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Created July 23, 2020 20:26
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Animation showing MNIST samples reconstructed from an increasing number of principal components.
The functions in this code are taken from a Neuromatch Academy Tutorial about dimensionality
reduction by Alex Cayco Gajic & John Murray:
Neuromatch Academy content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
I use these functions to create an animation showing a subset of MNIST samples
reconstructed from an increasing number of principal components.
@author: Daniel Müller-Komorowska
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import matplotlib as mpl
# Load the MNIST data as supplied by sklearn
mnist = fetch_openml(name='mnist_784')
X =
"""The following function definitions are all from Neuromatch Academy"""
def change_of_basis(X, W):
Projects data onto a new basis.
X (numpy array of floats) : Data matrix each column corresponding to a
different random variable
W (numpy array of floats) : new orthonormal basis columns correspond to
basis vectors
(numpy array of floats) : Data matrix expressed in new basis
Y = np.matmul(X, W)
return Y
def get_sample_cov_matrix(X):
Returns the sample covariance matrix of data X.
X (numpy array of floats) : Data matrix each column corresponds to a
different random variable
(numpy array of floats) : Covariance matrix
X = X - np.mean(X, 0)
cov_matrix = 1 / X.shape[0] * np.matmul(X.T, X)
return cov_matrix
def sort_evals_descending(evals, evectors):
Sorts eigenvalues and eigenvectors in decreasing order. Also aligns first two
eigenvectors to be in first two quadrants (if 2D).
evals (numpy array of floats) : Vector of eigenvalues
evectors (numpy array of floats) : Corresponding matrix of eigenvectors
each column corresponds to a different
(numpy array of floats) : Vector of eigenvalues after sorting
(numpy array of floats) : Matrix of eigenvectors after sorting
index = np.flip(np.argsort(evals))
evals = evals[index]
evectors = evectors[:, index]
if evals.shape[0] == 2:
if np.arccos(np.matmul(evectors[:, 0],
1 / np.sqrt(2) * np.array([1, 1]))) > np.pi / 2:
evectors[:, 0] = -evectors[:, 0]
if np.arccos(np.matmul(evectors[:, 1],
1 / np.sqrt(2)*np.array([-1, 1]))) > np.pi / 2:
evectors[:, 1] = -evectors[:, 1]
return evals, evectors
def pca(X):
Performs PCA on multivariate data. Eigenvalues are sorted in decreasing order
X (numpy array of floats) : Data matrix each column corresponds to a
different random variable
(numpy array of floats) : Data projected onto the new basis
(numpy array of floats) : Vector of eigenvalues
(numpy array of floats) : Corresponding matrix of eigenvectors
X = X - np.mean(X, 0)
cov_matrix = get_sample_cov_matrix(X)
evals, evectors = np.linalg.eigh(cov_matrix)
evals, evectors = sort_evals_descending(evals, evectors)
score = change_of_basis(X, evectors)
return score, evectors, evals
def reconstruct_data(score, evectors, X_mean, K):
Reconstruct the data based on the top K components.
score (numpy array of floats) : Score matrix
evectors (numpy array of floats) : Matrix of eigenvectors
X_mean (numpy array of floats) : Vector corresponding to data mean
K (scalar) : Number of components to include
(numpy array of floats) : Matrix of reconstructed data
# Reconstruct the data from the score and eigenvectors
X_reconstructed = np.matmul(score[:, :K], evectors[:, :K].T) + X_mean
return X_reconstructed
# Choose the MNIST samplest to animate. I manually chose those
choices = np.array([0, 5, 12, 19, 20, 25, 31, 32, 34],
# Calculate feature mean. pca() subtracts those.
X_mean = X.mean(axis=0)
# Run the pca
score, evectors, evals = pca(X)
# Reconstruct the data with increasing number of principal components
# Save only the sample choices to be animated later
rec_list = []
for x in range(0,X.shape[1]+1):
rec_list.append(reconstruct_data(score,evectors, X_mean, K=x)[choices,:].copy())
# Generate a single image from the nine samples
# There might be a better way to do this but cv2 does the job
images = []
for i in rec_list:
x = []
for ii in i:
curr_img = cv2.hconcat([cv2.vconcat([x[0], x[1], x[2]]),
cv2.vconcat([x[3], x[4], x[5]]),
cv2.vconcat([x[6], x[7], x[8]])])
# Increase default font size
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 16
# Create figure and axes for plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
# This function is passed to FunAnimation. It update the plot for each frame i
def update_plot(i):
ax.imshow(images[i], 'gray')
ax.set_title("Principal Components: " + str(i).zfill(3))
# Create animation
anim = FuncAnimation(fig,
frames=np.arange(0, len(images)))
# Save the animation'pca_reconstruction6.mp4',
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