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Last active August 23, 2022 18:05
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cookie based ferroamp cloudAPI request for Home Assistant
- id: '1657117435589'
alias: Set Export Threshold
description: ''
- platform: state
- input_number.export_threshold
condition: []
- service: shell_command.set_export_threshold
data: {}
mode: single
min: -11000
max: 0
step: 1000
mode: slider
unit_of_measurement: "W"
icon: mdi:solar-power
- platform: command_line
name: ferroamp_cloudapi_grid_export_threshold
command: |-
id=enter facility ID ie ABCD
cookie=$(curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d $loginform -ksc - $baseurl/login -o /dev/null);
echo "${cookie}" | curl -ksb - $baseurl/service/ems-config/v1/current/$id
value_template: |-
{% set json = value_json %}
scan_interval: 3600
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
set_export_threshold: bash /config/shell/ {{ states('input_number.export_threshold') | round (0) }}
This gist is for ferroamp energy system with integration to Home Assistant to add the option to control "Export Threshold" dynamically
the API is not supported by ferroamp so use it at your own risk!! and it's written for PoC purposes for #Geeks :)
By Daniel Olsson
This scripts below needs to be updated with email / password and facility ID to work.
1. Create a shell script on the Home Assistant server at /config/shell/
3. Modify configuration.yaml to add command_line module / input_number / shell_command.
4. Add automation to map any change to the input_number to trigger a change in the portal as the examle in automations.yaml
5. Reboot Home Assistant and give it a try by changing export_threshold manually of with an automation.
# Shell script for Home Assistant with ferroamp energyhub to update Export Threshold without GUI by Daniel Olsson
# Disclamer: Totally unsupported by ferroamp support - use at own risk.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# create session cookie and get current running parameters
id=enter facility ID ie ABCD
cookie=$(curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d $loginform -ksc - $baseurl/login -o /dev/null);
response=$(echo "${cookie}" | curl -ksb - $baseurl/service/ems-config/v1/current/$id)
echo "Export Threshold parameter not supplied. It must be in range between -11000 to 0"
exit 0
# Modify responsedata and remove header and validate data between -11000 and 0
if ((export_threshold <= 0 && export_threshold >= -11000)); then
body_tmp=$(echo $response | jq " = $export_threshold" | jq '.emsConfig' | jq 'del(.header)')
echo "Export Threshold value is not in range between -11000 and 0"
exit 0
# create correct body to post, replace data with payload and create compressed string as body output
body=$(echo ${body_tmp/"data"/"payload"} | jq -c)
# Update portal with new POST data
response=$(echo "${cookie}" | curl -ksb - $baseurl/service/ems-config/v1/commands/set/$id -d $body -H "Content-Type: application/json")
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