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Last active June 26, 2020 23:46
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Sqlmancer Models
module.exports = {
db: Knex(...),
models: 'src/graphql',
generate: {
client: {
// ready-to-use SqlmancerClient instance, no additional initialization needed
output: 'src/sqlmancer.js'
typeDefs: {
output: 'src/graphql/base.graphql'
// additional config options specific to type generation (i.e. customScalarMap, useIdScalarForPK, etc.)
// we can also generate resolvers and (eventually) Knex migration files, or support additional plugins for
// generating anything else like gRPC service definitions, OpenAPI schemas, OData CSDL, AsyncAPI documents, etc.
plugins: []
# No directives and some reasonable defaults
# This will assume we're using a table with the name "Movie"
# with "id" being the primary key
type Movie {
id: Int!
title: String!
yearReleased: Int!
nowShowing: Boolean!
imdbRating: Float
rating: FilmRating!
enum FilmRating {
# Directives are used to provide additional metadata
type User @table(name: "users") @unmapped(fields: { fullName: ["first_name", "last_name"] }){
email: String! @pk
firstName: String!
lastName: String! @col(name: "surname")
gender: Gender @default(value: "unknown")
password: String @hidden
favorites: [Movie]
from: "email",
through: { tableName: "favorites", from: "user_email", to: "movie_id", }
to: "id"
@paginate(kind: PAGE)
enum Gender {
MALE @value(is: "male")
FEMALE @value(is: "female")
NONBINARY @value(is: "nonbinary")
UNKNOWN @value(is: "unknown")
# Generate output types, enums, page/connection types, filter inputs, sort inputs, create inputs and update inputs
# What kinds of types are generated can be specified through the config file
type Movie {
id: ID!
title: String!
yearReleased: Int!
nowShowing: Boolean!
imdbRating: Float
rating: FilmRating!
input MovieFilter {
id: IntFilter
title: StringFilter
# etc
and: [MovieFilter!]
or: [MovieFilter!]
not: MovieFilter
# IntFilter, StringFilter, etc.
input MovieSort {
id: SortDirection
title: SortDirection
# etc.
enum SortDirection {
enum FilmRating {
type MoviePage {
results: [Movie!]!
hasMore: Boolean!
aggregate: MovieAggregate!
type MovieAggregate {
count: Int!
avg: MovieAvg!
sum: MovieSum!
min: MovieMin!
max: MovieMax!
# MovieAvg, MovieSum, etc.
type User {
email: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
gender: Gender
favorites(): MoviePage!
# UserFilter, UserSort, etc.
enum Gender {
# Optionally generate (GraphQL CRUD-compliant?) queries and mutations
type Query {
movieById(id: ID): Movie
movies(where: MovieFilter, orderBy: MovieSort): MoviePage!
# The generated type definitions can be extended to support fields that don't map to
# database columns or associations
extend type User {
fullName: String!
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