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Last active February 4, 2024 04:14
Flask/Jinja2 CSRF utility functions
import random
from flask import request, session, abort, Markup
def csrf_token():
Return the CSRF token for the current session
If not already generated, session["_csrf_token"] is set to a random
string. The token is used for the whole life of the session.
if "_csrf_token" not in session:
session["_csrf_token"] = hex(random.getrandbits(64))
return session["_csrf_token"]
def csrf_token_input():
"""Returns a hidden input element with the CSRF token"""
return Markup('<input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="{0}">') \
def check_csrf_token():
"""Checks that request.form["_csrf_token"] is correct, aborting if not"""
if "_csrf_token" not in request.form:
logger.warning("Expected CSRF Token: not present")
if request.form["_csrf_token"] != csrf_token():
logger.warning("CSRF Token incorrect")
def auto_check_csrf():
if request.method == "POST" or request.form:
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