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Last active June 29, 2019 20:09
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Kinematics functions of the Aleph 0 Rover. The logic is a little bit mixed up. This class should only compute the kinematics, but it also is used to publish messages to ROS. Copyright Michał Barciś
from math import sin, cos, atan2, sqrt, acos, pi
import rospy
import numpy
import tf
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
class UnreachablePositionError(Exception):
class Kinematics:
This class represents the kinematics of Aleph 0 Rover. It is not meant to
be used in any other manipulators.
Parts of the manipulator:
A - rotatable base, a link from which always points up,
B - first part of the arm
C - second part of the arm
D - efector
The logic is a little bit mixed up. This class should only compute the
kinematics, but it also is used to publish messages to ROS.
lenA = 0.138
lenB = 0.4
lenC = 0.4
lenD = 0.27 # replace it when changing efector
# real angles for fwd kinematics
angleA = 0
angleBA = 0
angleCB = 0
angleDC = 0
angleD = 0
# angles set by inv kinematics
setAngleA = None
setAngleBA = None
setAngleCB = None
setAngleDC = None
setAngleD = None
def __init__(self, publisher=True):
self.publisher = publisher
if publisher: = rospy.Publisher('manipulator_joint_states',
JointState, queue_size=1)
self.last_publish = rospy.get_rostime()
self.MAX_REFRESH_RATE = rospy.Rate(20) # 10 Hz
def position(self):
z = 1*self.lenA + \
sin(self.angleBA)*self.lenB + \
sin(self.angleBA+self.angleCB)*self.lenC + \
r = 0*self.lenA + \
cos(self.angleBA)*self.lenB + \
cos(self.angleBA+self.angleCB)*self.lenC + \
A = -(self.angleA - 1.57)
x = sin(A)*r
y = cos(A)*r
return (x, y, z)
def orientation(self):
yaw = self.angleA
pitch = self.angleBA + self.angleCB + self.angleDC
roll = self.angleD
return tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, -pitch, yaw)
def CB_joint_pos(self, a, b):
B = self.lenB
C = self.lenC
A = a**2 + b**2 + B**2 - C**2
# dY = 16 * (-a**2 * A**2 + 4*a**2*(-1 + B**2*b**2 + a**2*B**2))
dY = 16 * ((A**2 * b**2) - (b**2+a**2)*(A**2-4*a**2*B**2))
if(dY < 0):
return []
sqrt_dy = sqrt(dY)
a2 = 2*(4*b**2 + 4*a**2)
y1 = (4*A*b + sqrt_dy) / a2
y2 = (4*A*b - sqrt_dy) / a2
x1 = (A - 2*b*y1) / (2*a)
x2 = (A - 2*b*y2) / (2*a)
if(sqrt_dy == 0):
return [(x1, y1)]
return [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
def choose_angles(self, angles_list):
Given a list of touples (angleBA, angleCB), chooses the most appropiate
one. (Currently the one with lower angleBA)
return max(angles_list, key=lambda a: a[0])
except ValueError:
raise UnreachablePositionError
def angles_from_CB_joint_pos(self, CB_pos, D_pos):
Returns angleBA and angle CB given the position of CB joint
angleBA = atan2(CB_pos[1], CB_pos[0])
angleCB = - angleBA + atan2(D_pos[1]-CB_pos[1], D_pos[0]-CB_pos[0])
return(angleBA, angleCB)
def angle_between_quaternions(q1, q2, angleA):
inv = tf.transformations.quaternion_inverse(q1)
res = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q2, inv)
s = sqrt(1-res[3]**2)
x = res[0] / s
y = res[1] / s
# z = res[2] / s
angle = -(angleA + pi/2)
nx = x*cos(angle) - y*sin(angle)
# ny = x*sin(angle) + y*cos(angle)
if(nx < 0):
return -acos(res[3]) * 2
return acos(res[3]) * 2
def inverse_from_pose(self, pose):
p = pose.position
o = pose.orientation
# transform orientation to Euler angles
orientation = numpy.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])
# yaw should be an orientation quaternion casted
# on xy plane, but the following is good enough
angleA = self.inverse_angleA(p.x, p.y)
yaw = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angleA)
angle = self.angle_between_quaternions(orientation, yaw, angleA)
return self.inverse(p.x, p.y, p.z, angle)
def inverse_angleA(self, x, y):
angleA = atan2(y, x)
except ZeroDivisionError:
angleA = 0
return angleA
def inverse(self, x, y, z, angle):
z -= self.lenA
angleA = self.inverse_angleA(x, y)
# The following value might need to be adjusted after changing the
# model
# angleA -= 1.5707963267948966
r = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
rD = r-cos(angle)*self.lenD
zD = z-sin(angle)*self.lenD
point_list = self.CB_joint_pos(rD, zD)
angles = [self.angles_from_CB_joint_pos(p, (rD, zD))
for p in point_list]
angleBA, angleCB = self.choose_angles(angles)
angleDC = angle - angleBA - angleCB
angleD = 0
return (angleA, angleBA, angleCB, angleDC, angleD)
def get_angles(self):
return (self.angleA, self.angleBA, self.angleCB,
self.angleDC, self.angleD)
def set_angles(self, angleA, angleBA, angleCB, angleDC, angleD):
self.setAngleA = angleA
self.setAngleBA = angleBA
self.setAngleCB = angleCB
self.setAngleDC = angleDC
self.setAngleD = angleD
def get_continous_angle(old_angle, new_angle):
dangle = new_angle - old_angle
while dangle > pi:
dangle -= 2*pi
while dangle < -pi:
dangle += 2*pi
return old_angle + dangle
def publish(self):
if not self.publisher:
raise Exception("This object was not created as a publisher")
if rospy.get_rostime() - self.last_publish <= \
if self.setAngleBA is None:
command = JointState()
command.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() = ['base_to_frame', 'B_to_base', 'C_to_B', 'efector_to_C']
command.position = [self.setAngleA, self.setAngleBA, self.setAngleCB,
command.velocity = []
self.last_publish = rospy.get_rostime()
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