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Last active November 29, 2017 16:41
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A VueJS mixin to automatically map class prop names and values to a computed value.
// The mixin
import kebabcase from 'lodash.kebabcase'
export default {
// The component will bind class to this computed property.
computed: {
classes () {
const classes = {}
.filter(name => name.includes('Class'))
.forEach(name => { classes[this.propToClass(name)] = this[name] })
return classes;
methods: {
// Convert the camelCase prop name to snake-case and remove the '-class' portion.
// This could run any transform you want, this is what my usecase needed.
propToClass (name) {
return kebabcase(name).replace('-class', '')
// An example component:
<div :class="classes">
import HtmlClassMixin from 'Mixins/HtmlClass'
export default {
props: {
hasTextCenteredClass: { type: Boolean }
mixins: [ HtmlClassMixin ]
// In another component:
<example-component :has-text-centered-class="true">
<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>
// Will render out as:
<div class="has-text-centered"><p>Lorem Ipsum</p></div>
// With the mixin you only ever have to define the props.
// You don't have to set up the prop and the computed property
// and make sure they're in sync.
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