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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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(ns node-test.core
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(def cp (.-spawn (nodejs/require "child_process")))
(defn run-cmd [cmd args call-back]
(let [child (cp cmd args)]
(.on (.-stdout child) "data" call-back)
(.on (.-stdout child) "end" #(println (str cmd " process ended")))))
(defn run-osa [args]
(run-cmd "osascript" #js ["-l" "JavaScript" "-e" args] println))
; the form to compile
(defn new-mail []
(let [mail (new js/Application "")
inbox (.. mail -inbox -messages)
first-message (aget inbox 0)]
(.subject first-message)))
;; compiles to "(function new_mail(){var mail = (new Application(''));var inbox = mail.inbox.messages;var first_message = (inbox[(0)]);return first_message.subject();})();"
(defn -main []
(run-osa "(function new_mail(){var mail = (new Application(''));var inbox = mail.inbox.messages;var first_message = (inbox[(0)]);return first_message.subject();})();"))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
(ns js-compiler.core
[cljs.compiler :as c]
[cljs.analyzer :as a]))
(defn emit-str [cljs]
(let [env (a/empty-env)
ast (a/analyze env cljs)]
(with-out-str (c/emit ast)))))
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This is a proof of concept to show how ClojureScript can be used in the context of Apple's JavaScript for Automation. This is not an integrated workflow. Tooling could be written to create a decent user experience.

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