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Created June 18, 2014 20:00
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  • Save danielsnider/5b5a64d24e0444d381a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danielsnider/5b5a64d24e0444d381a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This GNU Screen config will open 13 terminals and stuff text into some of them to start do this by default. Launch GNU Screen with this command "screen -D -R -S danscreen -c .screenrc.multiwin"
startup_message off
vbell off
defscrollback 5000
#backtick 1 60 60 $HOME/.screenrc.acpi # .screenrc.acpi contains 1 line: acpi | awk -F ', ' '{print $2}'
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}%-Lw%{= kW}%50> %n*%f %t%{= kG}%+Lw%< %{= kG}%-= |%C:%s %A | %1`%{-}'
#hardstatus string '%{= kG}%-Lw%{= kW}%50> %n*%f %t%{= kG}%+Lw%< %{= kG}%-=%D %d/%m/%y | %C:%s %A | %1`%{-}'
zombie qr
register s ^Denv/bin/python^Mexecfile(\'portal/portal/debugging/\')^Mip=\'\'^Mpath=\'/home/dan/nfs\'^Mos.cloud_evacuate(admin,project,ip,path)
chdir ~/Code/portal
screen -t portal 1
stuff 'clear^M'
screen -t grunt 2
stuff 'grunt^M'
chdir ~/Code/portal/portal
screen -t pserve 3
stuff '../env/bin/pserve vagrant.ini'
chdir ~/Code/hyperpod-chef
screen -t chef 4
stuff 'vagrant status^M'
screen -t chef-c 5
stuff 'vagrant up control && /home/dan/^M'
chdir ~/Code/hyperpod-cookbook
screen -t cook 6
stuff 'vagrant status^M'
screen -t cook-c 7
stuff 'vagrant up control && /home/dan/'
chdir ~/
screen -t devlab 8 ./
screen -t demo 9 ./
chdir /etc/nginx/
screen -t nginx 10
chdir ~/Code/portal/
screen -t interp 11
stuff './env/bin/python^Mexecfile("portal/portal/debugging/")^M'
chdir ~/Code/nodecontroller/
screen -t nodecontroller 12
stuff ''
chdir ~/
screen -t bash 0
stuff 'clear^M'
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