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Last active July 20, 2017 19:17
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  • Save danielrearden/ff6b592378be1508bca6efae46329c9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const chance = require('chance')
module.exports = (db, table, specificProps) => db.raw(`
SELECT column_name, data_type
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = '${table}';
`).then((cols) => cols.reduce((memo, col) => {
switch (col.data_type) {
case 'uuid': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: chance.guid() }, memo);
case 'character varying': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: chance.word() }, memo);
case 'text': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: chance.sentence() }, memo);
case 'boolean': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: chance.bool() }, memo);
case 'int': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: chance.integer() }, memo);
case 'USER-DEFINED': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: chance.word() }, memo);
case 'tstzrange': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: '["-infinity","infinity")' }, memo);
case 'jsonb': return Object.assign({ [col.column_name]: JSON.stringify({}) }, memo);
default: return memo);
}, {}))
.then((obj) => Object.assign(obj, specificProps))
.then((obj) => db(table).insert(obj).returning('*'))
.then(([row]) => {
const deleteMe = () => db(table).del().where('id',
return Object.assign({ deleteMe }, row))
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