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Created June 3, 2015 14:17
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d3clock example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>D3 clock Example</title>
<div id="chart1"></div>
<!-- load the d3.js library -->
<script src=""></script>
var d3clock = function(config) {
a d3 clock
with ideas from
var clockGroup, fields, formatHour, formatMinute, formatSecond, height, pi, render, scaleHours, scaleSecsMins, vis, width;
var hourOffset = 0;
var minOffset = 0;
var secOffset = 0;
formatSecond = d3.time.format("%S");
formatMinute = d3.time.format("%M");
formatHour = d3.time.format("%H");
width = config.width ? config.width : 1000;
height = width/2;
var outerRadius = 0.8 * height/2;
var offSetX = height/2;
var offSetY = height/2;
pi = Math.PI;
scaleSecsMins = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 59 + 59 / 60]).range([0, 2 * pi]);
scaleHours = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 11 + 59 / 60]).range([0, 2 * pi]);
fields = function(date) {
var d, data, hour, minute, second;
if (date){
d = new Date(date);
} else {
d = new Date();
second = d.getSeconds() + secOffset;
minute = d.getMinutes() + minOffset;
hour = d.getHours() + hourOffset + minute / 60;
return data = [
"unit": "hours",
"text": formatHour(d),
"numeric": hour
"unit": "minutes",
"text": formatMinute(d),
"numeric": minute
"unit": "seconds",
"text": formatSecond(d),
"numeric": second
} ];
var setTZHours = function(hr) {
if (hr !== undefined)
hourOffset = hr;
}; var setTZMins = function(min) {
if (min !== undefined)
minOffset = min;
var setTZSeconds = function(sec) {
if (sec !== undefined)
secOffset = sec;
if (config.TZOffset != undefined) {
var face = 'sbb';
if (typeof config.face !== 'undefined') {
face = config.face;
//clock faces configuration
var faces = {
outerRing: {r:outerRadius * 1.05, stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 2},
innerRing: {r:outerRadius * 0, fill: 'black'},
innerMostRing: {r:outerRadius * 0.05/2, fill: 'black'},
tickUnit: outerRadius * 0.0625/3,
tickWidth: function(i) {
return (i%5) ? this.tickUnit : this.tickUnit*3;
tickHeight: function(i) {
return (i%5) ? this.tickUnit*3 : this.tickUnit*3*3;
rotationTranslate: function(i) {
return "translate("+ (-this.tickWidth(i)/2) +",0)";
clockHandx: function(d) {
if (d.unit==="hours"){
return -this.tickUnit*3*2/2;
} else if (d.unit==="minutes"){
return -this.tickUnit*3*1.5/2;
} else if (d.unit==="seconds") {
return -this.tickUnit/2;
clockHandy: function(d) {
if (d.unit==="hours"){
return -outerRadius + this.tickUnit*3*3 + this.tickUnit*4;
} else if (d.unit==="minutes"){
return -outerRadius + this.tickUnit*3;
} else if (d.unit==="seconds") {
return -outerRadius + this.tickUnit*3*3 + this.tickUnit*4;
clockHandWidth: function(d) {
if (d.unit === "hours") {
return this.tickUnit*3*2;
} else if (d.unit === "minutes") {
return this.tickUnit*3*1.5;
} else if (d.unit === "seconds") {
return this.tickUnit;
clockHandFill: function(d){
if (d.unit==="seconds"){
return "#e00";
} else {
return "#333";
clockHandHeight: function(d){
if (d.unit === "hours") {
return (outerRadius - this.tickUnit*3 * 3) * 1.2;
} else if (d.unit === "minutes") {
return outerRadius* 1.2;
} else if (d.unit === "seconds") {
return (outerRadius - this.tickUnit*3 * 3) * 1.2;
clockHandAdditional: function(clockHand){
var that = this;
clockHand.append("svg:circle").attr("r", function(d, i){
if (d.unit==="hours"){
return 0;
} else if (d.unit==="minutes"){
return 0;
} else if (d.unit==="seconds") {
return that.tickUnit * 4;
.attr('cy', function(d, i) {
return -outerRadius + that.tickUnit*3*3 + that.tickUnit*4
.attr("fill", "#e00");
outerRing: {r:outerRadius * 1, stroke: '#999', strokeWidth: 1},
innerRing: {r:outerRadius * 0.05, fill: 'black'},
innerMostRing: {r:outerRadius * 0.05/2, fill: 'black'},
tickUnit: outerRadius * 0.0625/3,
tickWidth: function(i) {
return (i%5) ? 0 : this.tickUnit;
tickHeight: function(i) {
return (i%5) ? this.tickUnit : this.tickUnit*3*2;
rotationTranslate: function(i) {
return "translate("+ (-this.tickWidth(i)/2) +",0)";
clockHandWidth: function(d) {
if (d.unit === "hours") {
return this.tickUnit*3;
} else if (d.unit === "minutes") {
return this.tickUnit*2;
} else if (d.unit === "seconds") {
return this.tickUnit;
clockHandHeight: function(d){
if (d.unit === "hours") {
return outerRadius - outerRadius/3 - this.innerRing.r*3;
} else if (d.unit === "minutes") {
return outerRadius - (this.innerRing.r*3 + this.tickUnit*4);
} else if (d.unit === "seconds") {
return (outerRadius - (this.innerRing.r*3 + this.tickUnit*4));
clockHandx: function(d) {
if (d.unit==="hours"){
return -this.tickUnit*3/2;
} else if (d.unit==="minutes"){
return -this.tickUnit*2/2;
} else if (d.unit==="seconds") {
return -this.tickUnit/2;
clockHandy: function(d) {
if (d.unit==="hours"){
return -outerRadius + outerRadius/3 + this.innerRing.r*2;
} else if (d.unit==="minutes"){
return -outerRadius + this.innerRing.r*2 + this.tickUnit*4;
} else if (d.unit==="seconds") {
return -outerRadius + this.innerRing.r*2 + this.tickUnit*4;
clockHandFill: function(d){
if (d.unit==="seconds"){
return "red";
} else {
return "#333";
clockHandAdditional: function(clockHand){
return true;
//create the basic visualization:
vis ="svg:svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height).attr("class","clock");
clockGroup = vis.append("svg:g").attr("transform", "translate(" + offSetX + "," + offSetY + ")");
.attr("r", faces[face].outerRing.r)
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("class", "clock outercircle")
.attr("stroke", faces[face].outerRing.stroke)
.attr("stroke-width", faces[face].outerRing.strokeWidth);
.attr("r", faces[face].innerRing.r)
.attr("fill", faces[face].innerRing.fill)
.attr("class", "clock innercircle");
.attr("r", faces[face].innerMostRing.r)
.attr("fill", faces[face].innerMostRing.fill)
.attr("class", "clock innermostcircle");
.attr("class", "tick")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", -outerRadius )
// .attr("width", function(d, i){return (i%5) ? 0 : 1;})
.attr("width", function(d, i){ return faces[face].tickWidth(i); })
.attr("height", function(d, i){ return faces[face].tickHeight(i); })
.attr("transform", function(d, i){
return "rotate("+(i*6)+"),"+faces[face].rotationTranslate(i);});
render = function(data) {
//render / update the clock hands
var clockHand = clockGroup.selectAll(".clockhand").data(data);
if (!clockHand[0][0]) {
//draw the hands if not drawn
clockHand.attr("class", function(d) {
return "clockhand " + d.unit;
}).append("svg:rect").attr("x", function(d, i){
return faces[face].clockHandx(d);
.attr("y", function(d, i){
return faces[face].clockHandy(d);
return faces[face].clockHandWidth(d);
.attr("fill", function(d,i){
return faces[face].clockHandFill(d);
return faces[face].clockHandHeight(d);
clockHand.transition().duration(1000).ease(faces[face].easing).attr("transform", function(d,i) {
if (d.unit==="hours"){
return "rotate("+d.numeric%12 * 30+")";
} else {
return "rotate("+d.numeric * 6+")";
if ( {
var data = fields(;
} else {
setInterval(function() {
var data = fields();
return render(data);
}, 1000);
// date:'Mon May 25 2015 10:09:37',
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