbreak 0
-13 175 ---------> while test -n $arg...
20 20 ----------> test -n $arg
20 20 ----------> set -l flag $arg
17 17 ----------> set arg ''
16 16 ----------> switch $flag...
33 88 ----------> switch $flag...
26 26 -----------> set names $argv[$i..-1]
16 16 -----------> set needbreak 1
13 13 -----------> break
20 20 ----------> test $needbreak -eq 1
7 7 ----------> break
24 6207 -------> for i in $names...
18 18 --------> set -l found 0
9 369 --------> if test $selection != files...
19 19 ---------> test $selection != files
5 49 ---------> if functions -q -- $i...
44 44 ----------> functions -q -- $i
7 292 ---------> if contains -- $i (builtin -n)...
242 285 ----------> contains -- $i (builtin -n)
43 43 -----------> builtin -n
19 19 --------> set -l paths
10 133 --------> if test $multi != yes...
19 19 ---------> test $multi != yes
45 104 ---------> set paths (command -s -- $i)
59 59 ----------> command -s -- $i
7 7 --------> for path in $paths...
29 5637 --------> if begin...
8 47 ---------> begin...
18 18 ----------> test $found = 0
21 21 ----------> and test $mode != quiet
663 5561 ---------> printf (_ "%s: Could not find '%s'\n") type $i >&2
93 4898 ----------> _ "%s: Could not find '%s'\n"
139 1523 -----------> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
78 1269 ------------> set -l path (which gettext ^/dev/null)
1191 1191 -------------> which gettext ^/dev/null
10 115 ------------> if test -x (echo $path)...
65 91 -------------> test -x (echo $path)
26 26 --------------> echo $path
14 14 -------------> function _ --description "Alias for the gettext command"...
3282 3282 -----------> gettext fish $argv
27 27 -------> return $res
28 28 --> function __fish_repaint --on-variable fish_color_cwd --description "Event handler, repaints the prompt when fish_color_cwd changes"...
21 21 --> function __fish_repaint_root --on-variable fish_color_cwd_root --description "Event handler, repaints the prompt when fish_color_cwd_root changes"...
69 69 --> complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a start --description 'Start service'
31 31 --> complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a stop --description 'Stop service'
32 32 --> complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a status --description 'Print service status'
31 31 --> complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a restart --description 'Stop and then start service'
31 31 --> complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a reload --description 'Reload service configuration'
9 36 --> if not set -q fish_key_bindings...
27 27 ---> not set -q fish_key_bindings
28 28 --> function __fish_reload_key_bindings -d "Reload key bindings when binding variable change" --on-variable fish_key_bindings...
23 23 --> set -g __fish_active_key_bindings
97 13403 --> __fish_reload_key_bindings ^ /dev/null
7 48 ---> if test "$fish_key_bindings" = "$__fish_active_key_bindings"...
41 41 ----> test "$fish_key_bindings" = "$__fish_active_key_bindings"
29 29 ---> set -g __fish_active_key_bindings "$fish_key_bindings"
18 18 ---> set -g fish_bind_mode default
12 13211 ---> if test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings...
24 24 ----> test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings
754 4313 ----> fish_default_key_bindings
1045 1107 -----> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
62 62 ------> function fish_default_key_bindings -d "Default (Emacs-like) key bindings for fish" -a mode...
12 111 -----> if not set -q mode[1]...
25 25 ------> not set -q mode[1]
74 74 ------> bind --erase --all
24 24 -----> bind $argv "" self-insert
20 20 -----> bind $argv \n execute
19 19 -----> bind $argv \ck kill-line
18 18 -----> bind $argv \cy yank
19 19 -----> bind $argv \t complete
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\n "commandline -i \n"
22 22 -----> bind $argv \e\[A up-or-search
22 22 -----> bind $argv \e\[B down-or-search
37 37 -----> bind $argv -k down down-or-search
24 24 -----> bind $argv -k up up-or-search
21 21 -----> bind $argv \e\[C forward-char
21 21 -----> bind $argv \e\[D backward-char
23 23 -----> bind $argv -k right forward-char
23 23 -----> bind $argv -k left backward-char
22 22 -----> bind $argv -k dc delete-char
23 23 -----> bind $argv -k backspace backward-delete-char
34 34 -----> bind $argv \x7f backward-delete-char
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\[H beginning-of-line
23 23 -----> bind $argv \e\[F end-of-line
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\[1~ beginning-of-line
19 19 -----> bind $argv \e\[3~ delete-char
23 23 -----> bind $argv \e\[4~ end-of-line
81 81 -----> bind $argv -k home beginning-of-line 2> /dev/null
39 39 -----> bind $argv -k end end-of-line 2> /dev/null
29 29 -----> bind $argv \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\eOC nextd-or-forward-word
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\eOD prevd-or-backward-word
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\e\[C nextd-or-forward-word
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\e\[D prevd-or-backward-word
24 24 -----> bind $argv \eO3C nextd-or-forward-word
25 25 -----> bind $argv \eO3D prevd-or-backward-word
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\[3C nextd-or-forward-word
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\[3D prevd-or-backward-word
56 56 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;3C nextd-or-forward-word
36 36 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;3D prevd-or-backward-word
26 26 -----> bind $argv \e\eOA history-token-search-backward
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\eOB history-token-search-forward
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\e\[A history-token-search-backward
25 25 -----> bind $argv \e\e\[B history-token-search-forward
25 25 -----> bind $argv \eO3A history-token-search-backward
25 25 -----> bind $argv \eO3B history-token-search-forward
26 26 -----> bind $argv \e\[3A history-token-search-backward
26 26 -----> bind $argv \e\[3B history-token-search-forward
34 34 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;3A history-token-search-backward
30 30 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;3B history-token-search-forward
23 23 -----> bind $argv \ca beginning-of-line
22 22 -----> bind $argv \ce end-of-line
21 21 -----> bind $argv \ey yank-pop
20 20 -----> bind $argv \ch backward-delete-char
22 22 -----> bind $argv \cw backward-kill-word
22 22 -----> bind $argv \cp history-search-backward
22 22 -----> bind $argv \cn history-search-forward
21 21 -----> bind $argv \cf forward-char
22 22 -----> bind $argv \cb backward-char
22 22 -----> bind $argv \ct transpose-chars
23 23 -----> bind $argv \et transpose-words
28 28 -----> bind $argv \eu upcase-word
23 23 -----> bind $argv \ec capitalize-word
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\x7f backward-kill-word
22 22 -----> bind $argv \eb backward-word
22 22 -----> bind $argv \ef forward-word
30 30 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;5C forward-word
31 31 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;5D backward-word
32 32 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;9A history-token-search-backward
37 37 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;9B history-token-search-forward
31 31 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;9C forward-word
83 83 -----> bind $argv \e\[1\;9D backward-word
28 28 -----> bind $argv \e. history-token-search-backward
31 31 -----> bind $argv -k ppage beginning-of-history
29 29 -----> bind $argv -k npage end-of-history
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\< beginning-of-buffer
24 24 -----> bind $argv \e\> end-of-buffer
23 23 -----> bind $argv \el __fish_list_current_token
30 30 -----> bind $argv \ew 'set tok (commandline -pt); if test $tok[1]; echo; whatis $tok[1]; commandline -f repaint; end'
26 26 -----> bind $argv \cl 'clear; commandline -f repaint'
25 25 -----> bind $argv \cc 'commandline ""'
22 22 -----> bind $argv \cu backward-kill-line
19 19 -----> bind $argv \cw backward-kill-path-component
32 32 -----> bind $argv \ed 'set -l cmd (commandline); if test -z "$cmd"; echo; dirh; commandline -f repaint; else; commandline -f kill-word; end'
24 24 -----> bind $argv \cd delete-or-exit
17 17 -----> bind \ed forward-kill-word
16 16 -----> bind \ed kill-word
28 28 -----> bind $argv -k f1 __fish_man_page
25 25 -----> bind $argv \eh __fish_man_page
28 28 -----> bind $argv \ep '__fish_paginate'
27 27 -----> bind --key btab complete-and-search
21 21 -----> bind \e cancel
24 24 -----> switch "$TERM"...
10 8862 ----> if functions --query fish_user_key_bindings > /dev/null...
88 291 -----> functions --query fish_user_key_bindings > /dev/null
185 203 ------> source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
18 18 -------> function fish_user_key_bindings...
90 8561 -----> fish_user_key_bindings
1188 8300 ------> fish_vi_key_bindings
1845 1894 -------> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
49 49 --------> function fish_vi_key_bindings --description 'vi-like key bindings for fish'...
450 450 -------> bind --erase --all
26 26 -------> set -l init_mode insert
7 23 -------> if set -q argv[1]...
16 16 --------> set -q argv[1]
15 15 -------> bind :q exit
17 17 -------> bind \cd exit
21 21 -------> bind \cc 'commandline ""'
16 16 -------> bind h backward-char
16 16 -------> bind l forward-char
19 19 -------> bind \e\[C forward-char
19 19 -------> bind \e\[D backward-char
21 21 -------> bind -k right forward-char
19 19 -------> bind -k left backward-char
18 18 -------> bind \n execute
18 18 -------> bind -m insert i force-repaint
21 21 -------> bind -m insert I beginning-of-line force-repaint
21 21 -------> bind -m insert a forward-char force-repaint
21 21 -------> bind -m insert A end-of-line force-repaint
21 21 -------> bind -m visual v begin-selection force-repaint
18 18 -------> bind gg beginning-of-buffer
17 17 -------> bind G end-of-buffer
19 19 -------> bind \x24 end-of-line
19 19 -------> bind \x5e beginning-of-line
18 18 -------> bind 0 beginning-of-line
21 21 -------> bind g\x24 end-of-line
21 21 -------> bind g\x5e beginning-of-line
22 22 -------> bind \e\[H beginning-of-line
22 22 -------> bind \e\[F end-of-line
18 18 -------> bind u history-search-backward
20 20 -------> bind \cr history-search-forward
19 19 -------> bind [ history-token-search-backward
18 18 -------> bind ] history-token-search-forward
18 18 -------> bind k up-or-search
18 18 -------> bind j down-or-search
23 23 -------> bind \e\[A up-or-search
23 23 -------> bind \e\[B down-or-search
23 23 -------> bind -k down down-or-search
23 23 -------> bind -k up up-or-search
20 20 -------> bind b backward-word
19 19 -------> bind B backward-word
19 19 -------> bind gE backward-word
14 14 -------> bind gE backward-word
18 18 -------> bind w forward-word
18 18 -------> bind W forward-word
19 19 -------> bind e forward-word
19 19 -------> bind E forward-word
20 20 -------> bind x delete-char
19 19 -------> bind X backward-delete-char
25 25 -------> bind -k dc delete-char
24 24 -------> bind -k backspace backward-delete-char
22 22 -------> bind \x7f backward-delete-char
27 27 -------> bind \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char
20 20 -------> bind dd kill-whole-line
20 20 -------> bind D kill-line
23 23 -------> bind d\x24 kill-line
24 24 -------> bind d\x5e backward-kill-line
22 22 -------> bind dw kill-word
21 21 -------> bind dW kill-word
30 30 -------> bind diw forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word
29 29 -------> bind diW forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word
29 29 -------> bind daw forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word
29 29 -------> bind daW forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word
22 22 -------> bind de kill-word
21 21 -------> bind dE kill-word
22 22 -------> bind db backward-kill-word
21 21 -------> bind dB backward-kill-word
24 24 -------> bind dgE backward-kill-word
13 13 -------> bind dgE backward-kill-word
25 25 -------> bind -m insert s delete-char force-repaint
25 25 -------> bind -m insert S kill-whole-line force-repaint
26 26 -------> bind -m insert cc kill-whole-line force-repaint
26 26 -------> bind -m insert C kill-line force-repaint
31 31 -------> bind -m insert c\x24 kill-line force-repaint
31 31 -------> bind -m insert c\x5e backward-kill-line force-repaint
28 28 -------> bind -m insert cw kill-word force-repaint
27 27 -------> bind -m insert cW kill-word force-repaint
38 38 -------> bind -m insert ciw forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word force-repaint
38 38 -------> bind -m insert ciW forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word force-repaint
38 38 -------> bind -m insert caw forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word force-repaint
37 37 -------> bind -m insert caW forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word force-repaint
28 28 -------> bind -m insert ce kill-word force-repaint
28 28 -------> bind -m insert cE kill-word force-repaint
28 28 -------> bind -m insert cb backward-kill-word force-repaint
27 27 -------> bind -m insert cB backward-kill-word force-repaint
33 33 -------> bind -m insert cgE backward-kill-word force-repaint
18 18 -------> bind -m insert cgE backward-kill-word force-repaint
24 24 -------> bind '~' capitalize-word
24 24 -------> bind gu downcase-word
25 25 -------> bind gU upcase-word
24 24 -------> bind J end-of-line delete-char
28 28 -------> bind K 'man (commandline -t) ^/dev/null; or echo -n \a'
27 27 -------> bind yy kill-whole-line yank
23 23 -------> bind Y kill-whole-line yank
36 36 -------> bind y\x24 kill-line yank
30 30 -------> bind y\x5e backward-kill-line yank
29 29 -------> bind yw kill-word yank
27 27 -------> bind yW kill-word yank
39 39 -------> bind yiw forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word yank
40 40 -------> bind yiW forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word yank
38 38 -------> bind yaw forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word yank
38 38 -------> bind yaW forward-char forward-char backward-word kill-word yank
27 27 -------> bind ye kill-word yank
27 27 -------> bind yE kill-word yank
28 28 -------> bind yb backward-kill-word yank
32 32 -------> bind yB backward-kill-word yank
34 34 -------> bind ygE backward-kill-word yank
16 16 -------> bind ygE backward-kill-word yank
22 22 -------> bind f forward-jump
22 22 -------> bind F backward-jump
27 27 -------> bind t forward-jump and backward-char
26 26 -------> bind T backward-jump and forward-char
27 27 -------> bind p yank
24 24 -------> bind P backward-char yank
28 28 -------> bind gp yank-pop
44 44 -------> bind '"*p' "commandline -i ( xsel -p; echo )[1]"
45 45 -------> bind '"*P' backward-char "commandline -i ( xsel -p; echo )[1]"
22 22 -------> bind -M insert "" self-insert
28 28 -------> bind -M insert \n execute
43 43 -------> bind -M insert -k dc delete-char
37 37 -------> bind -M insert -k backspace backward-delete-char
31 31 -------> bind -M insert \x7f backward-delete-char
45 45 -------> bind -M insert \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char
30 30 -------> bind -M insert \t complete
47 47 -------> bind -M insert -k home beginning-of-line 2> /dev/null
45 45 -------> bind -M insert -k end end-of-line 2> /dev/null
27 27 -------> bind -M insert \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char
29 29 -------> bind -M insert \cx end-of-line
43 43 -------> bind -M insert \e\[A up-or-search
43 43 -------> bind -M insert \e\[B down-or-search
43 43 -------> bind -M insert -k down down-or-search
44 44 -------> bind -M insert -k up up-or-search
44 44 -------> bind -M insert \e\[C forward-char
43 43 -------> bind -M insert \e\[D backward-char
49 49 -------> bind -M insert -k right forward-char
44 44 -------> bind -M insert -k left backward-char
22 22 -------> bind -M insert \ch backward-delete-char
30 30 -------> bind -M insert \cw backward-kill-word
30 30 -------> bind -M insert \cu backward-kill-line
144 144 -------> bind -M insert \cp history-search-backward
34 34 -------> bind -M insert \cn history-search-forward
30 30 -------> bind -M insert \cb backward-word
29 29 -------> bind -M insert \cf forward-word
33 33 -------> bind -M insert -m default \cc backward-char force-repaint
34 34 -------> bind -M insert -m default \e backward-char force-repaint
29 29 -------> bind -M insert \cd exit
37 37 -------> bind -M insert \ef forward-word
48 48 -------> bind -M visual \e\[C forward-char
51 51 -------> bind -M visual \e\[D backward-char
65 65 -------> bind -M visual -k right forward-char
49 49 -------> bind -M visual -k left backward-char
30 30 -------> bind -M visual h backward-char
29 29 -------> bind -M visual l forward-char
29 29 -------> bind -M visual b backward-word
29 29 -------> bind -M visual B backward-word
35 35 -------> bind -M visual gE backward-word
16 16 -------> bind -M visual gE backward-word
28 28 -------> bind -M visual w forward-word
28 28 -------> bind -M visual W forward-word
29 29 -------> bind -M visual e forward-word
29 29 -------> bind -M visual E forward-word
36 36 -------> bind -M visual -m default d kill-selection end-selection force-repaint
36 36 -------> bind -M visual -m default x kill-selection end-selection force-repaint
35 35 -------> bind -M visual -m default X kill-whole-line end-selection force-repaint
37 37 -------> bind -M visual -m default y kill-selection yank end-selection force-repaint
59 59 -------> bind -M visual -m default '"*y' "commandline -s | xsel -p" end-selection force-repaint
38 38 -------> bind -M visual -m default \cc end-selection force-repaint
37 37 -------> bind -M visual -m default \e end-selection force-repaint
28 28 -------> set fish_bind_mode $init_mode
25 25 ------> bind -M insert \cc 'commandline ""'
25 25 ------> bind -M default -m insert \cc 'commandline ""'
26 26 ------> bind -M default B 'commandline --cursor (commandline --cut | sed -n \'s/\(.*\)[ ][^ ][^ ]*[ ]*$/\1/p\' | wc -m)'
24 24 ------> bind -M visual B 'commandline --cursor (commandline --cut | sed -n \'s/\(.*\)[ ][^ ][^ ]*[ ]*$/\1/p\' | wc -m)'
19 19 ------> bind -M insert \cw backward-kill-word
19 19 ------> bind -M insert \cf forward-char
33 33 ------> bind -M insert \cg forward-word
18 18 --> function __fish_winch_handler --on-signal winch...
8 54 --> if test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3405 -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal"...
46 46 ---> test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3405 -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal"
21 21 --> functions -e __fish_command_not_found_handler
19 19 --> function __fish_command_not_found_setup --on-event fish_command_not_found...
20 20 -> functions -e __fish_on_interactive
243 254 > source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
11 11 -> function fish_prompt...
105 115 > source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
10 10 -> function fish_right_prompt...
150 125087 > fish_prompt
20 20 -> echo ''
76 76 -> set_color red --bold
70 2697 -> printf (whoami)' '
2627 2627 --> whoami
29 29 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
73 1475 -> printf (hostname)' '
1402 1402 --> hostname
33 33 -> set_color magenta --bold
107 2445 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
59 2338 --> prompt_pwd
2279 2279 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
36 36 -> set_color normal
24 24 -> set_color normal
155 115593 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
115285 115438 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
31 31 ---> set_color red --bold
26 26 ---> set_color normal
24 24 ---> set_color yellow
24 24 ---> set_color green
24 24 ---> set_color blue
24 24 ---> set_color magenta
121 2401 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2280 2280 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
32 32 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
34 34 -> set_color normal
20 20 -> printf '↪ '
64 2314 > fish_right_prompt
30 30 -> set_color green --bold
88 2174 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
2086 2086 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
46 46 -> set_color normal
50 3811 > fish_title
195 3761 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1370 1370 --> hostname
65 2196 --> prompt_pwd
2131 2131 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
58 3914 > fish_title ls
156 3856 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1527 1527 --> hostname
72 2173 --> prompt_pwd
2101 2101 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
143 13296 > ls
157 171 -> source /Users/dmatz/.config/fish/functions/
14 14 --> function ls...
20 12982 -> if test (uname) = Darwin...
76 1541 --> test (uname) = Darwin
1465 1465 ---> uname
39 11421 --> if type gls > /dev/null ^ /dev/null...
375 7320 ---> type gls > /dev/null ^ /dev/null
30 30 ----> set -l res 1
24 24 ----> set -l mode normal
23 23 ----> set -l multi no
23 23 ----> set -l selection all
25 25 ----> set -l IFS \n\ \t
22 22 ----> set -l names
9 1722 ----> if test (count $argv) -gt 0...
54 81 -----> test (count $argv) -gt 0
27 27 ------> count $argv
112 1632 -----> for i in (seq (count $argv))...
1204 1231 ------> seq (count $argv)
27 27 -------> count $argv
42 42 ------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
28 28 ------> set -l needbreak 0
-19 219 ------> while test -n $arg...
29 29 -------> test -n $arg
26 26 -------> set -l flag $arg
23 23 -------> set arg ''
14 14 -------> switch $flag...
41 108 -------> switch $flag...
31 31 --------> set names $argv[$i..-1]
23 23 --------> set needbreak 1
13 13 --------> break
26 26 -------> test $needbreak -eq 1
12 12 -------> break
27 5058 ----> for i in $names...
24 24 -----> set -l found 0
12 371 -----> if test $selection != files...
25 25 ------> test $selection != files
7 58 ------> if functions -q -- $i...
51 51 -------> functions -q -- $i
8 276 ------> if contains -- $i (builtin -n)...
231 268 -------> contains -- $i (builtin -n)
37 37 --------> builtin -n
26 26 -----> set -l paths
12 134 -----> if test $multi != yes...
25 25 ------> test $multi != yes
64 97 ------> set paths (command -s -- $i)
33 33 -------> command -s -- $i
111 4433 -----> for path in $paths...
22 22 ------> set res 0
22 22 ------> set found 1
-21 4278 ------> switch $mode...
688 4233 -------> printf (_ '%s is %s\n') $i $path
56 3545 --------> _ '%s is %s\n'
3489 3489 ---------> gettext fish $argv
48 48 -------> test $multi != yes
18 18 -------> continue
4 43 -----> if begin...
12 39 ------> begin...
27 27 -------> test $found = 0
18 18 ----> return $res
4062 4062 ---> gls -F --color=auto $argv
154 122863 > fish_prompt
25 25 -> echo ''
36 36 -> set_color red --bold
76 2473 -> printf (whoami)' '
2397 2397 --> whoami
31 31 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
71 1389 -> printf (hostname)' '
1318 1318 --> hostname
30 30 -> set_color magenta --bold
93 2293 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
70 2200 --> prompt_pwd
2130 2130 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
33 33 -> set_color normal
21 21 -> set_color normal
141 113856 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
113572 113715 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
31 31 ---> set_color red --bold
23 23 ---> set_color normal
21 21 ---> set_color yellow
21 21 ---> set_color green
23 23 ---> set_color blue
24 24 ---> set_color magenta
126 2420 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2294 2294 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
30 30 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
32 32 -> set_color normal
18 18 -> printf '↪ '
54 2021 > fish_right_prompt
27 27 -> set_color green --bold
70 1911 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
1841 1841 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
29 29 -> set_color normal
115 3682 > fish_title
126 3567 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1316 1316 --> hostname
58 2125 --> prompt_pwd
2067 2067 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
67 4097 > fish_title cd\ Data/Projects/wedding_site/Semantic-UI/
210 4030 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1486 1486 --> hostname
117 2334 --> prompt_pwd
2217 2217 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
227 1114 > cd Data/Projects/wedding_site/Semantic-UI/
286 322 -> source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/functions/
36 36 --> function cd --description "Change directory"...
9 37 -> if status --is-command-substitution...
28 28 --> status --is-command-substitution
36 36 -> set -l previous $PWD
9 50 -> if test $argv[1] = - ^/dev/null...
41 41 --> test $argv[1] = - ^/dev/null
101 101 -> builtin cd $argv[1]
38 38 -> set -l cd_status $status
25 272 -> if test $cd_status = 0 -a "$PWD" != "$previous"...
65 65 --> test $cd_status = 0 -a "$PWD" != "$previous"
64 64 --> set -g dirprev $dirprev $previous
35 35 --> set -e dirnext
83 83 --> set -g __fish_cd_direction prev
31 31 -> return $cd_status
165 418443 > fish_prompt
30 30 -> echo ''
44 44 -> set_color red --bold
80 3145 -> printf (whoami)' '
3065 3065 --> whoami
30 30 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
69 1456 -> printf (hostname)' '
1387 1387 --> hostname
30 30 -> set_color magenta --bold
116 2249 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
61 2133 --> prompt_pwd
2072 2072 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
33 33 -> set_color normal
23 23 -> set_color normal
192 408772 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
408430 408580 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
29 29 ---> set_color red --bold
26 26 ---> set_color normal
24 24 ---> set_color yellow
24 24 ---> set_color green
23 23 ---> set_color blue
24 24 ---> set_color magenta
138 2341 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2203 2203 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
36 36 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
47 47 -> set_color normal
20 20 -> printf '↪ '
55 2046 > fish_right_prompt
27 27 -> set_color green --bold
74 1935 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
1861 1861 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
29 29 -> set_color normal
91 3993 > fish_title
140 3902 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1478 1478 --> hostname
65 2284 --> prompt_pwd
2219 2219 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
71 4732 > fish_title ls
184 4661 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1698 1698 --> hostname
78 2779 --> prompt_pwd
2701 2701 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
98 14141 > ls
20 14043 -> if test (uname) = Darwin...
79 1813 --> test (uname) = Darwin
1734 1734 ---> uname
49 12210 --> if type gls > /dev/null ^ /dev/null...
400 7956 ---> type gls > /dev/null ^ /dev/null
34 34 ----> set -l res 1
30 30 ----> set -l mode normal
26 26 ----> set -l multi no
26 26 ----> set -l selection all
29 29 ----> set -l IFS \n\ \t
24 24 ----> set -l names
10 1921 ----> if test (count $argv) -gt 0...
64 96 -----> test (count $argv) -gt 0
32 32 ------> count $argv
111 1815 -----> for i in (seq (count $argv))...
1394 1424 ------> seq (count $argv)
30 30 -------> count $argv
42 42 ------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
30 30 ------> set -l needbreak 0
-18 208 ------> while test -n $arg...
24 24 -------> test -n $arg
26 26 -------> set -l flag $arg
23 23 -------> set arg ''
14 14 -------> switch $flag...
36 102 -------> switch $flag...
31 31 --------> set names $argv[$i..-1]
22 22 --------> set needbreak 1
13 13 --------> break
26 26 -------> test $needbreak -eq 1
11 11 -------> break
30 5445 ----> for i in $names...
29 29 -----> set -l found 0
12 357 -----> if test $selection != files...
26 26 ------> test $selection != files
7 35 ------> if functions -q -- $i...
28 28 -------> functions -q -- $i
8 284 ------> if contains -- $i (builtin -n)...
236 276 -------> contains -- $i (builtin -n)
40 40 --------> builtin -n
25 25 -----> set -l paths
12 135 -----> if test $multi != yes...
26 26 ------> test $multi != yes
64 97 ------> set paths (command -s -- $i)
33 33 -------> command -s -- $i
116 4822 -----> for path in $paths...
22 22 ------> set res 0
22 22 ------> set found 1
-17 4662 ------> switch $mode...
827 4614 -------> printf (_ '%s is %s\n') $i $path
51 3787 --------> _ '%s is %s\n'
3736 3736 ---------> gettext fish $argv
50 50 -------> test $multi != yes
15 15 -------> continue
6 47 -----> if begin...
12 41 ------> begin...
29 29 -------> test $found = 0
21 21 ----> return $res
4205 4205 ---> gls -F --color=auto $argv
148 423825 > fish_prompt
26 26 -> echo ''
37 37 -> set_color red --bold
73 2497 -> printf (whoami)' '
2424 2424 --> whoami
28 28 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
72 1415 -> printf (hostname)' '
1343 1343 --> hostname
29 29 -> set_color magenta --bold
80 2146 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
73 2066 --> prompt_pwd
1993 1993 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
34 34 -> set_color normal
21 21 -> set_color normal
121 414868 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
414608 414747 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
26 26 ---> set_color red --bold
23 23 ---> set_color normal
21 21 ---> set_color yellow
21 21 ---> set_color green
21 21 ---> set_color blue
27 27 ---> set_color magenta
115 2445 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2330 2330 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
51 51 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
39 39 -> set_color normal
19 19 -> printf '↪ '
63 2068 > fish_right_prompt
28 28 -> set_color green --bold
77 1949 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
1872 1872 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
28 28 -> set_color normal
50 3597 > fish_title
154 3547 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1389 1389 --> hostname
72 2004 --> prompt_pwd
1932 1932 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
276 540 > source /usr/local/stow/fish-shell/share/fish/completions/
50 50 -> complete -c rm -s d -l directory --description "Unlink directory (Only by superuser)"
32 32 -> complete -c rm -s f -l force --description "Never prompt before removal"
32 32 -> complete -c rm -s i -l interactive --description "Prompt before removal"
31 31 -> complete -c rm -s r -l recursive --description "Recursively remove subdirectories"
27 27 -> complete -c rm -s R --description "Recursively remove subdirectories"
30 30 -> complete -c rm -s v -l verbose --description "Explain what is done"
33 33 -> complete -c rm -s h -l help --description "Display help and exit"
29 29 -> complete -c rm -l version --description "Display version and exit"
79 4029 > fish_title rm\ fishtrace\
145 3950 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1653 1653 --> hostname
78 2152 --> prompt_pwd
2074 2074 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
1924 1924 > rm fishtrace
177 413476 > fish_prompt
34 34 -> echo ''
40 40 -> set_color red --bold
69 2485 -> printf (whoami)' '
2416 2416 --> whoami
27 27 -> set_color normal
21 21 -> set_color yellow
75 1393 -> printf (hostname)' '
1318 1318 --> hostname
31 31 -> set_color magenta --bold
125 2299 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
68 2174 --> prompt_pwd
2106 2106 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
34 34 -> set_color normal
24 24 -> set_color normal
147 404538 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
404243 404391 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
33 33 ---> set_color red --bold
30 30 ---> set_color normal
22 22 ---> set_color yellow
21 21 ---> set_color green
20 20 ---> set_color blue
22 22 ---> set_color magenta
133 2280 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2147 2147 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
38 38 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
36 36 -> set_color normal
19 19 -> printf '↪ '
57 1994 > fish_right_prompt
26 26 -> set_color green --bold
72 1876 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
1804 1804 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
35 35 -> set_color normal
50 4745 > fish_title
202 4695 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1437 1437 --> hostname
89 3056 --> prompt_pwd
2967 2967 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
76 3780 > fish_title ls
123 3704 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1529 1529 --> hostname
72 2052 --> prompt_pwd
1980 1980 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
92 13770 > ls
16 13678 -> if test (uname) = Darwin...
84 1783 --> test (uname) = Darwin
1699 1699 ---> uname
51 11879 --> if type gls > /dev/null ^ /dev/null...
451 7781 ---> type gls > /dev/null ^ /dev/null
37 37 ----> set -l res 1
27 27 ----> set -l mode normal
25 25 ----> set -l multi no
25 25 ----> set -l selection all
30 30 ----> set -l IFS \n\ \t
25 25 ----> set -l names
11 2018 ----> if test (count $argv) -gt 0...
63 96 -----> test (count $argv) -gt 0
33 33 ------> count $argv
120 1911 -----> for i in (seq (count $argv))...
1451 1481 ------> seq (count $argv)
30 30 -------> count $argv
44 44 ------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
28 28 ------> set -l needbreak 0
-20 238 ------> while test -n $arg...
26 26 -------> test -n $arg
29 29 -------> set -l flag $arg
27 27 -------> set arg ''
17 17 -------> switch $flag...
42 117 -------> switch $flag...
35 35 --------> set names $argv[$i..-1]
26 26 --------> set needbreak 1
14 14 --------> break
29 29 -------> test $needbreak -eq 1
13 13 -------> break
34 5123 ----> for i in $names...
27 27 -----> set -l found 0
13 387 -----> if test $selection != files...
29 29 ------> test $selection != files
7 38 ------> if functions -q -- $i...
31 31 -------> functions -q -- $i
9 307 ------> if contains -- $i (builtin -n)...
255 298 -------> contains -- $i (builtin -n)
43 43 --------> builtin -n
28 28 -----> set -l paths
14 157 -----> if test $multi != yes...
29 29 ------> test $multi != yes
71 114 ------> set paths (command -s -- $i)
43 43 -------> command -s -- $i
112 4449 -----> for path in $paths...
25 25 ------> set res 0
25 25 ------> set found 1
2 4287 ------> switch $mode...
725 4219 -------> printf (_ '%s is %s\n') $i $path
57 3494 --------> _ '%s is %s\n'
3437 3437 ---------> gettext fish $argv
53 53 -------> test $multi != yes
13 13 -------> continue
5 41 -----> if begin...
11 36 ------> begin...
25 25 -------> test $found = 0
20 20 ----> return $res
4047 4047 ---> gls -F --color=auto $argv
198 414061 > fish_prompt
33 33 -> echo ''
36 36 -> set_color red --bold
70 2494 -> printf (whoami)' '
2424 2424 --> whoami
29 29 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
75 1343 -> printf (hostname)' '
1268 1268 --> hostname
26 26 -> set_color magenta --bold
111 2047 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
62 1936 --> prompt_pwd
1874 1874 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
29 29 -> set_color normal
21 21 -> set_color normal
124 405316 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
405055 405192 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
25 25 ---> set_color red --bold
23 23 ---> set_color normal
21 21 ---> set_color yellow
21 21 ---> set_color green
23 23 ---> set_color blue
24 24 ---> set_color magenta
140 2378 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2238 2238 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
34 34 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
37 37 -> set_color normal
18 18 -> printf '↪ '
64 2246 > fish_right_prompt
32 32 -> set_color green --bold
81 2120 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
2039 2039 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
30 30 -> set_color normal
96 4287 > fish_title
132 4191 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1464 1464 --> hostname
79 2595 --> prompt_pwd
2516 2516 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
20668 20668 > commandline ""
94 94 > commandline ""
-4700 4168 > fish_title dfas
218 4076 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1572 1572 --> hostname
90 2286 --> prompt_pwd
2196 2196 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
183 4792 -> __fish_command_not_found_setup dfas
59 59 --> functions --erase __fish_command_not_found_setup
18 3803 --> if begin...
11 53 ---> begin...
42 42 ----> test -f /etc/SuSE-release
19 19 ---> test -f /usr/libexec/pk-command-not-found
18 18 ---> test -f /usr/lib/command-not-found
18 18 ---> test -f /run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found
357 3660 ---> type -q -p command-not-found
46 46 ----> set -l res 1
18 18 ----> set -l mode normal
18 18 ----> set -l multi no
18 18 ----> set -l selection all
21 21 ----> set -l IFS \n\ \t
17 17 ----> set -l names
8 2450 ----> if test (count $argv) -gt 0...
54 113 -----> test (count $argv) -gt 0
59 59 ------> count $argv
125 2329 -----> for i in (seq (count $argv))...
1478 1510 ------> seq (count $argv)
32 32 -------> count $argv
40 40 ------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
23 23 ------> set -l needbreak 0
19 150 ------> while test -n $arg...
19 19 -------> test -n $arg
20 20 -------> set -l flag $arg
18 18 -------> set arg ''
16 16 -------> switch $flag...
24 42 -------> switch $flag...
18 18 --------> set mode quiet
16 16 -------> test -n $arg
8 27 ------> if test $needbreak -eq 1...
19 19 -------> test $needbreak -eq 1
25 25 ------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
18 18 ------> set -l needbreak 0
20 150 ------> while test -n $arg...
17 17 -------> test -n $arg
19 19 -------> set -l flag $arg
18 18 -------> set arg ''
14 14 -------> switch $flag...
13 45 -------> switch $flag...
6 32 --------> if test $mode != quiet...
26 26 ---------> test $mode != quiet
17 17 -------> test -n $arg
8 27 ------> if test $needbreak -eq 1...
19 19 -------> test $needbreak -eq 1
30 30 ------> set -l arg $argv[$i]
19 19 ------> set -l needbreak 0
-10 185 ------> while test -n $arg...
20 20 -------> test -n $arg
22 22 -------> set -l flag $arg
17 17 -------> set arg ''
16 16 -------> switch $flag...
38 93 -------> switch $flag...
29 29 --------> set names $argv[$i..-1]
18 18 --------> set needbreak 1
8 8 --------> break
21 21 -------> test $needbreak -eq 1
6 6 -------> break
26 703 ----> for i in $names...
19 19 -----> set -l found 0
11 423 -----> if test $selection != files...
20 20 ------> test $selection != files
6 56 ------> if functions -q -- $i...
50 50 -------> functions -q -- $i
9 336 ------> if contains -- $i (builtin -n)...
281 327 -------> contains -- $i (builtin -n)
46 46 --------> builtin -n
20 20 -----> set -l paths
12 152 -----> if test $multi != yes...
20 20 ------> test $multi != yes
51 120 ------> set paths (command -s -- $i)
69 69 -------> command -s -- $i
7 7 -----> for path in $paths...
3 56 -----> if begin...
11 53 ------> begin...
20 20 -------> test $found = 0
22 22 -------> and test $mode != quiet
12 12 ----> return $res
17 17 ---> function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found...
41 747 --> __fish_command_not_found_handler $argv
61 706 ---> __fish_default_command_not_found_handler $argv
645 645 ----> echo "fish: Unknown command '$argv'" >&2
266 420333 > fish_prompt
24 24 -> echo ''
60 60 -> set_color red --bold
96 2894 -> printf (whoami)' '
2798 2798 --> whoami
32 32 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
82 1539 -> printf (hostname)' '
1457 1457 --> hostname
31 31 -> set_color magenta --bold
97 2308 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
126 2211 --> prompt_pwd
2085 2085 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
30 30 -> set_color normal
21 21 -> set_color normal
234 410144 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
409766 409910 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
26 26 ---> set_color red --bold
27 27 ---> set_color normal
26 26 ---> set_color yellow
21 21 ---> set_color green
23 23 ---> set_color blue
21 21 ---> set_color magenta
233 2810 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2577 2577 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
60 60 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
42 42 -> set_color normal
50 50 -> printf '↪ '
84 2655 > fish_right_prompt
35 35 -> set_color green --bold
302 2506 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
2204 2204 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
30 30 -> set_color normal
42 4469 > fish_title
179 4427 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1691 1691 --> hostname
75 2557 --> prompt_pwd
2482 2482 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
55 4094 > fish_title
184 4039 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1654 1654 --> hostname
88 2201 --> prompt_pwd
2113 2113 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
164 438285 > fish_prompt
23 23 -> echo ''
35 35 -> set_color red --bold
85 2937 -> printf (whoami)' '
2852 2852 --> whoami
31 31 -> set_color normal
22 22 -> set_color yellow
77 1558 -> printf (hostname)' '
1481 1481 --> hostname
29 29 -> set_color magenta --bold
142 2274 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
84 2132 --> prompt_pwd
2048 2048 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
34 34 -> set_color normal
23 23 -> set_color normal
140 428695 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
428394 428555 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
29 29 ---> set_color red --bold
29 29 ---> set_color normal
28 28 ---> set_color yellow
27 27 ---> set_color green
24 24 ---> set_color blue
24 24 ---> set_color magenta
141 2337 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2196 2196 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
37 37 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
58 58 -> set_color normal
28 28 -> printf '↪ '
67 2119 > fish_right_prompt
32 32 -> set_color green --bold
73 1991 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
1918 1918 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
29 29 -> set_color normal
47 4346 > fish_title
143 4299 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1307 1307 --> hostname
64 2849 --> prompt_pwd
2785 2785 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
82 4978 > fish_title
244 4896 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1716 1716 --> hostname
118 2936 --> prompt_pwd
2818 2818 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
243 469542 > fish_prompt
37 37 -> echo ''
40 40 -> set_color red --bold
88 3038 -> printf (whoami)' '
2950 2950 --> whoami
53 53 -> set_color normal
31 31 -> set_color yellow
105 1654 -> printf (hostname)' '
1549 1549 --> hostname
45 45 -> set_color magenta --bold
127 2734 -> printf (prompt_pwd)
132 2607 --> prompt_pwd
2475 2475 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
61 61 -> set_color normal
31 31 -> set_color normal
139 458638 -> set -l hgprompt (hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null)
458262 458499 --> hg prompt "{ "(set_color red --bold)"{incoming|count}↓"(set_color normal)"}{ "(set_color yellow)"{outgoing|count}↑}{ "(set_color green)"{bookmark}}{ "(set_color blue)"+{patch|applied|quiet}}{/{patch|count|quiet}}{ "(set_color magenta)"{status|modified}}" ^ /dev/null
31 31 ---> set_color red --bold
26 26 ---> set_color normal
50 50 ---> set_color yellow
28 28 ---> set_color green
53 53 ---> set_color blue
49 49 ---> set_color magenta
151 2839 -> set -l hgprompt (echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/")
2688 2688 --> echo $hgprompt | sed "s/!/+changes/"
40 40 -> printf $hgprompt'\n'
37 37 -> set_color normal
21 21 -> printf '↪ '
63 2259 > fish_right_prompt
29 29 -> set_color green --bold
81 2136 -> printf (date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p")
2055 2055 --> date "+%a %b %d %I:%M %p"
31 31 -> set_color normal
46 4059 > fish_title
216 4013 -> echo (hostname)" "(prompt_pwd)
1428 1428 --> hostname
98 2369 --> prompt_pwd
2271 2271 ---> echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|"
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