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Created July 2, 2015 17:46
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Querying postgres using composite keys with YeSQL / Clojure
;; currently anonymous record types are not supported by postgres/jdbc
;; however, it is possible to create a custom type and query using that
CREATE TYPE some_composite_key AS (first_id UUID,second_id TEXT);
;; implement jdbc/ISQLValue
(defrecord SomeCompositeKey [first_id second_id]
(sql-value [_]
(doto (PGobject.)
(.setType "some_composite_key")
(.setValue (format "(%s,%s)" first_id second_id)))))
;; then in YeSQL, we can do this
-- name: db-get-some-things
SELECT * FROM some_table
WHERE (first_id,second_id) IN (:some_composite_keys);
;; and, call from Clojure like this
[(->SomeCompositeKey "11ecad7c-9b3a-4f1a-ad66-3a2566642989" "52de8508e4b04f23cfa70e58")
(->SomeCompositeKey "11ecad7c-9b3a-4f1a-ad66-3a2566642989" "52de8508e4b04f23cfa70e9c")]}
{:connection *connection*})
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