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Last active October 6, 2018 04:17
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// PromiseKitAdditions.swift
// Created by Daniel Tartaglia on 11/4/15.
// Copyright © 2018. MIT License.
import PromiseKit
extension Promise {
typealias PendingPromise = (promise: Promise<T>, fulfill: (T) -> Void, reject: (ErrorType) -> Void)
Waits on all provided promises.
`any` waits on all provided promises, it rejects only if all of the promises
rejected, otherwise it fulfills with values from the fulfilled promises.
- Returns: A new promise that resolves once all the provided promises resolve.
public func any<T>(promises: [Promise<T>]) -> Promise<[T]> {
guard !promises.isEmpty else { return Promise<[T]>([]) }
return Promise<[T]> { fulfill, reject in
var values = [T]()
var countdown = promises.count
for promise in promises {
promise.then { values.append($0) }
.always {
if countdown == 0 {
if values.isEmpty { reject(AnyError.Any) }
else { fulfill(values) }
public enum AnyError: ErrorType {
case Any
Repeatedly evaluates a promise producer until a value satisfies the predicate.
`promiseWhile` produces a promise with the supplied `producer` and then waits
for it to resolve. If the resolved value satisfies the predicate then the
returned promise will fulfill. Otherwise, it will produce a new promise. The
method continues to do this until the predicate is satisfied or an error occurs.
- Returns: A promise that is guaranteed to fulfill with a value that satisfies
the predicate, or reject.
func promiseWhile<T>(pred: (T) -> Bool, body: () -> Promise<T>, fail: (() -> Promise<Void>)? = nil) -> Promise<T> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
func loop() {
body().then { (t) -> Void in
if pred(t) { fulfill(t) }
else {
if let fail = fail {
fail().then { loop() }
.error { reject($0) }
else { loop() }
.error { reject($0) }
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