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Created August 6, 2021 11:54
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Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

What does this traffic sign require of you?

  • ✅ Reduction in speed
  • ✅ Greatest alertness
  • ✅ Readiness to brake

The sign will point you to a school, kindergarten or playground nearby. Here you have to drive with adapted speed and increased attention. Children could suddenly run onto the road without paying attention to the traffic. Always be ready to brake.

To whom must you pay particularly close attention in this situation?

  • ❌ - red car
  • ❌ - white truck
  • ✅ - cyclist

In this situation, as a car driver you have to pay attention to the cyclist who approaches you from the right. The cyclist could drive onto the road in front of the truck, causing a dangerous situation.

Topic 4

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and remain behind the truck
  • ❌ I accelerate and quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ❌ I maintain my speed and continue the overtaking manoeuvre

You already indicated and want to overtake the truck. In the rearview mirror you can see a red car approaching on the left lane at high speed. You need to stop the overtaking process immediately and stay behind the truck. If you continue, you force the red car to brake suddenly. He could drive against your car.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I overtake [the red van] and then move into the middle lane
  • ❌ I brake slightly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance
  • ✅ I overtake [the blue car] and then move into the middle lane

As the car driver, you do not have to dodge to the middle lane when another car pushes you from behind or uses the flash light. You should overtake the blue car and the red van as usual. To change safely to the middle lane, the overtaking process must be completed. Only then you can change.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ❌ I brake, but continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ❌ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre, and pull back into the right-hand lane

While overtaking a truck, you observe a fast approaching car in the rearview mirror. It is too late to complete the overtaking process. Accelerate and complete the overtaking process quickly but safely. Basically, subsequent vehicles do not have priority; even not on the freeway.

What must you be aware of when joining the motorway?

  • ✅ The through-driving traffic has priority
  • ❌ The through-driving traffic on the right-hand lane must allow incoming traffic to merge
  • ✅ On the merging lane, I may drive faster than the through-driving traffic

On the freeway, the continuous traffic always has the right of way and does not have to allow entrance. On the acceleration lane the driver may drive faster than the rest of the vehicles.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ✅ I have to reduce my speed
  • ❌ The truck has to wait
  • ✅ The truck has right of way

The curve is difficult to assess for the car driver. There may be other road users or even obstacles on the route. Therefore, it makes sense to slow down the pace even before the turn and mentally adjust to a possible danger situation. Because even for oncoming drivers this is a difficult spot and caution is required.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I move immediately into the lane to the right
  • ✅ I overtake the van and then move into the middle lane
  • ❌ I brake slightly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance

A driver drives dangerously close to you on the left-hand lane and signals his/her overtaking intent with his flash light. You should still overtake the transporter on the mid-lane and then get back into the lane in front of it to defuse the situation.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I reduce my speed and stay in the middle lane
  • ❌ I maintain my speed and move into the right-hand lane
  • ❌ I maintain my speed and stay in the middle lane

A car drives in front of you and from the right a car drives onto the main carriageway of the freeway. It is clear that the car driving on the left lane has a slower pace than you. Since it's only allowed to overtake on the left, you must delay and reduce your speed.

What is the right thing to do in this situation?

  • ❌ I continue the overtaking manoeuvre at an unchanged speed
  • ❌ I accelerate and continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ✅ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and move into the right-hand lane

You may drive on the lane of the oncoming traffic if you intend to overtake. To overtake, you must increase your speed above the allowed 130 km/h, which is not permitted in this situation. You must cancel the overtaking procedure and get into the right lane.

What must you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ - grey car will move into the middle lane
  • ❌ - yellow truck will pull out in front of me to overtake
  • ❌ - grey car will remain in the right-hand lane

Since the vehicle drives very fast from the right onto the freeway, you have to expect that it will change to the middle lane. This impression is reinforced by the fact that trucks maintain their speed and distance.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I reduce my speed
  • ❌ I move into the right-hand lane
  • ❌ I continue driving without changing speed

You drive on the middle lane and in this situation you have to stay on the lane and reduce the speed. The driver on the left lane drives more slowly. You must not overtake him from the right. You cannot change to the right lane, there is a vehicle.

How could a dangerous situation arise?

  • ❌ - the car up ahead
  • ❌ - green truck
  • ✅ - yellow truck

The fast driving style of the yellow truck suggests that he will overtake the blue truck in front of him as well. Their speed is faster than that of the trucks. You cannot dodge to the left as a car on the left lane is directly behind you. If the yellow truck swings out, you have to brake hard.

What must you be prepared for now?

  • ❌ - white truck accelerates
  • ✅ - blue car begins overtaking
  • ✅ - overtaking manoeuvre of the green truck takes longer to complete

You may have to be prepared for the fact that you cannot overtake now because the other road users are already involved in overtaking maneuvers. Do not act with precipitation just to complete the overtaking maneuver on the permissible route. A solid line represents a restriction on overtaking and is equivalent to the road sign "No overtaking".

Topic 5

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

  • ❌ At the end of a traffic calmed area
  • ❌ At driveways
  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions

At intersections and T-junctions without a traffic-regulating traffic sign "left yields to right" applies. If a vehicle leaves a property or a restricted traffic area, all other road users, including pedestrians and children on the sidewalk, have priority.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait at the stop line
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ❌ I may make the turn in front of the cyclist

In front of the traffic sign "Stop! Give way!", colloquially also called stop sign, you must always stop. Mostly there is a stop line. The wheels must be stationary for at least a short amount of time. The cross traffic has right of way - then the cyclists on the opposite side. As a driver turning left, you have to grant him the right of way.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ❌ Because of the green car
  • ✅ Because of the cyclist
  • ❌ Because of the pedestrian

The cyclist is granted right of way because she is on the priority road. Wait for the cyclist to pass and drive past the vehicles.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ❌ Because of the cyclist
  • ✅ Because of the red car
  • ❌ Because of the pedestrian

The traffic on the main road is jammed. The red car drives around the parked vehicles to turn left. You have to wait and let this car pass as it has priority.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I take priority before the [bus]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the motorcycle] to pass through
  • ❌ I have to allow the [bus] to pass through

The traffic sign "Give way" suspends the left yields to right regulation. Thus, the motorcycle coming from the left has priority. You have to wait. Then the left-turning driver of the oncoming traffic must first let you cross the intersection before he can turn.

You are approaching a crossroads where the priority situation is not clear to you straightaway. What do you do?

  • ❌ 'Proceed according to the rule "right before left"'
  • ❌ Always proceed when driving straight ahead
  • ✅ Wait, observe and come to an agreement with others, if necessary

There are situations that are difficult to understand in terms of the right of way. If this happens to you wait and watch other car drivers. If the situation remains difficult, you can communicate with each other by clear hand signals. To simply continue straight ahead or act according to the rule "left yields to right" would be too risky and accident-prone.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may make the turn before the cyclist
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcyclist] to pass through

It is necessary to comply to the left yields to right rule. Grant the motorcyclist from the right the right of way before entering the intersection. Next, you as a left-turning driver, have to give priority to the oncoming cyclist. For the motorcyclist the cyclist comes from the right and thus has priority.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may be the first to proceed
  • ❌ I have to give way to the [red car]
  • ❌ I have to give way to the tram

The traffic sign indicates that you are on a priority road. The tram and the driver of the red car, on the other hand, must follow the sign "Give way" and wait. You drive first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may drive through
  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to [the blue car]
  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to [the green car]

If you are traveling on a priority road, you are always allowed to drive first. A car that meets you and wants to turn left, however, has to wait. If a car driver wants to turn into your street from the right, he/she must also give you the right of way, since you are on a priority road.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I allow the motorcycle to turn before me
  • ✅ I allow [the blue car] to turn
  • ❌ I am the first to proceed

At an intersection, which has no traffic signs, "left yields to right" applies. If a car drives from the right wants to turn right, he is allowed to drive first and you have to wait. On the other hand, if a vehicle approaching you wants to turn left, you have the right of way, because if a driver wants to turn, must always give priority to oncoming traffic.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - turn before the [yellow car]
  • ✅ - only turn after the [motorcycle]
  • ❌ - be the first to make my turn

The traffic sign stands for a "priority road". You may therefore turn in front of the vehicle coming from the left. First, however, you must let the oncoming vehicle turn, because you have to wait as a left-turning driver.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - after the [blue truck]
  • ❌ - before the [yellow car]
  • ✅ - after the [yellow car]

Since the right of way at this intersection is not determined by appropriate signage, the principle "left yields to right" applies. Thus, you must give priority to the yellow car coming from the right. The blue truck also has priority over you, as you would cross the lane as a left-turning driver.

What is the right thing to do?

  • ✅ I have to give way to the motorcycle
  • ✅ I have to give way to the [blue car]
  • ❌ I may drive out before the [blue car]

According to the signage, the motorcyclist is on the priority road and is therefore allowed to drive first. Both the driver of the blue car and you are on a lane with the "Give way" sign. As this does not clear up the situation, "left yields to right" applies. For this reason, you have to let the other vehicle drive through.

What is the right thing to do?

  • ✅ I give way to the [green car]
  • ❌ I turn left before the [green car]
  • ❌ I have to allow the [red car] to pass

Since there are no signs at this intersection, which determine the priority of the drivers, the right of way "left yields to right" applies. For this reason, you need to let the car on your right pass first. Afterwards, the driver on the left has to give you the right of way.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow [the blue car] to pass through
  • ✅ I may drive through

You are on the turning priority road and follow its course. Therefore, you must drive first and the other vehicle must wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - after [the two cars]
  • ✅ - before [the two cars]
  • ❌ - after [the blue car]

At this intersection you have right of way. This is indicated by the traffic sign. That's why the vehicles have to wait from the right and left and let you drive first.

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

  • ❌ At junctions with sunken kerbstone
  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions
  • ❌ At junctions of farm tracks or forest tracks with other roads

At intersections and T-junctions without priority signs, the vehicles coming from the right have priority. The same applies to roads that are equally ranked according to their signage. Lanes with drop kerb, drives as well as field and forest trails are an exception. If you are on one of these roads, you must give priority to other road users.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the [blue truck] to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [tractor] to turn
  • ❌ The [blue truck] has to allow me to pass through

The traffic sign "Give way" regulates the right of way here. That means you have to wait and let both, the right and left vehicle, pass.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I take priority before [the bus]
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcycle] to pass through
  • ❌ I have to allow [the bus] to pass through

Here the traffic sign "right of way at the next intersection or T-junction" applies. Since you want to turn left you will have to let the oncoming vehicle pass. You may then turn in front of the vehicle coming from the right.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow the [cyclist] to turn
  • ❌ I have to allow the [red truck] to turn
  • ✅ I may be the first to pass through the junction

Left yields to right applies in intersections and T-junctions without a traffic sign. Since no vehicle comes from the right, you may first cross the intersection. After that the truck drives and finally the cyclist.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the tram to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcycle] to pass through
  • ❌ The tram must allow me to make the turn first

The sign at the intersection indicates that you must give way. Since you want to turn left, you must let the tram as well as the oncoming motorbike pass and enter the intersection last.

You would like to cross over a priority road. The view to both sides is very restricted due to parked vehicles. What should you do?

  • ❌ I quickly cross over the junction
  • ✅ I carefully ease my way into the junction
  • ❌ I sound my horn to warn crossing traffic

If visibility is limited you should only proceed with caution. Slowly get into the intersection until you can see the priority road. This is how you act responsibly.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow [the blue car] to pass through
  • ❌ [The blue car] has to allow me to turn
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to turn

Here, "left yields to right" applies as well as the rules for left turns. The car coming from the right may drive first. Since you want to turn left, the oncoming cyclist has right of way.

You want to turn left. Who is required to wait?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ The blue vehicle has to wait

At intersections and T-junctions without a traffic-regulating traffic sign, the rule "left yields to right" applies. Field and forest paths, however, are subordinate traffic routes. If you want to turn from a field or forest path onto a road, you have to wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may only proceed after [the blue truck]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the red car] to pass through
  • ✅ I may proceed before [the blue truck]

If you want to turn left from a priority road and another car is driving next to you, which remains on the priority road, you must give priority to this car driver. A vehicle that is not on the priority road, on the other hand, has to wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The yellow car] has to wait

You and another road user are on a turning priority road. The other vehicle follows the course of the priority road, you want to leave. Therefore, you must let the other road user drive through first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have right of way ahead of the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have to allow right of way to the [red car]

Without additional priority-regulating traffic signs or traffic lights, the general "left yields to right" rule applies. The car coming from the right must be given priority. You have priority over the car coming from the left.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow [the yellow car] to pass through
  • ✅ I move first

At the traffic sign "right of way at the next intersection or T-junction", you may drive first at the next intersection. A vehicle coming from the left must wait.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ❌ I have to signal a left-turn
  • ✅ I have to allow [the motorbike] the right of way
  • ❌ [The motorbike] has to wait

You are on a turning priority road, but you don't want to follow it to the right and instead continue straight ahead. From the right a motorcycle follows the course of the priority road. You have to wait and give priority to this vehicle.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - give way to the [bus]
  • ✅ - stop on the stop line
  • ✅ - give way to [the cyclist]

A vehicle coming from the left is already on the priority road. Therefore, it is allowed to drive first. If you turn left, you will have to let oncoming vehicles drive past first. Due to the traffic sign, you have to stop at the stop line ("Give way") or stop completely and are not even allowed to trundle ("Stop sign").

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the tram to pass through
  • ❌ I may not stop and wait on the rails
  • ❌ I have to allow the tractor to pass through

You are on the priority road. The tractor must therefore wait and let you turn left first. However, you must first let the tram that continues straight ahead on the priority road pass, since straight-ahead traffic always takes precedence over traffic that wants to turn.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The green car] has to wait

If you are at an intersection and you see the "Give way" traffic sign, you must wait and let the car driver pass through on the priority road.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow [the blue vehicle] to pass
  • ❌ I have to allow [the green vehicle] to pass through
  • ✅ I may make the turn before [the green vehicle]

If you are on a priority road and you want to turn left, you will have to let oncoming cars drive by. If a vehicle drives next to you, which contrary to you remains on the priority road, then this car driver has priority. However, if a vehicle from another street with the traffic sign "Give way" wishes to turn into your priority road, he/she may only drive last.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The motorbike] is obliged to wait

Who comes from the right, has right of way at intersections and T-junctions. Because if there is no priority-controlling traffic sign, "left yields to right" applies. No matter the size and type of the vehicle.

Who has priority?

  • ❌ [The red car]
  • ❌ [The green tractor]
  • ✅ Me

You follow a turning priority road. Therefore, you have priority over the driver of the car driving straight ahead. The driver of the tractor also has to wait because he/she leaves the priority road and the rule left yields to right applies to you.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may pass through the junction before [the motorbike]
  • ✅ I have to wait

You want to cross a turning priority road. Here you must give priority to all vehicles on the priority road and wait until the priority road is free for you to cross.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow [the cyclist] to pass through
  • ❌ [The cyclist] has to allow me to pass
  • ✅ I may proceed before the [motorcycle]

Since the right of way here is not regulated by traffic signs, left yields to right applies. This means: you must stop and grant access to vehicles from the right. The bike coming from the left has to let you in.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ The cyclist has to wait
  • ✅ I have to wait

If you want to turn into a roundabout, you will be asked to wait by the "Give way" traffic sign. The drivers driving in a circle have priority here.

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

What does this traffic sign require of you?

  • ✅ Reduction in speed
  • ✅ Greatest alertness
  • ✅ Readiness to brake

The sign will point you to a school, kindergarten or playground nearby. Here you have to drive with adapted speed and increased attention. Children could suddenly run onto the road without paying attention to the traffic. Always be ready to brake.

To whom must you pay particularly close attention in this situation?

  • ❌ - red car
  • ✅ - cyclist
  • ❌ - white truck

In this situation, as a car driver you have to pay attention to the cyclist who approaches you from the right. The cyclist could drive onto the road in front of the truck, causing a dangerous situation.

Topic 4

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I accelerate and quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ✅ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and remain behind the truck
  • ❌ I maintain my speed and continue the overtaking manoeuvre

You already indicated and want to overtake the truck. In the rearview mirror you can see a red car approaching on the left lane at high speed. You need to stop the overtaking process immediately and stay behind the truck. If you continue, you force the red car to brake suddenly. He could drive against your car.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre, and pull back into the right-hand lane
  • ✅ I quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ❌ I brake, but continue the overtaking manoeuvre

While overtaking a truck, you observe a fast approaching car in the rearview mirror. It is too late to complete the overtaking process. Accelerate and complete the overtaking process quickly but safely. Basically, subsequent vehicles do not have priority; even not on the freeway.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I overtake [the red van] and then move into the middle lane
  • ❌ I brake slightly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance
  • ✅ I overtake [the blue car] and then move into the middle lane

As the car driver, you do not have to dodge to the middle lane when another car pushes you from behind or uses the flash light. You should overtake the blue car and the red van as usual. To change safely to the middle lane, the overtaking process must be completed. Only then you can change.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I overtake the van and then move into the middle lane
  • ❌ I move immediately into the lane to the right
  • ❌ I brake slightly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance

A driver drives dangerously close to you on the left-hand lane and signals his/her overtaking intent with his flash light. You should still overtake the transporter on the mid-lane and then get back into the lane in front of it to defuse the situation.

What must you be aware of when joining the motorway?

  • ✅ The through-driving traffic has priority
  • ✅ On the merging lane, I may drive faster than the through-driving traffic
  • ❌ The through-driving traffic on the right-hand lane must allow incoming traffic to merge

On the freeway, the continuous traffic always has the right of way and does not have to allow entrance. On the acceleration lane the driver may drive faster than the rest of the vehicles.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ✅ The truck has right of way
  • ❌ The truck has to wait
  • ✅ I have to reduce my speed

The curve is difficult to assess for the car driver. There may be other road users or even obstacles on the route. Therefore, it makes sense to slow down the pace even before the turn and mentally adjust to a possible danger situation. Because even for oncoming drivers this is a difficult spot and caution is required.

How could a dangerous situation arise?

  • ❌ - the car up ahead
  • ✅ - yellow truck
  • ❌ - green truck

The fast driving style of the yellow truck suggests that he will overtake the blue truck in front of him as well. Their speed is faster than that of the trucks. You cannot dodge to the left as a car on the left lane is directly behind you. If the yellow truck swings out, you have to brake hard.

What is the right thing to do in this situation?

  • ✅ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and move into the right-hand lane
  • ❌ I continue the overtaking manoeuvre at an unchanged speed
  • ❌ I accelerate and continue the overtaking manoeuvre

You may drive on the lane of the oncoming traffic if you intend to overtake. To overtake, you must increase your speed above the allowed 130 km/h, which is not permitted in this situation. You must cancel the overtaking procedure and get into the right lane.

What must you anticipate in this situation?

  • ❌ - grey car will remain in the right-hand lane
  • ❌ - yellow truck will pull out in front of me to overtake
  • ✅ - grey car will move into the middle lane

Since the vehicle drives very fast from the right onto the freeway, you have to expect that it will change to the middle lane. This impression is reinforced by the fact that trucks maintain their speed and distance.

What must you be prepared for now?

  • ✅ - blue car begins overtaking
  • ✅ - overtaking manoeuvre of the green truck takes longer to complete
  • ❌ - white truck accelerates

You may have to be prepared for the fact that you cannot overtake now because the other road users are already involved in overtaking maneuvers. Do not act with precipitation just to complete the overtaking maneuver on the permissible route. A solid line represents a restriction on overtaking and is equivalent to the road sign "No overtaking".

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I continue driving without changing speed
  • ✅ I reduce my speed
  • ❌ I move into the right-hand lane

You drive on the middle lane and in this situation you have to stay on the lane and reduce the speed. The driver on the left lane drives more slowly. You must not overtake him from the right. You cannot change to the right lane, there is a vehicle.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed and move into the right-hand lane
  • ❌ I maintain my speed and stay in the middle lane
  • ✅ I reduce my speed and stay in the middle lane

A car drives in front of you and from the right a car drives onto the main carriageway of the freeway. It is clear that the car driving on the left lane has a slower pace than you. Since it's only allowed to overtake on the left, you must delay and reduce your speed.

Topic 5

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

  • ❌ At the end of a traffic calmed area
  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions
  • ❌ At driveways

At intersections and T-junctions without a traffic-regulating traffic sign "left yields to right" applies. If a vehicle leaves a property or a restricted traffic area, all other road users, including pedestrians and children on the sidewalk, have priority.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ❌ Because of the pedestrian
  • ✅ Because of the red car
  • ❌ Because of the cyclist

The traffic on the main road is jammed. The red car drives around the parked vehicles to turn left. You have to wait and let this car pass as it has priority.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may make the turn in front of the cyclist
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ✅ I have to wait at the stop line

In front of the traffic sign "Stop! Give way!", colloquially also called stop sign, you must always stop. Mostly there is a stop line. The wheels must be stationary for at least a short amount of time. The cross traffic has right of way - then the cyclists on the opposite side. As a driver turning left, you have to grant him the right of way.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ❌ Because of the green car
  • ❌ Because of the pedestrian
  • ✅ Because of the cyclist

The cyclist is granted right of way because she is on the priority road. Wait for the cyclist to pass and drive past the vehicles.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - after the [yellow car]
  • ❌ - before the [yellow car]
  • ✅ - after the [blue truck]

Since the right of way at this intersection is not determined by appropriate signage, the principle "left yields to right" applies. Thus, you must give priority to the yellow car coming from the right. The blue truck also has priority over you, as you would cross the lane as a left-turning driver.

What is the right thing to do?

  • ✅ I give way to the [green car]
  • ❌ I have to allow the [red car] to pass
  • ❌ I turn left before the [green car]

Since there are no signs at this intersection, which determine the priority of the drivers, the right of way "left yields to right" applies. For this reason, you need to let the car on your right pass first. Afterwards, the driver on the left has to give you the right of way.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I take priority before [the bus]
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcycle] to pass through
  • ❌ I have to allow [the bus] to pass through

Here the traffic sign "right of way at the next intersection or T-junction" applies. Since you want to turn left you will have to let the oncoming vehicle pass. You may then turn in front of the vehicle coming from the right.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to give way to the [red car]
  • ✅ I may be the first to proceed
  • ❌ I have to give way to the tram

The traffic sign indicates that you are on a priority road. The tram and the driver of the red car, on the other hand, must follow the sign "Give way" and wait. You drive first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to [the green car]
  • ✅ I may drive through
  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to [the blue car]

If you are traveling on a priority road, you are always allowed to drive first. A car that meets you and wants to turn left, however, has to wait. If a car driver wants to turn into your street from the right, he/she must also give you the right of way, since you are on a priority road.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcycle] to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the tram to pass through
  • ❌ The tram must allow me to make the turn first

The sign at the intersection indicates that you must give way. Since you want to turn left, you must let the tram as well as the oncoming motorbike pass and enter the intersection last.

What is the right thing to do?

  • ❌ I may drive out before the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have to give way to the motorcycle
  • ✅ I have to give way to the [blue car]

According to the signage, the motorcyclist is on the priority road and is therefore allowed to drive first. Both the driver of the blue car and you are on a lane with the "Give way" sign. As this does not clear up the situation, "left yields to right" applies. For this reason, you have to let the other vehicle drive through.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I allow the motorcycle to turn before me
  • ❌ I am the first to proceed
  • ✅ I allow [the blue car] to turn

At an intersection, which has no traffic signs, "left yields to right" applies. If a car drives from the right wants to turn right, he is allowed to drive first and you have to wait. On the other hand, if a vehicle approaching you wants to turn left, you have the right of way, because if a driver wants to turn, must always give priority to oncoming traffic.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the [blue truck] to pass through
  • ❌ The [blue truck] has to allow me to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [tractor] to turn

The traffic sign "Give way" regulates the right of way here. That means you have to wait and let both, the right and left vehicle, pass.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - turn before the [yellow car]
  • ✅ - only turn after the [motorcycle]
  • ❌ - be the first to make my turn

The traffic sign stands for a "priority road". You may therefore turn in front of the vehicle coming from the left. First, however, you must let the oncoming vehicle turn, because you have to wait as a left-turning driver.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - after [the blue car]
  • ❌ - after [the two cars]
  • ✅ - before [the two cars]

At this intersection you have right of way. This is indicated by the traffic sign. That's why the vehicles have to wait from the right and left and let you drive first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may drive through
  • ❌ I have to allow [the blue car] to pass through

You are on the turning priority road and follow its course. Therefore, you must drive first and the other vehicle must wait.

You are approaching a crossroads where the priority situation is not clear to you straightaway. What do you do?

  • ❌ 'Proceed according to the rule "right before left"'
  • ❌ Always proceed when driving straight ahead
  • ✅ Wait, observe and come to an agreement with others, if necessary

There are situations that are difficult to understand in terms of the right of way. If this happens to you wait and watch other car drivers. If the situation remains difficult, you can communicate with each other by clear hand signals. To simply continue straight ahead or act according to the rule "left yields to right" would be too risky and accident-prone.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I take priority before the [bus]
  • ❌ I have to allow the [bus] to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow [the motorcycle] to pass through

The traffic sign "Give way" suspends the left yields to right regulation. Thus, the motorcycle coming from the left has priority. You have to wait. Then the left-turning driver of the oncoming traffic must first let you cross the intersection before he can turn.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcyclist] to pass through
  • ❌ I may make the turn before the cyclist

It is necessary to comply to the left yields to right rule. Grant the motorcyclist from the right the right of way before entering the intersection. Next, you as a left-turning driver, have to give priority to the oncoming cyclist. For the motorcyclist the cyclist comes from the right and thus has priority.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may be the first to pass through the junction
  • ❌ I have to allow the [cyclist] to turn
  • ❌ I have to allow the [red truck] to turn

Left yields to right applies in intersections and T-junctions without a traffic sign. Since no vehicle comes from the right, you may first cross the intersection. After that the truck drives and finally the cyclist.

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

  • ❌ At junctions of farm tracks or forest tracks with other roads
  • ❌ At junctions with sunken kerbstone
  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions

At intersections and T-junctions without priority signs, the vehicles coming from the right have priority. The same applies to roads that are equally ranked according to their signage. Lanes with drop kerb, drives as well as field and forest trails are an exception. If you are on one of these roads, you must give priority to other road users.

You want to turn left. Who is required to wait?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ The blue vehicle has to wait

At intersections and T-junctions without a traffic-regulating traffic sign, the rule "left yields to right" applies. Field and forest paths, however, are subordinate traffic routes. If you want to turn from a field or forest path onto a road, you have to wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The yellow car] has to wait

You and another road user are on a turning priority road. The other vehicle follows the course of the priority road, you want to leave. Therefore, you must let the other road user drive through first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ [The cyclist] has to allow me to pass
  • ✅ I may proceed before the [motorcycle]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the cyclist] to pass through

Since the right of way here is not regulated by traffic signs, left yields to right applies. This means: you must stop and grant access to vehicles from the right. The bike coming from the left has to let you in.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to turn
  • ✅ I have to allow [the blue car] to pass through
  • ❌ [The blue car] has to allow me to turn

Here, "left yields to right" applies as well as the rules for left turns. The car coming from the right may drive first. Since you want to turn left, the oncoming cyclist has right of way.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ❌ [The motorbike] has to wait
  • ❌ I have to signal a left-turn
  • ✅ I have to allow [the motorbike] the right of way

You are on a turning priority road, but you don't want to follow it to the right and instead continue straight ahead. From the right a motorcycle follows the course of the priority road. You have to wait and give priority to this vehicle.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may only proceed after [the blue truck]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the red car] to pass through
  • ✅ I may proceed before [the blue truck]

If you want to turn left from a priority road and another car is driving next to you, which remains on the priority road, you must give priority to this car driver. A vehicle that is not on the priority road, on the other hand, has to wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow the tractor to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the tram to pass through
  • ❌ I may not stop and wait on the rails

You are on the priority road. The tractor must therefore wait and let you turn left first. However, you must first let the tram that continues straight ahead on the priority road pass, since straight-ahead traffic always takes precedence over traffic that wants to turn.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The green car] has to wait

If you are at an intersection and you see the "Give way" traffic sign, you must wait and let the car driver pass through on the priority road.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may pass through the junction before [the motorbike]
  • ✅ I have to wait

You want to cross a turning priority road. Here you must give priority to all vehicles on the priority road and wait until the priority road is free for you to cross.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The motorbike] is obliged to wait

Who comes from the right, has right of way at intersections and T-junctions. Because if there is no priority-controlling traffic sign, "left yields to right" applies. No matter the size and type of the vehicle.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow right of way to the [red car]
  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have right of way ahead of the [blue car]

Without additional priority-regulating traffic signs or traffic lights, the general "left yields to right" rule applies. The car coming from the right must be given priority. You have priority over the car coming from the left.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow [the blue vehicle] to pass
  • ✅ I may make the turn before [the green vehicle]
  • ❌ I have to allow [the green vehicle] to pass through

If you are on a priority road and you want to turn left, you will have to let oncoming cars drive by. If a vehicle drives next to you, which contrary to you remains on the priority road, then this car driver has priority. However, if a vehicle from another street with the traffic sign "Give way" wishes to turn into your priority road, he/she may only drive last.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - stop on the stop line
  • ✅ - give way to the [bus]
  • ✅ - give way to [the cyclist]

A vehicle coming from the left is already on the priority road. Therefore, it is allowed to drive first. If you turn left, you will have to let oncoming vehicles drive past first. Due to the traffic sign, you have to stop at the stop line ("Give way") or stop completely and are not even allowed to trundle ("Stop sign").

Who has priority?

  • ✅ Me
  • ❌ [The red car]
  • ❌ [The green tractor]

You follow a turning priority road. Therefore, you have priority over the driver of the car driving straight ahead. The driver of the tractor also has to wait because he/she leaves the priority road and the rule left yields to right applies to you.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I move first
  • ❌ I have to allow [the yellow car] to pass through

At the traffic sign "right of way at the next intersection or T-junction", you may drive first at the next intersection. A vehicle coming from the left must wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ The cyclist has to wait

If you want to turn into a roundabout, you will be asked to wait by the "Give way" traffic sign. The drivers driving in a circle have priority here.

You would like to cross over a priority road. The view to both sides is very restricted due to parked vehicles. What should you do?

  • ❌ I quickly cross over the junction
  • ❌ I sound my horn to warn crossing traffic
  • ✅ I carefully ease my way into the junction

If visibility is limited you should only proceed with caution. Slowly get into the intersection until you can see the priority road. This is how you act responsibly.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ❌ - tractor will wait
  • ✅ - motorcyclist will slow down
  • ✅ - tractor will proceed onto the road

Although you are on the priority road, you must always expect dangerous situations to arise. For example, the tractor driver approaching your street at a junction could not fulfill his duty of waiting and force the vehicle in front of you to brake. By driving anticipatory you can help defuse potentially dangerous situations.

Why must you be ready to brake in this situation?

  • ❌ Because the direction of the road ahead demands it
  • ✅ Because the other vehicle might continue moving
  • ❌ Because a speed limit is visible

You see that a vehicle wants to drive onto the road from the right. Since it comes from a field or forest path, you have right of way. Due to the forest cover the visibility for the vehicle driver may be limited. It is possible that he/she will continue despite having to wait. For this reason, you must be ready to brake until you clearly recognize that he/she is stopping.

Why do you have to wait before the left turn?

  • ✅ - motorbike
  • ❌ - bicycle
  • ❌ - car

As a left-turning driver, you generally have to give priority to oncoming traffic. Cyclists also have this right of way. So, in this situation you have to let the motorcyclist pass before turning. He will pass the left-turning driver from the right and continue straight ahead.

What is the right course of action here?

  • ❌ I take priority before [the cyclist]
  • ✅ I wait until [the cyclist] has completed the turn
  • ❌ I warn [the cyclist] by sounding the horn

At intersections and junctions has the right of way, who comes from the right.

Who can move first in this situation?

  • ❌ The [red] car
  • ✅ Me
  • ❌ The [blue] tractor

The principle of "right before left" does not apply to vehicles traveling from a field or forest road to another road.

What is the correct course of action in this situation?

  • ✅ I wait until the oncoming road user has driven past me
  • ❌ The oncoming road user and I agree on who takes priority
  • ❌ I take priority before the oncoming road user

is wait until the oncoming drove past when the obstacle is on your Fahrbahnhälfste.

In this situation, why do you have to wait before turning right?

  • ❌ Because of the [blue car]
  • ✅ Because of [the pedestrian]
  • ✅ Because of the [cyclist]

When turning, you must grant the longitudinal traffic priority, for this reason you need to drive past / -Go ds pedestrian and bicyclist wait.

In this situation, why do you have to wait before turning left?

  • ✅ Because of the tram
  • ❌ Because of the [yellow vehicle]
  • ❌ Because of the [red car]

Changing direction, so you need to grant the tram priority.

Topic 6

What should you do?

  • ❌ Come to a stop in the central divide, where the other car is stopped
  • ✅ Stop before the left turn and keep the central divide clear
  • ❌ Turn smoothly, so as not to impede following traffic

If tram rails lead through the left turn lane and you want to turn left when the tram approaches, it is important to wait with sufficient distance in front of the tram rails. When the tram passed, you can turn left.

What must you look out for when the traffic lights turn green?

  • ✅ For the motorbike
  • ✅ For [the pedestrian]
  • ❌ For oncoming traffic

While you wait at the red light, a motorcyclist pushes past the waiting vehicles. When the traffic light switches to green you should pay attention to the motorcyclist and let him pass before he initiates a risky overtaking maneuver. But you should also let the pedestrian cross the road, which is still on the road despite it being green.

What should you do?

  • ✅ Slow down
  • ❌ Continue driving

In front of you you see a traffic light changing from green to yellow. You drive at 40 km/h. Since you are still far enough from the traffic lights, you have to slow down.

What should you do?

  • ✅ Continue driving
  • ❌ Slow down

The traffic light switches from green to yellow directly in front of you. Your speed is 45 km/h. So, you're too fast in order to slow down and stop in front of the traffic light. There is also a truck behind you, which could hit you while doing an abrupt braking maneuver. Drive on briskly.

Topic 7

Why must you reduce your speed in heavy rain?

  • ✅ Because visibility is reduced
  • ✅ Because aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) can occur
  • ✅ Because braking distance is increased

Water on the windshield or visor breaks the light and worsens the view, whirling up water also obstructs the view. The braking distance is longer on wet roads because of lower grip. The profile of the tires drains the water. At high speed, the amount of water to be drained is too large, there is a risk of aquaplaning. In this case, there is no contact between the road and the tire. The vehicle cannot be controlled any longer.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ Continue driving as before, because there is sufficient space between the cyclist and the car
  • ❌ Continue driving at a moderate speed, because there is very little space between the cyclist and the car
  • ✅ Wait, because otherwise there would not be enough space between the cyclist and the car

You want to drive around the vehicles parked on the right side of the road. But that is only possible when the oncoming cyclist has passed you by. Otherwise you would not be able to maintain the necessary lateral distance and therefore have to wait.

What does the distance to be maintained from the vehicle ahead depend on?

  • ✅ State of the road surface
  • ✅ Speed
  • ✅ Visibility conditions

The distance to the vehicle in front depends on the speed as well as the visibility and road conditions. As a rule of thumb, you should keep at least a distance of half of your speed in meters. In poor visibility or road conditions, the distance should be increased.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ Slow down
  • ❌ Swerve to the left
  • ❌ Accelerate

If a cyclist who moves to the left drives in front of you, you must not overtake him if the road is narrowed at this point and there is oncoming traffic. A safety distance of 1.5 to 2 meters could not be maintained here.

What can cause in aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) on wet road surfaces?

  • ✅ Worn tyres
  • ✅ High speed
  • ✅ Grooves in the roadway

Aquaplaning - also known as hydroplaning - occurs when the tread depth of the tires is too low to displace the accumulated amount of water or when the amount of water to be discharged is too large due to a high speed (from 60 km/h). In addition, wheel ruts in the road, in which water accumulates, favor this effect.

Where does aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) occur particularly often?

  • ✅ In dips in the roadway
  • ✅ Where there are grooves in the roadway
  • ❌ At level crossings

If the speed is too high and/or there is more water than can be drained from the tire profiles, aquaplaning occurs. A water film prevents contact between tires and the road. The vehicle is no longer controllable. The risk of aquaplaning exists in particular in ruts and road subsidence. Level crossings usually have no increased risk for aquaplaning, since water can usually run well here.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I accelerate in order to create a large enough safety distance
  • ❌ I brake briefly in order that that the driver behind will reduce his speed
  • ✅ I maintain my speed and continue driving as before

The maximum speed limit on this road is 80 km/h. You drive 80 km/h. The driver driving behind you harasses you to drive quicker; he/she comes dangerously close and falls below the required safety distance. Keep your speed. If you try to increase the safety margin by accelerating, the driver behind you will probably also accelerate. Braking, even briefly, endangers you and the car behind.

Why should you lower your speed now?

  • ❌ Because I have to give right of way
  • ❌ Because the direction of the road ahead demands it
  • ✅ Because I am badly visible to other road users

Basically, you have the right of way, because you are on a priority road. However, to avoid a dangerous situation, you should still reduce your speed and be ready to brake, as the car driver of the car coming from the right-hand side might recognize you too late or miss you altogether. Due to the trees on the roadside his/her view is clearly limited.

Why are you required to brake now?

  • ❌ Because of [the cyclist]
  • ✅ Because of the child
  • ❌ Because of the [green] car

The child could run at any moment on the road. Brakes to avoid an accident.

Topic 8

What conduct must you expect of children at zebra crossings?

  • ❌ They will wait at the curb because they always correctly judge the speed and distance of approaching vehicles
  • ✅ They will run onto the zebra crossing without paying attention to traffic
  • ✅ They will turn around on the zebra crossing for no apparent reason and run back

In principle, children do not have the necessary training to behave following the rules in road traffic at all times. It is therefore conceivable that they may not know the meaning of a crosswalk and enter the road despite approaching vehicles or suddenly run back after crossing it.

How must you behave?

  • ✅ slow to walking pace immediately
  • ❌ drive past at the same speed
  • ✅ remain ready to brake

Most likely, a ball that will roll on the street will be followed by a running child without paying attention to the traffic. Slow down your vehicle immediately at walking pace. Be especially careful and ready to brake!

How should you behave?

  • ✅ slow to walking pace
  • ❌ continue driving at same speed
  • ✅ remain ready to brake

The following applies here: Reduce speed immediately, be ready to brake and drive slowly past the situation. When children are playing, it is to be assumed that they do not pay attention to traffic and do not behave in a traffic-compatible manner.

Why must you drive slowly here and be ready to brake?

  • ✅ Because there is a child on the carriageway
  • ❌ Because [the white van] is moving off
  • ✅ Because the traffic situation is confusing

The child behind the standing truck on the left runs towards the road. You cannot tell if it will stop. Therefore, be especially attentive and careful in this confusing traffic situation. Drive slowly and be ready to brake.

What risks must you be aware of?

  • ✅ the children will not get off the road in time
  • ❌ all children will wait on the pavement
  • ✅ some children will turn around again

If there is a ball on the road, it can be assumed that a child will come for it. For you as a car driver, this means stopping immediately so that the child can pick up the ball safely. With children you must reckon with the fact that they behave contrary to traffic and cannot estimate dangers correctly.

What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ - turn to the left
  • ❌ - not impede me as I proceed
  • ✅ - go to the other side of the road

It is always possible that cyclists do not behave in a roadworthy manner. A cyclist could turn left or change sides without showing a hand signal. With two cyclists, the second may also follow the first without a hand signal. You should, therefore, be ready to brake, even if the cyclists continue straight ahead.

You are approaching children playing on the pavement. How must you behave?

  • ❌ Continue driving as before so as not to impede the traffic behind you
  • ❌ Sound your horn and continue driving
  • ✅ Drive slower and be ready to brake

Children playing on the sidewalk may unexpectedly run onto the road. The principle of trust does not apply. You must slow down and be ready to brake.

What do you have to be aware of in this situation?

  • ❌ I may not drive past the bus
  • ✅ I look out for people who could walk onto the road
  • ✅ I may only pass the bus at walking speed

If a bus stops at a bus stop, you must always approach carefully. You have to stop behind the bus and you are only allowed to go past it at walking pace when you are sure you're not endangering anyone. The set hazard warning lights show: The stop is dangerous. This way, school buses warn from children who are getting off. They could suddenly come out in front of the bus and cross the lane or run to the bus to catch it.

What should you do?

  • ✅ Remain ready to brake
  • ✅ Slow to walking pace
  • ❌ Continue driving as before

You should always take particular precautions when approaching children in traffic. In this situation, you must expect that the small child will continue riding on the road from behind the transporter. Slow down to walking speed, stay alert and ready to brake at all times. If necessary, stop the vehicle if you are not sure how the child will behave. It would be gross negligence to just honk the horn and keep driving.

In this situation, do you have to proceed slowly and be ready to brake?

  • ❌ Yes, because the bus will begin moving immediately
  • ✅ Yes, because pedestrians not alighting from the bus could cross the road
  • ✅ Yes, because passengers could cross the road from in front of the bus

As the bus is stopped at the bus stop and is blinking on the right, you should drive past it very carefully. There is also a person standing directly in front of the bus and in your immediate vicinity. You have to be aware that passengers will get off the bus. Other people may approach the bus from the other side of the street and want to get on. You should slow down your speed so that you can brake immediately if necessary.

Why do you have to reduce your speed here?

  • ✅ - child
  • ❌ - motorbike
  • ❌ - [SUV]

If a transporter parks in front of a house and a child runs out of that house, it may run out onto the road directly in front of the transporter. Children rarely pay attention to traffic. Therefore, you should be able to brake immediately in an emergency. You should lower your driving speed.

In a residential area a ball rolls out in front of your vehicle. How must you react?

  • ✅ Brake
  • ❌ Continue driving
  • ❌ Avoid hitting it

If a ball rolls in front of your vehicle in a residential area, it is likely that a child will suddenly run onto the road. Therefore, you must slow down and be ready to stop, as the principle of trust does not apply in this case.

You want to overtake cyclists. What should be noted when selecting the distance between the cyclists and the car?

  • ❌ 1.0 m between the cyclist and the car is always sufficient
  • ✅ How the cyclists are acting
  • ✅ The speed of my vehicle

If you want to overtake a cyclist, you must consider the following with regard to the side clearance: The side clearance must be at least 1.5 m and more in case of conspicuous behavior of the cyclist. The reasons for this are possible pendulum movements of the cyclist, but also the possible suction effect of your vehicle at higher speed. Honking and overtaking with a smaller side clearance are considered gross negligence.

Why must you slow down here and be ready to brake?

  • ❌ - pedestrian
  • ❌ - [green] vehicle
  • ✅ - cyclist

You don't have to slow down because of pedestrians. He is far enough away from the constriction. The red vehicle is standing and is therefore no reason to slow down as well. However, reduce the speed because of the cyclist. He could change lanes without a hand signal and bring about a dangerous situation.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ - will come to a sudden stop
  • ✅ - will swing outwards even more
  • ❌ - will remain stationary in the right-hand lane

You see that the truck wants to turn in front of you. The vehicle obscures the view of the traffic, so you need to adjust your speed. The truck probably swings out to take the curve. He might stop abruptly to let pedestrians or other road users pass.

You want to overtake cyclists on a narrow road. The width of the road means that the maximum possible space between them and the car is 50 cm. What should you do?

  • ❌ I give a short warning signal before overtaking
  • ❌ I overtake at a moderate speed
  • ✅ I refrain from overtaking

To avoid danger, you as a driver always have to maintain a safe distance of at least 1.50 meters when overtaking cyclists. If it is not possible to drive past the cyclist at such a distance, you must not overtake him.

Why are you required to brake now?

  • ✅ Because of the motorbike
  • ❌ Because of the van
  • ❌ Because of the cyclist

The motorcyclist comes from the left at high speed. He probably did not see you because of the oncoming vehicle. Although you have the right of way, you have to slow down, as otherwise an accident will occur.

You are approaching a school. Children are leaving the school grounds. What must you reckon with?

  • ✅ - ride their bicycles onto the road without paying attention
  • ❌ - always conduct themselves properly on the road
  • ✅ - rush onto the road without thinking

In school areas you always have to be aware of children who suddenly cross the street. Children are not yet able to assess themselves and other road users well and often react impulsively and not in a way they should behave. As a car driver, you have to adapt your driving style accordingly to avoid any danger to the children. In addition to a low driving speed, you must above all be particularly attentive and always ready to brake.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I pull up directly behind the blue vehicle
  • ✅ I allow the pedestrian to cross the road
  • ✅ I wait this side of the pedestrian crossing until the blue vehicle has made the turn

If at a pedestrian crossing a pedestrian clearly wants to cross the road, you must approach and wait at a moderate pace. When traffic is halting, you must not stop on a pedestrian crossing. In such a case, you must also keep T-junctions and intersections clear.

A pedestrian wants to cross the road via the pedestrian crossing. What should you do?

  • ✅ I get ready to stop
  • ❌ I overtake the waiting vehicles taking extra care
  • ✅ I refrain from overtaking

Approach the pedestrian crossing at moderate speed and signal that you are compliant. If there is eye contact with the pedestrian, emphasize this with gestures. If lowering the speed is not sufficient to enable the pedestrian to cross the route, you have to stop. Before and on pedestrian crossings, no other vehicle may be overtaken.

What do you do when a bus has stopped at a bus stop with its hazard warning lights switched on?

  • ✅ Drive past at walking speed only and, if necessary, stop
  • ✅ Drive past at a sufficient distance in order to exclude endangering pedestrians
  • ✅ Wait if passengers could be inconvenienced

A bus that stops at a stop with the hazard light on may only be passed at walking pace. Walking speed also applies to oncoming traffic. Drive past the bus at a distance that preempts any danger or obstruction to passengers. Wait, if necessary. A sufficient distance improves the visibility to see pedestrians stepping forward.

You are approaching a bus stop marked like this. What do you do if you see children there?

  • ❌ A reduction in speed is only necessary when a school bus is stopping there
  • ✅ Reduce your speed and be ready to brake
  • ❌ Speed must not be reduced when a bus stops at a stopping bay

This stop is a bus stop where school buses operate at the times indicated. If you approach this stop, you will have to expect children who suddenly run onto the road; the principle of trust does not apply in this case. If a school bus is in the passenger bay or on the street, you have to be able to brake as a car driver; You may only drive past at walking speed.

You are driving in the left-hand lane of a two-lane one-way street. About 30 m in front of you, a truck comes to a stop in the right-hand lane before a pedestrian crossing. What should you do?

  • ❌ I continue driving swiftly
  • ✅ I approach at a moderate speed
  • ❌ I give a warning signal and drive past the truck

In no case may a vehicle be overtaken before and on pedestrian crossings. The truck blocks the view of the pedestrian crossing. He may let pedestrians cross the street. Even if he is waiting in a different lane, he must not be overtaken. Drive at moderate speed to the pedestrian crossing, ready to stop.

In which instances do you have to approach a pedestrian crossing with particular care?

  • ✅ If another vehicle is already waiting at the pedestrian crossing
  • ✅ If the view of the pedestrian crossing is restricted
  • ✅ If pedestrians want to cross the road

Generally, motorists have to approach a pedestrian crossing cautiously. Particular caution is advised when people want to cross the road or the view of the pedestrian crossing is limited, for example by an already waiting vehicle in front of the pedestrian crossing. Under no circumstances should you overtake this vehicle.

A school bus is stopping on the roadway approximately 80 m in front of you. Can this be dangerous?

  • ✅ Yes, because children do not always take the shortest route to cross the roadway
  • ✅ Yes, because children frequently run across the road to catch the bus
  • ❌ No, because school crossing patrols regulate traffic at every school bus stop

If a school bus stops in front of you on the road about 80 m away, you have to expect the following: Children could suddenly run on/off the road to reach the bus, for example, by the shortest route. This danger exists even if school crossing guards secure the traffic. You have to be ready to brake and you are only allowed to drive past the school bus at walking speed.

Topic 9

What mistakes make overtaking dangerous even on clear and straight roads?

  • ✅ The distance of an oncoming vehicle is overestimated
  • ✅ You underestimate your overtaking distance
  • ❌ You overestimate your overtaking distance

Overtaking maneuvers are dangerous even on straight and open roads. This is especially true if oncoming traffic approaches you. The speed of oncoming vehicles is difficult to assess. Often the duration of the overtaking maneuver is underestimated. If you take too long, dangerous situations for you and for others can arise. Before you start overtaking another vehicle, make sure that the opposite lane is clear and you can finish the overtaking maneuver quickly. Otherwise you wait.

When are you in danger when overtaking?

  • ✅ - swerves out to overtake
  • ❌ - reduces his speed considerably
  • ✅ - suddenly accelerates

If you notice that the vehicle behind you wants to overtake, never increase your own speed. This prolongs the overtaking maneuver and can lead to dangerous situations. Before you start overtaking, make sure that the driver behind you does not want to overtake at the same time. Otherwise he or she would have to break hard.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I sound my horn, so that the cyclist makes way
  • ❌ I overtake the cyclist
  • ✅ I remain behind the cyclist

You must not overtake the cyclist: The continuous center line may not be exceeded by you under any circumstances, not even partially. Likewise, you must not use your horn here.

Is it irresponsible to overtake a truck and trailer before a crossroads?

  • ✅ Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of important traffic signs
  • ❌ No, because trucks and trailers mostly drive at low speed
  • ✅ Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of the crossing traffic

Do not start overtaking just before a crossroad. There is an increased risk of accidents. This is especially true for overtaking trucks. If you do that you may not see cross traffic or traffic signs.

What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ I may drive past the bus at walking speed
  • ❌ I may not drive past the bus
  • ✅ Pedestrians could cross the road

If a bus stops at a bus stop with hazard warning lights on, you should only drive past at walking pace and with increased attention. Passengers could walk into the street in front of the bus or hurry to catch it. Often, they do not pay attention to the traffic.

In which cases must you abandon overtaking?

  • ✅ When there is danger from unexpected oncoming traffic
  • ✅ When the road user being overtaken suddenly accelerates
  • ❌ When the road user being overtaken considerably reduces his speed

Sudden oncoming traffic requires that you stop your overtaking process immediately. The same applies if the vehicle you want to overtake accelerates. As a result, you can no longer estimate the overtaking distance and therefore endanger oncoming traffic. If the driver you are overtaking throttles his speed, there is no danger.

What should you do?

  • ✅ I abort the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ❌ I perform the overtaking manoeuvre quickly
  • ❌ I perform the overtaking manoeuvre cautiously

You just want to start overtaking the cyclist, when the blue car suddenly drives out of its parking space. Apparently, he has not noticed the cyclist yet. It might happen that the cyclist now moves to the left, without looking back. Immediately stop the overtaking maneuver to avoid endangering the cyclist.

Why can it be dangerous to overtake even on clearly visible, straight roads?

  • ✅ - the overtaking distance is longer than first thought
  • ✅ - oncoming traffic is travelling faster than first thought
  • ❌ - oncoming traffic is travelling slower than first thought

On a straight road, you can see the oncoming traffic from afar, but its speed is often underestimated. If an overtaking maneuver takes too long, dangerous situations may arise. If there's oncoming traffic, wait until the track is clear before overtaking.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ - pull out and cross the centre of the road
  • ❌ - overtake without crossing the centre of the road
  • ❌ - brake and not cross the centre of the road

As the vehicle approaching you is slowed down by a bicycle, you should expect it to overtake it. If this happens, the vehicle could get on your lane. In the event that the driver does not break, you should keep as far to the right as possible on the road. Get ready to brake to respond to any situation as quickly as possible.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed
  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ✅ I reduce my speed

If you are overtaken by a car, you must not increase your pace. On the contrary, you should slow down to let the overtaking car recoil as fast as possible.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed
  • ✅ I increase my distance to the vehicle in front moving into my lane
  • ✅ I brake

If a driver suddenly comes in front of you into your lane and reduces the safety distance between him and your vehicle, you must brake until the distance is guaranteed again.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ✅ - the van
  • ✅ - the pedestrian
  • ❌ - the cyclist

You want to turn left. A van approaching from the opposite lane also wants to turn into this road. The vehicle has priority. Likewise, you must pay attention to pedestrians who want to cross this street.

What should you do now?

  • ❌ Continue driving as before
  • ✅ Slow down and be ready to brake
  • ❌ Swerve to the left

The white reversing lights of the vehicle that turned in front of you indicate that it would probably turn back to its original lane in reverse. Since you cannot tell if you have been noticed by the driver, you should reduce your driving speed and be ready to brake. Refrain from an evasive maneuver due to oncoming traffic.

What should you do now?

  • ❌ - because any possible oncoming traffic must already be waiting
  • ❌ - so as not to impede the way of possible oncoming traffic
  • ✅ - if it is clear that there is no oncoming traffic

Your visibility is limited by the van and you cannot tell if vehicles are coming towards you. Before driving on, make sure that there is no oncoming traffic approaching. You have to wait, because the construction site is on your lane.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I remain behind the bus for the moment
  • ❌ I switch lane without overtaking immediately
  • ❌ I overtake the bus at a moderate speed

You have to slow down and stay behind the bus first. As long as the bus is driving with the hazard lights on, you must not overtake the it. You also can not change the lane because to the left of you is a vehicle that is just overtaking you.

Why do you have to wait before turning right?

  • ✅ Because of [the cyclist]
  • ✅ Because of [the pedestrian]
  • ❌ Because of [the black car]

If you want to turn, you must give priority to road users traveling straight ahead. In this case, you have lower priority to the pedestrian and the cyclist and must allow them a safe crossing.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ I drive as far to the right-side as possible
  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ✅ I slow down

If a car overtakes you despite oncoming traffic, you should delay and try to drive to the right as far as possible. This gives the other vehicle enough space to safely complete the overtaking process.

Why can it be dangerous if you, as the last in a queue, immediately overtake as soon as the oncoming traffic is past?

  • ✅ Because you must reckon with others in the queue swinging out to overtake
  • ✅ Because if you perhaps need to push back into the queue, this could lead to an accident
  • ✅ Because the distance needed to overtake might not be sufficient

If a convoy has formed, drivers should basically overtake one after the other. The last of a convoy has the longest overtaking path and must also expect other vehicles starting to overtake in front of him.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ❌ I may make the turn in front of the cyclist
  • ❌ The blue truck may proceed first

At this spot, the right of way is not regulated by traffic signs. Therefore, at this intersection left yields to right applies. Here the straight driving cyclist has priority over you as you want to turn. The truck coming from the left may drive last.

You want to turn right into a priority road. What must you look out for?

  • ✅ Vehicles coming from the left and from the right
  • ❌ Only for vehicles coming from the left
  • ✅ For cyclists and pedestrians alongside you to the right or behind you

If you turn right into a priority road, you must give priority to all road users. This applies both to vehicles that come from the right and those that pass from the left. In addition, be sure to take care of cyclists and pedestrians who are to your right or behind you.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I drive over to the right-side as far as possible
  • ✅ I brake
  • ❌ I remain in the centre of my lane

While overtaking a cyclist, the oncoming truck also partly gets on your lane. Brake and drive as far to the right as possible.

You are being overtaken and the oncoming traffic is getting dangerously close. Despite this the other vehicle continues with the overtaking manoeuvre. What should you do?

  • ✅ - reduce my speed
  • ❌ - maintain my speed
  • ❌ - increase my speed

You have to slow down and drive to the right, so that the overtaking vehicle driver can go back into lane on time. In no case should you increase the speed if you are overtaken.

Why do you have to lower your speed here?

  • ✅ Because of the vehicle overtaking
  • ❌ Because of the low volume of traffic
  • ❌ Because of the speed limit

The vehicle overtaking in front of you dangerously carries an accident risk, as it can lead to a collision. In order to prevent participation and also to give the other vehicles space to evade, your own speed must be reduced.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ❌ I may turn left before the cyclist
  • ✅ I forgo my right of way so as to not block the junction

Due to the rule "left yields to right" you would have priority over the green car. However, you must give priority to the oncoming cyclist whose lane you would be crossing. To ensure the traffic flow, it is therefore advisable to let the driver of the green car first enter the intersection.

Why should you continue to slow down here?

  • ❌ Because otherwise my vehicle could leave the road
  • ✅ Because other people may walk onto the road
  • ✅ Because the red vehicle could cross onto my lane

On the left lane a car has broken down. There's a person standing in front of the vehicle. Other passengers could leave the car and enter the lane. The approaching vehicle in the opposite lane could dodge onto your lane to overtake the broken-down vehicle and drive past the obstacle. If you delay, the danger of the situation would be reduced

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ✅ I slow down
  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ❌ I continue driving as before

In this situation, you need to reduce the speed and allow the car driver to go back into lane on the left. If a lane ends on a multi-lane road or if it is not possible for the drivers driving on the other lane to drive through the lane continuously, they must be able to change lanes using the zipper procedure.

You are driving at 100 km/h on a road not inside a built-up area. In front of you a truck is travelling at 70 km/h. What is the minimum distance you must be from a crest in the road when commencing an overtaking manoeuvre?

  • ❌ 200 m
  • ✅ 800 m
  • ❌ 400 m

The rule of thumb for the overtaking path is calculated from the speeds, the overtaking time and the vehicle lengths. The formula is s = v1 / (v1−v2) * (l1+l2+sv+sh). V1/ (V1-V2)) times L. V1 =100 km/h, V2 = 70 km/h, L = 2 times 50 m safety distance plus the vehicle lengths. Truck 12.5 m plus car 4.5 m = 17 m. L = 117 m. 100 km/h divided by 30 km/h times 117 m = 389.9 m, that means 400 m overtaking path. In confusing areas this has to be doubled. You must be at least 800 meters from the crest of the road.

You want to turn left. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I stop at the farm track and wait
  • ❌ I accelerate and swiftly take the turn
  • ❌ I continue driving, because I cannot turn off the road here

Since you are currently being overtaken, it is not possible to turn left. You must wait for the overtaking process to be finished before you can turn left.

You want to overtake [the blue car]. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - overtake at a substantially higher speed
  • ❌ - do not overtake, because a motorbike is in moving in the blind spot
  • ❌ - overtake while maintaining the speed driven

Wait for the bike to leave the blind spot. Note that the car driver who is overtaking has to drive at a higher speed than the driver who is being overtaken. Accelerate if necessary and finish your overtaking process before the restriction on overtaking takes effect, such as a solid line.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - once the [red] vehicle has overtaken me
  • ❌ - now so that following vehicles will not be confused by my slowing down
  • ❌ - now in order to make the carriageway clear

If you want to turn left and a car wants to overtake you from the left, you have to let it pass first. Only after the car has completed its overtaking maneuver, you may turn yourself.

Why are you required to stop now?

  • ❌ Because of the [yellow] truck
  • ✅ Because the traffic situation is confusing
  • ✅ Because of [the cyclist]

Since you can not fully see the traffic situation and must allow the cyclist against the right of way, stop and enter keys careful.

Topic 10

Topic 11

Topic 12

Driver / passenger, vehicle

In what sequence may each continue driving?

  • ❌ Me, [the cyclist], [the yellow car]
  • ❌ [The cyclist], [the yellow car], me
  • ✅ [The cyclist], me, [the yellow car]

You are on a turning priority road and you want to leave straight ahead. The cyclist follows the course of the priority road and therefore has priority over you. The car from the left must grant you right of way according to the rule "left yields to right".

Driving technique and physics

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I continue driving as before
  • ✅ I brake immediately
  • ✅ I drive as far to the right as possible

As a vehicle is in your lane, you should slow down immediately and as far as possible turn right to avoid a collision.

Particular difficulties and dangers

Special behavior when riding a motorcycle

Technical conditions / environment-conscious use of motor vehicles

When you press on the brake pedal, it touches the floor. Only when you press on it several times does the pedal travel become shorter. What must you do?

  • ✅ Park the car immediately
  • ✅ Have the brakes repaired
  • ❌ It is sufficient to fill up the brake fluid

If the brake pedal can be pushed down to the floor of the vehicle and the pedal travel becomes shorter after repeatedly stepping on it, there is air in the brake system. This means that the brake has to be serviced and repaired immediately. It's not possible to continue your journey. Also, refilling the brake fluid does not solve the problem.

What must you do in this situation?

  • ✅ I do not swerve
  • ❌ I steer to the left
  • ✅ I immediately brake sharply

In this situation, you should immediately reduce speed but can not avoid the same time.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I continue driving as before
  • ✅ I brake immediately
  • ✅ I drive as far to the right as possible

As a vehicle is in your lane, you should slow down immediately and as far as possible turn right to avoid a collision.

Driving with solo motor vehicles and trains, people and goods

In what sequence may each continue driving?

  • ❌ [The cyclist], [the yellow car], me
  • ❌ Me, [the cyclist], [the yellow car]
  • ✅ [The cyclist], me, [the yellow car]

You are on a turning priority road and you want to leave straight ahead. The cyclist follows the course of the priority road and therefore has priority over you. The car from the left must grant you right of way according to the rule "left yields to right".

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