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Last active January 22, 2020 06:51
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Basic context / state for hx
(def app-db (atom {:num 1}))
(defnc SomeComponent []
(let [num (db/useSubscription [:db/get-in [:num]])
[rn/View [rn/Text (str num)]])
(defnc App []
[:provider {:context db/context
:value app-db}
(ns cardoon.db
[hx.react :as hx]
[hx.hooks :as hooks]
["react" :as react]))
(def context (hx/create-context))
(defmulti subscription (fn [db [k & _]] k))
(defmethod subscription :db/get-in
[db [_ path]]
(get-in db path))
(defmethod subscription :default
[db [k & _]]
(js/console.log (str "No subscription handler found for " k)))
(defmulti handle-event (fn [db [k & _]] k))
(defmethod handle-event :db/assoc-in
[db [_ path value]]
(assoc-in db path value))
(defmethod handle-event :default
[db [k & _]]
(js/console.log (str "No event handler found for " k)))
(defn useSubscription
(let [db (hooks/useContext context)
[result updateResult] (react/useState (subscription @db sub))
k (gensym)]
(fn []
(add-watch db k (fn [_ _ _ db]
(let [new-result (subscription db sub)]
(when (not= new-result result)
(updateResult new-result)))))
(fn []
(remove-watch db k)))
#js [sub])
(defn useDispatch
(let [db (hooks/useContext context)]
(hooks/useCallback (fn [event]
(swap! db (fn [db] (handle-event db event)))))))
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