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Last active August 9, 2018 15:46
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Example reusable scss mixin of a slide in animation for a React component using CSSTransitionGroup
import React from "react";
import ReactCSSTransitionGroup from "react-addons-css-transition-group";
import SomeOtherComponentOrChild from "./SomeOtherComponentOrChild" // more likely defined inline
// Great for list items or quick, inline forms!
const AnimatedComponent = props =>
transitionName="transition-name" // creates class that is passed to scss mixin
<SomeOtherComponentOrChild {...props} />
export default AnimatedComponent;
// scss mixin by @ashsidhu
@mixin slideInAnimation($selector, $height: 9rem, $duration: 400ms) {
%#{$selector}-closed {
opacity: 0.01;
height: 0rem;
%#{$selector}-open {
opacity: 1;
height: $height;
overflow: hidden;
%#{$selector}-transition {
transition: all #{$duration} ease-in;
.#{$selector}-enter {
@extend %#{$selector}-closed, %#{$selector}-transition;
.#{$selector}-enter.#{$selector}-enter-active {
@extend %#{$selector}-open;
.#{$selector}-leave {
@extend %#{$selector}-open, %#{$selector}-transition;
.#{$selector}-leave.#{$selector}-leave-active {
@extend %#{$selector}-closed;
// specific inclusion w/ transitionName string prop
@include slideInAnimation("transition-name", 9rem);
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