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Last active June 30, 2020 04:24
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Schema Patterns by Provider

This document summarizes the schema patterns employed by popular GraphQL APIs, frameworks and service providers. The shown types maybe be incomplete and not completely correct with regard to nullability or type names; however, they should provide a general idea of the capabilities of each provider.

Where appropriate, the shown types illustrate basic features like filtering, sorting and pagination. Providers may expose additional capabilities that are not illustrated in this document.

Find One

AWS Amplify
type Query {
  getPost(id: ID!): Post
type Query {
  post_by_pk(id: ID!) Post
type Query {
  post(id: ID!): Post

Find Many

AWS Amplify **Note:** Generated queries do not include any "sort" parameter. Sort order is static and determined by generated indexes.
type Query {
  listPosts(filter: PostFilterInput, limit: Int, nextToken: String): ModelPostConnection

input PostFilterInput {
  id: ModelIDFilterInput
  title: StringFilterInput
  and: [PostFilterInput]
  or: [PostFilterInput]
  not: PostFilterInput

input StringFilterInput {
  ne: String
  eq: String
  le: String
  lt: String
  ge: String
  gt: String
  contains: String
  notContains: String
  between: [String]
  beginsWith: String

type ModelPostConnection {
  items: [Post]
  nextToken: String
type Query {
    where: post_bool_exp
    order_by: [post_order_by]
    limit: Int
    offset: Int
  ) [Post]

# Note: filtering by relations is also supported
input post_bool_exp {
  title: string_bool_exp
  _and: [post_bool_exp]
  _or: [post_bool_exp]
  _not: post_bool_exp

input string_bool_exp {
  _neq: String
  _eq: String
  _lte: String
  _lt: String
  _gt: String
  _gte: String
  _in: [String]
  _nin: [String]
  _like: String
  _nlike: String
  _ilike: String
  _nilike: String
  _similar: String
  _nsimilar: String

# Note: Sorting by relations is possible as well
input post_order_by {
  title: order_by

enum order_by {
PostGraphile **Note:** Uses Relay-compliant connections
type Query {
    filter: PostFilterInput
    orderBy: [PostOrderBy]
    first: Int
    last: ID
    after: ID
    before: ID
  ): PostConnection

input PostFilterInput {
  title: StringFilterInput
  and: [PostFilterInput]
  or: [PostFilterInput]
  not: PostFilterInput

input StringFilterInput {
  isNull: Boolean
  distinctFrom: String
  notDistinctFrom: String
  equalTo: String
  notEqualTo: String
  lessThan: String
  lessThanOrEqualTo: String
  greaterThan: String
  greaterThanOrEqualTo: String
  in: [String]
  notIn: [String]

enum PostOrderBy {

Create One

AWS Amplify
type Mutation {
  createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): Post

input CreatePostInput {
  title: String!
type Mutation {
  insert_post_one(object: post_insert_input!): Post

input post_insert_input {
  title: String!
type Mutation {
  createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): CreatePostPayload

type CreatePostPayload {
  post: Post

input CreatePostInput {
  post: CreatePostPostInput!

input CreatePostPostInput {
  title: String!

Create Many

type Mutation {
  insert_post(objects: [post_insert_input!]!): post_mutation_response

type post_mutation_response {
  affected_rows: Int!
  returning: [Post!]!

input post_insert_input {
  title: String!

❌ AWS Amplify

❌ PostGraphile

Update One

AWS Amplify **Note:** ID is included in input
type Mutation {
  updatePost(input: UpdatePostInput!): Post

input UpdatePostInput {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
type Mutation {
    _inc: post_inc_input
    _set: post_set_input
    pk_columns: post_pk_columns_input!
  ): Post

input post_set_input {
  title: String

input post_inc_input {
  someIntField: Int

input post_pk_columns_input {
  id: ID
type Mutation {
  updatePostById(input: UpdatePostInput!): UpdatePostPayload

type UpdatePostPayload {
  post: Post

input UpdatePostInput {
  id: ID!
  patch: PostPatchInput!

input PostPatchInput {
  title: String

Update Many

type Mutation {
    _inc: post_inc_input
    _set: post_set_input
    # See Find Many for where input type
    where: post_bool_exp
  ): post_mutation_response

type post_mutation_response {
  affected_rows: Int!
  returning: [Post!]!

input post_set_input {
  title: String

input post_inc_input {
  someIntField: Int

❌ AWS Amplify

❌ PostGraphile

Delete One

AWS Amplify **Note:** ID is included in input
type Mutation {
  deletePost(input: DeletePostInput!): Post

input DeletePostInput {
  id: ID!
type Mutation {
  delete_post_by_pk(id: ID): Post
type Mutation {
  deletePostById(input: DeletePostInput!): DeletePostPayload

type DeletePostPayload {
  deletedPostNodeId: ID

input DeletePostInput {
  id: ID!

Delete Many

type Mutation {
    # See Find Many for where input type
    where: post_bool_exp
  ): post_mutation_response

type post_mutation_response {
  affected_rows: Int!
  returning: [Post!]!

❌ AWS Amplify

❌ PostGraphile

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