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Created December 29, 2019 22:21
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A python port of a method described by Adhikari et al. 2010 to estimate the directionality and the lag between the eeg recordings from two brain areas.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Daniel Müller-Komorowska
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
def amp_crosscorr(eeg1, eeg2, samp_freq, low_freq, high_freq):
if len(eeg1) != len(eeg2):
raise ValueError("eeg1 and eeg2 are not equal in length")
if len(eeg1.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("eeg1 must be one dimensional array")
if len(eeg2.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("eeg2 must be one dimensional array")
order = round(samp_freq)
if order % 2 != 0:
order = order - 1
nyquist = np.floor(samp_freq/2)
# signal.firwin() is the scipy equivalent of matlabs fir1()
# Original: MyFilt=fir1(order,[low_freq high_freq]/Nyquist)
# We have to change some defaults of firwin to get the same behavior
cutoff_freqs = np.array([low_freq, high_freq])
filt_coeff = signal.firwin(order, cutoff_freqs / nyquist)
# Publication uses Filter0()
# Original: filtered1 = Filter0(MyFilt,eeg1)
# Found no matlab function Filter0() so I pretend they used filtfilt()
# scipy.signal has filtfilt() implemented
filtered1 = signal.filtfilt(filt_coeff, eeg1)
filtered2 = signal.filtfilt(filt_coeff, eeg2)
# The hilbert transform splits the signal into a real and an imaginary part
# The imaginary part is the hilbert transform.
# Original: filt_hilb1 = hilbert(filtered1)
# scipy.signal.hilbert should behave similarly.
filt_hilb1 = signal.hilbert(filtered1)
filt_hilb2 = signal.hilbert(filtered2)
# In MATLAB the abs() function returns the imaginary.
# We use the numpy.absolute function for this.
amp1 = np.absolute(filt_hilb1)
amp2 = np.absolute(filt_hilb2)
# Now we simply subtract the mean from amp1 and amp2
amp1 = amp1 - amp1.mean()
amp2 = amp2 - amp2.mean()
# Original: [crosscorr,lags]=xcorr(amp1, amp2,round(samp_freq/10),'coeff');
# We use scipy.signal.correlate(). Unlike MATLABs xcorr, we do not get lag
# We need to calculate the lag for ourselves
# I am not sure if method = 'direct' is the best choice
ycorr = signal.correlate(amp1, amp2, method = "direct")
# Now we calculate the lag in ms
xcorr = np.arange(ycorr.size)
lags = xcorr - (amp1.size-1)
lags = -lags * (1/samp_freq)
idx_max_corr = ycorr.argmax()
max_corr_lag = lags[idx_max_corr]
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