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Last active April 22, 2024 08:14
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  • Save danielraffel/eee67fed05a48a5291a1615431498215 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Summarize Omnivore bookmarks with Gemini API: Requires using a personal Google Gemini API Key (and does not use OpenRouter)
"name": "Gemini 1.5 Pro copy NO KEY",
"nodes": [
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"name": "content-type",
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"jsonBody": "={\n \"query\": \"\\n query GetArticle(\\n $username: String!\\n $slug: String!\\n $includeFriendsHighlights: Boolean\\n ) {\\n article(username: $username, slug: $slug) {\\n ... on ArticleSuccess {\\n article {\\n ...ArticleFields\\n content\\n highlights(input: { includeFriends: $includeFriendsHighlights }) {\\n ...HighlightFields\\n }\\n labels {\\n ...LabelFields\\n }\\n recommendations {\\n ...RecommendationFields\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n ... on ArticleError {\\n errorCodes\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n \\n fragment ArticleFields on Article {\\n id\\n title\\n url\\n author\\n image\\n savedAt\\n createdAt\\n publishedAt\\n contentReader\\n originalArticleUrl\\n readingProgressPercent\\n readingProgressTopPercent\\n readingProgressAnchorIndex\\n slug\\n isArchived\\n description\\n linkId\\n state\\n wordsCount\\n }\\n\\n \\n fragment HighlightFields on Highlight {\\n id\\n type\\n shortId\\n quote\\n prefix\\n suffix\\n patch\\n color\\n annotation\\n createdByMe\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n sharedAt\\n highlightPositionPercent\\n highlightPositionAnchorIndex\\n labels {\\n id\\n name\\n color\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\\n \\n fragment LabelFields on Label {\\n id\\n name\\n color\\n description\\n createdAt\\n }\\n\\n \\n fragment RecommendationFields on Recommendation {\\n id\\n name\\n note\\n user {\\n userId\\n name\\n username\\n profileImageURL\\n }\\n recommendedAt\\n }\\n\\n\",\n \"variables\":\n {\n \"username\": \"ugurcanaktepe\",\n \"slug\": \"{{ $json[\"body\"][\"page\"][\"id\"] }}\",\n \"includeFriendsHighlights\": false\n }\n}",
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"httpHeaderAuth": {
"id": "7lUQmSHpWLMxn6s5",
"name": "Header Auth account"
"parameters": {
"httpMethod": "POST",
"path": "OMNIVORE_API_KEY", // Create an Omnivore account and generate a key then update this variable with it
"options": {}
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"html": "={{ $json[\"data\"][\"article\"][\"article\"][\"content\"] }}",
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"parameters": {
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"rawContentType": "application/json",
"body": "={\"query\":\"\\n mutation CreateHighlight($input: CreateHighlightInput!) {\\n createHighlight(input: $input) {\\n ... on CreateHighlightSuccess {\\n highlight {\\n ...HighlightFields\\n }\\n }\\n\\n ... on CreateHighlightError {\\n errorCodes\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n \\n fragment HighlightFields on Highlight {\\n id\\n type\\n shortId\\n quote\\n prefix\\n suffix\\n patch\\n color\\n annotation\\n createdByMe\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n sharedAt\\n highlightPositionPercent\\n highlightPositionAnchorIndex\\n labels {\\n id\\n name\\n color\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\\n \",\"variables\":{\"input\":{\"id\":\"{{ $json[\"targetUUID\"] }}\",\"shortId\":\"{{ $json[\"shortId\"] }}\",\"type\":\"NOTE\",\"articleId\":\"{{ $('HTTP Request').item.json[\"data\"][\"article\"][\"article\"][\"id\"] }}\",\"annotation\":{{ JSON.stringify($json[\"message\"]) }}}}}",
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"credentials": {
"httpHeaderAuth": {
"id": "7lUQmSHpWLMxn6s5", // Create an account and generate a key then create a credential in your n8n workflow with the name Authorization and value set to your key
"name": "Header Auth account"
"parameters": {
"mode": "runOnceForEachItem",
"jsCode": "// Add a new field called 'myNewField' to the JSON of the item\nfunction generateUUID() { // Public Domain/MIT\n var d = new Date().getTime();//Timestamp\n var d2 = ((typeof performance !== 'undefined') && && (*1000)) || 0;//Time in microseconds since page-load or 0 if unsupported\n return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {\n var r = Math.random() * 16;//random number between 0 and 16\n if(d > 0){//Use timestamp until depleted\n r = (d + r)%16 | 0;\n d = Math.floor(d/16);\n } else {//Use microseconds since page-load if supported\n r = (d2 + r)%16 | 0;\n d2 = Math.floor(d2/16);\n }\n return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);\n });\n}\n\nfunction makeid(length) {\n let result = '';\n const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';\n const charactersLength = characters.length;\n let counter = 0;\n while (counter < length) {\n result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));\n counter += 1;\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n$input.item.json.targetUUID = generateUUID();\n$input.item.json.shortId = makeid(8);\n\nif ($input.item.json.candidates && $input.item.json.candidates.length > 0) {\n $input.item.json.message = \"###### Summary \\\\n\" + $input.item.json.candidates[0][0].text;\n} else {\n $input.item.json.message = \"###### Summary \\\\nNo summary available\";\n}\n\nreturn $input.item;\n\n// $input.item.json.targetUUID = generateUUID()\n// $input.item.json.shortId = makeid(8)\n// $input.item.json.message = \"###### Summary \\n\" + $input.item.json.choices[0].message.content\n// return $input.item;"
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"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"value": "API_KEY" // Update this with your Gemini 1.5 PRO API key
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"jsonBody": "={\n \"contents\": [\n {\n \"parts\": [\n {\n \"text\": {{ JSON.stringify($json[\"data\"]) }}\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}",
"options": {}
"id": "e19f35d3-af0b-40a0-a7be-827dc44a3b28",
"name": "Gemini AI3",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.httpRequest",
"typeVersion": 4.1,
"position": [
"continueOnFail": true
"pinData": {},
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"Code": {
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"node": "HTTP Request1",
"type": "main",
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"Gemini AI3": {
"main": [
"node": "Code",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"active": false,
"settings": {
"executionOrder": "v1"
"versionId": "347566f5-485a-425f-bf33-8de54854bf6f",
"id": "VDTC6WUYavtcAfvt",
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"tags": [
"createdAt": "2024-01-03T18:02:43.752Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-03T18:02:43.752Z",
"id": "Ayca8T1PQR9RksWT",
"name": ""
"createdAt": "2024-01-03T18:02:43.757Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-03T18:02:43.757Z",
"id": "xToXfc8nikAb4kcM",
"name": "omnivore"
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