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Created March 11, 2011 19:39
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bashrc personal settings
## BASE #########
alias ..="cd .."
alias j="jobs"
alias gs="git status"
function ga { git add $* && gs; }
alias gb=" git branch"
alias gc=" git commit"
alias gd=" git diff"
alias gcm=" git commit -m"
alias gp=" git push"
alias gpo=" git push origin"
alias gpom=" git push origin master"
alias gco=" git checkout"
alias gcob=" git checkout -b"
alias s=" (bundle exec rails s) &>> log/server.log &"
alias ts=" tail -f log/server.log"
alias c=" rails c"
alias b=" bundle"
alias be=" bundle exec"
alias bu=" bundle update"
alias gi=" gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri"
alias gph=" git push heroku"
alias gphm=" git push heroku master"
alias dplp=" (echo '----' & date & gp & bundle exec rake production deploy) &>> log/deploy.log &"
alias s3ls="s3cmd listbuckets"
function s3rmr {
echo "deleting bucket: $1"
s3cmd deleteall $1:
s3cmd deletebucket $1
echo "-- buckets:"
s3cmd listbuckets
alias n="nano"
alias apps="cd ~/webapps"
function ca { cd ~/webapps/$1 && . && cd $1 }
alias mem="ps -u $USER -o pid,rss,command | awk '{print \$0}{sum+=\$2} END {print \$
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