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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Try to fit all content on to one page.

Don't really mind about gaps in years between experienxe in your CV. It can easilly be explained in an interview.

Make sure your links are clickabl e.

The more information you have out there that will make you interesting the better.

Remember everything that is on your CV.


  • name
  • email
  • phone/mobile(incl. coutnry code)
  • Skype ID


  • Personal website, Linkedin etc.
  • GitHub, StackOverlow
  • Google Play, Microsoft store..

Academic record

  • Grade Point Average(GPA)
  • Expected graduation date
  • Degree
  • Major/Minor

Don't feel like the GPA is super important, if you can show that you coded the heck out of an awesome project instead, do that.


  • TA/Class leaderships
  • Group/Clbub leadership


  • What where your contribution to projects
  • What languages did you use
  • On projects, be sure to say wath language you wrote in
  • The value of your projects, the impact it did.
  • Programming languages
    • Specify: proficient, good knowledge, basic knowledge
  • Write chronologically, most recent to oldest
  • High school is only relevant if you had some sort of computer sience field

Other tips

  • No 'I' or 'We' & keep verb tenses consistent
  • Quality over quantity
  • Be honest about skils/abilities
  • Don't use abbreviations, slang or acronyms
  • Skip nationality, date of birth etc.
  • Don't put if your'e up for relocation

Ask when at the interview, don't lie. If you don't know the answer, don't fake it.


  • How often should I update my cv?
    • You should always be ready to hand a CV to whomever you meet

The interview

Initial interview

  • About 30 minutes
  • May or may not include coding porblems
  • Tech questions will be given
  • Main focus: problem solving and tech skill
  • What have you learned from failures
  • What would you redo

Final round interviews

  • Typically on site
  • Like a time to get to know each other
  • Between three and five 40 - 60 minutes 1:1 interviews
  • Conducted by team members
  • Possibly you will get a problem to solve before comming to the interview


  • Get in the 'mode' of problem solving on whiteboard/paper
  • Review coursework
  • Study data-structures books
  • Code (and test) to the max
    • topcoder
  • Try to solve problems out loud

Areas to focus on

  • Algorithm complexity
  • Sorting
  • Hash tables
  • Trees
  • Graphs
  • Other data structures
  • How to use arrays and pointers

Never overcomplicate the problem. Always focus on the easiest solution.

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