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Last active August 15, 2021 11:42
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Personal Qualifications; Human Risk Factor

What could cause the vehicle to leave the road?

  • ✅ Distraction
  • ✅ Inattention
  • ✅ Tiredness

Drivers often leave the road due to inattention or lack of concentration. Distractions, such as using a mobile phone, can also lead to such driving errors. A third reason for leaving the road is fatigue combined with microsleep.

How can you tell that you are getting tired while you are driving?

  • ✅ Frequent yawning
  • ✅ Heavy eyelids
  • ❌ Quicker reaction time

Fatigue while driving leads to longer reaction times and reduced attention. One of the signs of exhaustion is excessive yawning. You will also notice a lack of sleep as you find it increasingly difficult to keep your eyes open.

Which drugs can make a person temporarily unfit to drive even when consumed on a single occasion?

  • ✅ Heroin, cocaine, amphetamines
  • ✅ Hashish, marijuana
  • ✅ LSD

Even drug consumption in small quantities leads to temporary inactivity. Unlike alcohol, there are no limits on drugs. Driving under the influence of drugs can mean losing your driving license.

How does tiredness affect your driving?

  • ✅ Delays reactions
  • ✅ Decreases alertness
  • ✅ Limits awareness

Fatigue at the wheel increases the risk of accidents for the following reasons: With concentration, attention decreases noticeably; perception is limited, reaction significantly delayed.

What can impair fitness to drive?

  • ✅ Fatigue
  • ✅ Alcohol and other intoxicants
  • ✅ Certain medicines

Anything that negatively affects the sense organs can reduce the ability to drive. In addition to drugs, this includes medications, so you should read the package leaflet before taking them. At a blood alcohol level of 0.3 permille, you are already unfit to drive. Fatigue is one of the most common causes of accidents. Here your attention and concentration cease, and this can lead to so-called microsleep.

What should you do if you start feeling tired while driving?

  • ❌ Listen to stimulating music
  • ✅ Get out of the car and move around in the fresh air
  • ✅ Take a break straightaway

Since fatigue during a car journey can lead to dangerous situations, you should plan sufficient breaks for longer distances. During this recovery phase, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air to get your circulation back on track.

What are the consequences for a person driving a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs (e.g. hashish, heroin, cocaine)?

  • ✅ Confiscation of driving licence or driving ban
  • ✅ Compulsory medical/psychological examination
  • ✅ Fine and/or imprisonment

Driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs such as hashish, cocaine or heroin may result in: withdrawal of the license, a fine and/or imprisonment. Imprisonment may amount to up to five years if other persons were endangered. In order to get your driving license back, you have to undergo a medical-psychological assessment (MPA).

When is a drug-dependent person fit to drive a motor vehicle again?

  • ✅ After he/she can be shown to have stopped taking drugs for at least one year and is not likely to have a relapse
  • ❌ If he/she has not taken drugs for one month
  • ❌ If he/she has not taken drugs for six months

Anyone who was caught driving under the influence of drugs had to hand in his driver's license. If he is a drug addict, the person must live drug-free for a full year before he can get back his driving license. Proof of this is given by the Appraisal Body (Ger. Begutachterstelle für Fahreignung (BfF)) in form of a report.

How is the intoxicating substance in hashish broken down by the body?

  • ✅ Unevenly over an indeterminate period
  • ❌ Evenly, 0.1 gram per hour
  • ❌ Evenly, 0.1 per mille per hour

Drugs such as hashish are not broken down evenly in the body - unlike alcohol, for example. Therefore, no reliable prediction can be made in this regard.

In general, how long does it take before an alcohol level of 1.0 per mille (100 mg/100 ml) is cleared from the blood stream?

  • ❌ 1 hour
  • ❌ 5 hours
  • ✅ 10 hours

The rule of thumb is: 0.1 permille is being broken down per hour. After 10 hours, 1.0 permille are completely degraded.

What effects can drugs have?

  • ✅ Intoxication
  • ❌ Prolonged improvement in physical and mental capabilities
  • ✅ Dependence, addiction

Drug substances affect the central nervous system and distort sensory perception. Although you will feel more efficient under the influence of drugs, your real performance will be reduced and makes you unable to drive. Compared to other intoxicants, drugs are more addictive.

What are the possible effects of hashish consumption?

  • ✅ Intoxication with confusion and depression
  • ✅ Intoxication with dangerous hallucination and reduced reaction capability
  • ❌ Improved judgement of time

The consumption of hashish leads to intoxication in which the sense of time and space is lost. The attention is lowered, the perception of the environment clearly obscured. It can lead to misperceptions and states of confusion as well as hallucinations.

What can be the effects of even small quantities of alcohol?

  • ✅ Delayed reactions
  • ✅ Reckless driving
  • ✅ Impairment of hearing and vision

Even small amounts of alcohol affect your central nervous system and worsen your perception: your hearing and vision, your ability to react and perform, your sense of balance. Your willingness to take risks increases, dangers are no longer recognized by you. You think you are roadworthy, even if that is not true.

What can increase the intoxicating effect of alcohol?

  • ✅ Downing alcoholic drinks in one
  • ✅ Sleeping pills, pain killers or sedatives
  • ✅ Drinking on an "empty" stomach

The effect of alcohol is enhanced by medication. Especially large amounts of alcohol in combination with sleeping pills, painkillers or tranquilizers can be life-threatening. If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach or consume a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time, the alcohol enters your blood immediately: you are suddenly dead drunk.

What can happen if you ignore signs of tiredness?

  • ✅ Lack of concentration
  • ✅ Driving mistakes
  • ✅ Microsleep

You should not ignore the first signs of fatigue, such as diminishing concentration, as you may be overwhelmed by microsleep. This, in turn, often leads to severe, sometimes even life-threatening driving errors.

What should you be aware of when driving a car after a long day's work?

  • ❌ I make fewer driving errors
  • ✅ I drive with a lower level of concentration
  • ✅ I will become tired more quickly

After a long day at work, you are usually not fully productive and get tired faster. That's why mistakes while driving can increase and your concentration decreases.

You want to make a telephone call while driving. What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ I need to have a hands-free unit
  • ✅ I may use the telephone without a hands-free unit, if the vehicle is parked in a suitable place, and the engine is fully switched off
  • ❌ I may use the telephone without a hands-free, if the vehicle is moving at walking pace

While driving, you're only allowed to use the speaker phone. If you do not have a hands-free kit, you must drive to a suitable location and stop the engine completely. Only then you are allowed to use your mobile phone. To use your phone while driving without hands-free equipment is a serious offense, a so-called A-offense, with high penalties.

Right before you want to drive off, you got annoyed about something and have become very angry. What should you do?

  • ✅ I only drive off, once I have calmed down again
  • ❌ I try to reach my destination quickly, so that I can calm down there
  • ❌ I drive off, in order to distract myself from my anger

Getting into the car angrily can negatively affect your driving style. If you are angry, your driving style is also aggressive and limited. Therefore, only get into your vehicle when you're abreacted.

Why can fitness to drive be impaired even by just a small quantity of alcohol?

  • ✅ Because the field of vision of the eyes is reduced
  • ❌ Because the reaction time is reduced
  • ✅ Because the three-dimensional perception is diminished

Even small amounts of alcohol have a negative effect on vision, responsiveness and perception. The willingness for hasty actions increases and the estimation of distances as well as attention declines.

What are the possible effects of hashish consumption?

  • ✅ Misjudgement of speed and distance
  • ✅ Diminished awareness of danger
  • ✅ Increased likelihood of mistakes in assimilating information

The use of hashish puts the user in a state of intoxication in which the ability to assess risks is lost. The feeling for time and place is lost and hallucinations as well as misperceptions can be the result. Distances and speeds can no longer be estimated correctly. The willingness to take risks as well as the tendency to misjudgments are increasing rapidly.

How can fatigue be prevented on a long journey?

  • ✅ By well-timed and sufficient stops for rests
  • ❌ Drink coffee and make no stops
  • ✅ Gymnastic exercises during stops

Timely breaks prevent overfatigue. Gymnastic exercises during the break pep up the circulation and are good for the joints. Coffee has only a short-term mobilizing effect, which can then quickly turn into the opposite. That means you could fall asleep without warning.

Why is consuming drugs even just once, dangerous for driving on public roads?

  • ✅ - can result in my unfitness to drive
  • ✅ - can cause faulty perceptions
  • ✅ - can result in an intoxication state lasting for several hours

Drugs usually cause perceptual disorders. Even the one-time use of drugs can lead to a high lasting several hours. You as a consumer would be unfit to drive.

When will offences carrying two points be deleted from the Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders?

  • ❌ - 3 years
  • ✅ - 5 years
  • ❌ - 2 years

Registered misdemeanors, which have been scored and entered in Register of Driver Fitness with two points, become statute-barred after five years. Serious violations are always punished with two points.

What are the effects of listening to loud music - especially with an extremely loud bass volume - in the car?

  • ❌ It makes it easier for blind people to recognise where the road is
  • ✅ The driver’s attention is significantly impaired
  • ✅ Blind people lose their orientation when they are near the car

Loud music in the car leads to two negative effects: The driver is distracted by the music and he cannot concentrate on the road. Deep basses in particular lead to strong uncertainty in blind road users. These can lose their orientation, especially with low-frequency music.

You have just avoided a road traffic accident by performing an emergency braking manoeuvre. Your hands and knees are shaking. You are still far from your destination. What should you do?

  • ✅ - to the next stopping place, in order to calm myself down
  • ❌ - to my destination, so that I can recover my composure

You should calm down first. Because your restlessness can have a negative effect on your driving style. Find a place to stop and relax. Afterwards you may continue the journey.

Why is an individual unfit to drive after consuming the drug crystal meth?

  • ✅ Because of the possibility of experiencing hallucinations
  • ✅ Because of the possible sudden onset of fatigue
  • ✅ Because it is possible to over-estimate personal capabilities

"Crystal Meth" has a negative effect on the driving ability for the following reasons: The drug causes delusions. It caters the overestimation of one's own performance and sudden exhaustion. Even the consumption of small amounts makes you unfit for driving.

What strongly distracts you while you are driving?

  • ✅ Telephoning
  • ✅ Lighting a cigarette
  • ✅ Nagging children on the backseats

Telephoning while driving is only allowed via a hands-free system. Even then it is still a distraction. The lighting of a cigarette is considered a strong distraction, as it directs the view from the roadway to the cigarette. Whining children and passengers can be very distracting, if necessary, take a pause.

How long does cannabis and its degradation products remain detectable in urine?

  • ❌ Only for a few hours
  • ❌ Several days at most
  • ✅ For some weeks

Cannabis and its breakdown products are traceable in your urine for a period between ten days and three months after consumption. The exact amount of time depends on the consumption frequency and the accuracy of the test.

You want to make a telephone call while driving a vehicle. What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ I may be distracted by the call
  • ✅ I may be distracted through operating the telephone
  • ❌ Telephoning using a hands-free unit does not distract me

Being on the phone or operating a telephone while driving distracts the driver. Even if you're using a hands-free kit, you'll need to keep in mind that some of your senses are distracted and you cannot focus entirely on driving.

What can diminish alertness in road traffic?

  • ✅ Engrossing programs on the car radio
  • ✅ Strong emotions (e.g. delight, annoyance, impatience)
  • ✅ Animated conversation

All external stimuli such as joy, anger, interesting things on the radio and lively conversations can negatively affect the attention while driving, as they can be distracting.

What emotions can influence driving behaviour?

  • ✅ Anger and rage
  • ✅ Happiness and exuberance
  • ✅ Worry and sorrow

Strong emotions such as anger, fear and sadness as well as joy and exuberance usually influence the driving behavior. They distract the car driver from the road and often lead to risky, aggressive or over-cautious driving. Only when you're calm and balanced you should participate in traffic.

How can the consumption of cannabis products affect the driver?

  • ✅ It reduces the ability to concentrate on driving
  • ❌ It reduces sensitivity to glare
  • ✅ It reduces the awareness of other traffic

After cannabis use your perception is clouded and your ability to concentrate decreases.

What can affect ability to drive in a similar way to alcohol?

  • ✅ Medications
  • ✅ Drugs
  • ❌ Soft drinks

Alcohol, drugs and medicines have a negative impact on our response time, inhibitions and our motor skills.

Your passenger wants to discuss something with you during the journey. What should you do?

  • ❌ - the discussion
  • ✅ - my driving

You should not be distracted while driving. If your passenger wants to discuss with you, you should stop the journey.

What activities could pose a highly risky distraction while driving?

  • ✅ Composing a text message
  • ✅ Telephoning even with the hands-free unit
  • ✅ Entering an address in the sat-nav

All three activities distract the car driver from traffic during the journey. The car driver might not be able to recognize dangerous situation in time.

What does "power sound" in the car result in?

  • ✅ There is noise pollution for others even when the windows are closed
  • ✅ Signals from other traffic - in particular sirens - are not heard
  • ✅ Driving errors due to the driver being diverted

"Power sound" in the car causes over-stimulation. This over-stimulation may distract the car driver so that he/she may miss important other signals. Bear in mind that other road users are also bothered by the noise.

At a red light in a built-up area, another driver apparently wants to provoke you into a street race. What should you do?

  • ❌ I accept the challenge, but without exceeding 50 km/h
  • ❌ I get out and confront the driver
  • ✅ I totally ignore this behaviour

Don't be provoked and stay calm. Since road races are strictly prohibited, you should not pay attention to this behavior.

You are under time pressure. What must you ensure?

  • ✅ - to exceed the speed
  • ✅ - to reduce the safety
  • ✅ - to drive through the traffic lights even when red

Even if you are under time pressure, you must follow the traffic rules. This also means that you comply with the speed limits. After all, excessive speed is THE main cause of accidents.

Which is the stamp of a responsible driver?

  • ✅ He anticipates the mistakes of other road users
  • ❌ He is assertive towards other road traffic
  • ✅ He avoids driving when tired

A responsible car driver expects mistakes from other road users and does not sit behind the wheel while he/she is very tired or cannot control his/her feelings. Furthermore, he/she does not always insist on his right and cannot be distracted.

After overtaking you, a car pulls back into lane without leaving sufficient space in front of you. What should you do?

  • ✅ I remain calm in order to avoid conflicts
  • ✅ I brake in order to ensure that the safety distance is again established
  • ❌ I flash my headlights in order to call attention to the impediment

The car driver in the overtaking vehicle shows a misconduct that should not disturb you. Stay calm, do not honk and do not turn on the flash light. Decelerate slightly and restore the required safety distance between the vehicles.

You were in a bad mood prior to commencing your journey. What consequences should you avoid when driving?

  • ❌ Caution
  • ✅ Aggressiveness
  • ✅ Distraction

Anything that could negatively affect your safe driving should be avoided. Besides distractions, this also includes aggressiveness. If you're upset, do not get behind the wheel immediately afterwards.

What indications mean you should interrupt your journey?

  • ✅ Difficulty keeping your eyes open
  • ✅ Yawning frequently
  • ✅ Difficulties staying in lane

Brief microsleep often causes devastating accidents. If you have to yawn frequently, can barely keep your eyes open, or have trouble keeping your lane, you should stop your journey and take a rest.

How can your fitness to drive be quickly restored following the excessive consumption of alcohol?

  • ✅ Nothing can achieve this
  • ❌ By drinking two cups of coffee
  • ❌ By doing 15 minutes of sport

Since alcohol in the body breaks down very slowly, you can use the driving ability in the short term by nothing to restore.

Legal Framework

You want to use a motor vehicle on public roads. What must you observe?

  • ❌ I must be the vehicle owner
  • ✅ The motor vehicle must be covered by liability insurance
  • ✅ The motor vehicle must be roadworthy

You may only use a vehicle on public roads if it is roadworthy and if there is liability insurance for the vehicle.

As the vehicle owner, what change must you report to the relevant licensing authority?

  • ✅ - my name
  • ✅ - my home address
  • ❌ - my third-party insurance

If you change your name or place of residence, you must notify the vehicle licensing authority. However, you do not have to report the change in your liability insurance.

You have left your registered caravan trailer for six months during the winter on a campground. What applies as far as the official inspection (Hauptuntersuchung) is concerned?

  • ✅ The date indicated on the test stamp must be observed
  • ❌ The date indicated on the test stamp is extended by the time the caravan was stationary on the campground

Even if you have parked your caravan on a campsite, you must meet the deadline for the general inspection. Technical defects, such as rust, can occur at any time and become a safety hazard if they're not repaired.

You have sold your vehicle which is still registered. The buyer has paid. What must you do?

  • ❌ Remove the test stamp from the official registration plate
  • ✅ Inform the registration centre immediately of the buyer's name and address
  • ✅ Hand over the vehicle registration certificate (Fahrzeugschein) and vehicle registration book (Fahrzeugbrief) or permit for use (Betriebserlaubnis) to the buyer against receipt

If you have sold your licensed vehicle and received the payment, proceed as follows: 1. You hand over all vehicle documents to the new vehicle owner in exchange for a confirmation of receipt. 2. You report the name and address of the vehicle buyer to the admission office. This way, you protect yourself from unjustified claims that could be caused by traffic violations on the part of the new owner. 3. The inspection plate remains on the vehicle.

The suspension of your motor vehicle has been lowered and an expert opinion must be obtained. When is this required?

  • ❌ When requested by the vehicle licensing authority
  • ❌ Together with the next official inspection (Hauptuntersuchung), at least 1 year after the alteration
  • ✅ Immediately after the alteration

If you lower a car you need this change on the chassis to be officially accepted. Therefore, the assessment must be done immediately. You must always carry the report or confirmation with you and, if necessary, have this technical change registered in the certificate of registration part 1, the registration certificate.

What is required when your vehicle is no longer covered by motor liability insurance?

  • ✅ - must be de-registered at the registration centre
  • ✅ - may no longer be used in road traffic
  • ❌ - must be submitted to the registration centre

Without a valid liability insurance, a car is not ready to drive and therefore may not participate in public transport. The liability insurance serves to regulate damage that you may be able to inflict on other vehicles. Irrespective of the financial circumstances of the injuring party, compensation for the injured party is thus guaranteed. If there is no liability insurance, the holder must deregister the car at the admission office. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty.

You are the new owner of a licensed vehicle. What do you have to do?

  • ❌ - generally arrange for a vehicle roadworthiness test to be performed at the time of the change of ownership
  • ✅ - notify the licensing authority of the change in ownership
  • ✅ - present the licensing authority with proof of the existence of liability insurance for the vehicle

When replacing the owner, you do not need to carry out a general inspection. You must inform the vehicle licensing authority that the owner changed and provide them with a third-party liability insurance.

What is important with regard to the official registration plates?

  • ✅ They must be securely attached at the appropriate places
  • ✅ The rear registration plates must be lit up in darkness
  • ✅ They must always be easily legible

For license numbers, it is important that they are placed in the required place. In addition, they must be easy to read and illuminated in the dark.

A technical modification to your vehicle means that the operating licence is extinguished. What consequences should you anticipate if you nevertheless use the vehicle on public roads?

  • ✅ The loss of my insurance cover
  • ✅ A public authority fine
  • ✅ An entry into the Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders

If you use your vehicle on public roads despite the expiry of the operating license, you lose your insurance protection and commit an administrative offence. A stop-and-search operation by the police will impose a fine and you will have to expect an entry in the register of driver fitness.

What documents do you have to carry with you, if you want to drive a compulsory registrable vehicle?

  • ❌ The registration certificate Part II (Motor Vehicle Title)
  • ✅ The registration certificate Part I (Motor Vehicle Registration)
  • ✅ My driving licence

As a car driver, you must always have your driver's license and vehicle registration certificate (certificate of registration part 1) with you. The vehicle title (registration certificate part 2) should be kept safely at home. It serves as proof of ownership and is not needed while driving.

What are you allowed to change on the official registration plate?

  • ❌ Attach coloured stickers
  • ✅ Nothing
  • ❌ Attach a protective foil for the lettering

A license number is an official document, which may not be altered in any way. Therefore, do not attach any foils or stickers to your license plate.

How can you tell when you need to bring your vehicle in for its next vehicle roadworthiness test?

  • ❌ By reading the entry in the operating manual for my vehicle
  • ✅ By looking at the inspection tag on the rear license plate
  • ✅ By reading the entry made in the registration certificate Part I

The date for the next main inspection of your vehicle can be found in the certificate of registration part 1. In addition, the appointment is clearly visible on the inspection plate printed on your license plate.

An inspection has been performed because of a technical modification made to your vehicle. What are you obliged to do?

  • ✅ - carry the inspection report or confirmation in my vehicle, and have the registration in certificate Part I corrected if necessary
  • ❌ - forward the inspection report or confirmation to the vehicle manufacturer
  • ❌ - stick the inspection report or confirmation into the designated place in the registration certificate Part II

After the technical modification of a vehicle, an acceptance report is usually created during the assessment. However, an entry may also be made in part 1 of the certificate of registration. The protocol must be carried by the vehicle driver during each journey. On request, the protocol must be presented, for example, during a stop-and-search operation.

Traffic signs; transport facilities

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ❌ Horse and carriages are not allowed to pass through
  • ✅ Danger in connection with horse and carriages
  • ❌ That horse and carriages have priority over motor vehicles

The exclamation mark stands for a general hazard warning. The exact nature of the hazard is shown by the additional sign: Here you must expect horse and cart on the road.

What should you do when you approach this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Reduce your speed
  • ❌ Avoid the uneven patches by making sudden steering wheel movements
  • ❌ Increase your speed

The road in front of you is uneven and may have diagonal or longitudinal grooves. This sign warns against them. You cannot only get into a skid in damp and cold weather. Avoid fast steering movements.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Give precedence to oncoming traffic
  • ✅ When there are two lanes in one direction, employ the zipper feed-in method
  • ❌ Where there are two lanes in one direction and you are driving on the left lane, you take absolute precedence

Warning sign: It warns you of a narrowing of the lane in your direction of travel. If two lanes narrow to one, the zip merging takes effect. This means: there is no absolute priority; The driver of the narrowing lane must be able to merge seamlessly into the traffic.

To which road users must you show particular care?

  • ✅ To persons with obvious disabilities
  • ❌ To taxi drivers
  • ✅ To children

You must be particularly careful towards the following road users: all those who are not or are no longer able to cope with the demands of road traffic. This means that the principle of trust is abolished, due diligence towards children, elderly and/or frail people, disabled or drunk cyclists is up to you.

What must you be prepared for when you pass these traffic signs?

  • ✅ - there is packed snow or black ice on the roadway
  • ❌ - only the pavements are used for winter sports
  • ✅ - this road may be used for winter sports

You must be prepared for skiers and tobogganers crossing the road. This traffic sign informs you that on this road winter sports can be operated and no winter road clearance clears the snow. You need to expect increased danger of slipping due to the snow that sticks to the road.

What do you have to expect after these traffic signs?

  • ❌ An uphill slope 800 m in length
  • ✅ A downhill slope 800 m in length
  • ❌ The beginning of a downhill slope 800 m ahead

After this traffic sign, an incline of 10% starts. The additional sign informs about the length of the danger zone of 800 meters. The arrows to the right and left indicate that the incline starts from the sign. Without arrows it would mean that the incline begins at a distance of 800 meters.

What should you understand by defensive driving?

  • ❌ Stopping as a precaution at every crossroads
  • ✅ Not insisting on your rights
  • ✅ Allowing for other people's mistakes

Defensive driving means that, on the one hand, you do not insist on your prerogative in road traffic and, on the other hand, you also consider the potential mistakes of other road users. Therefore, you do not have to drive too cautiously - this could be a danger in itself and hinder the flow of traffic. Driving defensively means preparing yourself as well as possible for hazards that may emanate from you or threaten you from the outside, and thus averting them in good time. You can do this, for example, by braking early enough to avoid a rear-end collision in front of a traffic light. Generally slowing down protects you from drivers who, in the heat of the moment, misjudge a traffic light phase or confuse left and right.

You are driving in a built-up area behind a vehicle with number plates that are not local. What could happen?

  • ✅ - may switch on the direction indicators too late before turning
  • ✅ - could brake unexpectedly
  • ✅ - could stop unexpectedly to ask the way

If you identify a foreign road user using the license plate, you must reckon with unexpected maneuvers due to his lack of local knowledge. For example, the driver might stop on an open road to ask a passerby for directions. It is also possible that the driver may be late in recognizing the correct route and may, therefore, brake or blink late in front of bends, junctions, and exits.

Which of these is a good example of "anticipatory driving"?

  • ✅ I respond as soon as possible to probable changes in the road traffic situation
  • ✅ I attempt to identify the intentions of other road users, as soon as possible
  • ❌ I limit my observation of road traffic as much as possible on the vehicle travelling directly in front of me

Driving with foresight is essential when it comes to road safety. You should always keep an eye on cars driving directly in front of you so that you can react immediately if necessary. The same applies to all road users in your vicinity.

You see this traffic sign. What must you reckon with?

  • ✅ Oncoming traffic
  • ✅ Dazzle from oncoming traffic at night
  • ❌ Oncoming traffic taking precedence

If you see this traffic sign, you as a driver will have to expect on oncoming traffic and glare from headlights. It warns you where you would not normally expect oncoming traffic: when driving on one-way streets, along construction sites or at barriers of individual lanes on highways. For black arrows, no direction has priority.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ❌ Accelerate strongly immediately after the right bend
  • ✅ Reduce your speed
  • ✅ Drive as far as possible over on the right-hand side

The sign warns you of a double bend. First expect a right turn, then a left turn. You could drive onto the oncoming lane. Adjust your speed and drive far to the right to avoid collision with oncoming traffic.

What does this traffic sign warn you of?

  • ❌ Drivers under the influence of alcohol
  • ✅ Danger of skidding when the roadway is dirty
  • ✅ Danger of skidding when the roadway is wet

The road in front of you has an increased risk of skidding when it's wet or dirty. You should reduce your speed and not brake or steer abruptly.

What must you be prepared for in this situation?

  • ✅ An uneven and dirty roadway
  • ✅ Workers and construction equipment on the roadway
  • ❌ Police regulating traffic

In the area of ​​a construction site you have to drive carefully and reduce the speed. For one, the road can be dirty. But it there can also be workers, construction equipment or construction vehicles on the road and obstruct the traffic.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Refrain from overtaking
  • ❌ Always stop before the road narrows
  • ✅ Reduce your speed

This is a warning sign and it warns drivers of an imminent narrowing of the road. You have to expect oncoming traffic and behave as follows: Reduce your speed and refrain from overtaking maneuvers. Stopping in front of the bottleneck is only required if an oncoming vehicle is already in the bottleneck. Instead of a specific priority, zip merging applies, according to which the drivers are merging into the lane.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Be ready to brake
  • ❌ Observe the traffic coming from the right only
  • ✅ Reduce speed

This traffic sign alerts you about an approaching, confusing intersection or T-junction. You should slow down your speed and be ready to brake, since the right road user has priority here. You should also pay close attention to the traffic on the left, since you have to expect that it will not fulfill its obligation to wait and possibly ignore your right of way. Adjust your speed so that you can see the traffic coming from the right and, if necessary, brake without any problems.

What dangers can arise if this traffic sign is ignored?

  • ✅ The load could be damaged
  • ✅ The vehicle could suffer a broken axle or spring fracture
  • ✅ The vehicle could go into a skid and endanger oncoming traffic

Due to inappropriate driving there is a risk of skidding on this section of the route with endangerment of oncoming traffic. The route is uneven with possible diagonal and longitudinal grooves. This means that your tires will have lower grip. You need to throttle your speed in order to be able to steer the vehicle safely.

What does this traffic sign require of you?

  • ✅ Greatest alertness
  • ✅ Reduction in speed
  • ✅ Readiness to brake

The sign will point you to a school, kindergarten or playground nearby. Here you have to drive with adapted speed and increased attention. Children could suddenly run onto the road without paying attention to the traffic. Always be ready to brake.

You pass this traffic sign while driving outside a built-up area. How far off is the hazard to be expected?

  • ❌ Between 50 m and 150 m
  • ❌ Between 250 m and 350 m
  • ✅ Between 150 m and 250 m

The sign warns of danger ahead. Expect the dangerous area outside of built-up areas at a distance of 150 - 250 m. Reduce your speed and drive with increased attention.

Participation in road traffic requires caution at all times and consideration towards other road users. What does this mean for you?

  • ✅ - drive with foresight
  • ✅ - reckon with improper conduct on the part of others
  • ❌ - insist on your right of priority at all times

Always count on the mistakes of others as well as your own. Stick to an anticipatory driving style at all times and do not insist on your right of way in any case. This would violate the principles of traffic regulations and endanger other road users.

What can cause unnecessary obstructions?

  • ✅ Vehicles proceeding too slowly for no good reason
  • ✅ Motor vehicles breaking down because they have run out of fuel
  • ✅ Stalling the engine in dense traffic

One avoidable obstacle to road traffic is stalling the engine. This is, above all, a beginner's mistake, which in the worst case, can lead to a rear-end collision. However, this can easily be remedied by practicing on remote roads. Besides, according to road traffic regulations, every vehicle must be refueled in good time to prevent it from stopping. Finally, it is also your duty as a driver to drive at an appropriate speed, i.e., never so slowly without reason, that you could obstruct traffic and provoke an accident.

In which directions may you proceed?

  • ✅ To the right
  • ✅ Straight ahead
  • ❌ To the left

The traffic sign "You must go straight or turn right" prohibits turning to the left. Allowed are only the other directions straight ahead and right. If you turn to the right, you must indicate the change of direction.

What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ You may not enter this road
  • ✅ Vehicles may come out of this road
  • ❌ You may enter this road

The traffic sign "Do not enter" forbids the entrance to the street or road without exception for all vehicles including bicycles. Bicycles may only enter if permitted by an additional sign. Vehicles come out of this lane. It always appears at the exit of a one-way street or the end of a motorway exit.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ You may only proceed to the left
  • ✅ You must indicate left
  • ❌ You may not proceed to the left

The traffic sign "Turn left here in front of the sign" only allows to continue the drive to the left. Although there is only this one option, the change of the direction of travel needs to be indicated.

What must you reckon with when you see these traffic signs?

  • ✅ The roadway narrowing approximately 50 m ahead
  • ❌ A road widening 50 m ahead
  • ❌ The roadway narrowing for 50 m

Expect a narrowed lane 50 m ahead. Please drive slowly and ready for braking to the danger area to be able to react to traffic congestion.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A level crossing approximately 80 m ahead
  • ❌ A level crossing approximately 240 m ahead
  • ✅ A level crossing approximately 160 m ahead

The sign that warns you of a level crossing ahead informs you about a level crossing that is 160 meters away. Approach the danger zone cautiously and ready to brake in case a train crosses your path.

What must you anticipate with this road sign?

  • ✅ Oncoming traffic might cut the corner
  • ✅ You are nearing a hard right-hand bend
  • ✅ Vehicles in front of me might slow down sharply

This traffic sign warns of a sharp right turn. You should be aware that oncoming vehicles could cut the curve and reach into your lane. It is also to be expected that vehicles driving ahead will brake sharply.

What awaits you with this traffic sign combination?

  • ✅ A work site, commencing at a distance of approximately 100 m
  • ❌ A work site, ending at a distance of approximately 100 m
  • ❌ A work site that is approximately 100 m in length

The traffic sign warns you of a construction site in a distance of 100 meters. Pay close attention to the danger zone and be ready to brake in case of traffic congestion.

What is permitted where you see these traffic signs?

  • ✅ Severely disabled persons with the appropriate numbered parking permit may park here
  • ❌ With a parking ticket from a parking-ticket machine (Parkscheinautomat), anyone is allowed to park here for an unlimited period
  • ✅ Anyone is allowed to stop to pick up or drop passengers

The sign "No parking. Waiting is allowed." allows you to stop in order to let people get in and out, or to load and unload. The parking lot is reserved for a car driver with a disability card and a personalized parking card. Only these people have the right to park in this place and are allowed to let illegally parked vehicles be towed away.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A customs post
  • ❌ A level crossing with flashing red light
  • ✅ Traffic lights

Please pay attention to a badly recognizable light indicator like a traffic light. In the further course of the road a danger spot like an intersection or a construction site area might possibly follow.

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ❌ A rail underpass
  • ✅ A rail crossing
  • ❌ A train station

This traffic sign indicates that you will shortly be crossing a railroad crossing. A train station or underpass does not have to be present.

What must you reckon with when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ The vehicles driving in front may suddenly brake
  • ❌ The roadway widens into three lanes
  • ✅ Traffic congestion

This traffic sign warns against congestion on this section. Adjust your speed and the safety distance to the vehicle ahead according to the dangerous situation. The vehicle in front of you could suddenly brake. Also keep an eye on the traffic flow in front of the vehicle in front of you. You may drive a little offset within the lane.

What must you anticipate with this road sign?

  • ✅ With cyclists who may cross the carriageway
  • ❌ With a "cyclists prohibited" zone
  • ❌ With an underpass for cyclists

This traffic sign warns that cyclists can cross the road and could get into your lane, for example when a bike path ends and leads to the road.

What must you reckon with when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Men at work on the roadway
  • ✅ Traffic from road construction vehicles
  • ✅ Construction materials on the roadway

When there's a construction site it is to be expected that construction site vehicles and workers can come very close to flowing traffic. Also building materials and tools could be on the road. Even if the construction site is not operated at the moment, a soiled road is to be expected. There is a risk of slipping and skidding.

What do you have to be aware of when you see this traffic sign combination?

  • ✅ A rail crossing at a distance of 240 m
  • ✅ No overtaking of vehicles permitted
  • ❌ A rail crossing at a distance of 120 m

The traffic signs warn you of a railroad crossing 240 meters away. From the three-lined level crossing ahead marker to the danger zone including the intersection overtaking other motor vehicles is prohibited. An overtaking maneuver in this area could endanger you and other road users.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A level crossing approximately 240 m ahead
  • ✅ A level crossing approximately 80 m ahead
  • ❌ A level crossing approximately 160 m ahead

The diagonal cross indicates that rail transport takes priority at a railway crossing. If railway staff with a white-red-white flag secures the level crossing, all road users have to wait in front of the diagonal cross. Waving the flag means the crossing is blocked: no one is allowed to cross or stand on the tracks.

Which vehicles are not allowed to drive here?

  • ✅ Motorized bicycle
  • ❌ Light motorcycles
  • ❌ Small motorcycles

The traffic sign "No Motorbikes Permitted" only applies to mopeds. It does not apply to mopeds and light motorcycles. The low speed of motorbikes would hinder the flow of traffic on this road.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ You must indicate right
  • ✅ You may only proceed to the right
  • ❌ You may not turn right

The traffic sign "Turn right here in front of the sign" only allows you to drive to the right. Even if there is only this one option, the change of the direction of travel needs to be indicated.

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ❌ - at a distance of approximately 160 m
  • ✅ - at a distance of approximately 240 m
  • ❌ - at a distance of approximately 80 m

About 240 meters in front of you there is a railroad crossing. The level crossing ahead marker warns from this danger. Each line represents a distance of 80 m.

What must you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ You must pass on the right of traffic islands
  • ❌ You may not turn left in front of this sign
  • ❌ You are obliged to turn right

The traffic sign "Keep right of traffic" indicates that you have to drive past an obstacle on the right. These include traffic islands, construction sites or bus stops. If there is an intersection or T-junction before the marked point, you may turn right as well as left. If you swing out while driving around an obstacle, you have to indicate that.

What do these traffic signs indicate?

  • ❌ A diversion avoiding the level crossing
  • ✅ A level crossing on the road turning right
  • ❌ The direction from which a train could come

Pay attention to an unguarded level crossing, if you drive to the right at this point or turn. If you continue straight ahead, this sign has no meaning for you.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ - an obligatory minimum speed of 30 km/h
  • ❌ - a recommended speed of 30 km/h
  • ✅ - a permitted maximum speed of 30 km/h

This traffic sign indicates the end of an area in which the permitted speed was set to 30 km/h and thus cancels the maximum speed of 30 km/h.

In which directions are you allowed to continue?

  • ✅ To the left
  • ❌ Straight ahead
  • ✅ To the right

The traffic sign "You" only allows turning to the right or left" only allows you to turn left or right. The desired direction of travel needs to be indicated. You are not allowed to drive straight ahead.

Who is allowed to enter a street sign-posted like this?

  • ❌ Through-traffic
  • ✅ Residents
  • ✅ People visiting residents

The additional sign indicates that drivers who have to go on errands in this street privately, or for business reasons may enter. Residents and visitors are customers of shops, patients of medical practices as well as people who live in this street and their visitors. Through traffic is prohibited in this street.

Are you allowed to drive at a speed faster than 60 km/h here?

  • ✅ Yes, if the roadway is dry
  • ❌ Yes, if the roadway is wet

Due to the additional sign, the maximum permissible speed of 60 km/h applies only in wet conditions. Decrease the speed of your vehicle accordingly, if the entire roadway is covered with a thin film of water and therefore counts as wet. If the road is dry or only damp, you are also allowed to drive faster than 60 km/h as a car driver.

Which vehicles are not allowed to use a road sign-posted like this?

  • ❌ Motorcycles
  • ❌ Cars
  • ✅ Bicycles

This round road sign with the red border prohibits the passage for cyclists. It usually can be found on roads where you are allowed to drive fast and where a cyclist can get into dangerous situations due to his or her low speed. Motorized vehicles such as motorcycles and cars may continue here.

Which vehicles are not allowed to use a road sign-posted like this?

  • ✅ Trucks
  • ✅ Cars
  • ❌ Motorcycles

Cars, but also other multi-lane motor vehicles, may not drive on a road with this sign. These include cars, trucks and buses. The ban does not apply to motorcycles, including side cars, and non-motorized vehicles.

Which prohibitions are ended by this traffic signs?

  • ✅ No overtaking
  • ❌ No parking
  • ✅ Speed restrictions

This traffic sign cancels all road restrictions. For example, road restrictions include restrictions on overtaking and speed limits. Stopping restrictions such as a parking ban are not covered by road restrictions.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ❌ You are not allowed to drive faster than 60 km/h
  • ✅ You must drive at least at a speed of 60 km/h, weather and traffic conditions permitting
  • ✅ You may not use this road if you cannot or are not allowed to drive at least 60 km/h

This traffic sign dictates that you have to drive here at least at a speed of 60 km/h. Driving slower is only allowed if traffic safety requires it. A car driver may not use this road if he/she cannot or is not allowed to drive that fast due to the vehicle or its load or due to lack of personal abilities.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ❌ You are not allowed to turn
  • ✅ You must give precedence to oncoming traffic
  • ❌ You take precedence over oncoming traffic

The road is too narrow for two lanes. The traffic sign regulates the right of way. The oncoming traffic is granted priority. If you are met by vehicles, you must stop early and allow oncoming traffic to pass.

What do these traffic signs indicate?

  • ✅ - on the roadway and the hard shoulder
  • ❌ - for trucks only
  • ❌ - on the hard shoulder only

The traffic sign signals the car driver that it is forbidden to come to a stop on the road. The additional sign extends the stopping restriction and also prohibits stopping on the side strip for all vehicles, not just for trucks.

What is allowed in the zone which starts here?

  • ✅ Stopping for loading or unloading as well as boarding or alighting
  • ✅ Stopping for up to 3 minutes
  • ❌ Parking, provided a parking disc is used

With the traffic sign "No parking. Waiting is allowed.", there is a restricted stopping ban in an entire area without stopping signs being placed here in certain streets. As a car driver, you are allowed to wait up to three minutes throughout the entire zone. Situations of loading and unloading or getting in and out of the car may also take longer.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ Start of speed restriction
  • ✅ End of speed restriction
  • ❌ A prohibition to drive faster than 60 km/h

This traffic sign indicates the end of the speed limit of 60 km/h. The car driver may drive at the usual speed again.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ - a recommended speed of 30 km/h
  • ✅ - a permitted maximum speed of 30 km/h
  • ❌ - an obligatory minimum speed of 30 km/h

The traffic sign indicates the beginning of a zone with a maximum speed of 30 km/h. It is often set up in residential areas and only once at the beginning. You are not allowed to drive faster than 30 km / h in the entire area. This speed limit is canceled with the "End of the 30 km/h zone" sign.

What do these traffic signs indicate?

  • ❌ Start of a no-overtaking area 3 km ahead
  • ❌ Roadway with two lanes in one direction for 3 km
  • ✅ No overtaking for 3 km

This traffic sign signals a restriction on overtaking on multi-lane motor vehicles or motorcycles with side car. The black arrows with the km indication indicate that the restriction on overtaking applies for 3 km. The restriction on overtaking comes into force starting from the traffic sign.

What do these traffic signs indicate?

  • ✅ Start of a no-overtaking area 200 m ahead
  • ❌ No overtaking for 200 m
  • ❌ End of a no-overtaking area 200 m ahead

With this traffic sign the car driver is prohibited to overtake multi-lane vehicles and motorcycles with side car. The additional sign prohibits overtaking in 200 meters. Since it contains no black arrows, it does not mean that you are not allowed to overtake in the next 200 meters.

Which vehicles are not allowed to use a road sign-posted like this?

  • ❌ Cars
  • ❌ Trucks
  • ✅ Motorcycles

A round traffic sign with a red border indicates a general traffic ban for vehicles. If the circle contains a symbol, the types of vehicles to which the traffic ban applies are specified more precisely. Here the road may not be used by motorcyclists.

Who is allowed to drive a motor vehicle on this road?

  • ❌ Shoppers
  • ❌ Visitors
  • ✅ Persons delivering goods

The street is a declared sidewalk, with the additional sign "delivery vehicles only". Therefore, this road may only be used by a distributor with a motor vehicle. The distributor must be able to prove that he has to deliver something in this street. He has to drive at walking speed, regardless of whether or not pedestrians pass the street. He has to take care of pedestrians.

Which vehicles are allowed to use the special lane marked like this?

  • ✅ Regular buses
  • ❌ Trucks
  • ❌ Cars

The lane shown here is intended for public buses. Only they are allowed to use this lane. For all other drivers the use of this lane is prohibited.

Which vehicles are you allowed to overtake where you see this traffic sign?

  • ❌ Motorcycle with sidecar
  • ✅ Motorcycle without sidecar
  • ❌ Car

The restriction on overtaking prohibits a car driver from overtaking multi-lane vehicles such as cars, trucks or tractors and motorcycles with side cars. Motorcycles without a side car and bicycles are allowed to be overtaken, as these are single-lane vehicles.

What do these traffic signs indicate?

  • ❌ A one-way street 100 m long
  • ✅ No entry 100 m ahead
  • ❌ A customs post 100 m ahead

The traffic sign "Do not enter" forbids car drivers to enter this road with vehicles of all kinds. The additional sign makes it clear that this prohibition applies only in 100 meters. It does not explicitly state for how long. Always expect that vehicles can come out of this road.

What applies in the area 15 m in front of and behind this traffic sign?

  • ✅ - stop
  • ✅ - not obstruct passengers boarding or alighting
  • ❌ - park

At the traffic sign you can see that there is a tram or bus stop here. 15 meters before and after the traffic sign, drivers are not allowed to park their vehicles. Unless public transport is impeded or passengers are endangered, waiting is allowed for up to three minutes.

What vehicles are permitted to use this road?

  • ❌ Electric-powered vehicles
  • ✅ Cycles and motorcycles that are pushed
  • ❌ Motor vehicles

The traffic sign "No vehicles of any kind permitted" includes all vehicles. Only motor bicycles such as motorcycles and scooters and bicycles may be pushed here.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ I may not drive faster than 60 km/h
  • ❌ The recommended minimum speed is 60 km/h
  • ❌ There is absolutely no problem in driving at 60 km/h

Starting from these traffic signs a maximum of 60 km/h may be driven, regardless of the weather conditions. In bad weather conditions, the speed must be reduced further. However, the traffic sign does not say that 60 km/h must always be driven in order to stay safe. There is no traffic sign for a recommended minimum speed.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ The start of a clearway for motor vehicles only
  • ❌ The end of an autobahn
  • ✅ The start of an autobahn

The traffic sign indicates that the motorway starts here. This also gives effect to all the rules that apply to this particular type of road.

What must you do upon seeing this traffic sign?

  • ❌ I may not turn left here
  • ❌ I am in a cul-de-sac and have to turn around
  • ✅ I may not perform a U-turn here

This traffic sign indicates the prohibition to turn in order to drive in the opposite direction. Turning left, however, is allowed. This traffic sign does not only apply to dead ends.

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ❌ '- "Give way to oncoming traffic"'
  • ❌ '- "Give way."'
  • ✅ '- "Stop. Give way."'

The traffic sign announces that after a hundred meters you will find a priority road where you will find the traffic sign "Give way". In any case, you must stop there at the stop line or line of sight.

What applies with this traffic sign?

  • ❌ I am obliged to turn left
  • ✅ I have to drive past obstructions on the left
  • ❌ I may not turn right before the sign

This traffic sign prescribes from which side you have to circuit the obstacle. You can find the regulation sign at central, stop islands or construction sites. If you meet the sign at an intersection or T-junction, you may turn in the appropriate direction.

What applies with this traffic sign?

  • ❌ I may park
  • ❌ I may stop
  • ✅ I have to anticipate taxi moving off and coming to a stop

The traffic sign indicates a taxi stand. There is basically a stopping restriction for all other vehicles. The car driver must always expect departing and arriving taxis and passengers in this area.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ I have priority over oncoming traffic
  • ✅ I may only drive straight ahead
  • ❌ I am on a one-way road

This traffic sign means "You must go straight ahead". You can only drive straight ahead and are not allowed to turn. The one-way street sign has the same colors but is rectangular.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A bridle-path, which riders are required to use
  • ❌ A path, which may not be used by riders
  • ✅ A bridle-path, which may not be used by other road users

This traffic sign shows you a riding path. Here riders move with their horses. Other road users are not allowed to use this path.

What ends here?

  • ✅ A priority road
  • ❌ All previous zonal prohibitions
  • ❌ A controlled parking zone

This traffic sign announces the change of a priority rule. It marks the end of the previous priority route. The signs "Give way" and "Stop! Give way!" that you can find on intersections and T-junctions, have a similar meaning.

What applies with this traffic sign?

  • ✅ I have to signal a right-turn
  • ✅ I may only continue driving by taking a right turn
  • ❌ I may also continue driving by taking a left turn

The given direction of travel is binding. The car driver must turn right before the traffic sign and indicate this process to other road users.

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ❌ - may not be used by traffic in winter
  • ❌ - may only be used with snow chains
  • ✅ - may be used by winter sports enthusiasts

This sign means "Danger zone" and the additional sign stands for "Winter sports allowed". The combination indicates that winter sportspersons may use the road and road users must pay particular attention to it.

What ends here?

  • ❌ All previous zonal prohibitions
  • ❌ A no-stopping area
  • ✅ A no-waiting area

Here the no parking zone ends. Note that this traffic sign is often only on placed on the left side of the road and does not suspend the stopping restriction.

What do you do upon seeing this traffic sign?

  • ✅ I allow the cross-wise moving traffic the right of way
  • ✅ I approach at a moderate speed ready to brake
  • ❌ If I am turning right, I am not obliged to wait

The traffic signal "Give way" signals that you are driving on a subordinate road and the cross traffic has priority. Drive slowly and stay ready to brake so that you do not miss a vehicle that is entitled to drive.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A mandatory cycle path
  • ❌ Cyclists crossing the carriageway
  • ❌ A "cyclists prohibited" zone

This traffic sign identifies a cycle path that cyclists must use but is prohibited for other road users. Cyclists crossing the road have their own warning sign.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A prohibition on cycles and mopeds
  • ✅ A footpath
  • ❌ The start of a traffic-calming zone

The traffic sign "Footway" marks paths which may be used exclusively by pedestrians and cyclists up to 10 years. Car drivers, cyclists and other road users may not be traveling on these routes. However, exceptions may be regulated by additional signs.

How must you act when driving a vehicle during permitted delivery times?

  • ✅ I may only drive at walking speed
  • ❌ If there are no pedestrians in my vicinity, I may drive faster than walking speed
  • ✅ I must keep a close look out for pedestrians

Since the traffic sign "Footway" is combined here with the additional sign "Delivery vehicles only", a distributor may drive on a road that is marked this way. You have to drive at walking speed, regardless of whether pedestrians are visible or not. Pedestrians have priority, you should be especially considerate of them.

What do you have to be aware of with this traffic sign?

  • ✅ I have to signal a left-turn
  • ✅ I may only continue driving by taking a left turn
  • ❌ I may not signal

This traffic sign regulates the direction of travel. You may only turn left here. The change of the direction of travel must be indicated.

What is allowed on priority roads outside built-up areas?

  • ❌ Parking on the roadway
  • ✅ Parking on the hard shoulder
  • ✅ Stopping on the right edge of the roadway

On priority roads outside of built-up areas, you may: 1. wait at the right side of the road; 2. park on a hard shoulder. On the other hand, parking on the road is prohibited. Parking vehicles constitute a hindrance and/or danger to flowing traffic, since vehicles are traveling much faster here than within the closed local area. Since a hard shoulder is not considered a lane, you may use it for parking. If there is a possibility to dodge on a hard shoulder, you should also use this for waiting shortly.

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ❌ - a children's playground
  • ✅ - a traffic-calming zone
  • ❌ - a pedestrian zone

The traffic sign points to the end of the traffic-calming zone. Now higher speed rules apply again. As a car driver, you have no right of way when you leave and must be careful when entering.

To whom must you pay particularly close attention in this situation?

  • ❌ - red car
  • ❌ - white truck
  • ✅ - cyclist

In this situation, as a car driver you have to pay attention to the cyclist who approaches you from the right. The cyclist could drive onto the road in front of the truck, causing a dangerous situation.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A cul-de-sac
  • ❌ An underpass
  • ❌ A road closed to vehicle traffic

This is a dead end. You can drive normally in a dead end, but the road ends so you might have trouble to turn your car around to leave the street again.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A toll road
  • ❌ A prohibition on through-traffic
  • ✅ A customs point

When you see this traffic sign, you approach a customs office. This means that you may encounter a traffic jam and therefore have to reduce your speed. You may also be controlled, so have all the papers at hand. Follow the instructions of the customs officers.

What do you have to be aware of when you see this traffic sign combination?

  • ❌ If I continue driving straight ahead, I have to signal a right-turn
  • ❌ The direction of traffic to the left is prescribed
  • ✅ If I am following the priority road, I have to signal a left-turn

The priority road is turning due to the additional sign. It's a turning priority road. If you stay on the priority road, you will need to indicate that. You have to take care of pedestrians crossing the street, if necessary, you have to stop. The answer: "Driving to the left is mandatory" is wrong, since this traffic sign does not dictate a direction of travel.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A first aid station
  • ❌ A danger spot
  • ❌ A crossroads

This traffic sign shows that a first aid station such as "Red Cross" or "Samaritan" is present at this point. However, it does not indicate any danger zone.

What do these traffic signs allow?

  • ✅ Residents holding a parking licence with corresponding number may park here
  • ❌ Everybody may use this parking space as long as other parking spaces are still free
  • ❌ All residents may use any of these parking spaces

This traffic sign indicates a parking lot that may only be used by residents with a correspondingly numbered parking pass. Other road users are not allowed to park there and have to switch to other parking places.

What must you be prepared for here?

  • ❌ That children will be playing on the road under supervision
  • ✅ That the flowing traffic will come to a stop
  • ✅ That children will cross the road more frequently than usual

The traffic sign 'crossing guard', formerly school crossing guards, means that traffic assistance regulates traffic. They are allowed to stop traffic to allow children to cross the road. You need to be prepared for the flow of traffic to stop and for children to walk on the road more often than usual.

What must you observe when parking here?

  • ✅ The parking time indicated on the parking ticket may not be exceeded
  • ✅ The parking ticket must be put in a place so it can be easily read when controlled
  • ❌ Parking ticket and parking disc rank equal

In this parking lot you are only allowed to park with a valid ticket. Attach the parking ticket legibly behind the front or rear window of your car. Be sure not to exceed the parking time stated on the ticket. The parking disc does not replace the parking ticket: the parking disc is only valid if the parking meter is out of operation.

Are you allowed to park here?

  • ❌ Yes, briefly for shopping
  • ✅ Yes, as a person accompanying blind persons with an official parking permit
  • ✅ Yes, as a seriously disabled person with an official parking permit

There are special parking spaces for people with impaired mobility or the blind. An official parking permit identifies the vehicles of these persons or their escorts. Even short parking on these areas is forbidden to other drivers.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ Tram line no. 3
  • ✅ A numbered diversion
  • ❌ A numbered underground car park

This traffic sign indicates a numbered detour. Since there are several detours, they are numbered. So, you know exactly where to drive.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A federal road (Bundesstraße)
  • ❌ Vehicles must drive at least 35 km/h
  • ❌ Vehicles may not drive faster than 35 km/h

This traffic sign refers to a main road. The number stands for the number of the respective federal highway and not for example for a speed limit.

What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Street lighting does not stay on all night
  • ❌ Vehicles may not be parked here
  • ❌ Vehicles may be parked here all night without lights

If you see this sign at lanterns, then you have to secure your vehicle with your parking light. Since these lanterns are not lit up all night, it's very unsafe to leave an unlit car here.

What must a motor vehicle's maximum speed, determined by its construction, be at least if you want to use this road?

  • ❌ 81 km/h
  • ✅ 61 km/h
  • ❌ 51 km/h

You must be able to achieve at least a maximum speed of 60 km/h on a motor road with your vehicle. The beginning of a motor road is always marked by a traffic sign.

What can cause a dangerous situation?

  • ✅ Cutting corners
  • ❌ Driving too far behind the vehicle in front
  • ✅ Dipping your headlights too late

When cutting a corner, the vehicle in the curve is directed inward and the opposite lane is used as well in order to progress faster. This represents a serious threat to oncoming traffic and can lead to serious accidents. Dimming too late can also jeopardize oncoming drivers as they are dazzled and drive almost blindly.

What must you do upon seeing this traffic sign?

  • ✅ I may not remain stationary on the pedestrian crossing if the traffic backs up
  • ✅ I must allow the pedestrians to cross the road
  • ✅ I must approach at a moderate speed if it is clear that pedestrians want to cross the road

On pedestrian crossings pedestrians have precedence, so vehicles should always drive at moderate speed and be ready to brake at any time. There's a strict restriction on overtaking at pedestrian crossings and with halting traffic it is forbidden to come to a stop at the crossing.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ❌ - a built-up area starts
  • ✅ - a built-up area ends
  • ❌ - a deviation ends

The village sign indicates the end of a closed village in the lower part. The upper part indicates the next town. You are standing on the left side of the road.

What does this traffic road sign mean?

  • ✅ Priority road
  • ✅ No parking on the carriageway outside of settlements
  • ❌ Expressway

You drive on a priority road. The traffic sign is repeated at each intersection or T-junction where you have priority. Outside built-up areas, parking on priority roads is prohibited. On these roads people drive relatively fast and parking vehicles would be a hindrance or a threat.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign on an autobahn?

  • ✅ Increase your alertness and, as a matter of precaution, increase your distance to the vehicle in front
  • ❌ In case of a traffic jam, move over onto the hard shoulder and proceed
  • ✅ In case of a traffic jam, brake and switch on hazard warning lights

Caution of congestion: With this traffic sign you should reduce the speed of your car and increase the distance to the vehicle in front. Get a better picture of the situation by watching the traffic in front of the next vehicle and, if necessary, drive a bit offset in the lane. Turn on your hazard lights when driving towards the end of a traffic jam.

What should you do?

  • ❌ I move into the left-hand lane and overtake the red car in front of me
  • ✅ I stay in the middle lane and slow down
  • ❌ I move to the right-hand lane and slow down

Stay on the middle lane and delay. The leading car will also delay soon to let the car on the left lane merge into traffic, because this lane ends. You cannot go to the left, changing to the right lane would be too dangerous as well.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ - auto gas filling station
  • ❌ - hydrogen filling station
  • ✅ - natural gas fuel station

This traffic sign points out a natural gas filling station where drivers can refuel their natural gas-powered vehicle. The abbreviation CNG stands for the term compressed natural gas.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A filling station with carwash ("Care + Clean")
  • ❌ A car hire centre with repair workshop ("Breakdown service + Repair")
  • ✅ A carpark with connections to public transport ("Park + Ride")

The traffic sign P + R on a blue background stands for "Park and Ride". It identifies a parking lot with public transport connection. The parking lot is continuous or temporary.

What do such traffic signs indicate?

  • ❌ The distance to the next petrol station
  • ❌ The number of a European road
  • ✅ The number of an autobahn

A white number on a blue background with a white outline indicates the number of the motorway you are currently on.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ✅ A charging station for electric vehicles
  • ❌ A danger of explosion at a filling station through electric devices
  • ❌ A facility for charging mobile telephones

You will see a plug with cable on the sign. It shows you a nearby charging station for electric vehicles such as electric cars, e-bikes or electric scooters. There you can charge your powered vehicle.

Which vehicles are prohibited from using a road sign-posted like this?

  • ❌ - with a permissible total weight not exceeding 2 t
  • ✅ - with an actual axle weight exceeding 2 t
  • ❌ - with a permissible axle weight exceeding 2 t

The traffic sign prohibits driving on the route for vehicles exceeding the weight indicated in the road sign. The weight specification refers to the actual total weight of the vehicle, that means the curb weight plus the weight of the vehicle's load. It must not be exceeded. The red round circle in the traffic sign always indicates a ban.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ The end of the clearway for motor vehicles only
  • ❌ Temporary closure of the autobahn
  • ✅ The end of the autobahn

This traffic sign is at the end of the motorway.

Which vehicles can cause serious accidents when this traffic sign is ignored?

  • ❌ Length 4 m, width 2.5 m, height 2.5 m
  • ❌ Length 10 m, width 3.9 m, height 3 m
  • ✅ Length 8 m, width 2.5 m, height 4 m

This traffic sign is aimed at trucks and warns of height-limited passages - in front of tunnels, bridge constructions or heavy current overhead wires of trams. The height limit is indicated by the black triangles, here it is 3.8 m. If a vehicle higher than 3.8 m ignores this sign, serious accidents may occur. The truck may get caught or stuck in the overhead wires or the underpass. Length and width are not relevant.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A roadway 2 m wide
  • ✅ A prohibition for vehicles more than 2 m wide including load
  • ❌ You must keep a lateral distance of at least 2 m from other vehicles

The traffic sign "Width Limit including load" indicates road constrictions and bottlenecks on the subsequent section of the road. The track is not passable for vehicles that are wider than indicated on the sign including their cargo. In this case, the permissible width is 2 m.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ - natural gas fuel station
  • ❌ - auto gas filling station
  • ✅ - hydrogen filling station

The square traffic sign with a blue border indicates that there is a refuel possibility for hydrogen-powered vehicles in the immediate vicinity. These cars are still relatively expensive, but are considered the vehicles of the future.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ - hydrogen filling station
  • ❌ - natural gas fuel station
  • ✅ - auto gas filling station

The inscription LPG on the square traffic sign is an abbreviation for Liquefied Petroleum Gas. This traffic sign signals to the car driver that there is an LPG station.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ The end of the autobahn
  • ❌ Motor vehicles prohibited
  • ✅ The end of the clearway for motor vehicles only

This traffic sign is placed at the end of a highway. It means: From here on the advisory speed limit no longer applies. It does not indicate a ban on motor vehicles.

What applies from this traffic sign onwards?

  • ✅ Maximum permissible speed 50 km/h
  • ✅ Free choice of marked driving lanes for motor vehicles with a permissible total mass up to 3.5 t
  • ❌ Free choice of marked driving lanes for all motor vehicles

This traffic sign is subject to regulations that apply to traffic within built-up areas. This includes limiting the maximum speed to 50 km/h. Free choice of lanes applies only to vehicles up to 3.5 t permissible maximum mass. Vehicles with more than 3.5 t drive on the right.

What must you be prepared for upon seeing this traffic sign?

  • ✅ For counter-steering
  • ✅ For side winds
  • ❌ For aircraft overhead

This traffic sign indicates a section of the route with crosswinds. This is especially true for bridges and overpasses. If there's strong wind from the side you have to reduce your speed. You need to be prepared to hold on and countersteer to stay in the lane. The traffic sign has nothing to do with air traffic.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ Federal road (Bundesstrasse) 22
  • ✅ A diversion for autobahn traffic when required
  • ❌ An underground station

This traffic sign refers to a detour for freeway traffic. It is set up in the event of a traffic jam, for example. If the car driver follows the detour, he/she returns to the freeway.

What does the figure "26" indicate in this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Autobahn exit number 26
  • ❌ The distance from the exit to Düsseldorf-Benrath
  • ❌ The A 26

All motorway exits are numbered for better orientation. As a car driver, you can recognize the freeway exit ramp by the number 26. On road maps, in road atlases and in the common navigation devices, these numbers can also be found again.

What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?

  • ❌ Track-vehicles have priority
  • ✅ Maximum permissible speed 50 km/h
  • ✅ Use snow-chains

This traffic sign indicates that the following route can only be used with snow chains. Driving without snow chains is prohibited. The maximum speed with snow chains is 50 km/h. Pay attention to noises. If you hear something or if your car is twitchy you should stop and check the chains. This sign has nothing to do with track vehicles.

What applies from this traffic sign onwards?

  • ✅ Parking cars may be safely marked with parking light
  • ✅ You may not sound your horn to signal your intention to overtake
  • ❌ You may drive with parking light in the darkness

Car drivers recognize from this traffic sign that the regulations for traffic within closed villages apply. You must not announce overtaking maneuvers by honking, as this is only allowed outside closed villages. In general, it is forbidden to drive with parking lights. Parking cars may be secured with the parking light.

What do you do within this danger section?

  • ✅ Dip the headlights and brake when you see game animals
  • ✅ Drive more slowly, watch out for game animals
  • ✅ Do not avoid hitting game animals if oncoming traffic would be endangered

Attention wild animals crossing: This sign is set up on routes, where a lot of wild animal accidents happened already. As soon as you see this sign, you should reduce the speed and be ready to brake. Pay particular attention to the roadside. If you see an animal, you should brake and dim. If game suddenly jumps in front of you, you should make an emergency brake. Avoid dodging, because then you might get into the oncoming lane.

What must you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Drive as far as possible over on the right-hand side
  • ✅ Reduce speed before the bend
  • ❌ Indicate left before the bend

The traffic sign announces a dangerous left turn. Decrease your speed to keep the centrifugal force small. Oncoming traffic could reach your lane due to its centrifugal force. Also, a vehicle could have broken down behind the curve. Drive as far as possible to the right. You follow the road, there's no turn. Therefore, you do not have to indicate.

What must you be prepared for upon seeing this traffic sign?

  • ✅ For the necessity for counter-steering
  • ✅ For the necessity for adjusting speed
  • ✅ For an alteration in the responsiveness of the vehicle

If you encounter this traffic sign, you have to adjust to strong crosswinds. Most commonly, this traffic sign appears on road sections that are particularly exposed to the wind - for example, on bridges or overpasses. With strong crosswinds, the driver must countersteer in order to stay in the lane. You also need to adjust the speed of your car to the wind conditions.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ A temporary additional carriageway
  • ❌ A stop for breaks and changing drivers
  • ✅ An emergency stop and breakdown bay

Who drives a vehicle, may only in an emergency or in case of breakdown in a Nothalte- and breakdown bay hold.

What is true in relation to yellow road markings?

  • ❌ - only apply to construction site traffic
  • ✅ - replace the validity of white road markings
  • ✅ - are only applied temporarily (at construction sites for example)

Yellow road markings are temporarily attached to, for example, to change the course of lanes due to construction site. The white road markings are replaced by the yellow.

How do you pass through an incline safely?

  • ❌ - drive in neutral
  • ✅ - select a gear in which I am not required to brake a great deal
  • ❌ - switch the ignition off

On a down grade, use the engine brake by shifting down to a lower gear. This relieves the service brakes. Under no circumstances change to idle! Because idling puts the engine brake out of action, thus the service brakes could overheat. In addition, the brake booster cannot work when the ignition is switched off. This considerably lengthens the braking distance.

When are you allowed to remain on the left-hand lane in this situation?

  • ❌ - is 2 m wide according to the registration certificate part I (Motor Vehicle Registration)
  • ✅ - including the load actually has a maximum width of 2 m

The traffic sign indicates how wide your vehicle may be, including the outside mirror and the maximum load. Make sure that the exterior mirrors are included in the dimensions in your car documents.

Who may enter a street that has this sign?

  • ✅ All persons visiting residents
  • ✅ All cyclists
  • ❌ All moped riders

Other vehicular traffic as bicycle traffic may not use bicycle roads, unless permitted by the suffix. The additional characters allows residents in the street bike into it down.

Which traffic sign refers to the actual mass?

If the symbol 't' for tons is in the traffic sign, it refers to the actual weight. The actual weight is calculated from the empty weight of the vehicle plus the current load. The empty weight of the vehicle is noted in the vehicle documents. As a car driver, you are required to know the weight of your vehicle.

What do you have to be aware of in this situation?

  • ✅ Including its exterior mirrors, my vehicle is wider than the width specified in the vehicle documents
  • ❌ The left-hand lane is going to narrow for a distance of 200 m
  • ✅ In 200 m the width of the left-hand lane is going to narrow

The upper traffic sign indicates that the roadway is narrowing to the width indicated on the traffic sign. The additional sign informs that the lane narrowing begins in about 200 meters. Exterior mirrors are to be added to the width specified in the vehicle documents. Inclinations on uneven roads may also require more width. Take these factors into consideration when you drive here.

What must you anticipate when you see this road sign?

  • ✅ A pedestrian crossing that is hard to see
  • ✅ Pedestrians that might cross the road
  • ❌ Pedestrians who may only cross the road from the right

This is a danger sign which warns a pedestrian crossing. Perhaps the pedestrian crossing is hard to detect. Pedestrians to cross over to use the pedestrian crossing the roadway. Be especially attentive.

As a resident, you want to drive into a cycle highway that has this sign. What must you be aware of when doing so?

  • ✅ Cycles may travel alongside one another
  • ✅ Cycle traffic may not be impeded
  • ✅ Vehicles may not be driven faster than 30 km/h

To traffic a top speed of 30 km / h applies. The bicycle must not be hindered neither endangered nor. If necessary, the motor vehicle traffic must continue to reduce the speed. The juxtaposition driving with bicycles is allowed.

You want to join the motorway. What driving line should you follow?

While driving onto the freeway you should continue to follow the third driving line, so stay true to the lane and do not cut the boundary line.

What vehicles may enter a cycle highway that has this sign?

  • ❌ All mopeds with a maximum design speed less than 25 km/h
  • ✅ All vehicles driven by residents
  • ❌ All cars, provided they travel at walking speed

Other vehicular traffic as bicycle traffic may not use bicycle roads, unless permitted by the suffix. The additional characters allows residents in the street bike into it down.

What is true in the case of this traffic sign combination?

  • ✅ - watching out for electric scooter traffic coming from the left and right
  • ✅ - watching out for cyclists coming from the left and right
  • ❌ - only watching out for motor vehicle traffic coming from the left and right on the priority road

The additional symbol indicates that bicycle traffic from the left and could come right. Be sure you also if you want to only turn right on both directions. Electric scooters are used more and more frequently, this ride on the bike path, make addition to scooter riders.

You are driving on a road that has a protective lane for cyclists. How may you use the protective lane?

  • ✅ - drive on the protective lane when necessary
  • ❌ - park on the protective lane
  • ❌ - stop on the protective lane

You may navigate the Radschutzstreifen if necessary if you neither endanger cyclists or hamper.

Which traffic sign refers to the permissible total mass?

As a car driver you should note that this traffic sign can be read in two ways. On the one hand, t 'stands for tons and thus refers to the actual weight. However, the traffic sign may also refer to the permissible total weight if the 't' is additionally marked by a white symbol.

Road transport systems and its use

A strong side wind is blowing from the right. When are you particularly exposed to danger when overtaking?

  • ❌ When you change lane after overtaking
  • ✅ When you enter the slipstream of the truck
  • ✅ When you leave the slipstream of the truck

If there is strong crosswind from the right, you are particularly at risk as a car driver if you enter the slipstream of a truck as part of an overtaking maneuver. This danger arises from the fact that strong side wind from the right pushes your vehicle to the left, whereupon you automatically start countersteering. As you overtake a truck, you fall into its slipstream; the crosswind is instantly gone and you have to adjust the steering. As soon as you get out of the slipstream, the pressure starts again with the crosswind; So, you have to countersteer again.

How can you tell the shortest way to the next emergency telephone on federal motorways?

  • ✅ - black arrows on the delineators
  • ❌ - direction markings on the guardrails
  • ❌ - ground markings on the hard shoulder

You can recognize the shortest route to the nearest emergency call post using the black arrows (direction triangles) on the reflector post. They point the way on federal motorways.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ The place where the autobahn must be exited
  • ✅ An autobahn section which is normally not used very much
  • ❌ An obligatory diversion for vehicles with dangerous goods

The diversion arrow points out to you as a car driver that you are on a traffic jam-prone section of the motorway and points out an alternative route. But you are not obliged to follow this.

What do you have to be aware of in this traffic situation?

  • ✅ - not cross the lane marking
  • ❌ - cross the lane marking if oncoming traffic permits this
  • ❌ - cross the lane marking in order to overtake

You must not drive over the lane boundary (solid line) to the left, which is located at the middle of the lane. Driving on it is also prohibited.

You have been driving at high speed for some time. What effects can this have?

  • ✅ Your powers of concentration diminish
  • ❌ The feel for the right speed on bends grows
  • ✅ You lose your feel for speed

You quickly get used to high speeds and you kind of enter a state of a rush. Especially at motorway exits, this can have a fatal impact, as your ability to concentrate and your reaction speed quickly decreases. So, look at the speedometer again and again!

What must you be aware of on this priority road?

  • ✅ You may not cross the lane marking
  • ❌ Parking is permitted if there is a clear space of at least 3 m between a parked car and the lane marking
  • ✅ Parking is prohibited

The solid line in the middle between the two lanes prohibits crossing or crossing this line. It also prohibits parking on priority roads outside of built-up areas.

What must you be aware of here?

  • ✅ Slower moving vehicles must use the hard shoulder if possible
  • ✅ It is not permitted to stop to the left of the boundary line of the carriageway
  • ❌ Driving across the boundary line of the carriageway is prohibited at all times

Never wait on the left of the lane mark. You would impede or even endanger subsequent vehicles. The side strip is designed for parking, waiting and slow vehicles. As a slow-moving driver you must use such a sufficiently wide and well-fastened strip for driving. In this case, you may drive over the thick solid line with your vehicle representing an official lane boundary.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I brake slightly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance
  • ❌ I overtake [the red van] and then move into the middle lane
  • ✅ I overtake [the blue car] and then move into the middle lane

As the car driver, you do not have to dodge to the middle lane when another car pushes you from behind or uses the flash light. You should overtake the blue car and the red van as usual. To change safely to the middle lane, the overtaking process must be completed. Only then you can change.

What can result from driving for a long time at high speed?

  • ✅ You drive too close to vehicles in front
  • ✅ You lose your feel for speed
  • ❌ Your reactions improve

The senses have become accustomed to the fast pace and you start to underestimate certain situations. Therefore, drivers often drive at high speed into sharp turns on the freeway exit ramps. The fast and monotonous driving decreases the ability to concentrate and thus the readiness to react. Often the safety distance is neglected and drivers drive too close to the car in front.

What are you allowed to use the right-hand hard shoulder for?

  • ✅ Stopping and parking
  • ❌ Overtaking
  • ✅ Driving with slow vehicles

The right side strip may be used in the following cases: 1. for holding and parking, 2. for slow moving vehicles such as mopeds or agricultural tractors and machinery. These should use the right side strip to avoid traffic obstructions and traffic jams. The side strip must be attached and have a sufficient width. It is forbidden in any case to use the side strip for overtaking.

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed and continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ✅ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and remain behind the truck
  • ❌ I accelerate and quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre

You already indicated and want to overtake the truck. In the rearview mirror you can see a red car approaching on the left lane at high speed. You need to stop the overtaking process immediately and stay behind the truck. If you continue, you force the red car to brake suddenly. He could drive against your car.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre, and pull back into the right-hand lane
  • ❌ I brake, but continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ✅ I quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre

While overtaking a truck, you observe a fast approaching car in the rearview mirror. It is too late to complete the overtaking process. Accelerate and complete the overtaking process quickly but safely. Basically, subsequent vehicles do not have priority; even not on the freeway.

You want to overtake. What is the right thing to do?

  • ❌ - not overtake
  • ❌ - only overtake, if I remain in the right-hand lane while doing so
  • ✅ - overtake

You may overtake if other road users are not endangered. The one-sided lane boundary allows you to cross the two lines from the side where the broken line is located.

When can strong side wind be particularly dangerous?

  • ✅ When driving across bridges
  • ✅ When overtaking trucks
  • ✅ When driving past firebreaks in forests

Changing wind directions are dangerous when driving. Sudden gusts can catch your vehicle and push it aside. You have to countersteer strongly to keep your vehicle in the lane. If the wind changes direction, you have to react quickly and adjust your steering behavior. Strong crosswind is a danger especially on bridges and on level, undeveloped and unwooded terrain. If you overtake one or more trucks, you will have to expect changing pressure conditions when entering the slipstream of the truck and when leaving the truck. At forest aisles or when leaving wooded areas, a strong crosswind can also hit you abruptly.

When driving on main roads, which vehicles must use the hard shoulders where possible?

  • ✅ Mopeds
  • ✅ Slow-moving agricultural tractors and machinery
  • ❌ Small-engine motorcycles

Slow-moving vehicles such as tractors, mopeds must use the hard shoulder. Other vehicles that go faster than 45km/h need to remain on the road

What do you have to observe in a traffic situation like this one?

  • ✅ - cross the centre line in order to overtake
  • ✅ - not cross the centre line if this would endanger other traffic
  • ✅ - cross the centre line in order to pass by the obstruction

Guidelines have the task of separating the lanes. Therefore, you may only drive over them if you avoid obstacles or overtake vehicles. This is only allowed if no road user is endangered.

Are you allowed to overtake the black car on this autobahn on the right?

  • ❌ Yes, if you do not drive faster than 80 km/h
  • ❌ Yes, because there is enough space to overtake
  • ✅ No, because there is no queue of vehicles in the left lane

The black car may not be overtaken on the right in this example. On freeways and highways, you may only overtake on the right as an exception. This is the case, for example, when a vehicle queue has formed on the left.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I overtake the van and then move into the middle lane
  • ❌ I move immediately into the lane to the right
  • ❌ I brake slightly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance

A driver drives dangerously close to you on the left-hand lane and signals his/her overtaking intent with his flash light. You should still overtake the transporter on the mid-lane and then get back into the lane in front of it to defuse the situation.

What must you do?

  • ❌ Maintain speed and stay in lane
  • ❌ Move to the left-hand lane
  • ✅ Slow down and stay in lane

Since you are currently being overtaken by a car on the left-hand side, you must maintain the lane and reduce the speed until the truck in front of you has completed its overtaking maneuver and changes to the right-hand lane.

One of your tyres bursts while you are travelling at high speed on an autobahn. What do you do?

  • ✅ Stop, if possible, on the hard shoulder, switch on hazard warning lights and place the warning triangle
  • ✅ Throttle down, if necessary, steer against and brake cautiously
  • ❌ Immediately apply the brakes fully and move over onto the hard shoulder

Avoid emergency braking on the freeway and instead steer and brake gently to stabilize your vehicle. If possible, bring your vehicle to a stop on the hard shoulder. Turn on your hazard lights and set up your warning triangle to warn subsequent vehicles.

A traffic jam is building up here. What is the correct procedure?

  • ✅ If possible, switch on hazard warning lights to warn vehicles following behind
  • ❌ Drive as far as possible to the left in order to leave room for a channel on the right
  • ✅ Drive as far as possible to the right in order to leave room for a channel on the left

If you drive towards a traffic jam, turn on your hazard lights to alert other road users. It is important to build a rescue lane for any approaching rescue vehicles. In this case, drive as far to the right as possible.

The cruise control system of your motor vehicle is set to 130 km/h. What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ - move to the right-hand lane
  • ✅ - restore the safety distance by braking
  • ❌ - overtake the motorbike

You must interrupt the cruise control by braking. The motorcyclist changes to your safety distance. You can restore it only by breaking. It is not possible to change to the right-hand lane, as otherwise you would get into the safety distance of the vehicles in succession. The speed limit prohibits to drive faster than 130 km/h.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ I switch on my hazard lights
  • ✅ I slow my vehicle down
  • ❌ I continue driving in the clear lane

When approaching a jam end on the highway, you must reduce your speed and warn the road users behind you by switching on the hazard lights. A rescue lane is to be formed.

What should you anticipate with this bend?

  • ❌ With oncoming traffic on my lane
  • ✅ With an obstacle situated around the corner
  • ✅ That the bend will become tighter as it progresses

The course of the curve is not assessable. You always have to expect obstacles such as broken-down vehicles or traffic jams. Be prepared for a stop within sight. The curve may narrow in its course. Thereby you'll only notice in the curve that your speed is too high. It is important to reduce the speed on time.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ I continue driving as far to the right as possible
  • ❌ I move into the left-hand lane
  • ✅ I brake

The yellow car comes towards you as a wrong-way driver on the highway. Drive to the right as far as possible and brake. To warn other road users, turn on the hazard warning lights.

You are approaching these vehicles. What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I move into the left-hand lane and flash my headlights until the person in front vacates the lane
  • ✅ I remain on the middle lane but without overtaking the white car
  • ❌ I remain on the middle lane and cautiously overtake the white car

The white car on the left lane must not be overtaken on the right. To go behind it on the left lane and to make him/her change with flash light is also prohibited. You have to slow down and drive on the middle lane just as fast as the car. Allow him/her as much distance as it takes in order for him/her to be able to change to the middle lane at any time.

What must you be aware of when joining the motorway?

  • ✅ The through-driving traffic has priority
  • ✅ On the merging lane, I may drive faster than the through-driving traffic
  • ❌ The through-driving traffic on the right-hand lane must allow incoming traffic to merge

On the freeway, the continuous traffic always has the right of way and does not have to allow entrance. On the acceleration lane the driver may drive faster than the rest of the vehicles.

You are driving at least 20 km/h faster than the green truck. What should you do?

  • ✅ I move onto the motorway ahead of the green truck
  • ❌ I stop at the end of the merging lane, and move onto the motorway behind the blue truck
  • ❌ I brake and move onto the motorway behind the green truck

You are on an acceleration lane to the freeway. On the acceleration lane it is permissible to drive faster than the vehicles on the continuous lane. Therefore, you can drive onto the highway at a faster pace in front of the green truck.

After a longer journey travelling at about 120 km/h, you want to exit the motorway. What must you be aware of when doing so?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed while on the exit lane, so as not to impede the traffic behind me
  • ✅ I signal in good time and then brake while on the exit lane, so as not to impede the traffic behind me
  • ✅ I check the speedometer to make sure I do not underestimate my speed

If you, as a car driver, leave the motorway at a speed of about 120 km/h, you must observe the following: 1. complete all overtaking maneuvers in good time; 2. merge right; 3. reduce the speed while checking it on the speedometer; 4. indicate. In order not to hinder the traffic on the continuous road, you should reduce the speed only when you change to the deceleration lane.

You are approaching the vehicles in this picture. What do you do?

  • ❌ When the truck and trailer are indicating left, flash your headlights and proceed at a brisk pace
  • ✅ Watch if the truck and trailer remain on the hard shoulder
  • ✅ Allow the truck and trailer to enter the roadway when it indicates left

Outside of built-up areas, slow vehicles such as tractors, trucks and mopeds often ride on the hard shoulder and can thus be overtaken more easily. If such a vehicle wants to turn left, or if it has to return to the main road for other reasons, you have to allow the driver to change his/her lane.

What must you do here?

  • ❌ Brake only on the bend so as not to obstruct traffic following behind
  • ✅ Check your speed again and, if necessary, brake

If the car driver drives at high speed on the highway for a long time, the senses get used to the fast pace. There is a risk of underestimating the pace. In particular, if you want to drive out, check your speed on the speedometer. Use the deceleration lane of the freeway to reduce your speed. Braking there doesn't hinder anybody. Then you can enter the sharp bend of the exit at a reasonable speed.

You are driving at the recommended speed on the motorway and want to leave it at the next exit. What should you do?

  • ✅ I significantly reduce my speed on the exit lane
  • ✅ I cease overtaking manoeuvres in good time
  • ❌ I significantly reduce my speed while still on the right-hand lane of the motorway

Finish overtaking in good time and get on the right lane. Before changing to the deceleration lane look around and indicate. On the deceleration lane, check your speed on the speedometer in order to assess it right. Only on the deceleration lane you should reduce the speed significantly, so as not to hinder subsequent traffic on the continuous lane.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ❌ The truck has to wait
  • ✅ The truck has right of way
  • ✅ I have to reduce my speed

The curve is difficult to assess for the car driver. There may be other road users or even obstacles on the route. Therefore, it makes sense to slow down the pace even before the turn and mentally adjust to a possible danger situation. Because even for oncoming drivers this is a difficult spot and caution is required.

What should you do now?

  • ❌ - switch lanes so that I do not obstruct [the yellow car]
  • ✅ - do not switch lanes, because [the red car] is already moving across
  • ❌ - move into the middle lane, because my overtaking manoeuvre is complete

Next to you is a red car that changes into the middle lane. Therefore, you cannot change the lane, otherwise you would endanger other road users.

What is the right thing to do in this situation?

  • ❌ I continue the overtaking manoeuvre at an unchanged speed
  • ❌ I accelerate and continue the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ✅ I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and move into the right-hand lane

You may drive on the lane of the oncoming traffic if you intend to overtake. To overtake, you must increase your speed above the allowed 130 km/h, which is not permitted in this situation. You must cancel the overtaking procedure and get into the right lane.

While driving on the motorway you overtake several vehicles. A vehicle approaches you from behind with indicators and headlights flashing. What should you do?

  • ❌ I turn on my hazard lights briefly to urge the vehicle behind to keep its distance
  • ❌ I brake briefly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance
  • ✅ I continue driving until I can again pull into the right-hand lane

The dense, aggressive tailgating of the following vehicle endangers all road users. For this reason, you should try to change to the right-hand lane in compliance with the safety distance. Any braking maneuver would only worsen this dangerous situation. Switching on the hazard light is prohibited in this case.

A traffic jam has formed on a three-lane autobahn. Where must the channel for emergency vehicles be formed?

  • ✅ Between the left-hand and the middle lanes
  • ❌ On the hard shoulder
  • ❌ Between the middle and right-hand lanes

When traffic stops on freeways or on roads outside of built-up areas with at least two lanes in one direction, vehicles must form a free lane for the passage of police and support vehicles. If a road has three lanes into one direction, then the middle is considered to be between the left and the middle lane.

Your car suffers a flat tyre on the motorway. What should you do?

  • ❌ - continue driving to the next exit
  • ✅ - turn on my hazard lights and park as far to the right as possible
  • ✅ - place the warning triangle at a distance of about 100 m

If your vehicle breaks down on a multi-lane road due to a flat tire in a place where it cannot be detected in time as a stationary obstacle, immediately turn on the hazard lights. After that, a breakdown triangle is to be placed in a clearly visible position at a sufficient distance. In fast traffic, the distance between the vehicle and the breakdown triangle should be approx. 100 m.

You are driving on the autobahn in light traffic. How long are you allowed to stay in the left-hand lane?

  • ✅ As long as is necessary to overtake other vehicles
  • ❌ All the time, provided no other vehicle wants to overtake you
  • ✅ As long as you are driving behind a vehicle which is overtaking in the left-hand lane

The left lane may generally only be used for the purpose of overtaking. If the preceding vehicle overtakes, it can be assumed that the following car driver will also overtake. Therefore, it is allowed here to use the left lane. In all other cases, you have to drive on the right.

What must you be prepared for now?

  • ✅ - blue car begins overtaking
  • ✅ - overtaking manoeuvre of the green truck takes longer to complete
  • ❌ - white truck accelerates

You may have to be prepared for the fact that you cannot overtake now because the other road users are already involved in overtaking maneuvers. Do not act with precipitation just to complete the overtaking maneuver on the permissible route. A solid line represents a restriction on overtaking and is equivalent to the road sign "No overtaking".

You are driving on a road outside a built-up area with three lanes marked in each direction. Individual slower vehicles are travelling well spaced out in the right-hand lane. Which lane may you use continuously?

  • ❌ The left-hand lane
  • ✅ The middle lane

The left-hand lane may only be used by a car driver for the temporary overtaking of other vehicles. Continuous driving on the middle lane is permitted, however, if the road is located outside built-up areas and provided with a line marking. This also applies if only a few vehicles are on the right lane.

What must you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ - grey car will move into the middle lane
  • ❌ - grey car will remain in the right-hand lane
  • ❌ - yellow truck will pull out in front of me to overtake

Since the vehicle drives very fast from the right onto the freeway, you have to expect that it will change to the middle lane. This impression is reinforced by the fact that trucks maintain their speed and distance.

On what roads does the recommended speed of 130 km/h apply?

  • ✅ On vehicle roadways not inside a built-up area, with at least two marked lanes for each direction
  • ✅ On vehicle roadways not inside a built-up area, with separate carriageways for each direction
  • ✅ Motorways

On freeway and roads outside the city, whose lanes are structurally separated, an advisory speed limit of 130 km/h applies. However, you must keep enough distance to be able to stop any time.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed and move into the right-hand lane
  • ❌ I maintain my speed and stay in the middle lane
  • ✅ I reduce my speed and stay in the middle lane

A car drives in front of you and from the right a car drives onto the main carriageway of the freeway. It is clear that the car driving on the left lane has a slower pace than you. Since it's only allowed to overtake on the left, you must delay and reduce your speed.

What should you be prepared for now?

  • ✅ [The yellow car] exits the motorway
  • ❌ The [blue bus] in front of me brakes due to a traffic jam
  • ❌ The motorbike exits the motorway

There is no traffic jam in this situation. Since the motorcycle is driving on the left, it will not leave the freeway. The car, on the left of you, however, is indicating to the left. You can expect the car driver to leave the freeway.

You are driving in a merging lane. What should you do?

  • ✅ Accelerate appropriately, do not pull up if possible, merge while observing the right of way
  • ❌ Always drive to the end of the merging lane, pull up there and then enter lane
  • ✅ Drive past to the right of slower-moving vehicles driving on the through-lane and merge in before them

On an acceleration lane it is allowed to drive faster on the right than on the continuous lane. In order to merge, you as a car driver must accelerate adequately and observe the right of way and the safety distance.

What applies on clearways for motor vehicles only?

  • ✅ Join the clearway only at crossroads and junctions
  • ✅ No U-turns
  • ❌ In darkness, you may drive faster than the range of visibility allowed by dipped headlights

You may only enter at intersections or T-junctions on motorways. Turning on motorways is prohibited. The regulations regarding speed differ from those that apply on the freeway. On highways you must not drive faster than the range of the low beam allows.

Where are U-turns prohibited?

  • ❌ On farm or forest tracks
  • ✅ On clearways for motor vehicles only
  • ✅ On autobahns

You may not turn your vehicle on freeways or motorways. Reverse driving is strictly prohibited on both types of roads as well.

How could a dangerous situation arise?

  • ❌ - green truck
  • ❌ - the car up ahead
  • ✅ - yellow truck

The fast driving style of the yellow truck suggests that he will overtake the blue truck in front of him as well. Their speed is faster than that of the trucks. You cannot dodge to the left as a car on the left lane is directly behind you. If the yellow truck swings out, you have to brake hard.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I continue driving without changing speed
  • ❌ I move into the right-hand lane
  • ✅ I reduce my speed

You drive on the middle lane and in this situation you have to stay on the lane and reduce the speed. The driver on the left lane drives more slowly. You must not overtake him from the right. You cannot change to the right lane, there is a vehicle.

What vehicles are subject to the recommended speed on motorways?

  • ✅ - motorbikes
  • ❌ - Trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 3.5 t
  • ✅ - cars

On motorways, all cars and vehicles up to a maximum gross vehicle weight of 3.5 t have to observe the freeway speed limit. Exceeding this speed limit is not recommended even in favorable traffic conditions.

What is the recommended speed that applies to cars and motorcycles on autobahns?

On motorways cars and motorcycles have to keep an advisory speed limit of 130 km/h. In addition, driving on a freeway is only permitted to vehicles exceeding 60 km/h.

What is the maximum speed a truck with a permissible total mass of 3.0 t and trailer may be driven on autobahns?

For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes of gross vehicle weight and without trailer, the maximum speed limit is 80 km/h.

Which motor vehicles may freely choose their lane inside built-up areas?

In Germany, the legal driving requirement applies. Vehicles up to 3.5 tons are excluded from the right-hand drive requirement within built-up areas and can freely choose their lane.

You are driving on the motorway and have missed the exit. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I continue driving and leave the motorway at one of the next exits
  • ❌ I reverse back on the hard shoulder, because the exit is less than 100 m behind me
  • ❌ I stop on the hard shoulder to plan my subsequent route

Continue until the next exit and leave the freeway there. Now you can drive back to the missed exit on the other side of the freeway. You must not stop or drive backwards.

Why should you have the traffic information switched on, when driving on the motorway?

  • ✅ - provides reports about traffic jams
  • ❌ - is a prescribed requirement for travelling on the motorway
  • ✅ - gives warnings about motorists heading in the wrong direction

Drivers are not required to listen to traffic news, but traffic news are indispensable for a smooth journey. Traffic news inform about traffic jams, traffic accidents and construction sites. Warnings about wrong-way drivers have already prevented a lot of serious accidents.

You want to park on the right-hand side edge of the carriageway. How big is the mandatory minimum distance between your vehicle and the solid lane boundary line?

If a minimum distance of 3 meters to the lane boundary line is observed when parking, the parked car will not present an obstacle.

What must you do when a traffic jam forms on this road?

  • ✅ - drive as far to the left as possible
  • ❌ - continuing driving in the centre
  • ❌ - drive as far to the right as possible

Any car driver must cooperate in forming an alley in the middle of the road for the passage of police and support vehicles in case of congestion on freeways and on out-of-town roads with more than one lane. Do not drive on the side strip, this is prohibited.

You need assistance on the autobahn. Which information does the arrow on the roadside marker give you?

  • ❌ Next exit in the direction of the arrow
  • ❌ Nearest car park in the direction of the arrow
  • ✅ Nearest emergency call telephone in the direction of the arrow

Arrows on the reflector posts on the edge of a freeway point towards the nearest emergency services pillar. If you need help, follow the arrows to reach an emergency pillar as quickly as possible.

What should you do now?

  • ❌ I slow down and merge after the [yellow vehicle]
  • ❌ I slow down and merge between the [red car] and the [truck]
  • ✅ I accelerate and merge in front of the [truck]

They have already passed the truck on the acceleration lane on the right-hand side of the freeway. If you continue to accelerate, you can drive onto the main lane before the end of the lane. You should do that.

What should you do?

  • ✅ I continue driving
  • ❌ I get in line on the hard shoulder
  • ❌ I stop on my lane and wait for a gap

They want to leave the freeway. You can see that traffic is stalling in your intended exit. Since you are not allowed to drive on the hard shoulder and wait on the lane, you behave correctly if you continue driving and use the next exit in order to exit the freeway.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I notify the police
  • ✅ I warn the driver by sounding my horn and flashing my lights
  • ✅ I drive over to the right-side as far as possible

You meet a wrong-way driver on the freeway exit. By driving as far to the right as possible, you can best counteract a collision with the wrong-way driver. Now other road users must be warned of this acute danger. For this reason, you must inform the police.

What must you do if you find yourself in a traffic jam on motorways and on highways with two lanes travelling in the same direction?

  • ✅ - drive as far to the right as possible in the right-hand lane
  • ❌ - drive as far to the left as possible in the right-hand lane
  • ✅ - drive as far to the left as possible in the left-hand lane

If vehicles stand or drive at walking speed on freeways or on roads outside of built-up areas with at least two lanes for one direction, the following applies: You, as a car driver, must participate in forming a free lane between the leftmost and rightmost lane for the passage of police and support vehicles.

What must you do now?

  • ❌ - in the centre
  • ✅ - as far to the right as possible
  • ❌ - as far to the left as possible

You approach the end of a traffic jam on the freeway. Turn on the hazard light. Form an alley in the middle of the lane for the passage of police and helping vehicles: on roads with three lanes for one direction, form an alley between the left and middle lane. Therefore, you have to drive far to the right. This rule applies outside built-up areas and on freeways.

What applies on autobahns?

  • ❌ In darkness, under no circumstances drive faster than the range of visibility allowed by dipped headlights
  • ✅ No stopping on the roadway and hard shoulder
  • ✅ No reversing

On the freeway you are only allowed to drive forward and only in one given direction. Reversing, turning and stopping is strictly prohibited on the roadway as well as on the side strip.

You want to exit the motorway. What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I watch out for oncoming vehicles
  • ❌ I continue by driving on the hard shoulder
  • ✅ I move into the left-hand lane

You flash and leave the freeway at the exit. The route to the turn of the exit is used to decelerate. Drive quickly off the highway, then reduce your pace. Drive into the corner at a moderately reduced speed.

Right of way

Who must signal a change of direction here?

  • ❌ I myself
  • ✅ The motorcycle
  • ❌ No one

The change of direction must indicate who changes it. This is true regardless of the importance of the road. So, the motorcyclist who follows the course of the turning priority road has to indicate. You continue straight ahead and do not indicate.

When do have you to indicate a change in direction?

  • ✅ Before turning into a junction or a property lot
  • ✅ If I want to continue following a priority road that changes direction
  • ❌ If I want to continue straight on, thereby leaving a priority road that changes direction

If you want to turn into a T-junction or a property, you have to indicate. The same applies if you follow a turning priority road - here, too, the change of the direction of travel must be indicated.

Why are you required to stop now?

  • ✅ - cyclist
  • ✅ - green vehicle
  • ❌ - red vehicle

Drivers who turn need to wait for vehicles from the opposite direction, even for cyclists. The red car has to wait until the green car and the cyclist are gone.

What must you be aware of here?

  • ✅ - continue to break
  • ✅ - give the car right of way
  • ❌ - indicate when entering the roundabout

Since the blue car is already in the roundabout, you have to slow down. Only when leaving the roundabout, you must indicate.

Who is required to indicate?

  • ✅ [The blue truck]
  • ✅ Me
  • ❌ [The red car]

Changing the direction of travel must always be indicated by pressing the indicator. If you stay on a turning priority road you should also indicate that. Therefore, the blue truck must indicate. You, who's turning left, must also indicate.

Why must you be particularly careful here?

  • ✅ Because a vehicle could come from the right
  • ❌ Because the car coming from the left has priority
  • ✅ Because there is an increased danger of skidding when braking

The wet leaves on the road lead to an extended braking distance and high risk of slipping. Therefore, reduce the speed and drive carefully before reaching the intersection. A vehicle could approach you from the right, which you would have to give priority to. Since there are no signs for the right of way at the intersection, "Left yields to right" applies.

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions
  • ❌ At the end of a traffic calmed area
  • ❌ At driveways

At intersections and T-junctions without a traffic-regulating traffic sign "left yields to right" applies. If a vehicle leaves a property or a restricted traffic area, all other road users, including pedestrians and children on the sidewalk, have priority.

All vehicles have been waiting at the junction for a few seconds. What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I am the first to drive to the centre of the junction, where I stop
  • ✅ I use clear hand signals to forego my right of way
  • ❌ I am the first to pass through the junction

Here, the traffic rule "left yields to right" applies and every driver must give priority to the vehicle on the right. In order for the situation to dissolve, a car driver must refrain from his/her right of way. By clearly recognizable hand signals you should give up your right of way, so that all vehicles can continue.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ❌ Because of the green car
  • ❌ Because of the pedestrian
  • ✅ Because of the cyclist

The cyclist is granted right of way because she is on the priority road. Wait for the cyclist to pass and drive past the vehicles.

You are on a roundabout. What should you remember?

  • ✅ You are not allowed to stop on the roadway in a roundabout
  • ✅ You must indicate to leave the roundabout
  • ✅ You can only drive over a central island if this is unavoidable because of your vehicle's size

In a roundabout you may only stop if this is unavoidable due to traffic, for example due to a traffic jam. Indicate when leaving the roundabout. You can only drive over paved or asphalted central islands if it is unavoidable due to the size of the vehicle. Always give priority to cyclists traveling on your right side and remaining in the roundabout.

What do you have to watch out for, when crossing a priority road?

  • ✅ - the speed and the distance of the cross traffic
  • ✅ - the width of the priority road
  • ✅ - the weather conditions

When crossing a priority road, you must keep in mind: 1. the width of the priority road, 2. the distance and speed of oncoming traffic, 3. the weather conditions. These are all the influences that are important for crossing the priority road. The weather influences the condition of the road and the visibility. Along with the road width, it determines how long you need to cross the priority road. By estimating the distance and the speed of oncoming traffic you can assess how much time you have available.

What do you have to particularly remember at crossroads and junctions in a built-up area?

  • ❌ The rule "right before left" applies without exception at all crossroads and junctions
  • ✅ Intersecting roads may have priority even though they are narrow and less well developed
  • ❌ A better developed road always has priority

By driving on a wide and well-developed road, you don't automatically have the right of way. The rule "Left yields to right" does not apply always and everywhere. Instead, signs or traffic lights regulate who has priority. Therefore, pay attention to the signposted right-of-way regulation or the traffic lights at each individual intersection and junction.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ✅ Because of the red car
  • ❌ Because of the cyclist
  • ❌ Because of the pedestrian

The traffic on the main road is jammed. The red car drives around the parked vehicles to turn left. You have to wait and let this car pass as it has priority.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ✅ - the "right-before-left" right-of-way rule applies
  • ❌ - I have right of way
  • ❌ - a traffic-calming zone ends

At the traffic sign "crossing or junction with right of way from right" you must follow the right of way "Left yields to right". This applies to the nearest intersection.

Why is it possible that vehicle drivers do not take notice of the "Give way" sign?

  • ✅ The layout of the road creates the impression of a priority road
  • ✅ Parked vehicles partially conceal the intersection
  • ✅ The continuous lighting gives rise to the assumption of having the right of way at the junction

Even if the better lighting leads you to believe that you have priority over the less well-lit crossroads, you must observe the right of way. This is indicated by the corresponding sign at the intersection. This also doesn't change with the vehicles parked in the crossing area. That's why all three answers are correct.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may make the turn in front of the cyclist
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ✅ I have to wait at the stop line

In front of the traffic sign "Stop! Give way!", colloquially also called stop sign, you must always stop. Mostly there is a stop line. The wheels must be stationary for at least a short amount of time. The cross traffic has right of way - then the cyclists on the opposite side. As a driver turning left, you have to grant him the right of way.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ A vehicle driving past the bus
  • ✅ Pedestrians crossing the road
  • ✅ That I will have to stop at the junction

You have to expect to have to stop before turning off the intersection. On the one hand, the view of the bus coming from the right is obstructed. In addition, other vehicles could drive past him. On top of that, pedestrians may want to cross the street. You must always pay special attention to them.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I take priority before the [bus]
  • ❌ I have to allow the [bus] to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow [the motorcycle] to pass through

The traffic sign "Give way" suspends the left yields to right regulation. Thus, the motorcycle coming from the left has priority. You have to wait. Then the left-turning driver of the oncoming traffic must first let you cross the intersection before he can turn.

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

  • ❌ At junctions of farm tracks or forest tracks with other roads
  • ❌ At junctions with sunken kerbstone
  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions

At intersections and T-junctions without priority signs, the vehicles coming from the right have priority. The same applies to roads that are equally ranked according to their signage. Lanes with drop kerb, drives as well as field and forest trails are an exception. If you are on one of these roads, you must give priority to other road users.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to [the blue car]
  • ✅ I may drive through
  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to [the green car]

If you are traveling on a priority road, you are always allowed to drive first. A car that meets you and wants to turn left, however, has to wait. If a car driver wants to turn into your street from the right, he/she must also give you the right of way, since you are on a priority road.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to give way to the [red car]
  • ❌ I have to give way to the tram
  • ✅ I may be the first to proceed

The traffic sign indicates that you are on a priority road. The tram and the driver of the red car, on the other hand, must follow the sign "Give way" and wait. You drive first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I take priority before [the bus]
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcycle] to pass through
  • ❌ I have to allow [the bus] to pass through

Here the traffic sign "right of way at the next intersection or T-junction" applies. Since you want to turn left you will have to let the oncoming vehicle pass. You may then turn in front of the vehicle coming from the right.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - after [the blue car]
  • ✅ - before [the two cars]
  • ❌ - after [the two cars]

At this intersection you have right of way. This is indicated by the traffic sign. That's why the vehicles have to wait from the right and left and let you drive first.

What is the right thing to do?

  • ❌ I may drive out before the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have to give way to the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have to give way to the motorcycle

According to the signage, the motorcyclist is on the priority road and is therefore allowed to drive first. Both the driver of the blue car and you are on a lane with the "Give way" sign. As this does not clear up the situation, "left yields to right" applies. For this reason, you have to let the other vehicle drive through.

What is the right thing to do?

  • ❌ I have to allow the [red car] to pass
  • ❌ I turn left before the [green car]
  • ✅ I give way to the [green car]

Since there are no signs at this intersection, which determine the priority of the drivers, the right of way "left yields to right" applies. For this reason, you need to let the car on your right pass first. Afterwards, the driver on the left has to give you the right of way.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow the [red truck] to turn
  • ❌ I have to allow the [cyclist] to turn
  • ✅ I may be the first to pass through the junction

Left yields to right applies in intersections and T-junctions without a traffic sign. Since no vehicle comes from the right, you may first cross the intersection. After that the truck drives and finally the cyclist.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may make the turn before the cyclist
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcyclist] to pass through

It is necessary to comply to the left yields to right rule. Grant the motorcyclist from the right the right of way before entering the intersection. Next, you as a left-turning driver, have to give priority to the oncoming cyclist. For the motorcyclist the cyclist comes from the right and thus has priority.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may drive through
  • ❌ I have to allow [the blue car] to pass through

You are on the turning priority road and follow its course. Therefore, you must drive first and the other vehicle must wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ The tram must allow me to make the turn first
  • ✅ I have to allow the [motorcycle] to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the tram to pass through

The sign at the intersection indicates that you must give way. Since you want to turn left, you must let the tram as well as the oncoming motorbike pass and enter the intersection last.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - after the [blue truck]
  • ✅ - after the [yellow car]
  • ❌ - before the [yellow car]

Since the right of way at this intersection is not determined by appropriate signage, the principle "left yields to right" applies. Thus, you must give priority to the yellow car coming from the right. The blue truck also has priority over you, as you would cross the lane as a left-turning driver.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - turn before the [yellow car]
  • ❌ - be the first to make my turn
  • ✅ - only turn after the [motorcycle]

The traffic sign stands for a "priority road". You may therefore turn in front of the vehicle coming from the left. First, however, you must let the oncoming vehicle turn, because you have to wait as a left-turning driver.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ The [blue truck] has to allow me to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the [tractor] to turn
  • ✅ I have to allow the [blue truck] to pass through

The traffic sign "Give way" regulates the right of way here. That means you have to wait and let both, the right and left vehicle, pass.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I allow the motorcycle to turn before me
  • ❌ I am the first to proceed
  • ✅ I allow [the blue car] to turn

At an intersection, which has no traffic signs, "left yields to right" applies. If a car drives from the right wants to turn right, he is allowed to drive first and you have to wait. On the other hand, if a vehicle approaching you wants to turn left, you have the right of way, because if a driver wants to turn, must always give priority to oncoming traffic.

You are approaching a crossroads where the priority situation is not clear to you straightaway. What do you do?

  • ❌ Always proceed when driving straight ahead
  • ❌ 'Proceed according to the rule "right before left"'
  • ✅ Wait, observe and come to an agreement with others, if necessary

There are situations that are difficult to understand in terms of the right of way. If this happens to you wait and watch other car drivers. If the situation remains difficult, you can communicate with each other by clear hand signals. To simply continue straight ahead or act according to the rule "left yields to right" would be too risky and accident-prone.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ The cyclist has to wait

If you want to turn into a roundabout, you will be asked to wait by the "Give way" traffic sign. The drivers driving in a circle have priority here.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The green car] has to wait

If you are at an intersection and you see the "Give way" traffic sign, you must wait and let the car driver pass through on the priority road.

Who has priority?

  • ❌ [The red car]
  • ❌ [The green tractor]
  • ✅ Me

You follow a turning priority road. Therefore, you have priority over the driver of the car driving straight ahead. The driver of the tractor also has to wait because he/she leaves the priority road and the rule left yields to right applies to you.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow right of way to the [blue car]
  • ✅ I have to allow right of way to the [red car]
  • ✅ I have right of way ahead of the [blue car]

Without additional priority-regulating traffic signs or traffic lights, the general "left yields to right" rule applies. The car coming from the right must be given priority. You have priority over the car coming from the left.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ✅ I have to allow [the motorbike] the right of way
  • ❌ [The motorbike] has to wait
  • ❌ I have to signal a left-turn

You are on a turning priority road, but you don't want to follow it to the right and instead continue straight ahead. From the right a motorcycle follows the course of the priority road. You have to wait and give priority to this vehicle.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ [The blue car] has to allow me to turn
  • ✅ I have to allow [the blue car] to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to turn

Here, "left yields to right" applies as well as the rules for left turns. The car coming from the right may drive first. Since you want to turn left, the oncoming cyclist has right of way.

You want to turn left. Who is required to wait?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ The blue vehicle has to wait

At intersections and T-junctions without a traffic-regulating traffic sign, the rule "left yields to right" applies. Field and forest paths, however, are subordinate traffic routes. If you want to turn from a field or forest path onto a road, you have to wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ [The motorbike] is obliged to wait

Who comes from the right, has right of way at intersections and T-junctions. Because if there is no priority-controlling traffic sign, "left yields to right" applies. No matter the size and type of the vehicle.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may not stop and wait on the rails
  • ❌ I have to allow the tractor to pass through
  • ✅ I have to allow the tram to pass through

You are on the priority road. The tractor must therefore wait and let you turn left first. However, you must first let the tram that continues straight ahead on the priority road pass, since straight-ahead traffic always takes precedence over traffic that wants to turn.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may proceed before the [motorcycle]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the cyclist] to pass through
  • ❌ [The cyclist] has to allow me to pass

Since the right of way here is not regulated by traffic signs, left yields to right applies. This means: you must stop and grant access to vehicles from the right. The bike coming from the left has to let you in.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ [The yellow car] has to wait
  • ✅ I have to wait

You and another road user are on a turning priority road. The other vehicle follows the course of the priority road, you want to leave. Therefore, you must let the other road user drive through first.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ - give way to the [bus]
  • ✅ - give way to [the cyclist]
  • ✅ - stop on the stop line

A vehicle coming from the left is already on the priority road. Therefore, it is allowed to drive first. If you turn left, you will have to let oncoming vehicles drive past first. Due to the traffic sign, you have to stop at the stop line ("Give way") or stop completely and are not even allowed to trundle ("Stop sign").

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I may pass through the junction before [the motorbike]
  • ✅ I have to wait

You want to cross a turning priority road. Here you must give priority to all vehicles on the priority road and wait until the priority road is free for you to cross.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may proceed before [the blue truck]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the red car] to pass through
  • ❌ I may only proceed after [the blue truck]

If you want to turn left from a priority road and another car is driving next to you, which remains on the priority road, you must give priority to this car driver. A vehicle that is not on the priority road, on the other hand, has to wait.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I may make the turn before [the green vehicle]
  • ✅ I have to allow [the blue vehicle] to pass
  • ❌ I have to allow [the green vehicle] to pass through

If you are on a priority road and you want to turn left, you will have to let oncoming cars drive by. If a vehicle drives next to you, which contrary to you remains on the priority road, then this car driver has priority. However, if a vehicle from another street with the traffic sign "Give way" wishes to turn into your priority road, he/she may only drive last.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I have to allow [the yellow car] to pass through
  • ✅ I move first

At the traffic sign "right of way at the next intersection or T-junction", you may drive first at the next intersection. A vehicle coming from the left must wait.

You would like to cross over a priority road. The view to both sides is very restricted due to parked vehicles. What should you do?

  • ✅ I carefully ease my way into the junction
  • ❌ I quickly cross over the junction
  • ❌ I sound my horn to warn crossing traffic

If visibility is limited you should only proceed with caution. Slowly get into the intersection until you can see the priority road. This is how you act responsibly.

Why must you be ready to brake in this situation?

  • ❌ Because the direction of the road ahead demands it
  • ❌ Because a speed limit is visible
  • ✅ Because the other vehicle might continue moving

You see that a vehicle wants to drive onto the road from the right. Since it comes from a field or forest path, you have right of way. Due to the forest cover the visibility for the vehicle driver may be limited. It is possible that he/she will continue despite having to wait. For this reason, you must be ready to brake until you clearly recognize that he/she is stopping.

What does this traffic sign mean?

  • ✅ You must give way to vehicles in the roundabout
  • ❌ You must indicate when entering the roundabout
  • ✅ You must indicate when leaving the roundabout

The traffic signs indicate that the drivers in the roundabout have priority. They also show that you do not need to indicate when entering the roundabout, as motorists can only enter the circle to the right. As soon as you leave the roundabout, you will need to indicate that to make it easier for other road users to enter the roundabout.

You are approaching this combination of traffic signs. What must you remember?

  • ✅ You must indicate to leave the roundabout
  • ❌ You must indicate when entering the roundabout
  • ✅ Vehicles in the roundabout have priority

Vehicles driving in the roundabout have right of way. Indicating when entering the roundabout is not necessary, as a roundabout is always entered from the right. Therefore, the answer "Entering the roundabout must be indicated" is wrong. You only indicate when you leave a roundabout. This makes sense because this makes it easier for vehicles to enter the roundabout.

Which traffic sign gives right of way?

  • ✅ Traffic sign 2
  • ❌ Traffic sign 3
  • ❌ Traffic sign 1

The correct traffic sign to observe the right of way is number two. Number one indicates that a dangerous turn is in front of the driver while number three indicates the number of a national highway.

What must you do upon seeing this traffic sign?

  • ✅ - stop and give way
  • ❌ - stop only if there is a stop line
  • ❌ - stop only if there is cross-wise moving traffic

The sign "Stop! Yield to cross traffic" requires you to stop and thereby slow down the vehicle to a complete stop. It doesn't matter if there is a stop line or if cross traffic is coming.

What does this traffic sign combination mean to you?

  • ❌ If I continue driving straight ahead, I have to allow right of way to vehicles arriving from the right
  • ❌ I am not permitted to turn right or drive straight ahead
  • ✅ I am on a priority road that bends left

The traffic sign indicates the course of the priority road. The additional sign indicates the bend to the left; if you follow this direction, you will still be on the priority road.

What must you do when you see this combination of traffic signs?

  • ✅ You must indicate right to leave the roundabout
  • ❌ You must enter to the left
  • ✅ When entering the roundabout, you must give way

When driving in, you must give priority to the vehicles in that are already in the roundabout. The circle may only be entered through the right. You only indicate when leaving the roundabout. This regulation makes it easier for drivers to enter the roundabout. When recognizing the turn signal, they can decide whether they can already enter the circle with due regard for due diligence.

When must you indicate?

  • ❌ When you enter the roundabout
  • ✅ When you leave the roundabout

If you enter the roundabout, you do not need to indicate this because the entrance to the circle is always to the right. On the other hand, if you leave the roundabout, you will need to indicate this to make it easier for other drivers to enter the circle.

You are driving along a priority road. Which traffic sign ends your right of way?

  • ❌ 3
  • ❌ 2
  • ✅ 1

Example 1 means "Yield", you must give priority to other road users. Sign 2 grants you right of way at the next intersection. Sign 3 only warns of a danger zone.

What do you have to do in this traffic situation?

  • ❌ - not stop, because there is no stop line
  • ✅ - stop at the line of sight and give way
  • ❌ - stop only if there is cross-wise moving traffic

At the traffic sign "Stop! Yield to cross traffic" you have to stop and give way. You always have to stop, even if there is no cross traffic. Since there is no stop line, stop at the line of sight. From the line of sight, you can see the street you want to enter.

What must you pay attention to when turning right?

  • ❌ To [the tractor]
  • ✅ To the motorbike
  • ✅ To vehicles coming from the left

All drivers driving on the priority road must be given priority. The motorcycle is on the lane where you want to turn right. Before you turn right into the priority road, you have to wait and let the motorcycle pass.

What do you have to do in this traffic situation?

  • ❌ - stop only if there is cross-wise moving traffic
  • ❌ - stop only at the stop sign
  • ✅ - stop at the stop line and give way

The traffic sign "Stop! Yield to cross traffic!" requires that you stop and give way. Since there is a stop line, you must stop at the stop line. If there is no stop line, you must stop at the line of sight and your wheels have to stop completely. You always have to stop, even if there is no cross traffic.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ - tractor will proceed onto the road
  • ✅ - motorcyclist will slow down
  • ❌ - tractor will wait

Although you are on the priority road, you must always expect dangerous situations to arise. For example, the tractor driver approaching your street at a junction could not fulfill his duty of waiting and force the vehicle in front of you to brake. By driving anticipatory you can help defuse potentially dangerous situations.

What does this traffic sign mean?

  • ✅ Stopping on the roundabout is forbidden
  • ❌ You are only allowed to drive at walking speed
  • ❌ You must indicate when entering the roundabout

You have to give priority to the vehicles driving in the roundabout. In the roundabout there is always an absolute stopping restriction. You only indicate when you leave a roundabout. This helps other cars to enter the roundabout. A general driving with walking speed in the roundabout is not required.

Why do you have to wait before the left turn?

  • ❌ - car
  • ❌ - bicycle
  • ✅ - motorbike

As a left-turning driver, you generally have to give priority to oncoming traffic. Cyclists also have this right of way. So, in this situation you have to let the motorcyclist pass before turning. He will pass the left-turning driver from the right and continue straight ahead.

Which traffic sign gives right of way at the next crossroads?

  • ❌ Traffic sign 2
  • ❌ Traffic sign 3
  • ✅ Traffic sign 1

Only the first traffic sign gives you right of way at the next intersection. The second traffic sign, however, indicates the end of the priority road and traffic sign number three regulates the right of way at a bottleneck.

What does this traffic sign indicate?

  • ❌ - at all crossroads and junctions on this road
  • ✅ - only at the next crossroads or junction
  • ❌ - as far as the urban limit

This traffic sign grants you priority in a specific place. Thus, the right of way for the driver is limited and has no general validity.

Who can move first in this situation?

  • ❌ The [blue] tractor
  • ✅ Me
  • ❌ The [red] car

The principle of "right before left" does not apply to vehicles traveling from a field or forest road to another road.

You want to drive straight ahead. Where should you position yourself in this situation?

  • ❌ On the left behind the truck
  • ❌ Directly behind the motorbike
  • ✅ On the right behind the truck

The truck swerved to the right turn, wait for completion by the bending process is. You can then go straight.

What is the right course of action here?

  • ❌ I warn [the cyclist] by sounding the horn
  • ❌ I take priority before [the cyclist]
  • ✅ I wait until [the cyclist] has completed the turn

At intersections and junctions has the right of way, who comes from the right.

You want to turn left. What driving line should you maintain?

  • ✅ The right driving line
  • ❌ Both driving lines are possible
  • ❌ The left driving line

Use the right trajectory. The left driving line is provided for the oncoming traffic.

In this situation, why do you have to wait before turning left?

  • ✅ Because of the motorbike
  • ❌ Because of the [cyclist]
  • ❌ Because of the [red] car

A motorcycle traveling behind the red car, because of your change of direction you must give the motorcyclists priority.

Why can you not turn off the road here?

  • ❌ - [blue] tractor
  • ✅ - [red] car
  • ❌ - [yellow] truck

The red car is still in his overtaking maneuver and has a much higher speed than yourself. Wait until the passing of the red cars.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I sound my horn and continue driving
  • ❌ I steer to the right
  • ✅ I brake very sharply

The cyclist from the left does not seem to slow down, so brake sharply.

What is the correct course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ The oncoming road user and I agree on who takes priority
  • ✅ I wait until the oncoming road user has driven past me
  • ❌ I take priority before the oncoming road user

is wait until the oncoming drove past when the obstacle is on your Fahrbahnhälfste.

Two vehicles approach one another at an intersection. Both vehicles want to turn left. What must both drivers do in the normal case?

  • ✅ - turn off in front of one another
  • ❌ - communicate with one another to agree the mode of turning
  • ❌ - turn off behind one another

It is bent on principle for each other.

Who has to indicate in this situation?

  • ✅ Me
  • ❌ [The red car]
  • ✅ [The blue car]

change and the blue car, the direction of travel for this reason you must view the change in direction.

Two vehicles approach one another at an intersection. Both vehicles want to turn left. In what exceptional case do they have to turn one after the other?

  • ✅ If the road traffic situation demands it
  • ❌ If the vehicles are crossing over an equal priority intersection
  • ✅ If the layout of the intersection demands it

It is bent on principle for each other. It requires the traffic situation or design of the junction by, e.g., pavement markings must be bent after the other.

In this situation, why do you have to wait before turning right?

  • ✅ Because of the [cyclist]
  • ✅ Because of [the pedestrian]
  • ❌ Because of the [blue car]

When turning, you must grant the longitudinal traffic priority, for this reason you need to drive past / -Go ds pedestrian and bicyclist wait.

In this situation, why do you have to wait before turning left?

  • ❌ Because of the [yellow vehicle]
  • ✅ Because of the tram
  • ❌ Because of the [red car]

Changing direction, so you need to grant the tram priority.

Traffic regulations; Railway crossing

You are waiting at a traffic light and want to turn right. What should you remember?

  • ❌ - simply glance in the mirror to check that there is no cyclist behind you
  • ❌ - concentrate fully on the turning manoeuvre because any cyclist has to wait anyway
  • ✅ - make sure there is no road user beside you on the right intending to go straight on

If other road users are next to you, you must give priority to them if you wish to drive straight ahead. So, also pay attention to people on bike and pedestrian paths. It is not enough to just keep track of the road through the rear-view mirror. In addition, you have to control your surroundings with a look back over your shoulder to be able to perceive those road users who are hidden in the blind spot of the mirror.

You want to drive straight ahead. What should you do?

  • ❌ - between the yellow and the blue vehicle
  • ✅ - at the stop line
  • ❌ - directly behind the yellow vehicle

In case of halting traffic, you are not allowed to block any intersection or T-junction despite the green traffic light or right of way. You may need to wait at the stop line and cannot close up until the front vehicles are far enough away.

What must you look out for when the traffic lights turn green?

  • ✅ For the motorbike
  • ❌ For oncoming traffic
  • ✅ For [the pedestrian]

While you wait at the red light, a motorcyclist pushes past the waiting vehicles. When the traffic light switches to green you should pay attention to the motorcyclist and let him pass before he initiates a risky overtaking maneuver. But you should also let the pedestrian cross the road, which is still on the road despite it being green.

What should you do?

  • ❌ Turn smoothly, so as not to impede following traffic
  • ✅ Stop before the left turn and keep the central divide clear
  • ❌ Come to a stop in the central divide, where the other car is stopped

If tram rails lead through the left turn lane and you want to turn left when the tram approaches, it is important to wait with sufficient distance in front of the tram rails. When the tram passed, you can turn left.

In which situations are you not allowed to enter a junction even though the traffic light is green?

  • ✅ If I would have to stop in the middle of the junction because the traffic is backing up
  • ✅ If asked to stop by a police officer
  • ❌ If the sign "Stop. Give way" is displayed at the junction

In the following cases, you must not enter a crossroad, even though the traffic light shows "green": with slow-moving traffic, as crossings, for example, must remain free for emergency vehicles. Secondly, when police officers regulate traffic and give instructions that deviate from the meanings of the colors of the traffic lights. In general, a green traffic light tells you that you are allowed to drive and overrules other traffic signs that regulate the right of way. Policeman orders have the highest rank and override traffic lights.

You are driving along a forest track and approach a level crossing without St. Andrew's Cross. What do you do?

  • ✅ Proceed at moderate speed and check to see if a rail vehicle is approaching
  • ❌ Proceed without taking any special precautions since rail vehicles are required to wait here
  • ✅ Listen out in case a rail vehicle signals its approach by whistling or ringing a bell

Even without the diagonal cross, a car driver must always give priority to a rail vehicle on field and forest paths. Approach the railroad crossing at moderate speed and listen for a train approaching. Observe the track and stop, if necessary, to let the rail vehicle pass.

You are approaching a level crossing with barriers. Where must you wait if you would have to stop on the rails in case of traffic congestion?

  • ❌ Just before the rails
  • ✅ In front of the St. Andrew's Cross
  • ❌ Level with the barrier

If you are unable to pass the railroad crossing quickly due to slow traffic, then stop in front of the diagonal cross. Waiting directly in front of the rails or at the level of the barriers is prohibited, because at these positions you may be hit by the dynamic pressure of the train, by the train itself or trapped by the barriers.

At the entrance to an industrial estate, there is a St. Andrew's Cross with the supplementary sign "Industrial estate, rail vehicles have precedence". What must you remember?

  • ❌ Motor vehicles have precedence at level crossings without St. Andrew's Cross
  • ✅ Rail vehicles have precedence at all level crossings
  • ✅ Approach level crossings at moderate speed only

Even if there are no barriers and no diagonal crosses at the level crossings in the entire industrial area, motor vehicle drivers must give priority to all rail vehicles. Always expect a train to come, observe the railway lines accurately and approach the tracks only with moderate speed.

A railway employee is waving a red lamp at a level crossing. What does this mean?

  • ❌ The red lamp is of no significance for you
  • ❌ You may cross the rails carefully
  • ✅ You must wait in front of the level crossing

All car drivers and other road users must wait at a safe distance before the crossing if a member of the railway staff secures a low-traffic level crossing with a red light. Waving the red light means that the tracks are inaccessible and trains have priority.

You want to turn left. To whom must you give priority?

  • ✅ Oncoming cyclists
  • ✅ Pedestrians seeking to cross the road into which I am turning
  • ✅ Oncoming vehicles

The oncoming traffic when turning left, has always right of way. This also applies to cyclists; they are granted priority. If pedestrians cross the street you want to turn into, the pedestrians have priority too.

Which are the areas you must not drive into when there is traffic congestion?

  • ✅ Crossroads
  • ✅ Level crossings
  • ❌ Driveways

In the case of stagnant traffic, the following areas must be kept free for example for emergency vehicles: intersections, level crossings and cross-walks. For residential exits, this rule does not apply. If you notice that someone wants to drive off his property onto the road, you should give the driver the opportunity to enter the road.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I sound my horn and continue driving
  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ✅ I perform an emergency braking manoeuvre

Immediately apply the emergency brake to prevent a collision with the cyclist coming from the left. Continuing would be dangerous in this situation, even though the traffic light is green in your direction.

What is the right course of action here?

  • ❌ - overtake the moped before the rail crossing once the cyclist is away
  • ✅ - not overtake the moped before the rail crossing
  • ❌ - overtake the moped allowing sufficient space to the side

You must not overtake the moped before the level crossing. In general, no vehicles may be overtaken at level crossings from signs 151, 156 to the rails.

When must you wait at a level crossing?

  • ✅ When a flashing red light comes on
  • ✅ When a railway employee is waving a white-red-white flag
  • ✅ When the barriers are being lowered

All road users are required to stop and wait immediately before a level crossing in the following situations: when the signal system's red flashing light comes on, when the barriers start to lower, when the barriers are closed, when a staff member waves a white-red-white flag , You must wait until the blockage is released again.

Which are the areas you must not drive into when there is traffic congestion?

  • ✅ Junctions
  • ❌ 'Bus stops with "zig-zag lines"'
  • ✅ Pedestrian crossings

If traffic slows down, you may only enter intersections if you can leave them quickly. Otherwise you have to wait. Also, junctions of cross streets, cross-walks and level crossings are to be kept free. However, this does not apply to bus stops.

What do you do at a level crossing when the barriers are closed?

  • ✅ If possible, switch on the side lights when it is dark
  • ✅ Wait before the St. Andrew's Cross without obstructing junctions
  • ❌ Use the road area and wait directly in front of the barrier

At a level crossing with closed gates, all car drivers have to wait in front of the diagonal cross. If there is no traffic sign, a safe distance to the rails must be observed. Be careful not to block intersections or T-junctions when waiting. In the dark, lighting must be switched on, parking light is sufficient.

When are you allowed to cross a level crossing with flashing lights but no barriers after a train has passed?

  • ✅ When the flashing red light goes out
  • ❌ As soon as the oncoming traffic sets off, even if the flashing red light is still on
  • ❌ Immediately after the train has passed, even if the flashing red light is still on

You may only cross the level crossing after the red flashing light turns off, as another train could follow. Do not be fooled by oncoming traffic to drive on if the car driver waiting on the opposite site already starts driving too early after the train has passed through.

You are approaching a level crossing with half barriers and flashing lights. The red light is flashing but the barrier is still open. What do you do?

  • ❌ Proceed as long as the half barrier is open
  • ❌ If no rail vehicle is in sight, cross the level crossing
  • ✅ Wait in front of the St. Andrew's Cross

When the red flashing light of a barrier system lights up before rail traffic, all road users must stop in front of the diagonal cross. Driving on is strictly prohibited even if the half barrier is still open. The barriers have fast closing times and can jam vehicles. Rail vehicles are approaching at high speeds and have a very long braking distance of several hundred meters. Therefore, they cannot react situationally to obstacles.

You are approaching a level crossing where the barriers are open. What do you do?

  • ❌ Proceed at the same speed as road traffic always has precedence in such cases
  • ✅ Approach at moderate speed, look along the railway line
  • ✅ Wait in front of the level crossing if you would have to wait on it because of traffic congestion

Nevertheless, as you approach a railroad crossing with the barriers open, you must reduce speed and be aware of the track. The car driver should make sure that the transition is possible without danger and that no rail vehicle is approaching. When you see that a traffic jam could occur, it is necessary to keep a distance so that no car will end up standing on the rails. Rail transport always has priority.

Which conduct is right?

  • ❌ 'I may only turn when the lights show "green"'
  • ✅ I may turn observing the traffic signs
  • ✅ The green car must wait

The traffic light system regulates the right of way for the traffic moving straight ahead. The turning lane on the left does not have its own traffic light. When turning left, you must therefore enter the intersection area and wait until a gap in the oncoming straight traffic allows you to pass. On the lane previously branching off for right-turning drivers, the traffic sign applies instead of the traffic light. Note the cross traffic when turning.

What does this traffic sign mean?

  • ✅ Rail traffic always has priority
  • ✅ You must always wait when a rail vehicle is approaching
  • ✅ Indication of existing overhead electrical wires

The diagonal crosses indicate that rail transport has priority here. As a car driver you need to wait when a rail vehicle is approaching. A lightning bolt in the diagonal cross is an indication of an electrical overhead line, which is important for special transports with a big height.

What applies here?

  • ✅ The crossroads may be crossed
  • ❌ Turning off is prohibited
  • ❌ You must wait for further signals from the police officer before the crossroads may be entered

The traffic policeman's gesture dictates the behavior in traffic. If the officer stands lengthways to your direction of travel and you can see his profile, you can continue and turn right. Right-turning drivers should cross the intersection quickly, as long as no pedestrian or cyclist approaches them. If you want to turn left, enter the intersection to ensure undisturbed traffic flow and wait for the policeman's instructions.

You are approaching a rail crossing. The barrier begins to lower. What should you do?

  • ❌ I switch on my hazard lights
  • ❌ I continue driving if there is no train in sight
  • ✅ I wait in front of the level crossing

When a driver approaches a gate that lowers, he/she must wait in front of the level crossing. This also applies if no rail vehicle is yet to be seen. Switching on the hazard light is not required.

The barrier of a level crossing inside a built-up area is closed. Where must you wait?

  • ❌ Before the first beacon
  • ❌ Before the last beacon
  • ✅ In front of the St. Andrew's Cross

Trucks and vehicles with trailers (vehicles over 7.5 t permissible total mass) are only required to wait outside of built-up areas behind the level crossing (80 m) ahead marker. Inside a built-up area they have to wait in front of the diagonal crosses.

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?

  • ✅ - which I may approach at a maximum speed of 10 km/h
  • ✅ - which I may cross at a maximum speed of 10 km/h
  • ❌ - over which rail traffic may pass at a maximum speed of 10 km/h

The traffic sign combination shows you a level crossing. The car driver may approach the level crossing only at 10 km/h and cross it at that speed.

Where must you wait?

  • ✅ At the stop line
  • ❌ Level with the traffic lights
  • ❌ At the point where you can see along the intersecting road (sight line)

A traffic light in operation has priority over traffic signs, which regulate the right of way. Also, if there is a stop line, stop there and wait until you are allowed to continue.

A police officer is regulating the traffic at a crossroads even though the traffic lights are in operation. What applies?

  • ❌ The traffic signs governing priority
  • ❌ The traffic light signals
  • ✅ The police officer's signals

Road traffic regulations have a defined ranking, which you must observe. Thus, a police officer is superior to everything else. Followed by traffic lights, which in turn are above the traffic signs. If there are no traffic signs, traffic lights or police, the rule "left yields to right" applies.

How important are instructions from police officers?

  • ✅ They must be obeyed
  • ❌ They release you from your own duty to take care
  • ❌ They must be obeyed only if they tally with the traffic signs installed

The driver must always follow the signs and instructions of police officers. Other arrangements and rules, such as traffic lights or traffic signs, are put last. However, the road user must not neglect due diligence.

The traffic light is green. You want to turn right. How do you respond to pedestrians wishing to cross the road into which you want to turn?

  • ✅ Allow the pedestrians to cross the road
  • ❌ Warn the pedestrians by sounding the horn
  • ❌ Make the turn quickly before the pedestrians

If the driver wants to turn right and the traffic light signals "green", he must stop when pedestrians cross the road, regardless of how many there are. If the cross-traffic’s traffic light shows "red", pedestrian lights in the side street are mostly "green". Even without the presence of a traffic light the pedestrian must be given the advantage and the driver must stop and wait in this case. Even cyclists who drive straight ahead at the right of the driver or approach the right-turning driver, have priority and must be allowed through.

There is a light signal with the red light on and no St. Andrew's Cross before a level crossing before a road joining from the right. Where do you have to wait?

  • ❌ After I have observed the traffic, I can drive up to the level crossing
  • ✅ If there is no stop line, before the light signal
  • ✅ At the stop line

In the event of a red light, the car driver must stop in any case. In order not to block the traffic from the road going to the right, the red light is located several meters from the actual railroad crossing. Wait at the stop line or at the light sign if no line is available.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I wait at the tracks
  • ❌ I carefully cross the tracks
  • ✅ I wait in front of the level crossing

If there is a risk that you might come to a stop on the rails due to a traffic jam situation or stagnant traffic, stop in front of the diagonal cross and wait until you can safely and quickly cross the level crossing. Fatal accidents occur when a car standing on the rails cannot avoid the approaching train.

Where should a vehicle stop at these traffic lights with green arrow sign?

  • ✅ Before the crossing or junction if there is no stop line
  • ✅ At the stop line
  • ❌ There is no need to stop

The car driver has to stop at the stop line. If none exists, then he has to stop in any case before the intersection or T-junction. If the traffic situation allows it, turning to the right is also possible when the traffic light is red. A right-turning driver should behave just as he does with a stop sign, when the traffic light is red. The right of way of the cross traffic must be considered and granted.

Who is required to stop at a level crossing with a red flashing light in the form of an arrow point to the right?

  • ✅ Traffic turning right
  • ❌ Traffic turning left
  • ❌ Traffic moving straight ahead

A diagonal cross with a red flashing light in the form of an arrow to the right can be found behind an intersection or T-junction after a railroad crossing. The right arrow indicates that the car drivers who turn right must wait.

What is correct?

  • ❌ I can turn now
  • ✅ I must get ready to proceed
  • ✅ The yellow car must leave the crossroads

The police officer gives the traffic instructions by his body position and with specific arm movements. A raised arm means: The drivers waiting at the intersection are not allowed to continue driving, previously locked drivers should prepare for the onward journey. For this, the policeman spreads his arms from the body or puts them on the body, depending on the instructions. If the police officer stands with his chest to the driver, the driver must stop. If the police officer stands sideways and the driver sees his profile, the driver may continue driving at a moderate speed.

A police officer is regulating the traffic at a crossroads where there are also traffic signs governing priority. What applies?

  • ❌ The traffic signs governing priority
  • ❌ 'The rule "right before left"'
  • ✅ The police officer's signals

The instructions of the policeman have the highest priority. You have to obey, no matter what the signs say. The following order of priority of the traffic regulation applies: The police officer has the highest authority. Traffic lights are superior to traffic signs. Traffic signs are superior to the basic rule "left yields to right".

What is correct?

  • ❌ Turn without stopping
  • ✅ Wait at the crossroads

The police officer regulates traffic by the help of body gestures. A transversely outstretched arm to the engine means you have to stop at the intersection. If the officer stands with his chest looking towards you, your direction of travel is locked. With two outstretched arms or arms pressed to the body, he can release the direction of travel. If the policeman is standing sideways towards you and you can see his profile, you are allowed to drive slowly. If his arm is stretched upwards, you have to stop and if the traffic is closed, you may continue driving soon. Vehicles in an intersection must leave.

How should you behave in this situation?

  • ✅ Pass through the crossing without stopping
  • ❌ Stop on the stop line
  • ❌ Stop on the line of sight

The traffic light has priority over other traffic signs and lane markings. Cross the intersection without stopping, as long as the traffic light is green.

What is permitted at these traffic lights with green arrow sign?

  • ❌ Turn right without stopping
  • ❌ Turn right only when the traffic lights are green
  • ✅ Turn right from the right lane after having stopped first, when there is no obstruction or danger to others

The additional sign with green arrow on a black background allows you to turn right after stopping at the red traffic light. Despite the additional sign, the car driver has to make sure that the cross traffic is not endangered. This includes pedestrians and cyclists. Turning is permitted only on the right lane and may only be performed after stopping and ensuring that you can turn safely.

When must you wait at this traffic sign?

  • ✅ When a rail vehicle is approaching
  • ✅ When a railway employee is waving a white-red-white flag
  • ✅ When the level crossing cannot be crossed without having to stop on it

The diagonal cross in front of a railroad crossing signals the right of way for rail traffic. When a rail vehicle approaches, you have to wait in front of the sign. The same applies if railway staff waves a white-red-white flag. If you are in danger of comingThe diagonal cross in front of a railroad crossing signals the right of way for rail traffic. When a rail vehicle approaches, you have to wait in front of the sign. The same applies if railway staff waves a white-red-white flag. If you are in danger of coming to a stop on the railroad crossing due to traffic jams, you must also wait in front of the diagonal cross until you can quickly cross the railroad crossing. to a stop on the railroad crossing due to traffic jams, you must also wait in front of the diagonal cross until you can quickly cross the railroad crossing.

What should you do?

  • ❌ Continue driving
  • ✅ Slow down

In front of you you see a traffic light changing from green to yellow. You drive at 40 km/h. Since you are still far enough from the traffic lights, you have to slow down.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I drive through the junction quickly, because "yellow" is displayed
  • ❌ I wait at the stop line for the next set of green lights
  • ✅ I allow any cross traffic the right of way

If the yellow traffic light flashes, the traffic light system is out of operation. Then the general right of way applies. You are not on a priority road; therefore, possible cross traffic has the right of way.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ❌ Traffic turning left may proceed
  • ✅ Traffic turning right may proceed
  • ❌ Traffic continuing ahead may proceed

If a traffic light turns red, car drivers who want to drive straight ahead or to the left must stop and wait. If there is an additional traffic light with a glowing green arrow pointing to the right, it is allowed to continue driving and to turn right. A traffic light without additional traffic lights or arrows, however, is valid for all directions.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I wait at the stop line for the next set of green lights
  • ❌ I drive through the junction quickly, because "yellow" is displayed
  • ✅ I allow any cross traffic the right of way

The traffic light is out of order, so the right of way ends traffic signs apply. You must give way.

What should you do?

  • ✅ Continue driving
  • ❌ Slow down

The traffic light switches from green to yellow directly in front of you. Your speed is 45 km/h. So, you're too fast in order to slow down and stop in front of the traffic light. There is also a truck behind you, which could hit you while doing an abrupt braking maneuver. Drive on briskly.

What do these permanently illuminated signs mean?

  • ❌ - 3 and lane 4 must stop
  • ✅ - 2 must change to the right-side lane
  • ✅ - 1 may continue driving on it

Continuous light signals above a lane inform you as a car driver whether this lane is passable or locked or if you need to leave it. Red crossed bars mean: The lane must not be used. A green arrow looking down means: You can drive on the lane. A yellow blinking, obliquely downward looking arrow, you must change the lane in the direction of the arrow.

You are approaching a traffic light which has been "green" for some time. What do you do?

  • ❌ Accelerate even though the speed limit is exceeded
  • ✅ Watch the traffic light closely
  • ✅ Approach but be ready to stop

Since the traffic light has been green for a while, it can switch at any moment. Continue at the same speed, watching the traffic light carefully and be ready to stop. Once you have reached your decision point - distance to the traffic light, from which a normal stop is no longer possible - drive on, even if the traffic light switches.

You are travelling at a speed of approximately 40 km/h. The lights change from "green" to "amber" when you are 40 m away. What do you do?

  • ✅ Stop
  • ❌ Proceed

According to the rule of thumb, at a speed of 40 km/h your car comes to a stand after 28 meters. The only correct reaction is to stop.

You come to a stop unexpectedly on a pedestrian crossing. What do you do?

  • ✅ Move slightly forward or backward in order to clear the crossing as quickly as possible
  • ❌ Move half onto the footpath in order to clear the crossing
  • ❌ Reverse under no circumstances, even though the roadway is clear behind you

To avoid danger for pedestrians, pedestrian crossings must be kept clear. Therefore, you need to clear the crossing as soon as possible. Drive forwards or backwards as far as the traffic conditions allow. Pay attention to other road users. Do not drive on the sidewalk. This is intended exclusively for pedestrians.

You are travelling at a speed of approximately 40 km/h. The lights change from "green" to "amber" when you are 10 m away. What do you do?

  • ✅ Proceed
  • ❌ Stop

At 40 km/h, the braking distance according to the rule of thumb is 28 meters. Even with emergency braking, a car driver can barely come to a halt 10 meters in front of a traffic light. To prevent a possible rear-end collision, you should therefore continue driving.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I cross over the junction carefully
  • ❌ I wait outside of the junction for further instructions from the police officer
  • ❌ I let [the blue vehicle] move first

The police officer is a hierarchy in the first place with the right of way. Principle of "right before left", road signs and traffic signals have no effect at this moment. Be still carefully because other road users could still behave incorrectly.

You want to turn right at these traffic lights with a green arrow sign. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I stop before the junction
  • ❌ I may turn right into any lane
  • ✅ I have to ensure that other road users are not impeded

Thanks to the green arrow sign, you can turn at this traffic light even when it's red. To do this, merge right and come to a brief stop in front of the traffic light. Afterwards, make sure that you do not obstruct or endanger other road users. Also note that cross traffic still has priority.

What do these signals indicate?

  • ✅ The two lanes on the right are open to traffic
  • ❌ You may use the two lanes on the left for overtaking only
  • ✅ You may not use the two lanes on the left

These permanent lights can either enable or disable the lanes, depending on the traffic. They always relate directly to the lane over which they are mounted. A green sign indicates that you are allowed to drive on the lane, a red cross blocks it, a yellow sign with arrow means for you: lane change.

The traffic light has just changed to yellow. What is the right course of action if you are turning left?

  • ❌ - turn
  • ✅ - stop

The yellow traffic light indicates that you have to wait before the crossing. Since your distance to the stop line is far enough in this situation, you can safely stop.

What must you do in this situation?

  • ❌ - drive on past to the left of the flagman
  • ❌ - drive on past to the right of the flagman
  • ✅ - stop in front of the level crossing

The employees of the railway ensures the level crossing and therefore you should before Andreaskreuz continue.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ✅ I may turn unimpeded
  • ❌ I must allow the oncoming traffic to pass through
  • ❌ I have to wait in the centre of the junction

Basically, when turning left, you as a car driver have to grant the oncoming traffic right of way. Since in this situation, the green arrow lights on the opposite street corner, you can assume that the traffic light for the oncoming traffic is red. So, you can turn.

What is true of permanently illuminated signs?

  • ✅ Permanently illuminated signs either block lanes or open them up to traffic
  • ✅ Vehicles may not stop at the side of carriageways with permanently illuminated signs
  • ❌ Permanently illuminated signs apply to multi-track motor vehicles only

If there are crossed red diagonal beams, drivers on the lane must neither drive nor hold in front of them. A green arrow looking down means: You can drive on the lane. A yellow blinking, obliquely downward looking arrow, you must change the lane in the direction of the arrow.

You want to turn left and the lights are "green". On your left there is a tram wanting to proceed straight ahead. What is correct?

  • ❌ You must come to an agreement since there are no rules for this
  • ✅ You must wait
  • ❌ The tram must wait

Although you are allowed to drive, due to the green light, you have to grant the tram the right of way, as it continues straight ahead. You should therefore only enter the intersection halfway and let oncoming vehicles pass before turning left.

Speed; Distance

What should you do in this kind of visibility?

  • ✅ I reduce my speed
  • ❌ I switch on my main beam lights
  • ✅ I keep towards the right''-hand edge of the carriageway

In poor visibility you must first slow down your pace. If you are dazzled by an oncoming vehicle, you should look to the right side of the road in order not to get off the road. You must not drive on full beam.

Why do you have to pay particular attention here?

  • ✅ Because oncoming traffic could cut the corner
  • ✅ Because the road surface is uneven
  • ✅ Because it is not clear which direction the road will take

There's a long turn in front of you whose end you cannot see. From there you could be met by a fast-moving vehicle that cuts your lane. On top of that, the road surface is bumpy and not even. Therefore, do not expect sufficient grip and drive at an adjusted speed.

What is a frequent cause of serious accidents?

  • ✅ Driving too close to the vehicle in front
  • ✅ Failure to pay attention to other road traffic
  • ✅ Failure to adjust speed accordingly

Serious accidents often result from risky overtaking maneuvers and rear-end collisions caused by unnecessary slow driving, fatigue and delayed reactions, as well as from children acting unpredictably and inconsiderately.

What do you do if visibility is drastically reduced by fog?

  • ✅ Adapt your speed in time to visibility conditions
  • ❌ Drive up close to the vehicle in front so you can use its rear lights as an orientation point
  • ✅ Increase the distance from the vehicle in front

Adjust your speed and driving style to the viewing conditions. Make sure you can stop within eyeshot. If necessary, increase the safety distance to the vehicle in front. Fog with a visibility of 50 meters, for example, means that you should drive at a maximum of 50 km/h.

How do you take tight bends?

  • ❌ Reduce speed only when you reach the centre of the bend
  • ✅ Only accelerate again when the road straightens out
  • ✅ Reduce speed before reaching the bend

Even before a narrow curve, you should reduce your speed and accelerate only when you’re driving on a straight stretch again. Note that braking abruptly in a turn can cause your vehicle to spin.

Why is it necessary to maintain a larger safety distance to the vehicle ahead?

  • ✅ Because the braking distance is longer than on a dry road
  • ✅ Because spray water could otherwise impede visibility
  • ✅ Because uneven areas of the road will otherwise be detected later

On a wet road there is risk of aquaplaning. The braking distance here is longer than on a dry surface. The vehicle in front generates a spray of dirty water, which worsens your vision. Also, you cannot detect larger puddles of water in advance. To be able to react well in dangerous situations, keep a greater distance from the vehicle in front and adjust the speed.

Why must you not drive extra slowly for no good reason?

  • ✅ Because it increases the danger of rear-end collisions
  • ✅ Because it encourages vehicle drivers behind to overtake dangerously
  • ✅ Because it obstructs the flow of traffic

Road traffic regulations prohibit unnecessary slow driving, as it impedes the flow of traffic and dramatically increases the risk of accidents: it tempts subsequent road users to risky overtaking maneuvers in unclear places. Besides, the risk of rear-end collisions increase drastically due to the resulting speed differences.

Where is fast driving particularly dangerous?

  • ✅ At level crossings
  • ✅ At blind corners
  • ✅ At road narrowings

In poorly visible turns, fast driving is particularly dangerous because suddenly appearing obstacles are often seen too late. Even at road constrictions high speed can be dangerous because there's not always enough braking distance available. Also, do not underestimate the risk of skidding due to uneven road surfaces at railroad crossings.

Where must you be prepared to encounter sudden fog?

  • ✅ In marshy areas
  • ✅ Near rivers
  • ✅ Near lakes

Humidity at low temperatures promotes fog formation. As a result, fog is increasingly appearing around lakes, streams, rivers and marshes.

What can be the causes of rear-end collisions?

  • ✅ Inattentiveness
  • ✅ Driving too close behind the vehicle in front
  • ✅ Unexpectedly heavy braking

Several possible scenarios lead to rear-end collisions. If someone brakes too suddenly and unexpectedly, a crash can occur. Driving up close accidents are also a common reason for rear-end collisions, especially if the rear driver is distracted and unfocused. A sufficiently large safety distance can help to avoid such risks.

While driving, how can you safely check whether the road is icy?

  • ❌ By rapid acceleration
  • ❌ By jerking the steering wheel to the left and right
  • ✅ By carefully applying the brakes at very low speed

Test the condition of the road by carefully braking at low speed. Make sure to observe the traffic behind you. Avoid sudden steering or accelerating. Your vehicle could swing off and get out of your control.

There is oil on the road. What should you do now?

  • ✅ I notify the fire brigade
  • ❌ I swerve onto the left-hand side of the road
  • ✅ I avoid heavy braking and abrupt steering movements

If there is oil on the road, avoid jerky steering and abrupt braking; there is a danger of slipping. If other road users are not endangered, you can switch to the left lane. Inform the fire department so that the oil gets cleaned up.

Where must you especially reckon with ice on the roadway?

  • ✅ On stretches of road running through forest
  • ❌ On frequently used stretches of road
  • ✅ On bridges

You must be prepared for increased ice on the road in the following areas: in damp, shady and windy locations, which promote the formation of ice on the road. These particularly include forest areas and bridges. In forests, the cold lasts longer than in open fields as moisture takes longer to evaporate due to the shade. Roads on bridges store less heat than roads on the ground. Thus, bridge pavements are colder and freeze faster. Icing is also increased due to the humidity of the surrounding water and the increased amount of wind due to the unprotected location.

Why must the safe distance maintained be much greater on a wet roadway than on a dry roadway?

  • ✅ Braking distances are greater
  • ✅ The contact between the tyres and the roadway deteriorates
  • ✅ Wheel-spray can impair visibility

When the road is wet, the grip between the tires and the road is reduced due to the water film. As a result, the braking distance is considerably longer. Also, the spray water whirled up by the car in front impairs visibility. The same applies to rainy weather.

What are the special conditions when driving along tree-lined avenues in the cold season?

  • ✅ White frost and black ice occur more frequently and more unexpectedly on cobbled roadways than on other roadways
  • ❌ Tree-lined avenues are particularly safe in winter because the treetops protect the road from snow
  • ✅ Wet leaves as well as white frost, black ice and snowy surfaces are particularly dangerous above all on cambered roadways

The special features of driving on avenues in the cold season are due to the basic characteristics of an avenue: It is characterized by even rows of trees running parallel to the road to the right and left. The leaves of the trees provide shade on the roads. This means that moisture remains longer, which promotes the formation of ice in cold conditions. The leaves falling onto the road also considerably increase the risk of the vehicle slipping.

Why does driving on this stretch of road require greater alertness on the part of the motorist?

  • ✅ A tram might come from the opposite direction
  • ✅ Driving on the tracks is dangerous
  • ✅ The road surface is uneven and road grip varies

A tram on its rails can come towards you, and the road becomes much narrower for you. Tram tracks are dangerous, especially in wet conditions because they become slippery. The road is also uneven and has a different grip, as there are also cobblestones. This can increase the braking distance.

Where does driving fast often lead to accidents?

  • ✅ On bends
  • ✅ At crossroads and junctions
  • ✅ At pedestrian crossings

Too high speed is one of the main causes of accidents. The faster you drive, the longer your braking distance and the less time you have to react to other road users. If the speed is too high, you can be carried out of the curve by centrifugal force. On slippery and wet roads, you lose grip and control over your car at high speed.

Why must you drive with particular caution here?

  • ✅ Because the view is obscured by the bend
  • ✅ Because the roadway is made narrower by the wrongly parked car
  • ✅ Because the roadway is slippery

Snow makes the road slippery. In front of you, there is a turn that is difficult to observe in which a car is parked. You will have to swing out on the opposing traffic lane in order to avoid it. Therefore, take extra care to be able to react at any time. In addition, your vehicle needs suitable tires for a good grip.

Where must you particularly reckon with dirt on the roadway and therefore danger of skidding?

  • ❌ At innercity crossroads
  • ✅ At junctions with farm tracks
  • ✅ Near construction sites

At the intersections of dirt roads and construction sites, roads are likely to be very dirty from soil, loam, and dirt. Vehicles coming from there spread dirt on the road with the tread grooves of their tires. In wet conditions, this means an increased risk of slipping.

The road is icy for a short distance. What should you avoid here, if possible?

  • ✅ Braking
  • ✅ Steering wheel movements
  • ✅ Accelerating

On icy roads your tires will not stick as well as usual. Therefore, you should avoid dangerous situations like braking or accelerating suddenly. Also refrain from sudden steering movements. They could cause your vehicle to spin. Only brake and steer when you're not on an icy surface.

What must you reckon with here?

  • ✅ When overtaking, your vehicle is pulling to the right when you enter the slipstream of the truck
  • ✅ Your vehicle could be blown to the left by the strong side wind
  • ❌ The vehicle travelling in front of you can be blown to the right

If you drive on the motorway in a strong crosswind from the right, the crosswind constantly pushes the car to the left. You have to countersteer to the right to stay in the lane. If you overtake a truck, expect that the pressure from the crosswind is gone immediately as you enter the slipstream of the truck. If you continue to countersteer, there is a risk that you drive against the truck. Since the crosswind comes from the right, the front vehicle could be pushed to the left.

What must you anticipate on the other side of this crest in the road?

  • ✅ There may be a slow moving vehicle on my side of the road
  • ✅ A vehicle may be stationary there
  • ✅ There may be an oncoming vehicle on my side of the road

Due to the height of the crest, it's not visible what lies behind it. Expect to find obstacles there, such as broken down or slow-moving vehicles. Also, be prepared for oncoming trucks that share your lane. In order to be able to react quickly to such dangers, you should reduce your speed accordingly.

What must you do if your vehicle is caught by a strong side wind?

  • ✅ Steer against the wind
  • ✅ Reduce speed
  • ❌ Accelerate rapidly

If your vehicle is hit by strong crosswinds, you should not accelerate, slow down instead and countersteer. The faster you drive, the less secure you can keep your vehicle on the road, since crosswinds can lead to skidding of the vehicle.

What can be caused if the road surface suddenly becomes worse?

  • ❌ Longer reaction distance
  • ✅ Changes in tyre noise
  • ✅ Danger of sliding and skidding

As the road surface deteriorates, it always results in a change and deterioration of traction. As the wheels lose stiction, the vehicle is slipping and skidding faster. The tire noise also depends on the condition of the road surface and changes when, for example, the road turns from a paved road to a cobblestone track.

What can cause in aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) on wet road surfaces?

  • ✅ High speed
  • ✅ Worn tyres
  • ✅ Grooves in the roadway

Aquaplaning - also known as hydroplaning - occurs when the tread depth of the tires is too low to displace the accumulated amount of water or when the amount of water to be discharged is too large due to a high speed (from 60 km/h). In addition, wheel ruts in the road, in which water accumulates, favor this effect.

Which dangers must you reckon with above all in rural areas?

  • ✅ Slow farm vehicles
  • ✅ Soiled roadways
  • ✅ Excessively wide farm vehicles

In agricultural areas, tractors and other agricultural vehicles operate at slow speed and/or excess width. Often the road is also polluted with soil or dung.

What must you take into consideration when selecting your speed?

  • ✅ Visibility and weather conditions
  • ✅ Personal driving ability
  • ✅ The condition of the road and traffic conditions

You are only allowed to drive your vehicle at maximum legal speed. The actual permissible speed is usually lower. It depends on the visibility and weather conditions, the road conditions, the current traffic conditions and your personal driving skills.

You are driving on a narrow road. About 20 m ahead of you a child suddenly runs onto the roadway. When is a collision unavoidable despite emergency braking?

  • ❌ 20 km/h
  • ❌ 30 km/h
  • ✅ 50 km/h

For this question, you must first calculate the thinking distance and the hazard braking distance. At 50 km/h, the thinking distance is 50/10 x 3 = 15. So, there are 15 meters of thinking distance. The hazard braking distance is determined by the following calculation: [(50/10 x 50/10) / 2] = 12.5. 50 km/h is the right answer.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ Continue driving at a moderate speed, because there is very little space between the cyclist and the car
  • ✅ Wait, because otherwise there would not be enough space between the cyclist and the car
  • ❌ Continue driving as before, because there is sufficient space between the cyclist and the car

You want to drive around the vehicles parked on the right side of the road. But that is only possible when the oncoming cyclist has passed you by. Otherwise you would not be able to maintain the necessary lateral distance and therefore have to wait.

By which rule of thumb can you determine from the speed the distance in metres a motor vehicle travels in one second?

  • ❌ {Speed in km/h}/{10} x 5
  • ✅ {Speed in km/h}/{10} x 3
  • ❌ {Speed in km/h}/{10} x {Speed in km/h}/{10}

With the following rule of thumb and the help of speed, you can calculate the distance in meters that a vehicle travels in a second: Divide the speed by ten and multiply the result by three. If you drive your vehicle at 100 km/h, you can travel 30 meters in one second.

Why must you reduce your speed in heavy rain?

  • ✅ Because braking distance is increased
  • ✅ Because aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) can occur
  • ✅ Because visibility is reduced

Water on the windshield or visor breaks the light and worsens the view, whirling up water also obstructs the view. The braking distance is longer on wet roads because of lower grip. The profile of the tires drains the water. At high speed, the amount of water to be drained is too large, there is a risk of aquaplaning. In this case, there is no contact between the road and the tire. The vehicle cannot be controlled any longer.

What adversely affects road safety here?

  • ✅ Reduced grip of the tyres on the wet roadway
  • ❌ The dipped headlights of oncoming traffic
  • ✅ Poor visibility

The rain and the whirled-up water create a haze that can significantly affect traffic safety. Assume that the grip of the tires is significantly lower due to the wet road surface than on dry roads and that this prolongs your braking distance. The low beam of oncoming traffic does not affect the traffic safety, as the car driver is not dazzled by it.

What does the braking distance depend on?

  • ✅ - road surface
  • ✅ - braking system
  • ✅ - tyres

The braking distance of your vehicle depends on the tires, the brake system and the condition of the road. Braking forces are generated powerfully and quickly by a functioning brake system and are optimally transmitted to the roadway only if there is sufficient tread. The static friction of the tires depends on the road condition.

What does the distance to be maintained from the vehicle ahead depend on?

  • ✅ Speed
  • ✅ Visibility conditions
  • ✅ State of the road surface

The distance to the vehicle in front depends on the speed as well as the visibility and road conditions. As a rule of thumb, you should keep at least a distance of half of your speed in meters. In poor visibility or road conditions, the distance should be increased.

By which rule of thumb can you determine the braking distance in metres from speed when braking normally?

  • ✅ {Speed in km/h}/{10} x {Speed in km/h}/{10}
  • ❌ {Speed in km/h}/{10} x 3
  • ❌ {Speed in km/h}/{10} x 5

The braking distance is the distance you travel from the start of braking until your vehicle stands. It can be calculated from a simple rule of thumb during normal braking: the speed traveled divided by ten times the speed traveled divided by ten.

What benefit can be obtained by maintaining an adequate distance between you and the vehicle ahead?

  • ❌ It restricts visibility
  • ✅ It aids far-sighted driving
  • ✅ It helps reduce the risk of accidents

You should always maintain a sufficiently large safety distance to the car in front of you. Through anticipatory driving, you maintain optimal visibility and reduce the risk of accidents.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ Slow down
  • ❌ Accelerate
  • ❌ Swerve to the left

If a cyclist who moves to the left drives in front of you, you must not overtake him if the road is narrowed at this point and there is oncoming traffic. A safety distance of 1.5 to 2 meters could not be maintained here.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ Accelerate
  • ❌ Swerve to the left
  • ✅ Slow down

On your side the road narrows. The cyclist will therefore move to the left. Because of oncoming traffic, you cannot overtake him with the required safety distance of 1.5 to 2 meters. That's why you have to wait and stay behind him.

Why could overtaking be dangerous here?

  • ✅ Because beneath the slush there could also be ice on the road
  • ✅ There is still slush on the overtaking lane
  • ✅ Slush could be thrown up and impair visibility

Overtaking in slush can lead to many dangers. Under the snow there could be a layer of ice that makes overtaking dangerous. In addition, you could hurl snow masses at other vehicles or to start swerving back and forth yourself.

You are travelling at 30 km/h. According to the rule of thumb, the braking distance is 9 metres when braking normally. How long is the braking distance under the same conditions when travelling at 60 km/h?

  • ❌ 27 m
  • ✅ 36 m
  • ❌ 18 m

If you double your speed to 60 km/h, the braking distance will quadruple. Just proceed from the braking distance for 30 km/h and accordingly calculate 9 m times 4 = 36 m.

What could cause a fast travelling motor vehicle suddenly to veer sideways on a dry straight road?

  • ❌ Sudden headwind
  • ✅ A burst tyre
  • ✅ It is suddenly hit by a gust of strong side wind

A vehicle on a straight, dry road can swing off sideways in the event of a strong crosswind or a burst tire. In this case, immediately lay off the gas pedal, countersteer and brake gently.

Why should you ready yourself to have to stop here?

  • ❌ Because of the motorcyclist
  • ✅ Because of the truck

The street looks very narrow. Expect that you have to stop when the truck approaches you. You should drive as far to the right as possible and prepare for a stop to avoid a collision.

What can lead to your dangerously underestimating your own speed?

  • ✅ Driving on a good, wide road
  • ✅ Driving for a long time at high speed
  • ❌ Loud engine and tyre noise

Wide and clear roads without changing roadside development can lead to dangerous underestimation of one's own speed. But also, longer trips at higher speeds, such as on the highway, can lead to this effect. On the other hand, strong engine and tire noise let the driver perceive the speed more consciously.

Where must you anticipate dangerous situations suddenly arising?

  • ✅ In front of schools
  • ✅ After hilltops
  • ✅ In forested areas

You must be aware of sudden, dangerous situations when: 1. visibility is severely restricted; 2. Persons or animals could unexpectedly appear on the road. In the case of limited visibility, you may detect obstacles such as broken vehicles on the roadway too late. You have less time to react accordingly. In forest areas you have to expect wild animals crossing suddenly during dusk times; in residential areas you have to expect children playing on the street. Caution is also required in front of schools and at school bus stops.

What should you do here?

  • ✅ - greatly reduce my speed
  • ✅ - continue driving in my lane
  • ❌ - drive to the left past the damaged road surface

In the event of lane damage before a turn, you should reduce your speed considerably to avoid damaging the vehicle. Due to the confusion of the curve, you should not drive past the lane damage on the left, but continue on the right on your lane.

What are the special conditions when driving along tree-lined avenues?

  • ✅ There are particularly narrow and blind bends
  • ❌ The trees provide protection from the sides
  • ✅ The narrow and often cambered roadway requires special caution when there is oncoming traffic

The road is usually very narrow. In addition, it is often heavily curved to drain rainwater. Therefore, special care should be taken with oncoming traffic. Curves are not clear due to the trees. You have to drive particularly careful because of the possible oncoming traffic in curves. Left turns are especially dangerous. The trees don't offer any protection to the driver, not even windbreak.

You are driving in dense fog on a federal road (Bundesstraße) outside a built-up area. Are you allowed to drive in the middle of the road continuously straddling the broken white line?

  • ❌ Yes, if fog headlamps and rear fog lamps are switched on
  • ✅ No, because it could represent a danger to oncoming traffic
  • ❌ Yes, because it reduces the risk of running off the road

Driving on the center line is not allowed even in dense fog, especially as drivers can always collide with oncoming traffic due to reduced visibility. If there's fog, slow down and orient yourself on the right side of the road for a safe ride.

Why are you required to slow down now?

  • ❌ Because of the tractor
  • ❌ Because of the course of the road
  • ✅ Because of the animal

An animal runs on the road from the right. Since there is no vehicle behind you, you should delay, brake and drive to the right. This is the safest way to handle possible scenarios: the tractor could hit the animal and start skidding, the tractor could drive on your lane in an evasive maneuver, you could hit the animal and lose control of your vehicle.

Why should you brake now?

  • ❌ - blue car
  • ❌ - tractor
  • ✅ - green car

Snow is a special danger for you as a car driver. Your lane is covered in snow. In addition, your view is restricted by a heap of snow. The upcoming green car does not respect the right of way. Therefore, you should brake early, because due to the slipperiness of the braking distance is extended. Probably the green car is also hampered by the snow pile.

What must you do on encountering sudden dense fog driving at daytime?

  • ✅ Switch on dipped headlights
  • ✅ Adapt speed immediately to visibility conditions
  • ❌ Only switch on parking lights

As a car driver you must turn on low beam during the day when there's fog, snowfall and other poor visibility. Because of the insufficient luminosity driving with parking light is not permitted. Adjust your speed to the visibility conditions and use the rear fog light when you can see less than 50 meters.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ Fast oncoming traffic cutting the corner
  • ✅ Wild animals crossing the road
  • ✅ Slow-moving vehicle on my side of the road

With a confusing right turn you have to expect different situations. Especially at dusk times, wild animals can switch sides right after the turn. But it can also happen that oncoming traffic cuts the curve and is recognized very late or that a vehicle is driving at a very low speed right after the curve.

How can you achieve sufficient visibility through the windscreen?

  • ❌ When the windscreen is steamed up, switch the ventilator off and keep the windows closed
  • ✅ Switch on the windscreen wipers from time to time when it is foggy
  • ✅ When there is slush, switch on the windscreen wipers already before slush is thrown onto your windscreen by other vehicles

Turn your windscreen wipers to interval switching, during fog in order to remove fine water droplets from the mist. Turn on your windscreen wipers before overtaking or being overtaken so that obstructions caused by slush or spray water are immediately removed. Avoid fogged windows with the correct ventilation setting: Set ventilation to outside air supply and not to circulating air. Open the windows a gap to let the moisture escape. Briefly switching on the air conditioning dehumidifies the air very quickly.

Where does aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) occur particularly often?

  • ✅ Where there are grooves in the roadway
  • ✅ In dips in the roadway
  • ❌ At level crossings

If the speed is too high and/or there is more water than can be drained from the tire profiles, aquaplaning occurs. A water film prevents contact between tires and the road. The vehicle is no longer controllable. The risk of aquaplaning exists in particular in ruts and road subsidence. Level crossings usually have no increased risk for aquaplaning, since water can usually run well here.

Why should you brake hard now?

  • ❌ Because of the tractor
  • ❌ Because of the truck
  • ✅ Because of the car

Since the blue passenger car will most likely get on your lane, you have to slow down immediately and keep to the right.

What must you reckon with when it starts raining after a long period of dry weather?

  • ✅ A dangerous greasy film on the surface of the road
  • ✅ Bad visibility immediately upon switching the windscreen wipers on
  • ❌ Shorter braking distance

If rain sets in after prolonged drought, a dangerous film of lubricant forms on the road, which is only washed away after a long period of rain. This film is more dangerous than rain alone. Brake very carefully. This lubricating film is also deposited on the windscreen. After turning on the windscreen wipers, it first worsens the view drastically. The braking distance is extended by the poorer traction.

What do you have to be aware of in this situation?

  • ✅ The constant changing of light and shadows makes it more difficult to detect other road users in good time
  • ✅ The speed should be adjusted due to the visibility
  • ✅ Judging distances is made more difficult because of the constant changing of light and shadows

A sudden and strong change of lighting conditions, you must reduce your speed, because the human eye otherwise cannot react fast enough to the change of light. Other road users or obstacles are very difficult to perceive in dark areas.

It starts raining. Why must you immediately increase the safe distance?

  • ✅ Because a greasy film may form which increases the braking distance
  • ✅ Because visibility may become worse and the windscreen wipers do not immediately provide a clear field of vision
  • ❌ Because the brakes react more quickly

When it starts raining, you must immediately increase the safety distance for the following reasons: Under the influence of moisture, the dirt, dust and fine deposits from tire abrasion or pollen on the road turn into a dangerous film of grease. This reduces the traction and thereby extends the braking distance. This lubricating film also forms on the windscreen and on the brake drums. If you use the windscreen wipers, they will first worsen your view and smudge the window. On the brake drums, this lubricating film leads to a slower response of the brakes in wet conditions.

What is especially important when choosing the speed for driving along tree-lined avenues with narrow roadways?

  • ✅ To estimate the lateral distance to the trees and oncoming traffic simultaneously
  • ✅ It may be necessary to stop within half the visible distance when a wide vehicle is coming from the opposite direction
  • ❌ Rapidly changing light conditions make it easier to estimate lateral distances

When driving on an avenue with narrow lane width, you must consider the following factors when choosing your speed: Due to the rows of trees on the side, the lighting conditions can change quickly. This makes it difficult for you to estimate the distances to the sides and oncoming traffic. You have to choose your speed so that you can stop halfway on the track, which you can overlook. This is particularly important because wide or tall vehicles often drive in the middle of avenues due to space requirements.

When is there a danger of underestimating your own speed?

  • ✅ When the road is wide and there are no trees, buildings, fences etc. at the edge of the road
  • ✅ When you have already been driving at high speed for some time
  • ❌ When the roadside features (trees, houses, fences) are constantly changing

The danger of underestimating one's own driving speed comes into place when you made a long journey driving at high speed, for example on the highway. Even wide, clear roads quickly beguile you to drive at high speed. On the other hand, a changing roadside development has the opposite effect.

You are driving on an avenue, with a narrow carriageway. What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ I may only drive at a speed that allows me to stop within half of my range of vision
  • ✅ Conflicts can arise with the oncoming traffic
  • ✅ I have to anticipate unevenness at the edge of the carriageway caused by tree roots

On narrow avenues you are only allowed to drive at a speed that allows you to stop within half the visibility if oncoming traffic approaches. There may be conflicts with oncoming traffic. You may have to slow down, brake and drive to the right or reverse until the road gets wider to allow oncoming traffic drive past you. The roadside of avenues can be particularly uneven because tree roots lift the pavement.

You are driving in fog on the autobahn and have 50 m visibility. What is the maximum speed you may drive?

  • ❌ 70 km/h
  • ✅ 50 km/h
  • ❌ 90 km/h

If the visibility in fog is less than 50 meters, the driver must not drive faster than 50 km/h. This also applies when there's snowfall or heavy rain.

You increase your speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. How is the braking distance changed according to the rule of thumb?

  • ✅ It is quadrupled from 25 m to 100 m
  • ❌ It is halved from 50 m to 25 m
  • ❌ It is doubled from 15 m to 30 m

According to the rule of thumb, the braking distance quadruples when the speed doubles. At 40 km/h, for example, it is 16 meters and at 80 km/h 64 meters.

You are driving at 80 km/h behind a motor vehicle. What is the minimum safe distance you must observe?

  • ❌ A distance of 15 metres
  • ❌ 'A "distance of 1 second"'
  • ✅ 'A "distance of 2 seconds"'

When driving behind another vehicle, you need to maintain the so-called "two-second distance" to be able to stop in time. At a speed of 80 km/h, this corresponds to about 40 meters.

What is the permissible top speed generally in built-up areas?

50 km/h is the legally prescribed maximum speed limit within cities. If this speed is exceeded, you will no longer be able to process information in time to react.

You are driving in urban traffic on a dry roadway in a stream of traffic travelling at a speed of 50 km/h. What is the minimum safe distance you must keep from the vehicle in front?

  • ❌ 5 m or approximately 1 car length
  • ❌ 10 m or approximately 2 car lengths
  • ✅ 15 m or approximately 3 car lengths

In urban areas, as well as in city traffic, shorter distances are justified according to jurisdiction than out of town. The general "two-second distance" may be reduced to one second with attentive driving and favorable road conditions. At 50 km/h, this is about 15 meters. That's about three car lengths.

What are the effects of driving at high speed in motor vehicles with combustion engines?

  • ❌ The noise level is reduced
  • ✅ The emission of harmful substances increases
  • ✅ Fuel consumption increases

Be aware that fast, high-speed driving results in high fuel consumption and high exhaust emissions. This also leads to more noise and to a not lower noise level.

You are driving your car and caravan trailer (length of combination of vehicles exceeding 7 m) outside built-up areas on a road with only one marked lane in each direction. What must you remember?

  • ❌ The distance from the car in front must not be greater than the length of your combination of vehicles in order to make best use of traffic space
  • ❌ You may not drive faster than 60 km/h
  • ✅ As a rule, the distance from a car in front must be great enough to allow an overtaking car to pull in

Trains which are longer than 7 meters must keep a distance from the vehicle in front outside of built-up areas which has to be at least half the speed in meters. For cars with trailers, a maximum speed of 80 km/h applies outside the city. That would correspond to a distance of 40 m. This way, overtaking vehicles can go back into lane.

What makes driving in a stream of vehicles easier?

  • ✅ Driving in a slightly staggered position in your own lane
  • ❌ Keeping your hazard warning lights switched on when driving
  • ✅ Watching the queue through the windows of the vehicles travelling in front

Slightly offset driving allows you to observe the vehicles in front. This allows you to see the traffic situation in front of you or through the windows of the driver in front and react faster to sudden events. Driving with hazard lights in a convoy is generally prohibited.

You are driving on a good quality road in good visibility conditions. Within what distance must you be able to stop?

  • ❌ - half of the stretch of road visible to me
  • ✅ - the stretch of road visible to me
  • ❌ - twice the stretch of road visible to me

With good visibility on a developed road, you must be able to stop within the assessable distance. At night, the range of the low beam is considered assessable.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I accelerate in order to create a large enough safety distance
  • ❌ I brake briefly in order that that the driver behind will reduce his speed
  • ✅ I maintain my speed and continue driving as before

The maximum speed limit on this road is 80 km/h. You drive 80 km/h. The driver driving behind you harasses you to drive quicker; he/she comes dangerously close and falls below the required safety distance. Keep your speed. If you try to increase the safety margin by accelerating, the driver behind you will probably also accelerate. Braking, even briefly, endangers you and the car behind.

When leaving a built-up area, both you and the vehicle approximately 15 m ahead of you increase speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. How should you change the safety distance between you and the vehicle ahead?

  • ❌ - remain the same
  • ✅ - increase to at least 50 m
  • ❌ - increase to at least 25 m

Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you outside of closed areas that is at least half the speed in meters. At 100 km/h, the safety distance should therefore be at least 50 meters.

What is the minimum distance that should normally be maintained from the vehicle in front outside built-up areas?

  • ✅ 1/2 the speedometer reading in metres
  • ❌ 1/5 the speedometer reading in metres

Outside built-up areas, the distance to the vehicle in front must be at least half the mileage in meters, that means at 100 km/h the distance should be about 50 meters. Even the so-called 'two-second distance' was legally recognized.

You are driving with dipped headlights on a main road. Within what distance must you be able to stop?

  • ❌ - side lights
  • ✅ - dipped headlights
  • ❌ - main beam lights

You are only allowed to drive so fast that you can stop within the assessable track. In this situation, this corresponds to the range of your low beam.

By which percentage does the fuel consumption (l/100 km) of a middle-class car driving at 160 km/h in general increase compared to driving at the recommended speed of 130 km/h?

  • ❌ By up to 10 %
  • ✅ By up to 35 %
  • ❌ By up to 5 %

Compared to driving at the advisory speed limit of 130 km/h, the fuel consumption at a speed of 160 km/h usually increases very much. For example, the consumption of a mid-range car can rise by up to 35%.

What should you anticipate?

  • ❌ Cross-wise moving traffic before the summit
  • ✅ An obstacle situated around the corner
  • ✅ A dangerous left-hand bend

The danger sign warns of a sharp left turn. The crest blocks the view forward on the road. The curve is not visible. You have to expect a broken-down vehicle or another obstacle. Because of the road, there can be no cross traffic in front of the crest.

During the journey your passenger informs you that you are repeatedly tailgating. What should you do?

  • ✅ I maintain a greater distance
  • ✅ I take the passenger’s comments seriously
  • ❌ I ignore the passenger’s comments

You should take the safety advice of passengers seriously. Keep a larger distance. Within built-up areas, the distance to the vehicle in front should be at least three car lengths or approx. 15 m. Outside built-up areas, you should follow the "two-second rule of thumb".

You are travelling at 40 km/h. The braking distance for evasive braking is approximately 8 metres. How long is the braking distance at 50 km/h given otherwise the same conditions?

  • ❌ 11.0 m
  • ✅ 12.5 m
  • ❌ 9.5 m

The normal braking distance of your car is determined by this rule of thumb: Speed ​​divided by 10 times speed divided by 10. To calculate the braking distance during emergency braking, the determined value is halved again (divided by 2). Here there means: 50/10 * 50/10 = 25, divided by 2 = 12.5 meters.

Why should you lower your speed now?

  • ❌ Because the direction of the road ahead demands it
  • ❌ Because I have to give right of way
  • ✅ Because I am badly visible to other road users

Basically, you have the right of way, because you are on a priority road. However, to avoid a dangerous situation, you should still reduce your speed and be ready to brake, as the car driver of the car coming from the right-hand side might recognize you too late or miss you altogether. Due to the trees on the roadside his/her view is clearly limited.

You increase your speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. How does the reaction distance change in accordance with the rule of thumb?

  • ✅ It is doubled from 15 m to 30 m
  • ❌ It is quadrupled from 25 m to 100 m
  • ❌ It is halved from 50 m to 25 m

If the car driver doubles the speed of the vehicle, the braking distance doubles from 15 to 30 meters.

What is the rule of thumb when calculating the braking distance for evasive braking on a dry, even and asphalted roadway?

  • ✅ ({Speed in km/h}/{10} x {Speed in km/h}/{10}) : 2
  • ❌ ({Speed in km/h}/{10} x 3) : 2
  • ❌ ({Speed in km/h}/{10} x 5) : 2

The rule of thumb for determining the stopping distance is: thinking distance (speed divided by 10 times 3) plus braking distance (speed divided by 10 times speed divided by 10). At 50 km/h, this is 50 divided by 10 times 3 equals 15 m thinking distance plus 50 divided by 10 times 50 divided by 10 equals 25 m braking distance. The stopping distance is 40 m. In case of emergency braking, this value is halved. That would be 20 m in this example.

Why are you required to brake now?

  • ✅ Because of the child
  • ❌ Because of the [green] car
  • ❌ Because of [the cyclist]

The child could run at any moment on the road. Brakes to avoid an accident.

You are driving on a very narrow road and can see 50 m ahead. What must be your maximum stopping distance?

On a narrow street you have to stop within half the visibility, in this case 25m.

You are travelling at 50 km/h and brake normally. What is the braking distance according to the rule of thumb?

Braking distance = (speed/10) x (speed/10) That means that at a speed of 50 km/h, the braking distance is 25 meters.

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck with a permissible total mass of 3.0 t on roads with one marked lane for each direction outside built-up areas?

For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes of gross vehicle weight and without trailer, the maximum speed limit is 100 km/h.

What must you be prepared for here?

  • ✅ An extended braking distance
  • ✅ A vehicle coming from the right
  • ✅ A narrowed carriageway

You have to adjust (right over left) and on a restricted road you Due to the weather and the appropriate conditions on the road, on an extended stopping distance, on a signal coming from the right vehicle.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What is the correct thing to do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ I change down to a lower gear if necessary
  • ❌ I always change up to a higher gear
  • ❌ I drive carefully along this incline

The speed at the slope keep to you may have to shift down a gear, otherwise the torque at low speed may not be sufficient to the vehicle further drive.

You are travelling at 100 km/h and have a reaction time of 1 second. What is the reaction distance according to the rule of thumb?

Reaction path = (speed/10) x 3 That means at a speed of 100 km/h, the braking distance is 30 meters.

What is the right course of action here?

  • ✅ I allow [the pedestrian] on the right to cross the road
  • ✅ I brake carefully
  • ❌ I carefully continue driving, because there are no markings visible on the road

Although the pavement marking is not visible, the traffic signs indicate the presence of pedestrian crossing. Brake gently to the spin of your vehicle to prevent.

What is the correct course of action in this situation?

  • ✅ I avoid jerky steering movements
  • ✅ I reduce my speed
  • ❌ I brake hard while in the bend

Drive carefully, slowly and avoid abrupt steering or braking because any time may occur snow or black ice.

You double the speed at which you are travelling. How does this affect the braking distance?

It also depends on your speed: At twice the speed, the braking distance will be four times as long - from 9m at 30 km/h to 36m at 60 km/h.

What is the maximum speed a motor vehicle fitted with snow chains is allowed to travel?

With snow chains, the maximum speed is 50 km/h. If that speed is exceeded, the driving stability is impaired and the road gets damaged.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What must you consider when you see this road sign?

  • ✅ The braking distance is longer
  • ✅ Applying the brakes for a longer time will diminish the braking response
  • ❌ The braking response will be better if no gear is engaged

The speed in the gap not to exceed you may need to continuously braking gently. heats the brake the braking effect of time. Remember that the braking distance, this also extended. To the brake does not you may want to unnecessarily burden select lower gears to the engine braking effect to enlarge.

You are travelling at 100 km/h, have a reaction time of 1 second, and brake normally. What is the stopping distance according to the rule of thumb?

The stopping distance during normal braking consists of the addition of reaction distance ((speed: 10) x 3) and braking distance (speed: 10) x (speed: 10). Stopping distance = reaction path + braking distance. At a speed of 100 km/h, the stopping distance is 130 meters. "

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck with a 3.0 t gross vehicle weight rating with trailer on roads outside of settlements?

If a lorry with a maximum mass of 3.0 tonnes is driven by a trailer, it may be driven outside of built-up areas at a maximum speed of 80 km/h.

You are travelling at 50 km/h, have a reaction time of 1 second, and brake normally. What is the stopping distance according to the rule of thumb?

The stopping distance during normal braking consists of the addition of reaction distance ((speed/10) x 3) and braking distance (speed/10) x (speed/10). Stopping distance = reaction distance + braking distance. That means at a speed of 50 km/h, the stopping distance is 40 meters.

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car with trailer on roads outside of built-up areas?

If a trailer is carried along with a passenger car, it may be driven outside of built-up areas at a maximum speed of 80 km/h.

You are travelling at 100 km/h and brake normally. What is the braking distance according to the rule of thumb?

Braking distance = (speed/10) x (speed/10) That means at a speed of 100 km/h, the braking distance is 100 meters.

When must a car with trailer driving outside built-up areas on roads with only one lane for each direction keep a sufficient distance from the car in front so that an overtaking vehicle may pull in?

StVO § 4 Abs.2: "Motor vehicles subject to a special speed restriction and vehicules longer than 7 meters must keep a fixed distance from other vehicles in front of them so they can be overtaken by other passing vehicles. ..) "

You are travelling at 50 km/h and have a reaction time of 1 second. What is the reaction distance according to the rule of thumb?

Reaction distance = (speed/10) x 3 That means at a speed of 50 km/h, the braking distance is 15 meters.

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car on roads with one marked lane for each direction outside built-up areas?

For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes of gross vehicle weight and without trailer, the maximum speed limit is 100 km/h.

Other road users

A group of children are cycling on a cycle path that ends. What do you have to reckon with?

  • ✅ - will move onto the roadway without paying attention
  • ❌ - will get off their bicycles and wait until the roadway is clear
  • ✅ - will move too far onto the roadway

Especially children who are not too familiar with the traffic rules tend to perform unpredictable maneuvers. You should, therefore, make sure, especially at the end of a cycle path, that young road users can drive onto the road without warning. It is also common for children to ride side by side in groups, which can cause them to swing off onto their lane.

What risks must you be aware of?

  • ✅ the children will not get off the road in time
  • ✅ some children will turn around again
  • ❌ all children will wait on the pavement

If there is a ball on the road, it can be assumed that a child will come for it. For you as a car driver, this means stopping immediately so that the child can pick up the ball safely. With children you must reckon with the fact that they behave contrary to traffic and cannot estimate dangers correctly.

What do you have to reckon with when children are waiting at traffic lights?

  • ✅ - will already start running when the traffic lights in my driving direction change from green to amber
  • ✅ - will also start running when the light is red because they cannot wait since it's taking them too long
  • ✅ - will push each other onto the roadway

Due to a lack of life experience and inadequate education, children do not always behave following the rules in road traffic and, for example, get onto the road during a battle. You should also be aware that children may suddenly run across the street, even if their traffic lights are still red or if they are bypassing the traffic lights.

Having crossed the road, a person in a wheelchair cannot get up the curb and onto the pavement. What do you do?

  • ✅ I stop and switch on the hazard warning lights
  • ✅ I get out of the car and help the person in the wheelchair
  • ❌ I honk the horn and drive around the person

You should help the person. To do this, you may stop and switch on the hazard warning lights to warn other road users of possible dangers. It is not permitted to honk the horn and drive around the person in this situation. This would frighten and unsettle the wheelchair user.

What must you heed in this situation?

  • ❌ - overtake the bus while it is still moving
  • ✅ - pass the stationary bus at walking speed provided you are sure that passengers are not endangered
  • ✅ - not overtake the bus while it is still moving

If a public bus or school bus has switched on its hazard lights and is still driving, you must not overtake it. When the bus stops at the bus stop, you can drive past at walking pace and at a suitable distance. This is necessary in order not to endanger the passengers getting in and out. When you're driving on the opposite lane, you must also slow down or stop to ensure passenger safety.

In this situation, which vehicles may drive past, at walking speed only, while ensuring there is no danger to any passengers?

  • ✅ - are oncoming
  • ✅ - are travelling in the same direction

If the hazard lights of a bus are switched on at a stop, all vehicles must pass the bus at walking speed in both directions. A hazard or hindrance to the passengers getting in and out of the bus needs to be ruled out.

What risks must you be aware of?

  • ❌ - stop moving
  • ❌ - continue on the cycle path
  • ✅ - proceed onto the road

Cyclists do not always behave according to the rules. Here, the child could drive on the road, even if it has previously looked to you on the left side. To avoid dangerous situations, you should therefore lower your pace and be ready to break.

A person in a wheelchair is travelling along the road although there is a pavement on the right. What do you do?

  • ✅ I follow behind the wheelchair until I can overtake it
  • ✅ I overtake it, leaving plenty of room on the side because the wheelchair may swing out
  • ❌ I honk the horn to indicate that the person is not behaving correctly

Disabled and older people sometimes do not behave properly due to physical restrictions. Therefore, please be particularly careful and be considerate. Expect the wheelchair user to suddenly and unexpectedly avoid the road and drive further into the lane. In such situations, it is not permitted to use the horn or drive around the person at high speed.

What do you have to reckon with when elderly persons using walking frames cross the road?

  • ✅ They may stop on the road
  • ✅ They may turn round and go back
  • ✅ They will cross the road slowly

If older people cross the street with a walking aid, you are subject to an increased duty of care. The principle of trust is abolished. You must expect these people to stop suddenly or turn around unexpectedly. Older people also need a comparatively long time to cross the road.

Why must you drive slowly here and be ready to brake?

  • ✅ Because the traffic situation is confusing
  • ✅ Because there is a child on the carriageway
  • ❌ Because [the white van] is moving off

The child behind the standing truck on the left runs towards the road. You cannot tell if it will stop. Therefore, be especially attentive and careful in this confusing traffic situation. Drive slowly and be ready to brake.

How must you behave?

  • ✅ slow to walking pace immediately
  • ❌ drive past at the same speed
  • ✅ remain ready to brake

Most likely, a ball that will roll on the street will be followed by a running child without paying attention to the traffic. Slow down your vehicle immediately at walking pace. Be especially careful and ready to brake!

What conduct must you expect of children at zebra crossings?

  • ✅ They will run onto the zebra crossing without paying attention to traffic
  • ❌ They will wait at the curb because they always correctly judge the speed and distance of approaching vehicles
  • ✅ They will turn around on the zebra crossing for no apparent reason and run back

In principle, children do not have the necessary training to behave following the rules in road traffic at all times. It is therefore conceivable that they may not know the meaning of a crosswalk and enter the road despite approaching vehicles or suddenly run back after crossing it.

How do you behave?

  • ✅ be ready to brake
  • ✅ watch out for children
  • ❌ continue driving at the same speed

Reduce the speed and oversee the two children. Be careful and ready to brake. Stop if the behavior of the children makes this necessary.

What do you do?

  • ❌ Make eye contact with the man
  • ✅ Stop
  • ✅ Let the man cross the road

Visually impaired pedestrians often wear a badge and are accompanied by a guide dog with white harness. It is not possible to make eye contact with a visually impaired road user. Therefore, you are obliged to special attention here. You must stop to allow the pedestrian crossing the road safely.

Who has a severe visual handicap?

  • ❌ The woman
  • ❌ The child
  • ✅ The man

Persons with the following license plates are likely to be severely visually impaired: If a person is wearing a yellow armband with three black dots and a white cane stretched diagonally forward.

What must you heed in this situation?

  • ✅ - pass at walking speed only
  • ❌ - not pass under any circumstances
  • ✅ - pass only if you are sure that passengers are not endangered

If public busses and school buses stop at a bus stop and their hazard lights are switched on, the following applies: Vehicles may only drive past them at a walking pace and with sufficient distance. This applies to oncoming traffic as well as vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus. Any danger for passengers must be preempt by you as the driver.

How should you behave?

  • ✅ slow to walking pace
  • ❌ continue driving at same speed
  • ✅ remain ready to brake

The following applies here: Reduce speed immediately, be ready to brake and drive slowly past the situation. When children are playing, it is to be assumed that they do not pay attention to traffic and do not behave in a traffic-compatible manner.

What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ - turn to the left
  • ✅ - go to the other side of the road
  • ❌ - not impede me as I proceed

It is always possible that cyclists do not behave in a roadworthy manner. A cyclist could turn left or change sides without showing a hand signal. With two cyclists, the second may also follow the first without a hand signal. You should, therefore, be ready to brake, even if the cyclists continue straight ahead.

Which statements are correct?

  • ✅ You may pass on the right-hand side at walking speed provided that passengers are not obstructed and you are sure no-one is endangered
  • ❌ Passengers must allow moving traffic to pass before boarding
  • ❌ If no-one is obstructed or endangered, you may pass on the right-hand side at a speed faster than walking speed

If you do not obstruct or endanger passengers getting on or off the tram, you may slowly drive past the stopping tram at walking speed. What is important here is that passengers have absolute priority in this situation and do not have to let flowing traffic through. If necessary, you, as the driver, must stop and wait.

Why are older pedestrians at more risk than younger ones from road traffic?

  • ✅ They frequently react more slowly and are less mobile
  • ✅ They frequently misjudge the speed of vehicles
  • ✅ They frequently have poorer sight and hearing

Older road users have poorer vision, poorer hearing, slower reaction and incorrect assessment of vehicle speeds. Be prepared that these people recognize dangers too late and react too late or not at all.

Why do you have to reduce your speed here?

  • ✅ - child
  • ❌ - motorbike
  • ❌ - [SUV]

If a transporter parks in front of a house and a child runs out of that house, it may run out onto the road directly in front of the transporter. Children rarely pay attention to traffic. Therefore, you should be able to brake immediately in an emergency. You should lower your driving speed.

In this situation, do you have to proceed slowly and be ready to brake?

  • ❌ Yes, because the bus will begin moving immediately
  • ✅ Yes, because pedestrians not alighting from the bus could cross the road
  • ✅ Yes, because passengers could cross the road from in front of the bus

As the bus is stopped at the bus stop and is blinking on the right, you should drive past it very carefully. There is also a person standing directly in front of the bus and in your immediate vicinity. You have to be aware that passengers will get off the bus. Other people may approach the bus from the other side of the street and want to get on. You should slow down your speed so that you can brake immediately if necessary.

What actions should you anticipate from persons at the pedestrian crossing?

  • ✅ Sometimes they turn back half-way across
  • ✅ They will unexpectedly walk onto the road
  • ✅ They will look neither left nor right

Crosswalks have a protective function for pedestrians. They give them priority over other road users. Some pedestrians trust this protection thoughtlessly and cross the road without paying attention to the traffic. At crosswalks, be aware that pedestrians and especially elderly or needy people could enter the road without looking left and right. It is also possible for pedestrians to turn back halfway at a red traffic light.

What should you anticipate when pedestrians are crossing the road?

  • ✅ - come to a sudden stop
  • ✅ - turn back, after half-way
  • ✅ - be inattentive

If a pedestrian crosses the road, it is not certain whether he will continue to the opposite side of the road. It is also possible that he stops, reverses or proceeds with a delay.

What should you do?

  • ❌ Continue driving, because there are pedestrians on the left side of the road only
  • ✅ Wait to allow pedestrians to cross the road
  • ❌ Continue driving, because there is sufficient time before the pedestrians have reached my side of the road

When pedestrians wait at a crosswalk to cross the street, they have priority. This also applies if they are standing on the left side of the road. You should brake early on. The pedestrians must be able to recognize that you are fulfilling your obligation to stop. Even if the pedestrians initially stop and wait, they must still be able to clearly see that you are giving them the right of way.

What actions should you anticipate at such stops?

  • ❌ Pedestrians will wait until the road is clear
  • ✅ Pedestrians will run across the road to the tram-stop island
  • ✅ Pedestrians will step off the tram-stop island unheedingly

Pedestrians have to wait at these traffic islands. This means that you are allowed to drive past the tram even if the tram doors are still open. However, potentially dangerous situations arise frequently as people often behave carelessly when getting on and off the tram. For example, passengers simply run across the road to reach the tram without paying attention to traffic.

What should you do?

  • ✅ Brake early, to clearly indicate to the pedestrians that I am allowing them to cross
  • ❌ Continue driving, even if the pedestrians stop briefly
  • ❌ Arc around the pedestrians, to avoid impeding the following traffic

At pedestrian crossings pedestrians always have absolute priority. Therefore, brake in good time and clearly visible. This way, pedestrians can easily see that you fulfill your duty of waiting and are able to step onto the road. Even if the pedestrians are still standing at the roadside, it is absolutely forbidden to continue driving.

Which statements are correct in this situation?

  • ✅ The bus may be passed in either lane but no faster than at walking speed
  • ✅ Vehicles in both lanes must stop if passengers would otherwise be endangered
  • ❌ The vehicles in the left lane may pass the bus without paying any special attention

If a bus is stopped at a bus stop and its hazard warning lights are turned on, you as the driver may only drive past the bus at walking speed on the same lane. Keep a safe distance. If necessary, stop and wait. The reason for this is the safety of bus passengers, which is always a priority. This also applies to road users traveling on the same lane in oncoming traffic

A person at the side of the road is wearing a yellow armband with three black spots. What does this armband indicate?

  • ❌ This person belongs to a particular profession
  • ✅ The wearer is disabled
  • ✅ I am obliged to behave in a particular way towards this person

If you see a person on the side of the road wearing a yellow armband with three black dots, this means for you that the principle of trust does not apply. You are now obliged to exercise greater diligence. This is because the armband indicates a physical limitation in the form of severe visual impairment. If the visually impaired wear this armband and/or a white cane, they are permitted in traffic unaccompanied.

In a residential area a ball rolls out in front of your vehicle. How must you react?

  • ❌ Avoid hitting it
  • ❌ Continue driving
  • ✅ Brake

If a ball rolls in front of your vehicle in a residential area, it is likely that a child will suddenly run onto the road. Therefore, you must slow down and be ready to stop, as the principle of trust does not apply in this case.

You are driving on this road which is not inside a built-up area. What should you prepare yourself for?

  • ✅ Pedestrians using the road
  • ❌ Pedestrians walking only off the road
  • ✅ The road is narrow

On the right you see the sign of a parking lot. Expect pedestrians to walk away from or towards their parked cars. Since the sidewalks are impassable due to the snow masses, pedestrians might have to walk on the road. The weather leads to slippery streets and extends your braking distance. Drive slowly.

Which statements are correct in this situation?

  • ❌ As you are coming from the opposite direction, you do not need to worry about the bus
  • ✅ You may pass the bus provided that you do so with care
  • ✅ Cars coming from the opposite direction may pass the bus provided that they do so with care

Vehicles coming from both directions may only pass public buses, school buses and trams carefully when they are making a stop. Since the bus has not turned on the hazard lights, you do not need to slow down your vehicle to walking speed. Be especially attentive in this situation!

What must you be aware of in residential areas with low traffic volumes?

  • ✅ That cyclists are inattentive
  • ✅ That children playing run onto the road
  • ❌ That all adults obey the road traffic regulations

Low traffic in residential areas often gives children and adults a sense of high security. Many road users in these areas are reckless, which often leads to improper behavior on the road. In such areas, you should always be prepared for children playing, inattentive cyclists and pedestrians suddenly entering the road. Drive particularly carefully and attentively, as children cannot properly assess the dangers of road traffic.

What do you have to be aware of in this situation?

  • ✅ I look out for people who could walk onto the road
  • ✅ I may only pass the bus at walking speed
  • ❌ I may not drive past the bus

If a bus stops at a bus stop, you must always approach carefully. You have to stop behind the bus and you are only allowed to go past it at walking pace when you are sure you're not endangering anyone. The set hazard warning lights show: The stop is dangerous. This way, school buses warn from children who are getting off. They could suddenly come out in front of the bus and cross the lane or run to the bus to catch it.

A pedestrian with a white stick wants to cross the road in front of you. What should you do?

  • ❌ - continue driving at the same speed
  • ✅ - reduce speed and stop if necessary
  • ❌ - give a warning signal

A white cane shows you that this road user is blind or at least severely visually impaired. This cane is also an indicator that the person is allowed to take part in traffic without being accompanied. The blind and visually impaired must always be met with increased consideration. Decrease your speed and stop if necessary. Honking is not appropriate: you would scare and unsettle the person.

You are approaching children playing on the pavement. How must you behave?

  • ❌ Continue driving as before so as not to impede the traffic behind you
  • ❌ Sound your horn and continue driving
  • ✅ Drive slower and be ready to brake

Children playing on the sidewalk may unexpectedly run onto the road. The principle of trust does not apply. You must slow down and be ready to brake.

The tram has just become stationary at the stop. What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - may be warned using the horn
  • ✅ - may not be impeded
  • ✅ - may not be endangered

You may pass a stopped tram carefully at walking speed - but only if this does not endanger or obstruct passengers.

What should you do?

  • ❌ Continue driving as before
  • ✅ Remain ready to brake
  • ✅ Slow to walking pace

You should always take particular precautions when approaching children in traffic. In this situation, you must expect that the small child will continue riding on the road from behind the transporter. Slow down to walking speed, stay alert and ready to brake at all times. If necessary, stop the vehicle if you are not sure how the child will behave. It would be gross negligence to just honk the horn and keep driving.

Why are you required to brake now?

  • ❌ Because of the van
  • ✅ Because of the motorbike
  • ❌ Because of the cyclist

The motorcyclist comes from the left at high speed. He probably did not see you because of the oncoming vehicle. Although you have the right of way, you have to slow down, as otherwise an accident will occur.

A big combine harvester in front of you wishes to turn right. What is correct?

  • ❌ - cannot swing out due to rear-wheel steering
  • ✅ - will slow down drastically before turning
  • ✅ - will swing far out to the left when turning

The combine will have to swing out in order to turn, because the turn is very narrow. He will greatly reduce his speed. Keep your distance and also drive slowly and ready to brake. Especially for cyclists applies: never overtake on the right!

You want to overtake cyclists. What should be noted when selecting the distance between the cyclists and the car?

  • ✅ How the cyclists are acting
  • ❌ 1.0 m between the cyclist and the car is always sufficient
  • ✅ The speed of my vehicle

If you want to overtake a cyclist, you must consider the following with regard to the side clearance: The side clearance must be at least 1.5 m and more in case of conspicuous behavior of the cyclist. The reasons for this are possible pendulum movements of the cyclist, but also the possible suction effect of your vehicle at higher speed. Honking and overtaking with a smaller side clearance are considered gross negligence.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ - will swing outwards even more
  • ✅ - will come to a sudden stop
  • ❌ - will remain stationary in the right-hand lane

You see that the truck wants to turn in front of you. The vehicle obscures the view of the traffic, so you need to adjust your speed. The truck probably swings out to take the curve. He might stop abruptly to let pedestrians or other road users pass.

When could a dangerous situation arise here?

  • ❌ If [the cyclist] stops at the end of the cycle path
  • ✅ If [the cyclist] changes to my lane
  • ✅ If I continue driving at the same speed

You can see that the bike path ends right in front of you. The cyclist would have to stop and wait until she can safely merge into the flowing traffic. However, expect that she doesn't stop, but pans in front of you on the road.

How can you tell if a horse-drawn carriage wants to change direction?

  • ✅ The driver extends his arm
  • ✅ A traffic paddle is displayed
  • ✅ A flashing indicator

When a horse-drawn carriage wants to change its driving direction, it can be recognized by one of the following signs: The horse-drawn carriage indicates; the coachman beckons with his arm or with a signaling disk.

You are driving behind a farm vehicle with a trailer carrying a high load. What must you reckon with?

  • ❌ The braking distance of the combination of vehicles is particularly short because of its load
  • ✅ Particularly when braking or turning, parts of the load can fall off
  • ✅ The indicators may be concealed, making it difficult to see when the combination of vehicles wishes to turn off

If you drive behind an agricultural vehicle with a heavy trailer, you must expect that a part of the cargo could fall on the roadway when the driver is turning or braking. The turn signal could be dirty or covered by cargo. The braking distance of the vehicle is extended by the weight of the load.

Why are you particularly at risk, if you are riding a two-wheeler?

  • ✅ Because I can be easily overlooked
  • ✅ Because I am at greater risk of injury in the event of an accident
  • ✅ Because my speed can be underestimated

Particularly in the case of limited visibility conditions such as fog and darkness, the small silhouette of the cyclist will only be recognized late or not at all. In addition, the small construction makes it difficult to estimate its speed. In the event of a collision, two-wheelers offer less protection than most other motor vehicles.

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road. What should you do?

  • ✅ - the most space to the side as possible
  • ❌ - a high engine speed
  • ✅ - as little noise as possible

Drive past the horses at an appropriate speed and with as much distance as possible. The animals may be frightened by sudden and loud noises such as a car horn or high engine speed, and may bolt. Therefore, avoid noise and proximity.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ✅ Be ready to brake
  • ❌ Continue driving as before
  • ✅ Reduce speed

The driver of the vehicle coming out of the exit cannot see the cross traffic. He would have to be marshaled into traffic. He could continue to drive forward and prevent you from continuing your journey. You should throttle your speed, be ready to brake, if necessary, stop.

You wish to overtake a farm tractor with a mounted implement extending beyond its back. What must you remember?

  • ❌ Farm tractors can always be overtaken safely due to their low speed
  • ✅ The mounted implement can swing out when the tractor turns off
  • ✅ The rear lights may be heavily soiled or concealed, making direction signals difficult or impossible to see when they are on

You should always refrain from an overtaking maneuver when the tractor wants to turn. The reason for this is that the tractor has a large turning circle and is likely to veer, blocking the road. Also keep in mind that the turn signals of such a vehicle are not always visible and that they could be covered by dirt due to the agricultural use.

What must you be prepared for when a truck in front of you wishes to turn right into a narrow street?

  • ✅ - swing out to the left before turning
  • ❌ - move well over to the right
  • ✅ - reduce speed drastically

Keep a large distance to the truck and never overtake on the right side, even if you as a cyclist would have the opportunity to do so. The truck must first reduce its speed for turning. For reasons of space, the truck driver then has to steer the towing vehicle far to the left, if necessary, so that the trailer or the semitrailer does not roll over the curb when turning.

Why must you slow down here and be ready to brake?

  • ✅ - cyclist
  • ❌ - pedestrian
  • ❌ - [green] vehicle

You don't have to slow down because of pedestrians. He is far enough away from the constriction. The red vehicle is standing and is therefore no reason to slow down as well. However, reduce the speed because of the cyclist. He could change lanes without a hand signal and bring about a dangerous situation.

What should you note about electric bicycles (e-bikes) participating in road traffic?

  • ❌ - be easily recognised due to their engine noise
  • ✅ - be deceptively fast
  • ✅ - look very similar to conventional bicycles

E-bikes are just as quiet as classic bikes and are therefore often perceived late. However, they often achieve significantly higher speeds than wheels without an engine. This is underestimated by many road users, so surprising dangerous situations can occur. In general, expect cyclists to gain speed and perform speedy maneuvers.

You want to overtake cyclists on a narrow road. The width of the road means that the maximum possible space between them and the car is 50 cm. What should you do?

  • ✅ I refrain from overtaking
  • ❌ I overtake at a moderate speed
  • ❌ I give a short warning signal before overtaking

To avoid danger, you as a driver always have to maintain a safe distance of at least 1.50 meters when overtaking cyclists. If it is not possible to drive past the cyclist at such a distance, you must not overtake him.

You are approaching a school. Children are leaving the school grounds. What must you reckon with?

  • ✅ - rush onto the road without thinking
  • ❌ - always conduct themselves properly on the road
  • ✅ - ride their bicycles onto the road without paying attention

In school areas you always have to be aware of children who suddenly cross the street. Children are not yet able to assess themselves and other road users well and often react impulsively and not in a way they should behave. As a car driver, you have to adapt your driving style accordingly to avoid any danger to the children. In addition to a low driving speed, you must above all be particularly attentive and always ready to brake.

What must you be aware of here?

  • ✅ That junctions will not be noticed
  • ✅ That children may run onto the road
  • ✅ Of vehicles speeding

You pass through a residential area. The road is wide and you are tempted to drive fast. But beware: Playing children can suddenly jump on the road. If you drive too fast, you will not be able to react and brake in time. In addition, you may overlook cross roads or T-junctions. In residential areas, "Left yields to right" is often the case: you must give priority to vehicles coming from the right.

What should you do?

  • ❌ I move into the middle lane now
  • ✅ I stop
  • ❌ I drive carefully past to the right of the truck

Since there is a car in the blind spot to the left of you and on the other side a truck wants to turn right into the construction site, you should stop. Do not drive on the middle lane. Wait for the truck to clear the road. Then you can continue.

A horse-drawn carriage is coming towards you. What should you do?

  • ❌ - switch on parking light
  • ✅ - drive as far to the right as possible
  • ✅ - Avoid making noise

Drive as far to the right as possible when you encounter a horse-drawn carriage. Do not honk and do not drive at high motor speed. The animals could be sensitive to noise and be frightened. It might happen that they break out and run on your side of the road.

You are driving in the left-hand lane of a two-lane one-way street. About 30 m in front of you, a truck comes to a stop in the right-hand lane before a pedestrian crossing. What should you do?

  • ✅ I approach at a moderate speed
  • ❌ I continue driving swiftly
  • ❌ I give a warning signal and drive past the truck

In no case may a vehicle be overtaken before and on pedestrian crossings. The truck blocks the view of the pedestrian crossing. He may let pedestrians cross the street. Even if he is waiting in a different lane, he must not be overtaken. Drive at moderate speed to the pedestrian crossing, ready to stop.

Why do you have to continue to brake?

  • ❌ - cyclist
  • ✅ - blue truck
  • ✅ - refuse truck

A garbage truck comes towards the blue truck and forces him to stop. Since the garbage truck could swing out and get on your lane as it turns, you'll need to wait for the vehicle to be properly merged. The cyclist is no reason for braking.

In front of you is a pedestrian crossing, beyond which the traffic in your lane is backed up. What should you do?

  • ❌ Wait on the pedestrian crossing if there is no-one in sight
  • ❌ Wait on the pedestrian crossing to shorten the traffic jam
  • ✅ Come to a stop before the pedestrian crossing to allow people to cross

When traffic is halting, you must not stop on a pedestrian crossing. Here, the same rule of intersections and T-junctions applies, which must also be kept clear.

You are approaching a local transport bus, which has come to a stop at a bus stop. What must you watch out for when driving past it?

  • ✅ For pedestrians on the road
  • ✅ That there is sufficient space to the side
  • ✅ My speed

You may drive past a public bus, a tram or a designated school bus only with caution and sufficient lateral distance when the vehicle is waiting at a stop. The same rule applies if the bus is standing in oncoming traffic. Careless people may be on the road, and you, as a car driver, must pay particular attention to this.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ✅ I remain behind the tram
  • ❌ I overtake the tram on the left
  • ❌ I drive past the tram on the right-side

As a car driver, you are obliged to respect public transport and its passengers. In this situation where the tram stops and there are people at the bus stop who have to cross the road to get in, the following applies: stop behind the tram and wait for all passengers to get in or out.

What is correct in this situation?

  • ✅ - not overtake [the cyclist]
  • ❌ - overtake [the cyclist], because there is no oncoming traffic visible
  • ❌ - only overtake [the cyclist] at a moderate speed

You are at a pedestrian crossing. In this situation, you must not overtake the cyclist before and at a pedestrian crossing.

What applies immediately before and on zebra crossings?

  • ✅ - stop
  • ✅ - park
  • ✅ - overtake

There is a strict ban on passing in front of and on cross-walks. That is, so that you as a car driver always have a good view of the cross-walk and potential passers-by. Parking and stopping up to five meters in front of and on the pedestrian crossing is prohibited. Generally, you have to approach a cross-walk carefully.

A pedestrian wants to cross the road via the pedestrian crossing. What should you do?

  • ❌ I overtake the waiting vehicles taking extra care
  • ✅ I get ready to stop
  • ✅ I refrain from overtaking

Approach the pedestrian crossing at moderate speed and signal that you are compliant. If there is eye contact with the pedestrian, emphasize this with gestures. If lowering the speed is not sufficient to enable the pedestrian to cross the route, you have to stop. Before and on pedestrian crossings, no other vehicle may be overtaken.

What do you do when a bus has stopped at a bus stop with its hazard warning lights switched on?

  • ✅ Drive past at a sufficient distance in order to exclude endangering pedestrians
  • ✅ Drive past at walking speed only and, if necessary, stop
  • ✅ Wait if passengers could be inconvenienced

A bus that stops at a stop with the hazard light on may only be passed at walking pace. Walking speed also applies to oncoming traffic. Drive past the bus at a distance that preempts any danger or obstruction to passengers. Wait, if necessary. A sufficient distance improves the visibility to see pedestrians stepping forward.

In which instances do you have to approach a pedestrian crossing with particular care?

  • ✅ If the view of the pedestrian crossing is restricted
  • ✅ If pedestrians want to cross the road
  • ✅ If another vehicle is already waiting at the pedestrian crossing

Generally, motorists have to approach a pedestrian crossing cautiously. Particular caution is advised when people want to cross the road or the view of the pedestrian crossing is limited, for example by an already waiting vehicle in front of the pedestrian crossing. Under no circumstances should you overtake this vehicle.

You would like to drive past a local transport bus, which has come to a stop at a bus stop. What must you be aware of?

  • ✅ - drive past carefully
  • ✅ - watch out for oncoming traffic
  • ✅ - drive past maintaining sufficient space to the side

It is allowed to drive past a public bus that stops at a bus stop. When passing by, you will usually get into the traffic lane of oncoming traffic. Therefore, pay particular attention to oncoming traffic. It is still wrong to drive as close to the bus as possible though. Because this way you might endanger pedestrians. It is not necessary to drive at walking speed, but drive very carefully.

You are approaching a regular bus which has stopped in the opposite direction at a bus stop on your roadway and its hazard warning lights are switched on. What must you expect?

  • ✅ Passengers will cross the roadway in order to catch the bus
  • ❌ Passengers will cross the roadway only after the hazard warning lights of the bus are switched off
  • ✅ Passengers leaving the bus will suddenly cross the roadway

It is to be expected that passers-by carelessly and without paying any attention to traffic will cross the street because they still want to reach the bus. Likewise, it can be expected with people exiting the bus who walk on the road in front of or behind the bus.

Why is it particularly important to adopt a defensive driving style when approaching pedestrian crossings?

  • ✅ In order to avoid rear-end collisions
  • ❌ In order that vehicles following behind can overtake more easily
  • ✅ In order that pedestrians are not unduly alarmed

Approaching this area defensively and braking slowly shows pedestrians that you are complying with your duty of waiting. This allows pedestrians to safely cross the road. In addition, you avoid rear-end collisions by stopping in a timely manner.

Which vehicles must you allow to set off from marked bus stops?

  • ✅ Regular buses
  • ✅ School buses
  • ❌ Taxis

You have to give priority to public and school buses that want to drive away from marked stops, as long as they announce their intention of departure, for example, by indicating. Exceptions are taxis, as these are not bound to fixed stops and timetables.

A regular bus in the oncoming traffic has stopped at a bus stop on the same roadway with hazard warning lights switched on. What do you do?

  • ❌ Proceed at the same speed since the bus has stopped on the other side of the roadway
  • ❌ Only proceed at walking speed if passengers want to cross the roadway
  • ✅ Slow down to walking speed

Even if the bus is on the side of oncoming traffic, you are obliged to drive past the bus at walking pace as soon as it stops with the hazard light on. This is also the case when no pedestrians want to cross the street. Likewise, a sufficiently large safety distance must be maintained in order not to endanger persons entering or leaving. The car driver must guarantee all pedestrians safe crossing of the road and, if necessary, wait for them.

You are approaching a bus stop marked like this. What do you do if you see children there?

  • ✅ Reduce your speed and be ready to brake
  • ❌ A reduction in speed is only necessary when a school bus is stopping there
  • ❌ Speed must not be reduced when a bus stops at a stopping bay

This stop is a bus stop where school buses operate at the times indicated. If you approach this stop, you will have to expect children who suddenly run onto the road; the principle of trust does not apply in this case. If a school bus is in the passenger bay or on the street, you have to be able to brake as a car driver; You may only drive past at walking speed.

A cyclist wishes - without dismounting - to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. What should you do?

  • ❌ I only brake just short of the pedestrian crossing
  • ✅ I allow the cyclist to cross the road
  • ❌ I sound my horn and continue driving without giving way to the cyclist

The cyclist acts contrary to road traffic regulations. He has to dismount before crossing the pedestrian crossing. However, as a car driver who approaches the pedestrian crossing cautiously and at a moderate pace, you will not run him over. That too would be contrary to road traffic regulations. You stop for the cyclist on the pedestrian crossing, if necessary, and let him/her pass.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I pull up directly behind the blue vehicle
  • ✅ I wait this side of the pedestrian crossing until the blue vehicle has made the turn
  • ✅ I allow the pedestrian to cross the road

If at a pedestrian crossing a pedestrian clearly wants to cross the road, you must approach and wait at a moderate pace. When traffic is halting, you must not stop on a pedestrian crossing. In such a case, you must also keep T-junctions and intersections clear.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I stop because a man wants to cross the pedestrian crossing
  • ❌ I continue driving slowly, because there is no indication that any pedestrian wants to cross the pedestrian crossing
  • ❌ I stop because a child behind the van is going to walk onto the road

At a pedestrian crossing you have to allow the pedestrians to cross the road. The pedestrian from the right comes running fast and could run into the street. Drive at moderate speed and stop if necessary.

What is the minimum distance you must leave clear when stopping or parking in front of a pedestrian crossing?

On a pedestrian crossing and up to 5 m in front no stopping or parking is allowed. So, you can freely view the pedestrian crossing as a car driver and passers-by have a good overview of the traffic.

You are driving into a right-hand bend. A motorcyclist approaches you at high speed. What risks should you take into account?

  • ❌ - will brake in good time and avoid intruding into my lane
  • ✅ - will cut the corner and intrude into my lane
  • ✅ - will intrude into my lane because of the heavily tilted position

As you enter a right-hand turn, the oncoming motorcyclist makes a left turn. His upper body is tilted towards you. Bear in mind that the motorcyclist is almost as wide as a car while doing that. If the rider is riding too far at the center line to increase the radius of curvature and lower centrifugal forces, his upper body could be caught by your vehicle.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ - will break free and the child will run after it
  • ✅ - will run onto the carriageway, pulling the child behind it
  • ❌ - will be kept securely under control by the child

In this situation you should you adjust to the danger that the dog runs onto the roadway and drags the kid behind him and the dog travels off and running after the child.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I move into the left-hand lane
  • ❌ I continue driving as before
  • ✅ I continue braking

The cyclist cannot continue his journey due to the transporter on the bike path. He will dodge onto the road and get into your lane. You cannot switch to the left lane because there is a vehicle to the left behind you. Slow down to defuse this dangerous situation.

How is it possible to prevent oncoming traffic being dazzled by the passing beam?

  • ✅ Only permissible light bulbs may be used in each of the headlights
  • ✅ The headlight range can be adjusted depending on the load carried by the vehicle
  • ✅ The headlight setting should be checked after every repair

So as not to dazzle oncoming traffic you should be careful as your low beam setting, and will be adjusted after that repairs to the headlights or after new installations. Do you have to change the bulbs use only approved lamps.

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road. What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I maintain the smallest possible side clearance
  • ✅ I look for hand signals from the driver indicating he wants to turn off
  • ✅ I maintain a sufficient amount of distance when pulling in again

When overtaking a coach you have to pay attention to hands of the driver, it can give you separate instructions. Coaches should always be overhauled with a large safety margin to the horse not to frighten.

While you are in a traffic jam, looking in your rear-view mirror you see a motorcyclist "snaking" past the stationary line of vehicles. What should you do?

  • ❌ I take steps to ensure that he too must come to a stop
  • ✅ I let him drive past
  • ❌ I sound my horn and note his registration

Under no circumstances should you act illegally just because another road user violates applicable rules. It is forbidden for you as a car driver to honk in this situation, to stop the motorcyclist or to let him pass.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ - overtake the tram on the left
  • ✅ - do not overtake the tram
  • ❌ - overtake the tram on the right

Plan your overtaking maneuver in a way so that it is completed before the solid line begins. A solid line as well as the corresponding traffic sign indicate that you are not allowed to overtake here.

A school bus is stopping on the roadway approximately 80 m in front of you. Can this be dangerous?

  • ❌ No, because school crossing patrols regulate traffic at every school bus stop
  • ✅ Yes, because children frequently run across the road to catch the bus
  • ✅ Yes, because children do not always take the shortest route to cross the roadway

If a school bus stops in front of you on the road about 80 m away, you have to expect the following: Children could suddenly run on/off the road to reach the bus, for example, by the shortest route. This danger exists even if school crossing guards secure the traffic. You have to be ready to brake and you are only allowed to drive past the school bus at walking speed.

A traffic calmed commercial zone (verkehrsberuhigter Bereich) starts here. What must you do?

  • ❌ You must observe a minimum speed of 20 km/h
  • ✅ You must pay attention to the allowed maximum parking time
  • ✅ You must specifically watch out for busy pedestrian traffic

In a traffic calming zone with shops, road users are often distracted by the displays in the shop windows. You must therefore pay attention to rain and inattentive foot traffic. Your maximum speed is 20 km/h. This is a no parking, but waiting allowed zone and you're obliged to use your parking disc. To offer parking to many customers, the maximum parking time is two hours.

What do you have to be aware of when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Children may play across the entire road
  • ✅ Motor vehicles have to drive at walking speed
  • ✅ Pedestrians are entitled to use the entire breadth of the road

For this question, all three answers are correct. In a "traffic calming zone", pedestrians may use the entire width of the street, children can play on the street and you may only drive at walking speed.

What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?

  • ❌ Residents may drive motor vehicles in this pedestrian precinct
  • ❌ You may drive a motor vehicle at walking speed in this pedestrian precinct
  • ✅ You may not drive a motor vehicle in this pedestrian precinct

The traffic sign "pedestrian area" prohibits motor vehicles entering this area, even walking speed is prohibited. This also applies to residents. In shopping areas, additional signs often allow entry at certain times. That is not given here.

What applies according to this traffic sign?

  • ✅ I may not impede pedestrians
  • ✅ I may only park on designated places
  • ✅ I have to drive at walking speed

Within traffic calming zones you are allowed to travel at a maximum walking speed of 4 to 7 km/h, which means first gear, without giving gas. The street may be used completely by pedestrians. Children are allowed to play in the street. Be especially attentive and ready to brake. Pedestrians must not be impeded or endangered, you may have to wait. Since playing on the street is allowed here, you have to pay more attention to children. You are only allowed to park on marked areas.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ✅ There are loose chippings on the roadway
  • ✅ The driver of the [yellow] car fails to see me
  • ❌ The tractor in front of me, will turn right

As you drive behind a large vehicle, it can happen quickly that you are overlooked by oncoming traffic. The danger signs warning of loose gravel on the road.

Why do you have to brake?

  • ❌ Because passengers are exiting the tram
  • ✅ Because someone is walking onto the road
  • ❌ Because the truck is switching into my lane

You have to expect the person standing in front of the stationary truck to move to the left. Braking serves to protect the person.

Traffic behavior in driving maneuvers

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - between [truck] and bend
  • ❌ - before drawing level with the [truck]
  • ✅ - after the bend

The cyclist will overtake the truck and pull out. It is too dangerous to overtake him before the turn, as you may not be able to see any oncoming vehicles. Only overtake the cyclist after the turn. Basically, you can only overtake if it is clear to you that during the entire overtaking process any danger and hindrance to oncoming traffic is excluded.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ❌ I overtake the cyclist
  • ✅ I remain behind the cyclist
  • ❌ I sound my horn, so that the cyclist makes way

You must not overtake the cyclist: The continuous center line may not be exceeded by you under any circumstances, not even partially. Likewise, you must not use your horn here.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ That children will suddenly appear between the vehicles
  • ❌ That pedestrians will wait until I have driven past
  • ✅ That pedestrians will walk onto the road in front of me

The warning sign "Children" on the right here advises us to be more careful. For many parked vehicles, however, you must always assume that people unexpectedly step on the road. Of course, apart from children, adults can also behave wrongly and suddenly appear between the vehicles.

What mistakes make overtaking dangerous even on clear and straight roads?

  • ❌ You overestimate your overtaking distance
  • ✅ You underestimate your overtaking distance
  • ✅ The distance of an oncoming vehicle is overestimated

Overtaking maneuvers are dangerous even on straight and open roads. This is especially true if oncoming traffic approaches you. The speed of oncoming vehicles is difficult to assess. Often the duration of the overtaking maneuver is underestimated. If you take too long, dangerous situations for you and for others can arise. Before you start overtaking another vehicle, make sure that the opposite lane is clear and you can finish the overtaking maneuver quickly. Otherwise you wait.

What should you anticipate, if you want to overtake?

  • ✅ With the risk of skidding
  • ✅ With an extended stopping distance
  • ✅ With the unsafe riding manner of the cyclist

On snowy roads, the braking and stopping distance is extended, there is also an increased risk of slipping. Especially cyclists have difficulties to drive safely. Their risk of falling is significantly increased. Therefore, keep greater distance to the cyclist, also because its stopping distance is very long.

What must you be prepared for?

  • ✅ For vehicle doors opening
  • ✅ For persons crossing
  • ✅ For visual obstacles

You should always drive carefully and considerately in places where many cars are parked. For one, your view is obstructed by the parked vehicles. Secondly, you must always expect that car doors are opened carelessly. Other road users may also want to cross the road from between parked cars.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ That vehicles will begin moving
  • ✅ That doors of vehicles will be opened
  • ✅ That pedestrians will suddenly walk onto the road

In a traffic situation with several parked vehicles and different road users, the parked vehicles impair your view. It is to be expected that pedestrians will appear between the cars to cross the road. It is also possible for people to get out of vehicles or drive off without paying attention to the current traffic situation.

What should you do?

  • ❌ I perform the overtaking manoeuvre quickly
  • ❌ I perform the overtaking manoeuvre cautiously
  • ✅ I abort the overtaking manoeuvre

You just want to start overtaking the cyclist, when the blue car suddenly drives out of its parking space. Apparently, he has not noticed the cyclist yet. It might happen that the cyclist now moves to the left, without looking back. Immediately stop the overtaking maneuver to avoid endangering the cyclist.

You want to turn right. What must you be prepared for?

  • ✅ [The pedestrian] could let the truck pass by and then cross the road in front of me
  • ✅ The truck will stop
  • ✅ After the truck has taken the turn, pedestrians could approach from the opposite side of the road

If you want to turn right, road users who are going straight have priority. These can be pedestrians or cyclists who want to cross the road. If a truck in front of you turns right, it is also possible for a pedestrian to let it pass. Then the truck would block your view of the other side of the road and thus of the road users coming from there.

What must you anticipate in this situation?

  • ❌ The cyclist will dismount to allow me to pass
  • ✅ Oncoming traffic
  • ✅ The cyclist will drive past to the left of the parked car

Your lane is blocked by a stopping vehicle. You have to veer onto the oncoming lane to avoid it. Pay special attention to oncoming traffic, while doing that. The cyclist in front of you will also circuit the obstacle and may not use hand gestures.

Why might taking the right turn be dangerous here?

  • ✅ Because vehicles emerging from the side street could start to skid
  • ✅ Because I might possibly not be able to stop in time, if pedestrians are crossing the side street
  • ✅ Because my vehicle might start to skid if I take the turn too fast

The wintry weather makes the road slippery and extends the braking distance at an intersection. Your car or oncoming vehicles could fishtail or slide away uncontrollably. Therefore, reduce the speed early enough and do not brake abruptly. The road on the right is still full of snow and therefore even more slippery. Watch out for pedestrians when turning. They always have priority when you turn.

Why can it be dangerous to overtake even on clearly visible, straight roads?

  • ❌ - oncoming traffic is travelling slower than first thought
  • ✅ - the overtaking distance is longer than first thought
  • ✅ - oncoming traffic is travelling faster than first thought

On a straight road, you can see the oncoming traffic from afar, but its speed is often underestimated. If an overtaking maneuver takes too long, dangerous situations may arise. If there's oncoming traffic, wait until the track is clear before overtaking.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ That children could appear between the vehicles
  • ✅ That it could be necessary to brake heavily
  • ✅ That adults could walk onto the road

The warning sign "Children" on the right side indicates that increased attention and special caution are required at this point. Besides children, it is also possible for adults to suddenly step onto the road from between the parked vehicles and thus force you to brake abruptly.

When is overtaking forbidden?

  • ✅ If you are unable to drive considerably faster than the road user being overtaken
  • ✅ If the traffic situation is not clear
  • ✅ If you do not have a clear view of the road ahead

If you encounter a confusing traffic situation, overtaking is prohibited. This applies in particular to:

curves confusing roads overtaking right before and at intersections with an unclear priority situation confusing traffic situations situations in which you cannot figure out what the driver in front of you is doing situations that would take you too long to overtake, because your vehicle is not fast enough

Before overtaking, make sure that you do not endanger other road users and oncoming traffic.

When are you in danger when overtaking?

  • ✅ - suddenly accelerates
  • ❌ - reduces his speed considerably
  • ✅ - swerves out to overtake

If you notice that the vehicle behind you wants to overtake, never increase your own speed. This prolongs the overtaking maneuver and can lead to dangerous situations. Before you start overtaking, make sure that the driver behind you does not want to overtake at the same time. Otherwise he or she would have to break hard.

Is it irresponsible to overtake a truck and trailer before a crossroads?

  • ✅ Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of the crossing traffic
  • ✅ Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of important traffic signs
  • ❌ No, because trucks and trailers mostly drive at low speed

Do not start overtaking just before a crossroad. There is an increased risk of accidents. This is especially true for overtaking trucks. If you do that you may not see cross traffic or traffic signs.

In which cases must you abandon overtaking?

  • ✅ When the road user being overtaken suddenly accelerates
  • ✅ When there is danger from unexpected oncoming traffic
  • ❌ When the road user being overtaken considerably reduces his speed

Sudden oncoming traffic requires that you stop your overtaking process immediately. The same applies if the vehicle you want to overtake accelerates. As a result, you can no longer estimate the overtaking distance and therefore endanger oncoming traffic. If the driver you are overtaking throttles his speed, there is no danger.

What is your assessment of this situation?

  • ✅ The female pedestrian may walk unheedingly onto the road
  • ✅ The pedestrian with the moped may change direction suddenly
  • ❌ I can continue driving at the same speed

You should only pass the waiting pedestrian on the roadside carefully and with a reasonable safety margin. The same applies to a moped rider who pushes his moped properly on the right side of the road. If necessary, you can also switch to the left lane.

What must you be aware of?

  • ❌ I may not drive past the bus
  • ✅ Pedestrians could cross the road
  • ✅ I may drive past the bus at walking speed

If a bus stops at a bus stop with hazard warning lights on, you should only drive past at walking pace and with increased attention. Passengers could walk into the street in front of the bus or hurry to catch it. Often, they do not pay attention to the traffic.

Where is overtaking prohibited?

  • ❌ In all one-way streets
  • ✅ When the traffic situation is not clear
  • ✅ Where oncoming traffic could be obstructed

Overtaking is prohibited in the following cases: 1. in the event of an unclear traffic situation; 2. in the event of violation of traffic regulations. In one-way streets, however, there is no general rule of no overtaking. Before you start the overtaking process, look back in the mirror and over your shoulder to make sure you are not hindering or jeopardizing other road users.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I maintain my speed
  • ✅ I increase my distance to the vehicle in front moving into my lane
  • ✅ I brake

If a driver suddenly comes in front of you into your lane and reduces the safety distance between him and your vehicle, you must brake until the distance is guaranteed again.

You want to turn right. What should you do?

  • ✅ Check way is clear by glancing over your shoulder
  • ❌ Take the turn ahead of the cyclist
  • ✅ Allow the cyclist to pass through the junction

Before you can turn, you have to check in the rear-view mirror if the road is clear. It is also advisable to look over your shoulder: this is the only way to be aware of dangerous situations located in the blind spot of the mirror. Keep in mind that other road users - cyclists or pedestrians - whose way you cross, always have priority.

Why are you required to stop here?

  • ✅ - the pedestrian
  • ✅ - the van
  • ❌ - the cyclist

You want to turn left. A van approaching from the opposite lane also wants to turn into this road. The vehicle has priority. Likewise, you must pay attention to pedestrians who want to cross this street.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I reduce my speed
  • ❌ I maintain my speed
  • ❌ I accelerate

If you are overtaken by a car, you must not increase your pace. On the contrary, you should slow down to let the overtaking car recoil as fast as possible.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ Slow down and be ready to brake
  • ❌ Continue driving as before
  • ❌ Swerve to the left

The white reversing lights of the vehicle that turned in front of you indicate that it would probably turn back to its original lane in reverse. Since you cannot tell if you have been noticed by the driver, you should reduce your driving speed and be ready to brake. Refrain from an evasive maneuver due to oncoming traffic.

What must you watch out for now?

  • ✅ For [the cyclist] on the right
  • ❌ For [the green car]
  • ✅ For [the cyclist] on the left

You intend to turn left. Two cyclists move in the same direction. You must pay particular attention to these, as they could also turn into the street without notice.

What must you be prepared for in this situation?

  • ✅ That the truck driver will jump down onto the carriageway
  • ✅ That traffic signs are concealed behind the truck
  • ✅ That oncoming traffic will appear

The truck blocks your view. You can therefore recognize neither the oncoming traffic nor traffic signs behind the truck. Approach the vehicle at low speed. Look for oncoming traffic (they have priority) and keep your distance to the open driver's door when driving around. The driver of the truck could suddenly get out and jump onto the road.

You want to pull out of a row of parked vehicles into the stream of moving traffic. Behind you is a parked truck and trailer. How do you assess this situation?

  • ❌ It is safe to pull out here because you are protected by the truck and trailer behind you
  • ✅ Because of their restricted view, vehicles approaching from behind cannot see your vehicle until very late
  • ✅ Because of your restricted view, you cannot see approaching vehicles until they are very close

Because of the truck, you can hardly see the traffic behind you. It also obscures the view of the flowing traffic on your vehicle. You must therefore be particularly careful and slowly feel your way on the road. You may need to go back to avoid hazards.

What are the regulations governing speed when overtaking?

  • ✅ The person being overtaken must not increase his speed
  • ✅ The permissible top speed must not be exceeded
  • ✅ The speed of the overtaking vehicle must be appreciably higher

You may only overtake a vehicle in front of you if you are significantly (at least 20 km/h) faster. Also, when overtaking: Do not exceed the maximum speed limit. The one who is being overtaken must not increase its initial speed during the maneuver.

What must you do to end an overtaking manoeuvre?

  • ✅ Move over to the right as soon as possible without inconveniencing the vehicle you have overtaken
  • ❌ Move over to the right-hand side of the roadway right in front of the vehicle you have overtaken
  • ✅ Signal your intention to draw in clearly and in good time

As an overtaking driver, you must merge right as soon as possible. However, do not go back into the lane as long as you're still too close to the driver you just overtook, as you may obstruct or even endanger him. Use the turn signal in good time before starting to pull out and merging back into the lane again.

You have manoeuvred into the left lane by mistake, but would like to take a right turn. What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I drive straight ahead and turn right at the intersection
  • ❌ I move carefully into the right-hand lane
  • ✅ I continue driving straight ahead or turn left

With a solid line as a road edge marking, you must under no circumstances turn right. Rather, you must stay in your lane and continue straight or turn left.

What should you do in this situation?

  • ✅ - into the gap to allow the oncoming vehicle to drive past
  • ❌ - backwards, because the oncoming vehicle has right of way
  • ❌ - onwards, because the oncoming vehicle has to reverse

In a street where vehicles park on both sides, the range of movement is limited. With only one lane, vehicles are equally important in both directions. Nevertheless, you should drive into a gap here to let an oncoming vehicle pass.

What is the correct procedure for pulling out to overtake?

  • ✅ Oncoming traffic is not endangered
  • ✅ Any danger to traffic following is excluded
  • ❌ The vehicle in front indicates right

For pulling out when overtaking the following rules apply: You need to convince yourself with a look in the mirror and a glance over the shoulder that your overtaking maneuver will neither jeopardize nor hinder subsequent traffic. Only then you are allowed to indicate and pull out. During the overtaking process you must take care not to hinder oncoming traffic. If the driver in front of you is flashing to the right, you should not be tempted to overtake.

What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ The motorbike could swerve to the left
  • ✅ The person beside the van could encroach further onto the road
  • ✅ Pedestrians could cross the road in front of the van

The other road users can react to this situation with all the described different scenarios. Everyone is equally dangerous. Therefore, extreme caution and slow driving is required.

Driving on a very busy road with several lanes, you have manoeuvred yourself into the lane for taking a left turn. Now instead of turning left, you want to turn right. What should you do?

  • ✅ I turn left
  • ❌ Driving a wide curve, I turn right
  • ❌ I reverse with my hazard lights turned on

A lane change or turning right could endanger other road users due to the heavy traffic. You must therefore turn left and take a small detour. Watch out for lane markings that prohibit you from changing lanes.

Ahead of the motorbike a car is seeking to reverse on the road. What should you anticipate?

  • ✅ That the car continues to reverse
  • ✅ That my braking distance will be longer than normal
  • ✅ That the motorbike will suddenly brake

Car drivers often underestimate the speed of approaching motorcyclists; the same happens to the driver here while he's pulling out of a parking space. The action alternatives of the motorcyclist - braking or dodging - are both dangerous for him on a snow-slicked road surface. He could fall. Also consider the longer braking distance in this weather.

What must you watch out for now?

  • ✅ For the bicycle
  • ❌ For the motorbike
  • ✅ For the vehicle on the road ahead

You want to turn right, the car driver driving ahead of you as well. The pedestrian lights of the crossroads you want to turn into show green, and the pedestrian has priority. Your front man may start driving and stops soon after to let the pedestrian pass. On the right you also recognize a cyclist. He could drive past the right side of your vehicle and circle your left front man. Avoid putting him into danger.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ❌ - brake and not cross the centre of the road
  • ❌ - overtake without crossing the centre of the road
  • ✅ - pull out and cross the centre of the road

As the vehicle approaching you is slowed down by a bicycle, you should expect it to overtake it. If this happens, the vehicle could get on your lane. In the event that the driver does not break, you should keep as far to the right as possible on the road. Get ready to brake to respond to any situation as quickly as possible.

When overtaking, what do you have to observe regarding spacing?

  • ✅ To maintain an adequate space to the side between the vehicle and other road users
  • ❌ To maintain a greater side spacing towards multi-lane vehicles than towards single-lane vehicles
  • ✅ Maintain an adequate space to the side, particularly between the vehicle and persons

When overtaking, you must ensure that you have sufficient lateral distance to other road users: at least 1 meter to cars, trucks, buses, trams. For pedestrians and cyclists, the minimum distance is 1.5 meters. When we go back into lane you must not cut in on the driver you just overtook. (Check: Is he visible in the rearview mirror?)

You are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a main road. How can you facilitate faster-moving vehicles in overtaking?

  • ✅ - into a lay-by
  • ✅ - onto the hard shoulder
  • ✅ - onto the parking area

To allow faster vehicles to overtake you on a country road, you can dodge on a suitable side stripe, a lay by or in a rest stop. It is also possible to slow down or even stop at a suitable location.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ - if it is clear that there is no oncoming traffic
  • ❌ - so as not to impede the way of possible oncoming traffic
  • ❌ - because any possible oncoming traffic must already be waiting

Your visibility is limited by the van and you cannot tell if vehicles are coming towards you. Before driving on, make sure that there is no oncoming traffic approaching. You have to wait, because the construction site is on your lane.

What can give rise to particularly dangerous situations where several lanes turn off?

  • ✅ Changing lanes while turning off
  • ✅ Driving too fast
  • ❌ Keeping exactly to your lane

Drive at moderate speed into multi-lane turns. At too fast a pace you could get out of your lane and get into the lane of parallel driving vehicles. Avoid a lane change within this turning situation. There is a risk that a vehicle is directly behind you in your blind spot.

You want to turn right at the junction. What should you do?

  • ❌ I steer clearly to the right, in order to create a space in the right-hand lane
  • ✅ I refrain from turning right, and remain in my lane
  • ❌ I wait until all the vehicles have passed by, and then I move into the right-hand lane

You would have to switch to the right lane, that is blocked by the waiting vehicles. Thus, you would hinder other road users on their lane while waiting. Therefore, you better avoid turning here.

Who is required to indicate a change of driving direction here?

  • ✅ [The red car]
  • ✅ [The motorbike]
  • ✅ Me

The change of the direction of travel must always be indicated early enough. All three drivers intend to turn. Therefore, all three vehicles must indicate.

You want to continue driving straight ahead. What should you do?

  • ❌ I move into the right-hand lane now
  • ✅ I change lanes just before the narrowing of the road

If a lane ends, vehicles should only merge into the lane right before the beginning of the constriction. This should be done alternately: Each vehicle from the continuing lane lets a vehicle from the ending lane go into the lane. This is called zipper merging. Practically, vehicles often go into the lane themselves too early out of fear of not being let in, thus narrowing the lane earlier than necessary.

Which vehicle must wait when half the roadway is closed because of roadworks?

  • ❌ Always the smaller vehicle
  • ❌ The vehicle on the unobstructed side of the roadway
  • ✅ The vehicle on the side of the roadway where the roadworks are

If you want to drive past a parked car or a barrier on your side of the street, you must give priority to oncoming traffic, no matter how large the vehicle.

On a road with several lanes in one direction, one of the lanes ends ahead. You are driving on the lane which is coming to an end. What should you do?

  • ✅ Only move over just before the road starts to narrow by following the zipper feed-in method
  • ❌ Move into the through lane immediately after you see the first sign indicating that the road will narrow
  • ❌ Always be the first to move over into the through lane

If there is an obstacle on a road or if a multi-lane road narrows, then zip merging applies to all vehicles traveling in the same direction. Drive to the end of your lane. Do not change lanes earlier to prevent tailback. Wait here until a vehicle on the adjacent lane lets you enter.

All three vehicles want to turn left. Which is in the correct lane?

  • ❌ The truck
  • ✅ The yellow car
  • ❌ The green car

Only the yellow car merged into the lane correctly. He passed right, as it says on the road sign on the safety island, in order to then get in proper lane as left as possible to prepare his turn to the left. The green car is completely wrong on the rails; In this situation, the truck may only drive straight ahead or turn right.

You want to turn left. In what sequence do you prepare to take the left turn?

  • ❌ Enter the lane, indicate the direction of turn, observe traffic behind you
  • ✅ Observe traffic behind you, indicate the direction of turn, enter the lane
  • ❌ Indicate the direction of turn, enter the lane, observe traffic behind you

If you want to turn left, prepare the turn in the following order: 1. look, 2. indicate, 3. arrange. Looking means that you are observing follow-up traffic in the mirror and over your shoulder. Then press the indicator to the left side. Only if you can rule out danger for other road users, you may merge left in order to turn.

When may a tram be overtaken on the left?

  • ❌ When the roadway (not a one-way street) to the right of the tram is blocked by other vehicles
  • ✅ When the rails run too far to the right
  • ✅ In one-way streets

Rail vehicles such as trams may basically only be overtaken on the right. For once, you can overtake on the left when the rails are too far to the right or when the rail vehicle is traveling in a one-way street. The right-hand traffic obstructing vehicles are not a sufficient reason to overtake rail vehicles on the left.

On which side must you overtake a tram which is travelling in the middle of the roadway (not a one-way street)?

  • ❌ On the left
  • ✅ On the right
  • ❌ On the left only if other vehicles are blocking the roadway on the right

Trams must in general be overtaken on the right. If vehicles are parked here, you have to drive behind the tram. If the rails are too far to the right, trams may also be overtaken on the left.

Which vehicles may be overtaken only by maintaining a specially great lateral distance?

  • ❌ Trams
  • ✅ Bicycles
  • ✅ Motorcycles

When overtaking you must always keep sufficient distance to the road users next to you. This must be particularly large with motorcycle and bicycle riders. Single lane vehicles are more unstable and can sway. The lateral minimum distance to two-wheeled vehicles is 1.5 meters.

What must you remember when you want to change lanes?

  • ✅ You must pay attention to the traffic following behind
  • ❌ You must always brake heavily before changing lanes
  • ✅ You must signal your intention to change lanes in time

Turn the turn signal on and make sure that you do not endanger other road users before you start to change lanes. Do not brake abruptly. If there are vehicles on the roadway that you want to change to, you have to wait for a sufficiently large gap in the traffic.

A lane terminates on a road with several lanes heading in the same direction. What should you do when driving on the through-lane?

  • ❌ - drive past the vehicles on the terminating lane
  • ✅ - allow traffic on the terminating lane to merge in accordance with the alternate merging procedure
  • ❌ - make eye-contact and then decide according to the situation

You must allow the driver, who is prevented from continuing to drive on the terminating lane, to safely change to the adjacent lane. It is mandatory that the vehicles of the ending lane and the vehicles on the continuous lane alternately merge into the lane immediately before the beginning of the lane narrowing. This is called zipper merging.

What must you do when you are being overtaken?

  • ✅ Not increase your speed
  • ✅ If possible, drive on the far right
  • ❌ Increase your speed

Drive as far to the right as possible so as not to jeopardize the oncoming traffic and overtaking vehicle. During the entire overtaking process, you, as the one who is being overtaken, must not increase the speed, as otherwise safe overtaking would not be possible.

When must you signal?

  • ✅ Before pulling out to overtake or to pass
  • ✅ Before pulling in again after overtaking
  • ❌ When proceeding straight ahead as you leave a priority road which bends sharply

Whenever you want to make a lane change or turn, you need to indicate. This also applies when following a turning priority road, but not when you leave the priority road straight ahead. Even if the direction indicator is set: always make sure that you do not endanger anyone when pulling out or going back into a lane.

After turning left, you want to turn immediately right. How should you position your vehicle?

  • ❌ - the blue car
  • ✅ - the red car
  • ❌ - the green car

If you want to turn right again immediately after turning left, you get in proper lane on the right, if there are two lanes for turning left. Otherwise, keep as far to the right as possible. This is the only way you can turn right after a left turn without hindering other road users.

You want to continue driving straight ahead. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I remain waiting in my lane
  • ❌ I overtake the vehicle alongside me and switch lanes
  • ✅ I move to the right if there is sufficient space in the traffic

The car ahead blocks you in your lane. Nevertheless, you should not overtake on the right before the intersection, as this would be too dangerous. Keep your distance, reduce the speed and stop if necessary. Continue straight ahead when the free lane is free and the traffic light turns green. You can only change on the right lane if there is a sufficiently large traffic gap.

How do you respond to pedestrians wishing to cross the road into which you want to turn?

  • ❌ Make the turn quickly before the pedestrians
  • ❌ Only wait if the pedestrians are using a marked crossing
  • ✅ Allow the pedestrians to cross the road

If a car driver wants to turn into a street that is crossed by pedestrians, or pedestrians want to cross it, the driver has to give precedence to the pedestrians and has to stop. Therefore, fast driving is wrong. It does not matter if the cross-walk is marked or not.

You want to leave a traffic-calming zone and begin driving along a road. Cyclists are approaching from the left. Who is required to wait?

  • ❌ Everyone is required to stop and then agree among one another who should proceed first
  • ✅ I have to wait
  • ❌ The cyclists have to wait

When entering a street from a traffic-calmed area, the "left yields to right" rule is canceled. You have to wait for pedestrians, cyclists and participants of the moving traffic.

You want to turn out of a road with a sunken kerbstone into another road. A car is coming from the left. What applies here?

  • ✅ Whoever turns into a road over a sunken kerbstone must wait
  • ❌ The sunken kerbstone is of no relevance for the obligation to wait
  • ❌ 'The rule "right before left"'

When there are drop kerbs (as it happens often in residential areas), the rule "Left yields to right" does not apply. Here you have to wait until you can drive onto the lane without endangering other road users. These have priority over you.

You want to exit the property lot. What is the right thing to do?

  • ✅ I may drive on if the pedestrians waive their right of way
  • ✅ I have to wait until the pedestrians have crossed over the exit
  • ❌ I sound my horn briefly so that the pedestrians will allow me to exit

If you would like to drive out of a property exit, you have to wait for all other road users. These include both pedestrians and cyclists. If a road user renounces his or her priority, you may drive - provided that you do not endanger anyone.

You want to leave a property lot and turn into a road while passing over a footpath. What must you look out for?

  • ❌ First take note of the flowing traffic on the road
  • ✅ You should be directed by another person if necessary
  • ✅ Pedestrians on the footpath may not be endangered

To turn from a property over the sidewalk onto the road, you have to note: You have to wait for pedestrians on the sidewalk, cyclists on bike paths and participants in the moving traffic. You must not endanger other road users. In case of doubt, somebody must lead you into traffic.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I overtake the bus at a moderate speed
  • ✅ I remain behind the bus for the moment
  • ❌ I switch lane without overtaking immediately

You have to slow down and stay behind the bus first. As long as the bus is driving with the hazard lights on, you must not overtake the it. You also can not change the lane because to the left of you is a vehicle that is just overtaking you.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ Proceed in front of the oncoming pedestrian, because he is required to wait
  • ✅ Wait, because the two pedestrians have priority
  • ❌ Continue driving, because the two pedestrians have to give way to me

The car has to wait until the pedestrians have crossed the street. If you want to turn into a road that is being crossed by pedestrians, the pedestrians have priority over the car. You as a car driver have to show consideration and need to stop.

You want to exit a parking space and move into the moving traffic. What should you do?

  • ✅ I may not endanger the moving traffic
  • ✅ I have to indicate before moving off
  • ✅ I have to take note of the traffic behind me

When you park out, you must not endanger other road users. Indicate that you want to drive onto the road. Look in the rear and side mirrors and make sure that no cyclist is in your blind spot by looking over your shoulder.

You want to leave a property lot and turn right into a road. Cyclists are approaching from the left. Who is required to wait?

  • ❌ The cyclists have to wait
  • ❌ Everyone is required to stop and then agree among one another who should proceed first
  • ✅ I have to wait

As a matter of principle, you have to wait at property exits and give priority to all other road users. This also applies to pedestrians on the sidewalk and cyclists. Be especially careful here.

You want to turn left. What difficulties could arise here?

  • ✅ Visibility restrictions caused by oncoming vehicles
  • ✅ Misunderstandings with oncoming traffic turning left
  • ✅ Traffic turning left can come dangerously close

When turning left, vehicles approaching each other have to turn in front of each other (tangent turning). This can lead to poor visibility of the straight-ahead traffic. Especially left-turning trucks can lead to massive obstructions and make it safer to turn in a wide arc (turning behind each other). There may be misunderstandings between drivers when one wants to turn behind and the other in front.

You want to leave a traffic-calming zone and begin driving along a road. What should you do?

  • ✅ - indicate the direction of movement prior to taking the turn
  • ❌ - observe the "right before left" rule
  • ✅ - allow pedestrians on the footpath to walk past

If you enter another street from a traffic-calmed area, you will be required to way and have to give priority to other road users. The rule "left yields to right" does not apply here! Indicate before turning and pay particular attention to cyclists and pedestrians.

You want to turn left. What driving line should you maintain?

  • ✅ The left-hand one
  • ❌ The central one
  • ❌ The right-hand one

Since you are on a one-way street, you don't need to fear oncoming traffic. Indicate in time. Then merge left and stay on the left lane until you reach the turn.

[The cyclist] wants to continue straight ahead. What is the right course of action here?

  • ✅ I remain behind [the cyclist]
  • ❌ I overtake [the cyclist]

Vehicles that want to turn need to let bicycles pass that drive in their direction on or next to the road, before turning. It does not matter if their wheels are motorized or not.

What do you do?

  • ❌ Proceed, pulling over onto the pavement
  • ❌ Speed up and proceed since the oncoming traffic must wait
  • ✅ Reduce speed and, if necessary, stop

Due to the traffic sign you have to wait here. The red arrow in your direction indicates that priority is given to oncoming vehicles. In no case may you drive onto the sidewalk. This is reserved solely for pedestrians.

What must you do when leaving the edge of the roadway?

  • ✅ Switch on your direction indicator
  • ✅ Check for traffic from behind
  • ❌ A look into the rear-view mirror is sufficient

Anyone who wants to go from the edge of the lane into the moving traffic must make this clear by indicating. With one look in the rear-view mirror as well as over the shoulder one can merge into the lane - considering your lower priority to the moving traffic.

How should you behave?

  • ✅ Give way to both cyclists
  • ❌ Only give way to the cyclist travelling in the same direction
  • ❌ Sound your horn and take the turn before the two cyclists

Turning drivers generally have to wait for oncoming vehicles. These include cyclists. Cyclists who drive in their own direction on or next to the lane you also need to let pass.

Why do you have to wait before turning right?

  • ❌ Because of [the black car]
  • ✅ Because of [the cyclist]
  • ✅ Because of [the pedestrian]

If you want to turn, you must give priority to road users traveling straight ahead. In this case, you have lower priority to the pedestrian and the cyclist and must allow them a safe crossing.

Why are you required to stop now?

  • ❌ Because of the cyclist
  • ✅ Because of the tram
  • ❌ Because of the white car

You are on a priority road and therefore you're allowed to drive before the white car coming from the right. However, as a driver who wants to turn, you have a subordinate position to traffic driving straight-ahead, in this case the tram. You have to stop.

When overtaking several trucks, you are faced with this situation. What should you do now?

  • ✅ I abort the overtaking manoeuvre
  • ✅ After pulling back into lane, I again establish an adequate safety distance
  • ❌ I continue overtaking quickly and pull back into lane in front of the red truck

The visibility is very poor due to the weather and the road is not sufficiently visible. In order not to endanger anyone, you should stop the overtaking process as quickly as possible and ensure that you are at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you when you go back into lane.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ I drive as far to the right-side as possible
  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ✅ I slow down

If a car overtakes you despite oncoming traffic, you should delay and try to drive to the right as far as possible. This gives the other vehicle enough space to safely complete the overtaking process.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I continue driving, because the two pedestrians have to wait
  • ✅ I wait, because the two pedestrians have priority
  • ❌ I take the turn before [the oncoming pedestrian], because only [this one] is required to wait

If you want to turn and you encounter pedestrians who want to cross the road, you should pay attention to them. You must stop and wait with the turn.

Why must you slow down here?

  • ✅ Because of the overtaking car
  • ❌ Because of the tractor
  • ❌ Because the maximum permitted speed is 80 km/h

The oncoming car overtakes despite opposing traffic about 250 m in front of you. You have to reduce your speed and drive to the far right. So, you defuse the situation and give the overtaking car more time and space to complete the overtaking process. The tractor moves away from the intersection and poses no danger.

Why are you not allowed to overtake here?

  • ❌ Because I am not permitted to cross the central line
  • ✅ Because I would not be able to maintain an adequate distance to the side in the event of oncoming traffic
  • ✅ Because the visible stretch is not sufficient

In general, you must not overtake if the entire overtaking distance is not visible or the side clearance to other road users cannot be met. Both negative factors are given in the present situation: The assessable track is too short for a safe overtaking maneuver. The minimum distance to the cyclists of 1.5 m cannot be met with oncoming traffic.

Why can it be dangerous if you, as the last in a queue, immediately overtake as soon as the oncoming traffic is past?

  • ✅ Because if you perhaps need to push back into the queue, this could lead to an accident
  • ✅ Because the distance needed to overtake might not be sufficient
  • ✅ Because you must reckon with others in the queue swinging out to overtake

If a convoy has formed, drivers should basically overtake one after the other. The last of a convoy has the longest overtaking path and must also expect other vehicles starting to overtake in front of him.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ The blue truck may proceed first
  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ❌ I may make the turn in front of the cyclist

At this spot, the right of way is not regulated by traffic signs. Therefore, at this intersection left yields to right applies. Here the straight driving cyclist has priority over you as you want to turn. The truck coming from the left may drive last.

What do you do if you want to drive straight on?

  • ✅ Brake so that the driver in front can change lanes
  • ❌ Sound your horn to indicate to the driver in front that he may not change lanes so close to the crossroads
  • ❌ 'Overtake the other vehicle in the left-hand lane since the traffic light is "green"'

You behave correctly if you reduce the speed of your vehicle and allow the preceding vehicle to change lane. The left lane may only be used for the purpose of turning left. Since you want to drive straight in the example, you must not use the left lane.

What must you do?

  • ❌ Drive at the permitted maximum speed because there is no actual apparent danger
  • ✅ Drive slowly because a door on one of the vehicles could be opened on the roadway side
  • ✅ Drive slowly because children might run out from between the parked vehicles at any time

In this situation, you should stay below the speed limit. Children or other pedestrians could run onto the roadway between parked vehicles. In addition, you should expect that the doors of the parked vehicles could suddenly be opened to the side of the road.

You have taken the right lane by mistake although you want to turn left. How are you allowed to proceed?

  • ❌ 'To the left when the traffic lights are "green"'
  • ✅ Straight ahead
  • ✅ To the right

Due to the solid line, you must not change the lane here. Follow only the arrows on your lane. Turning left from this lane would be prohibited and would endanger or at least hinder other drivers.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I remain in the centre of my lane
  • ✅ I brake
  • ✅ I drive over to the right-side as far as possible

While overtaking a cyclist, the oncoming truck also partly gets on your lane. Brake and drive as far to the right as possible.

Why do you have to lower your speed here?

  • ❌ Because of the speed limit
  • ❌ Because of the low volume of traffic
  • ✅ Because of the vehicle overtaking

The vehicle overtaking in front of you dangerously carries an accident risk, as it can lead to a collision. In order to prevent participation and also to give the other vehicles space to evade, your own speed must be reduced.

Both cars are travelling at about 30 km/h. Are you allowed to overtake both before the bend?

  • ✅ - the distance you need to overtake would be too great
  • ❌ - you are not allowed to cross the interrupted line
  • ✅ - the light-coloured car could pull out to overtake

You may go over the broken line. An overtaking process would still be too dangerous here, because the manageable distance to overtake before the turn is too short. You also have to expect that the driver of the light car will start to overtake.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I switch to the left lane now
  • ✅ I continue slowing down
  • ✅ I wait before the obstruction

There are two lanes in your direction of travel. You drive on the right side of the two tracks. In oncoming traffic, a snow plow truck approaches. You see in the mirror that a vehicle in the left lane next to you wants to overtake. Snowdrifts hinder you while driving on the lane. You cannot turn left unless the overtaking is completed. Therefore, you must delay further and wait in front of the obstacle until you can dodge to the left.

You want to turn right into a priority road. What must you look out for?

  • ✅ For cyclists and pedestrians alongside you to the right or behind you
  • ✅ Vehicles coming from the left and from the right
  • ❌ Only for vehicles coming from the left

If you turn right into a priority road, you must give priority to all road users. This applies both to vehicles that come from the right and those that pass from the left. In addition, be sure to take care of cyclists and pedestrians who are to your right or behind you.

You want to overtake on a narrow avenue not within a built-up area. What must you be aware of in particular?

  • ✅ Even cyclists frequently cannot be overtaken when there is oncoming traffic due to the narrow width of the roadway
  • ✅ Vehicles with high superstructures frequently move to avoid branches
  • ✅ Misjudgements of distances and oncoming traffic frequently result in serious accidents

Due to the narrow width of the lanes, even cyclists cannot be overtaken with oncoming traffic. Often, the road is heavily curved to drain rainwater, that means when crossing the center line, the vehicle tilts to the other side. This load change reduces the driving stability. Due to the trees, curves can be confusing. Vehicles with tall bodies often need to travel in the center to avoid colliding with branches and could reach into your lane.

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ You may only take precedence when the narrowing is clear
  • ❌ You must give precedence to the oncoming traffic
  • ✅ You must be ready to stop despite taking precedence

The traffic sign gives you priority over oncoming traffic. The oncoming traffic is obliged to wait in front of the obstacle. Nevertheless, you must prepare for stopping when oncoming traffic is already in the bottleneck. You have to let those drivers drive out. You may proceed with right of way if the bottleneck is free.

You are being overtaken and the oncoming traffic is getting dangerously close. Despite this the other vehicle continues with the overtaking manoeuvre. What should you do?

  • ✅ - reduce my speed
  • ❌ - increase my speed
  • ❌ - maintain my speed

You have to slow down and drive to the right, so that the overtaking vehicle driver can go back into lane on time. In no case should you increase the speed if you are overtaken.

What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
  • ✅ I forgo my right of way so as to not block the junction
  • ❌ I may turn left before the cyclist

Due to the rule "left yields to right" you would have priority over the green car. However, you must give priority to the oncoming cyclist whose lane you would be crossing. To ensure the traffic flow, it is therefore advisable to let the driver of the green car first enter the intersection.

You want to overtake. Why should you not do so?

  • ❌ The state of the road surface
  • ✅ The bend in the road
  • ✅ The oncoming traffic

A car driver may only overtake if he/she can see that the opposite lane is free. In this situation, the oncoming traffic cannot be seen, so you must not overtake.

What should you do?

  • ✅ Reduce speed, be ready to brake
  • ❌ Move to the left-hand lane
  • ❌ Continue driving, flash lights to signal

A car driving in front of you parks. You must reduce your speed and then change the lane to avoid the parked car when the motorcycle has passed you.

You are driving on a rural road. A line of approximately 15 slow-moving vehicles is travelling in front of you. What should you do?

  • ❌ I overtake the line of vehicles as quickly as possible
  • ❌ I flash my lights and sound my horn to urge vehicles ahead to overtake
  • ✅ I remain behind the line of vehicles for the moment

In such a convoy, it is important to stay calm and to maintain the necessary safety distance. So-called queue, that is the overtaking of individual vehicles, brings no time gain and leads to a high accident risk.

Why should you continue to slow down here?

  • ✅ Because other people may walk onto the road
  • ✅ Because the red vehicle could cross onto my lane
  • ❌ Because otherwise my vehicle could leave the road

On the left lane a car has broken down. There's a person standing in front of the vehicle. Other passengers could leave the car and enter the lane. The approaching vehicle in the opposite lane could dodge onto your lane to overtake the broken-down vehicle and drive past the obstacle. If you delay, the danger of the situation would be reduced

A slow driver prevents you from proceeding quickly. What is right?

  • ✅ You follow him until there is a possibility to overtake
  • ❌ You close up to him in order to shorten the overtaking distance
  • ❌ You flash your headlights to make him drive faster

Never start a risky overtaking maneuver or force your frontman to speed up with your flash light. Keep the necessary safety distance and wait for a convenient opportunity for safe overtaking.

A truck indicating to the right is driving in front of you. An impatient car driver is jostling you. What can you do?

  • ❌ I overtake because I assume that the truck driver wishes to signal to me that overtaking is possible
  • ✅ I open up the distance to the truck to make overtaking easier for the jostling driver
  • ✅ I only overtake when I am completely certain that the traffic situation allows overtaking without danger

In this situation it is better to cut back and keep a safe distance. Maybe the truck driver would like to signal that the road is clear. However, it may also be that he/she intends to stop or turn right. Only overtake if there is no danger. Increase the distance to the truck so that the pushy driver can overtake.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I continue driving as before
  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ✅ I slow down

In this situation, you need to reduce the speed and allow the car driver to go back into lane on the left. If a lane ends on a multi-lane road or if it is not possible for the drivers driving on the other lane to drive through the lane continuously, they must be able to change lanes using the zipper procedure.

What should you know about using the rear-view mirror?

  • ❌ The interior mirror has no blind spot to the right-side
  • ✅ Rear-view mirrors must be adjusted to the particular driver
  • ✅ I am unable to see vehicles and pedestrians in the blind spot

Using the rear-view mirrors requires you to know the following: 1. Rear-view mirrors must be adjusted to the driver before starting to drive. 2. There are blind spots on all types of rear-view mirrors. These indicate areas hidden from view in which pedestrians, small vehicles or obstacles can be overlooked. By optimally adjusting the outer rearview mirror and the inner mirror, you keep the blind spot as low as possible.

You want to overtake. What should you do now?

  • ❌ I overtake all the vehicles in one overtaking manoeuvre
  • ❌ I follow right behind the [blue car] if it overtakes
  • ✅ I do not overtake yet, because the [blue car] could overtake

You must wait with overtaking until the driver driving in front of you has finished overtaking. A solid line and the no overtaking sign indicate a restriction on overtaking. A broken line (guideline), however, means that overtaking is not prohibited.

Why do you have to slow here?

  • ✅ Because of the truck
  • ❌ Because of the white car
  • ❌ Because of the speed limit

The moveable road barrier with flashing arrow in the right-hand lane forces the truck driver to change to your lane on the left. That's why you have to delay now. The white car behind you is no danger.

On a road not within a built-up area, a car is driving in front of you at a speed somewhat slower than that permitted. You are annoyed at the slower-moving car. What should you do?

  • ✅ I adjust my speed to that of the vehicle ahead
  • ✅ I overtake at a suitable place
  • ❌ I flash my headlights, until the car in front begins to drive faster

You should definitely wait for a safe situation to overtake. Harassing someone by tailgating or flash light, however, represents a threat or even coercion. You should refrain from doing so.

You are driving on a road not within a built-up area and want to overtake a car. Where is the very latest point at which the overtaking manoeuvre should be completed?

  • ✅ Before a no-overtaking sign for vehicles of all types
  • ❌ Before the start of a lane marking
  • ✅ Before the start of a solid line (traffic lane boundary)

You must finish the overtaking process at the latest before the restriction on overtaking. The restriction on overtaking is indicated by either a traffic sign or a solid line. While you are not allowed to drive over the solid line, you may drive over a broken line in order to overtake.

For what reason do you have to switch to the right-hand lane now?

  • ❌ Because of the tractor
  • ✅ Because of the rule on using the right-hand lane unless overtaking etc
  • ✅ Because of the red car

After you have overtaken the green van, you have to merge right again due to the obligation to drive on the right-hand side. But even the red car, which meets you on your lane, has to get back on the right lane again.

You are driving on a main road and a car following behind is "tailgating" you. How should you react?

  • ❌ I increase my speed until the car following behind ceases "tailgating" me
  • ✅ I maintain my speed and keep to the right to enable the car following behind to overtake
  • ❌ I reduce my speed until the car following behind ceases "tailgating" me

When driving on a highway and being harassed by the car behind you, you should keep calm and control your speed at an appropriate pace. You should avoid slow driving so as not to hinder the flow of traffic. However, you should also not be tempted to drive faster. It's best to let the pushy driver pass at the next opportunity.

Why do you have to slow down here?

  • ✅ - motorbike
  • ❌ - SUV
  • ❌ - tractor

The overtaking motorcyclist represents a danger to you. He will meet you in your lane during his overtaking process. You should delay and avoid a collision. The behavior of the other drivers is traffic compliant.

What must you reckon with here?

  • ✅ The vehicle in front changing lanes
  • ❌ The right-hand lane coming to an end
  • ✅ Denser traffic beyond the underpass

The sign announces the end of the left lane. The traffic flow will condense from two lanes to a single lane. Halting traffic might occur. The vehicle in the left lane will change the lane. You have to allow the vehicles on the left side of the lane to change over to your lane according to the zip merging principle.

Travelling on a main road after a lengthy period of time of following behind, you are finally able to overtake a very slow-moving car. What should you do?

  • ✅ - I pull back in after an adequate distance in order not to impede the other driver
  • ❌ - I drive especially slowly in order to emphasise to the other driver the effects of his driving style
  • ❌ - I brake briefly in order to call the attention of the other driver to his slow speed

You should stay calm in this situation and overtake with a sufficient safety distance without endangering other road users. Harassing others by tightly cutting them should be avoided. Otherwise an accident could occur.

The vehicle ahead has prevented you from overtaking for some time now. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I wait until I am able to overtake
  • ❌ I close the gap
  • ❌ I sound my horn and flash my headlights persistently

The car driver has to wait until overtaking is possible without danger and always maintain the necessary safety distance to the vehicle in front. Stay calm, because tailgating, turning the headlights on full beam for a long time or honking is considered coercion and will be punished with fines or even a withdrawal of your driving license.

You are driving at 100 km/h on a road not inside a built-up area. In front of you a truck is travelling at 70 km/h. What is the minimum distance you must be from a crest in the road when commencing an overtaking manoeuvre?

  • ✅ 800 m
  • ❌ 200 m
  • ❌ 400 m

The rule of thumb for the overtaking path is calculated from the speeds, the overtaking time and the vehicle lengths. The formula is s = v1 / (v1−v2) * (l1+l2+sv+sh). V1/ (V1-V2)) times L. V1 =100 km/h, V2 = 70 km/h, L = 2 times 50 m safety distance plus the vehicle lengths. Truck 12.5 m plus car 4.5 m = 17 m. L = 117 m. 100 km/h divided by 30 km/h times 117 m = 389.9 m, that means 400 m overtaking path. In confusing areas this has to be doubled. You must be at least 800 meters from the crest of the road.

What must you watch out for now?

  • ✅ For [the cyclist] on the left
  • ✅ For [the cyclist] on the right
  • ❌ For the [blue] car

The right cyclists traveling on the road. Links runs a cyclist we have to let go as a result of our turn operation first.

You want to overtake [the blue car]. What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - do not overtake, because a motorbike is in moving in the blind spot
  • ❌ - overtake while maintaining the speed driven
  • ✅ - overtake at a substantially higher speed

Wait for the bike to leave the blind spot. Note that the car driver who is overtaking has to drive at a higher speed than the driver who is being overtaken. Accelerate if necessary and finish your overtaking process before the restriction on overtaking takes effect, such as a solid line.

Why are you required to stop now?

  • ❌ Because of the [yellow] truck
  • ✅ Because of [the cyclist]
  • ✅ Because the traffic situation is confusing

Since you can not fully see the traffic situation and must allow the cyclist against the right of way, stop and enter keys careful.

What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ - now so that following vehicles will not be confused by my slowing down
  • ✅ - once the [red] vehicle has overtaken me
  • ❌ - now in order to make the carriageway clear

If you want to turn left and a car wants to overtake you from the left, you have to let it pass first. Only after the car has completed its overtaking maneuver, you may turn yourself.

What must you be prepared for here?

  • ✅ Oncoming vehicles turning left
  • ✅ People walking on the road
  • ✅ Vehicles turning onto the road

The traffic sign indicates a hiker parking, meaning it can run people on the road, anytime vehicles down from the car park or drive on it.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ I hold the steering wheel straight and firmly
  • ❌ I steer to the left
  • ✅ I perform an emergency braking manoeuvre

The dog appears to be running (from right) on the road, please guide emergency braking by and keep the steering wheel straight and firm.

You want to turn left. What is the right course of action?

  • ✅ I stop at the farm track and wait
  • ❌ I continue driving, because I cannot turn off the road here
  • ❌ I accelerate and swiftly take the turn

Since you are currently being overtaken, it is not possible to turn left. You must wait for the overtaking process to be finished before you can turn left.

You want to overtake. What should you be prepared for now?

  • ❌ [The blue car] overtakes me
  • ✅ [The] [cyclist] in the distance pulls out to the left
  • ✅ [The cyclist] directly in front of me, stops on the roadway

The cyclist in front of you would like the cyclist stop on the pedestrian walkway, is to cross the curb likely firstonce. The remote cyclists shows by his gesture that he wants to arrange for left turns.

What should you do now?

  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ✅ I let the blue car merge in front of me
  • ❌ I immediately change from the left lane to the central lane

Since the driver of the car on the right of the acceleration lane increases its speed, you should enable him/her to merge into traffic. Refrain from your right of way and reduce your own speed. You cannot change on the left lane as a vehicle approaches there.

You are driving in the left of two lanes and approaching a vehicle that has just started to overtake. What do you do?

  • ✅ Allow the vehicle in front to overtake
  • ❌ Close up to the vehicle in front, sound your horn and flash your lights
  • ✅ Keep an adequate distance behind the vehicle in front

You allow this vehicle to overtake by maintaining a safety distance. As the vehicle changes from the right, be prepared that its speed is lower than yours despite acceleration. Slow your pace down, if necessary. Never tailgate, honk or flash.

What amount of side clearance must you maintain when overtaking pedestrians and cyclists?

  • ❌ - maintain a minimum side clearance of 1.0 m within a built-up area
  • ✅ - maintain a minimum side clearance of 2.0 m outside of a built-up area
  • ✅ - maintain a minimum side clearance of 1.5 m within a built-up area

In order to protect cyclists and pedestrians in town, you must keep a lateral distance of min. 1.5 meters and the highway of min. 2 meters.

In which situation is overtaking prohibited?

  • ✅ - am unable to maintain the necessary space to the side
  • ✅ - cannot complete the overtaking manoeuvre before the start of a no-overtaking section
  • ✅ - cannot complete the overtaking manoeuvre before a hill crest

Here overtaking is because increase in these situations as a Holender the risk of accidents strong.

What could make this situation become hazardous?

  • ❌ The tractor
  • ✅ The [red car]
  • ✅ Oncoming traffic

The car driver approaching from behind tries to overtake you before the turn, although he/she cannot see the curve. If traffic is approaching in this situation, it can lead to dangerous evasive maneuvers by the oncoming traffic and the driver who is overtaking. The tractor next to the road is no danger.

Stationary traffic

Who has stopped incorrectly?

  • ❌ Both cars
  • ❌ The [yellow car]
  • ✅ The [red car]

On pedestrian crossings and five meters before, waiting is prohibited. The aim of this provision is to ensure a clear view of approaching vehicles and pedestrians who are willing to cross in this traffic situation.

Where is stopping prohibited?

  • ✅ On narrow sections of the road and at blind spots
  • ❌ Immediately behind pedestrian crossings
  • ✅ On level crossings

Waiting means that a vehicle stops for less than 3 minutes for non-traffic reasons while the driver is not leaving the vehicle. If the driver stops longer and/or leaves his vehicle, this is called parking. However, you're not allowed to wait everywhere, so as not to endanger other road users. Excluded are Zones with stopping restriction Railroad crossings as there is a risk of collision with a train Narrow and confusing areas with less than 3 m clearance width confusing turns hilltops pedestrian crossings and the area in front of it (at least 5 m distance), but not the area afterwards

What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ You may not stop
  • ❌ You may stop to let passengers out
  • ❌ You may stop for loading and unloading

The traffic sign "Absolutely no stopping" prohibits drivers to wait or stop, unless it is due to the traffic situation, such as a red traffic light or another compelling traffic situation. It's prohibited to let people enter or exit or to load/unload the vehicle.

Where is parking prohibited?

  • ✅ Before sunken kerbstones
  • ✅ At the edge of the roadway if this would prevent others from using designated parking areas
  • ❌ Immediately behind pedestrian crossings

You are not allowed to park at the edge of the road, where you block marked parking areas and thus hinder other road users. Parking is also prohibited in front of lowered curbs, which are for example located in front of driveways. Lowered curbs should allow wheelchair users to cross the road. Safe and therefore allowed is parking after a pedestrian crossing.

Who is wrongly parked?

  • ❌ Neither of the two cars
  • ❌ The [dark-coloured] car
  • ✅ The [white] car

The zigzagged line shortens or extends a waiting or parking ban. As far as there is no border marking on the road, a parking ban of up to 15 meters in front of and behind the stop sign applies. In this situation, the white car parked incorrectly because it stands on the marking. The dark car, however, parks properly.

Who is parked?

  • ✅ Anyone who leaves his vehicle
  • ✅ Anyone who stops for more than 3 minutes
  • ❌ Anyone who waits longer than 3 minutes at a closed level crossing barrier

If the car driver deliberately stops the vehicle and stays there for more than three minutes or leaves the stopped vehicle, this is considered parking. The stopping and waiting in front of a gate is not considered parking, no matter how long it takes, because the break is due to traffic.

Where is stopping prohibited?

  • ✅ Between lane dividers when direction arrows are marked on the roadway
  • ✅ On the roadway, if there is a sufficiently wide hard shoulder on the right
  • ✅ At taxi ranks

You may only wait where you do not endanger other road users. This is the case, for example, with a side strip which is separated from the roadway by a continuous white line. You are not allowed to wait on marked lanes, which serve merging purposes on the road, if there is a side strip at stops for buses or other public transport at taxi stands, so as not to block access for taxis. on highways or motorways, not even on the side strip Watch out for cyclists!

Where are you allowed to park on the left in the direction of travel?

  • ✅ Where there are rails on the right-hand side
  • ❌ Where parking is prohibited on the right
  • ✅ In one-way streets

You may only park in the direction of travel on the right-hand side of the road. This also applies if all parking spaces are on the left side. You may have to turn if allowed. The only exception are one-way streets, as they are only used in one direction of travel. If there are rails on the right, you must also park on the left, but always observe parking restrictions.

When are you not allowed to park on the right-hand lane?

  • ✅ If there are rails integrated into the road lane
  • ✅ If there is a suitable parking lane to the right of the road lane
  • ✅ If there is an adequately paved hard shoulder to the right of the road lane

In general, parking is prohibited if it could endanger other road users. Visual disability is also included. Therefore, parking is not allowed in all three situations.

Where is parking prohibited?

  • ✅ On priority roads outside built-up areas
  • ❌ On priority roads within built-up areas
  • ✅ At the edge of the roadway if this would prevent others from using designated parking areas

As soon as you stop or leave your vehicle for more than three minutes without any traffic-related reason, this is called parking. This is not allowed everywhere. You may not park in areas with stopping restrictions or parking prohibition - nor where you impede or obstruct other road users. Parking restrictions also apply to priority roads outside built-up areas. Use side strips or parking bays.

Where is it forbidden to stop?

  • ❌ In front of entrances to and exits from property lots
  • ✅ On merging and demerging lanes
  • ✅ On lanes marked with direction arrows

You are not allowed to wait on acceleration or on deceleration lanes. Also, on lanes with directional arrows you must not stop. This does not apply to driveways in front of properties.

Who has stopped wrongly?

  • ✅ [The dark-coloured car]
  • ❌ [Both cars]
  • ❌ [The light-coloured car]

On the hard shoulder, the right vehicle is allowed to wait. However, it's not permitted to wait on the left of the solid line. The left vehicle stops illegally.

What must you watch out for when you drive into an underground car park?

  • ✅ Pedestrians frequently walk on vehicle lanes
  • ✅ My eyes need to adjust to the change in lighting conditions
  • ✅ My tyres could get damaged by narrow entrances and exits

When entering an underground car park, drivers are bothered by the change from daylight to moderate lighting in the interior. The pupils do not respond quickly enough to the lighting condition changes and therefore might not be able to detect obstacles or people in time. In addition, the entrances and exits are narrow and confusing. Drive slowly, with low beam and always ready for braking in an underground car park.

Where may you park here?

  • ✅ - on the left and right-hand hard shoulders
  • ❌ - on the left-hand hard shoulder only
  • ❌ - on the right-hand hard shoulder only

In one-way streets you're only allowed to drive in one direction. If you have a side strip on the left and right, you may park both left and right.

Where is stopping prohibited?

  • ❌ Immediately behind pedestrian crossings
  • ✅ On pedestrian crossings and up to 5 m before pedestrian crossings
  • ❌ Over manholes and other road covers

On and up to five meters in front of a pedestrian crossing, you must not stop because you obstruct the clear view of other drivers on pedestrians. These could then be recognized too late. After a pedestrian crossing you may stop. Waiting is allowed on manhole covers, but not parking.

Where is parking prohibited?

  • ✅ On narrow roadways opposite driveway entrances and exits
  • ❌ Immediately behind pedestrian crossings
  • ✅ At taxi ranks

A parking ban in accordance with the road traffic act applies in all places where other road users can be obstructed or the public order and safety is no longer guaranteed by parked cars. For example, parking is prohibited at taxi stands, narrow lanes or entrances and exits in front of property as well as on and up to 5 m before pedestrian crossings.

Which vehicles are allowed to park here?

  • ❌ Vehicles with a permissible total mass of more than 3.5 t
  • ✅ Vehicles with a permissible total mass of up to 2.8 t
  • ✅ Motorcycles

The traffic sign regulates the parking situation for the road user. The sign allows parking partly on the sidewalk, the side strip and on the green verge for vehicles up to a total weight of 2.8 tons.

Both cars want to park here. Which car takes precedence?

  • ❌ The white car
  • ✅ The red car

In this case, the red car has right of way. He has reached the parking space first. Priority will also be given in the event that the vehicle drives past the parking space just in order to park backwards or perform other movements that are useful for parking in this gap.

Where are you allowed to park a trailer with a permissible total mass exceeding 2 t in built-up areas regularly on sundays and public holidays and between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.?

  • ✅ In wholly residential areas, on specially designated parking spaces
  • ✅ In industrial areas
  • ❌ In special areas reserved for recreation purposes, on sufficiently wide roads

Parking a trailer with a maximum authorized mass of more than 2 t is permitted in commercial and residential areas with appropriately marked parking spaces. Within closed areas and in special areas for recreational purposes, regular parking is prohibited from 22:00 to 6:00 and on Sundays as well as on public holidays.

Who has priority at this parking space?

  • ❌ Me, because I am parking by driving in forwards
  • ✅ The white vehicle, because it has arrived at the parking space first
  • ❌ No one, both drivers should agree

The vehicle that reaches the parking space first always has priority. Priority will also be given in the event that the vehicle drives past the parking space just in order to park backwards or perform other movements that are useful for parking in this gap. Priority is also maintained when the vehicle is waiting at the parking space.

Before which sign must you maintain a distance of at least 10 m, if it would otherwise be concealed by your vehicle?

  • ❌ No stopping
  • ✅ Diagonal cross
  • ✅ Stop. Give way.

In front of signs such as the diagonal crosses, light signals or the sign "Stop! Yield to cross traffic", you at least have to keep a distance of 10 meters. This is especially necessary if they are going to be covered by your vehicle. For example, you are allowed to come to a stop in front of a stop sign. Behind it, however, stopping is prohibited.

At 10.40, you enter an area where parking is allowed for 2 hours when using a parking disc. What time must you set on the parking disc?

  • ✅ 11.00
  • ❌ 12.40
  • ❌ 13.00

The pointer of the disc should be adjusted to the stroke of half an hour following the time of parking. If you arrive at 10.40 hours, the pointer should be at 11.00. Thereby the parking duration does not matter.

The time on a parking meter has not yet run out. What do you do?

  • ✅ - use the time left on the meter without inserting more money
  • ❌ - only use the time left on the meter when using a parking disc
  • ❌ - not use the time left on the meter

If a parking meter has not yet expired, you may use the rest of the parking time and leave your vehicle for free at the parking lot for the remaining time. You do not need a parking disc for this.

How must you safeguard your vehicle against theft?

  • ✅ By removing the ignition key, engaging the steering wheel lock and closing the windows
  • ✅ By locking the doors and boot
  • ❌ By activating the differential lock

To secure the car against theft, you must first close all the windows and doors. The ignition key must be removed in any case. Snap the steering wheel lock into place to additionally secure the car.

You stop to allow passengers to exit your vehicle on the right-side. A cycle path runs along there. What should you do?

  • ✅ I should point out the cycle path to the persons exiting
  • ❌ I should observe the traffic using my rear-view mirror only
  • ✅ I should make sure that no cyclists are approaching

You as a car driver have a special duty of care. So, if you're stopping at a bike path with a co-driver, you should warn him/her about the cyclist before he/she gets off.

Where must you use a parking disc for parking?

  • ✅ At a defective parking meter
  • ✅ Where stipulated by traffic signs
  • ❌ In a no-waiting area

Wherever traffic signs dictate, the car driver must use a parking disc. It is also used when a defective parking meter makes the withdrawal of a valid parking ticket impossible. The use of a parking disc for a limited stopping restriction does not entitle you to park here for more than three minutes.

What is allowed at this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Stopping for loading or unloading, for alighting or boarding vehicles
  • ✅ Waiting up to 3 minutes
  • ❌ Parking, provided a parking disc is used

The sign "No parking. Waiting is allowed." sign allows you to wait for up to three minutes. Situations of loading and unloading or getting in and out of the car may also take longer. The car driver must be in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle.

Where is stopping prohibited?

  • ❌ At bus stops
  • ✅ Outside parking areas on autobahns and clearways for motor vehicles only
  • ✅ Near or on sharp bends

In general, the road traffic act prohibits stopping at the traffic areas when stopping is dangerous for other road users or endangers public safety and order. This is especially true for holding on the lanes of the freeway or on a highway. The same goes for sharp and confusing curves.

For what purposes are you allowed to stop at parking meters which are out of order?

  • ✅ For loading or unloading
  • ❌ For shopping briefly
  • ✅ For boarding or alighting

After field work, the lighting and signaling device must be cleaned if necessary. The parking time doesn't need to be monitored while entering or exiting and loading or unloading. When driving slowly up to the priority road, the road must be sufficiently visible.

You want to park in a car park where there is a parking-ticket machine. What must you remember?

  • ❌ A parking ticket is never needed when using a parking disc
  • ✅ Place a valid parking ticket in your vehicle so it is easy to read from outside
  • ✅ Do not exceed the parking time indicated on the parking ticket

The car driver must put the valid parking ticket from in the vehicle so that it is visible from the outside. Avoid exceeding the parking time printed on the receipt, also referred to as a parking ticket. A parking disc as a replacement for a parking ticket is only valid if the parking meter is defective.

What is the minimum distance you must leave clear when parking outside a built-up area before a St. Andrew's Cross?

At a railroad crossing with a St. Andrew's Cross sign, the view of the level crossing must not be obstructed with a distance of 50m to have enough space for waiting vehicles.

How do you secure a car with a manual gearbox against rolling away on a downhill slope?

  • ❌ Put the gear lever in neutral position
  • ✅ Engage first gear or reverse gear
  • ✅ Apply the parking brake

You can prevent a car with a manual transmission from rolling away by engaging a small gear, such as first gear or reverse gear. Use the parking brake and do not place the gearstick in the neutral position.

What should you call the attention of your passengers to before exiting?

  • ✅ - they should heed the pedestrians walking on the right-side
  • ❌ - cyclists are required to wait on cycle paths
  • ✅ - they should heed the traffic flowing on the left-side

As a car driver you must take the necessary measures to avoid accidents or traffic disruptions when passengers leave the vehicle. Point that out to passengers when they get off on a bike path. Cyclists are not required to wait on bike paths. Anyone entering or leaving the car may not endanger other road users.

What is the minimum distance a vehicle must leave clear in front of traffic lights if the traffic lights would be concealed by the vehicle?

A minimum distance of 10 meters must be maintained so that the view of light signals is not obscured.

Your car is standing on the edge of the roadway. What should you do when getting into the car?

  • ❌ The doors on the right-hand side can always be opened without danger
  • ✅ Open the doors on the roadway side only when traffic permits
  • ✅ Let passengers get into the car, if possible, from the pavement

When entering and exiting, you must take care not to endanger the other road users. The entry from the right - from the sidewalk - is safer, but not without any danger. Before you open the doors, make sure that the traffic situation permits that. Make sure that there are no pedestrians or cyclists on the sidewalk at this time.

What is the maximum length of time you are allowed to stop at a bus stop provided you do not present an obstruction to buses?

The stopping time is limited to a maximum of 3 minutes. If a vehicle is stopped for more than 3 minutes, the vehicle is considered as parked. Thus it is only alowed to stop for 3 minutes

How are vehicles with a permissible total mass up to 2.8 t allowed to be parked here?

  • ❌ Small cars also diagonally to the driving direction
  • ✅ The car as shown in the picture
  • ✅ The caravan as shown in the picture

This traffic sign signals to the vehicle driver that vehicles up to 2.8 t of permissible total mass may only be parked in accordance with the illustration. However, smaller cars also have to comply with these regulations as well.

What must you do when leaving your car?

  • ✅ Secure the vehicle against rolling away
  • ✅ Before opening the door, look out for traffic behind
  • ✅ Secure the vehicle against unauthorized use

Before leaving the vehicle, you have to protect it against rolling away uncontrolled, for example on a downhill slope. Before exiting you have to make sure not to endanger other road users. This also applies to your passengers. Opening doors carelessly when getting out is a common cause of accidents. The vehicle must also be protected against unauthorized use.

Up to which permissible total mass may motor vehicles be parked on specially designated footpaths?

Vehicles with a maximum permissible gross vehicle weight of up to 2.8 tonnes may be parked on specially marked sidewalks.

What is important when children are getting in and out of a car?

  • ❌ Children are not allowed to get in or out of a car on public roads
  • ✅ Let the children in or out on the roadway side only under supervision
  • ✅ Let the children in or out, if possible, on the pavement side

As a car driver, you should make sure that children get on and off directly on the sidewalk. If the situation does not allow this, they should only get in or out on the side of the road under the supervision of an adult. Children are seen worse and are unpredictable in their behavior.

Up to what distance is it not allowed to park before or behind a bus or tram stop sign?

It is not allowed to park 15 meters before and after the stop sign to allow public transports to approach, stop and leave without encumbrance.

How do you secure a car with automatic transmission against rolling away on a downhill slope?

  • ✅ Apply the parking brake
  • ✅ Put the selector lever in the "P" position
  • ❌ Put the selector lever in the "N" position

You can secure a car with automatic transmission against rolling away by activating the parking brake and additionally bringing the selector lever into the parking position 'P'. You may not select the position 'N', as this is the same as idling in a vehicle with manual transmission.

You want to park in front of a St. Andrew's Cross in a built-up area. What is the minimum distance you must leave clear?

At a railroad crossing with St. Andrew's Cross, the rail vehicle has priority. To avoid obscuring the view of the railway line, a safety distance of 5 meters must be maintained.

Behavior in special situations

What must you observe when you enter a tunnel?

  • ✅ Drive with dipped headlights also during the day even in well lit tunnels
  • ✅ Take off your sunglasses
  • ❌ Switch fog headlamps on

Before you enter a tunnel, you must note the following: In a tunnel there is light duty. Turn on the dim light to get a better view and to be seen. If you wear sunglasses, remove them. You must not switch on the fog lights in the tunnel.

What can impair your attention when driving through a tunnel?

  • ✅ Reflections of light from oncoming traffic
  • ❌ Good road markings
  • ✅ Length of the tunnel

When driving through a tunnel, the following factors can affect your attention: the lack of visual appeal, the monotony of speed, as well as the lights of oncoming traffic. In this case, orientation on the right-hand edge of the road is helpful; avoid looking directly into the light of oncoming traffic.

While driving through a tunnel, you notice a fire in your vehicle. You are not able to exit the tunnel. What should you do?

  • ✅ - switch off the engine
  • ✅ - turn on the hazard warning system
  • ✅ - leave the key in the ignition

If a fire in your vehicle prevents you from leaving a tunnel: Park the vehicle unlocked with the engine switched off and the ignition key remaining in the lock. Alarm the tunnel monitoring center. Take the next escape route on foot.

A farm tractor is approaching you at dawn with its headlights switched on. What must you reckon with?

  • ✅ The tractor can carry large work equipment which is difficult to see
  • ✅ 2 wide trailers can be attached to the tractor
  • ✅ Despite the headlights being switched on, it is not always possible to discern the width of the tractor

In agricultural vehicles, the lights are sometimes broken. They can also be covered up by dirt or tarpaulins. The width of the vehicles is not easy to assess. In addition, these vehicles can have up to two trailers.

What must you observe particularly when driving through a tunnel?

  • ✅ Signs for safety installations such as emergency exits and emergency telephones
  • ✅ You may be distracted by light effects
  • ✅ You may be distracted by very loud noise

The echo of the tunnel walls makes driving noises in a tunnel considerably louder. This includes sounds of the ventilation system. This might seem irritating to you as a driver. Your eyes must first get used to the different visibility. To make matters worse, the increased light reflections of oncoming traffic are added. The emergency signage is also distracting.

Several deer run across the road in front of your vehicle. What must you reckon with?

  • ✅ There could be stragglers following the herd
  • ❌ There is no reason to expect any more animals
  • ✅ The herd may come back and cross the road again

If several deer flee across the street in front of your vehicle, you must expect the following: Several animals could follow. The entire herd could also take the opposite direction and change again to the other side of the road.

You are driving on a new road through a woodland area. What must you reckon with?

  • ✅ Game animals unexpectedly crossing the roadway
  • ❌ There is no reason to expect accidents involving game animals on new roads
  • ✅ An obstruction caused by an accident involving a game animal

When roads are recreated in wooded areas, they often lead through the natural habitat of various wild animals. Therefore, it is possible that their usual paths intersect with your road. For this reason, you have to reckon with deer crossing and obstacles due to more common wildlife accidents there on forest roads.

What must you be aware of here?

  • ✅ That you only detect oncoming vehicles after it is too late
  • ✅ That your vehicle will not be seen in time
  • ✅ That the traffic lights are hardly distinct from the coloured signs

The numerous neon signs distract from traffic and in particular from traffic lights. Due to the distraction other road users might see you too late and you might not see them in time as well. Hazardous situations can arise. Other road users might behave incorrectly because they do not recognize the traffic signs or recognize them when it's too late. Drive carefully and at an appropriate speed.

Which basic code of conduct must you observe in a tunnel?

  • ✅ Follow instructions and information from the tunnel personnel
  • ✅ Do not make a U-turn
  • ✅ Drive with dipped headlights also by day even in a well lit tunnel

The following rules of conduct are mandatory in all tunnels: On the entire route, no U-turns are allowed. Regardless of the lighting situation, the dim light must always be switched on. The instructions of the tunnel staff must always be followed. Personal protection antecedes the protection of vehicles and their security.

There is a tunnel on my route. What should I know?

  • ✅ I should know how I park and leave my vehicle if I am unable to continue driving
  • ✅ I should know how escape routes are indicated in tunnels
  • ❌ I can be sure that help will arrive promptly in the event of emergencies

If there is a tunnel on your route, you should know the appropriate traffic signs and behavioral measures in the event of a breakdown or an accident: in this case, alert the tunnel monitoring center and follow the next escape route. First, turn off the engine of your vehicle and leave the ignition key in the lock for rescue operations.

How could a dangerous situation arise?

  • ❌ By having lights turned on during day
  • ✅ Through vehicles at a standstill
  • ✅ Through failure to maintain suitable speed

One of the main reasons for a hazard in road traffic is driving too fast. This is particularly true for beginners, who then quickly lose control of their vehicle. Other road users are often not prepared for unexpectedly high speed. However, too low a driving rate can also pose a hazard, as risky overtaking maneuvers and rear-end collisions are on the increase in this case. Besides, vehicles that have come to a standstill can become a dangerous obstacle. To be seen better by other drivers, it helps to switch on your vehicle's lights during the day as well.

Why might driving along this road become dangerous?

  • ✅ Because poorly lit vehicles can be difficult to detect
  • ✅ Because persons on the road can be easily overlooked
  • ❌ Because oncoming vehicles will only be detected very late

If you drive on an illuminated road with dark sections, you will need to pay special attention to pedestrians who might want to cross the street. Also parked vehicles are often not seen in time in those dark sections. That's why you should drive slowly and carefully. Oncoming vehicles, however, are usually easy to spot.

You turn from a brightly lit road into an unlit road. What do you have to bear in mind?

  • ✅ Eyes adapt only slowly to darkness
  • ❌ Your eyes have already adapted to the darkness when you turned off
  • ✅ Obstructions are harder to make out than before

Pupils are contracted in brightness and wide open in the dark. So right after turning from a lit-up street into a dark one, you'll have a hard time seeing obstacles that are already difficult to see in the dark anyway. Depending on your age, your eyes may need more or less time to adjust to changing lighting conditions.

What must you do in this situation when you are dazzled?

  • ❌ Accelerate to get out of the beam of light more quickly
  • ✅ If necessary, reduce your speed
  • ✅ Look to the right-hand edge of the roadway

If you are blinded by full beam or incorrectly adjusted headlights, do not look in the cone of light, but to the right edge of the road. As a precaution, reduce your speed to be able to brake in time for pedestrians or cyclists.

What do hazard warning lights draw your attention to?

  • ✅ To vehicles which have broken down
  • ✅ To school buses with children boarding or alighting
  • ✅ To a traffic congestion

The use of hazard lights is subject to strict rules. You may only turn on the hazard lights to secure your broken-down vehicle or to make others aware of a traffic jam or school bus. A school bus with turned on hazard lights may only be overtaken at walking pace.

At which time of the day do you have to reckon with increased game pass?

  • ✅ At dusk
  • ❌ At noon
  • ✅ At dawn

Increased deer crossing has to be expected during the morning and twilight. This transitional period between day and night is characterized by diffuse light conditions.

What must you do in case of a traffic jam in a tunnel?

  • ✅ When traffic comes to a standstill, keep a safety distance of approximately 5 m to the car ahead
  • ❌ Secure and leave vehicle immediately
  • ✅ Switch hazard warning lights on

If you are stuck in a tunnel, stop the engine. A safety distance of around five meters reduces the risk of poisoning, provides maneuverability and enables rescue vehicles to pass through. Turn on the hazard lights to warn subsequent drivers. Leave your vehicle only after a loudspeaker announcement.

You are driving quickly along a main road and some distance ahead you see a deer close to the carriageway. What should you do?

  • ✅ - be ready to brake
  • ✅ - reduce speed
  • ❌ - perform an emergency braking manoeuvre

If the deer is not yet on the road, you should under no circumstances perform emergency braking. This would unnecessarily endanger other road users and force them to unpredictable reactions. Nevertheless, you should reduce the speed of your vehicle and keep it ready to brake: the animal could run without warning on the road.

You are the first person to arrive at the scene of an accident with injured persons. In which order do you proceed?

  • ❌ Call the rescue service - make the scene of the accident safe - give first aid
  • ✅ Make the scene of the accident safe - give first aid - call the rescue service
  • ❌ Give first aid - call the rescue service - make the scene of the accident safe

The correct order of the necessary action steps is: 1. Secure the accident site so that no following vehicles drive into the accident. 2. Provide first aid to the injured, 3. Alert the accident ambulance. If you are not traveling alone and have passengers, these three steps or some of them can be processed at the same time. For example, you provide first aid while a passenger informs the ambulance.

You are involved in an accident. What document must you present to the other person involved in the accident, if requested?

  • ✅ The registration certificate Part I or the operating permit
  • ❌ The liability insurance contract
  • ✅ My driving licence

In the event of a traffic accident, all parties involved must show the following documents upon request: driver's license and certificate of registration part 1 (registration certificate) or the operating license. You must also provide information about the liability insurance to the best of your knowledge.

You are involved in a traffic accident. What are you obliged to do?

  • ✅ - provide my name and address upon demand to those entitled to this information
  • ✅ - move promptly to the side of the roadway if damage is minor
  • ✅ - inform the other persons involved that I was also involved in the accident

If the damage is minor, the one who caused the accident must immediately move to the side in order to avoid traffic congestion and other hazards. He also has a duty to inform other parties that he was involved in the accident. If he doesn't do that, it will be prosecuted as a hit and run. This entails a previous conviction and the withdrawal of the driver's license. He must give his name and address to authorized persons. These are just some of the duties of an accident perpetrator.

While driving in a tunnel you were forced to bring your vehicle to a halt due to a fire. What should you do now?

  • ❌ I lock my vehicle
  • ✅ I trigger the fire alarm at the emergency call point
  • ✅ I extinguish the fire as best I can

If you have to park your vehicle in a tunnel due to a fire, you should: stop the engine, leave the key in the ignition switch and quickly trigger the fire alarm at the emergency call station. Leave the tunnel as fast as possible on the next escape route.

What do you do in a tunnel with oncoming traffic?

  • ✅ Do not drive over the lane boundary markings
  • ❌ Drive over the lane boundary markings when overtaking
  • ✅ Do not make a U-turn

In a tunnel with oncoming traffic, you must behave as follows: Orient yourself on the right side of the road and avoid looking directly into the light of oncoming traffic. You must not drive over or turn on the road edge marking. If necessary, increase the safety distance, drive anticipatory and pay attention to restriction on overtaking.

You are driving in a tunnel and approach the end of a traffic jam. What do you do?

  • ✅ Switch on the hazard warning lights
  • ❌ At the end of the traffic jam, switch off the engine and leave the vehicle
  • ❌ Make a U-turn and leave the tunnel

If you recognize a traffic jam in front of you, it is important to immediately press the hazard light to warn the drivers behind you of the coming situation. This way, they can react better to the situation. During traffic jams, the car driver should stop the engine but not leave the car. Turning in the tunnel is not allowed.

You have damaged a parked vehicle. Though you have waited for a reasonable length of time, the injured party has not appeared. What must you do?

  • ❌ You may leave the scene of the accident without taking further action
  • ✅ Leave your name and address on the damaged vehicle and immediately report the accident to the police
  • ❌ It is sufficient to give your name and address to a witness who was not involved

After leaving the personal data on the damaged vehicle, you must inform a nearby police station about the incident. This can also be done by phone. Default is considered as a hit and run and is a criminal offense that may cost more than the driving license. The often-quoted reasonable waiting time on the damaged vehicle is relative and not a legally specified time. Direct contact can only facilitate the transaction.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I keep a tight hold of the steering wheel and keep it pointed straight ahead
  • ❌ I swerve to the right
  • ❌ I swerve to the left

When an animal walks on the road from the right, an evasive maneuver is a natural reflex. However, this can have far more fatal consequences than keeping the track. An evasive maneuver to the right may lead into the roadside ditch, one to the left may lead to a collision with oncoming traffic. It's safest to continue straight ahead.

You have an accident on a rural road. How do you secure the scene of the accident site?

  • ✅ I turn on my hazard lights immediately
  • ✅ I set up the warning triangle in a well-visible position about 100 m from the scene of the accident
  • ✅ If necessary, I warn other vehicles using hand signals

Switching on the hazard light is the first measure, but insufficient to protect the scene of the accident. The breakdown triangle should be set up outside of towns about 100 meters before the accident. If necessary, the following road users need to be warned by hand signals, as long as no persons, including their own, are endangered.

What should you do when driving through a tunnel?

  • ✅ I memorise the safety features such as emergency exits and emergency telephones
  • ❌ I drive with a reduced distance to the vehicle ahead, so that I can use its tail lights as a guide
  • ✅ In a tunnel with oncoming traffic, I position myself towards the right-hand edge of the roadway

When driving through a tunnel, proceed as follows: Make sure to pay attention to the safety distance and orient yourself on the right-hand side of the road in order to avoid glare from oncoming traffic. Get an overview of safety devices so you know where the nearest emergency exit and emergency telephone are located.

For which purposes is a horn allowed to be used in built-up areas?

  • ✅ As a warning signal
  • ❌ As a calling signal
  • ❌ As an overtaking signal

In built-up areas, the horn may only be used by the driver as a warning signal in the event of a dangerous situation. As it would be an unnecessary noise nuisance, the use of the horn for greeting purposes or to indicate that you want to overtake, is inadmissible in built-up areas. Only outside of built-up areas, you may use the horn or flash light to announce an overtaking process.

Under what emergency numbers can you call the police and the emergency services in Germany?

  • ✅ 112
  • ❌ 115
  • ✅ 110

In Germany emergency numbers for the police are 110 as well as 112 for the accident ambulance and the fire department. The numbers also work if your mobile phone has no more credit.

For which purposes is a horn allowed to be used outside built-up areas?

  • ❌ As a calling signal
  • ✅ As an overtaking signal
  • ✅ As a warning signal

You may announce your intention to overtake by horns or by flash light. You may also use a horn or flash light to warn other road uses and alert them of hazards. The operation of the horn as a call sign, without a specific danger situation, is not allowed.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ - leave the ignition key or transponder behind when leaving the vehicle
  • ✅ - exit the tunnel via the emergency exit
  • ❌ - wait in the vehicle for the scene of the accident to be cleared

If there has been an accident in the tunnel and if at least one car burns and there's smoke, you have to stop and leave your car. You can leave the tunnel via the emergency exit and follow the emergency lights. If none exist, you have to feel your way along the tunnel wall. Since the fire department may need to move your car away, the ignition key or transponder should be left in the car.

How can you get help on an autobahn?

  • ✅ Dial 112 or 110
  • ✅ Use an emergency call box
  • ✅ From the autobahn service areas

In the event of a breakdown or accident on the highway, you can call for help at the emergency telephone number and at 112 or 110. If your vehicle can still be brought to the nearest rest stop, you can also make your call for help there.

You notice an accident in the tunnel. What do you have to do?

  • ✅ Inform emergency services via the SOS-telephone
  • ❌ Do not leave your vehicle
  • ✅ Switch on the hazard warning lights

In the event of an accident in a tunnel, the driver is obliged to immediately use the hazard light to warn the following traffic. Park the vehicle on the right-hand side of the lane or, if possible, in a passenger bay and step out carefully to inspect the scene of the accident and do the emergency call. Secure the accident scene and provide first aid. Also pay attention to your own protection, emergency exits and emergency telephones.

You are the first person to arrive at the scene of an accident with injured persons. What should you do first as a rule?

  • ❌ Check the seriousness of the injuries
  • ❌ Drive to the next telephone box and call the rescue service
  • ✅ Make the scene of the accident safe

If you are the first to reach an accident with an injured person, keep a cool head and first secure the accident scene as your first act. This allows you to actively prevent further accidents and protect the injured. Then look for the injured and administer first aid. Inform the ambulance.

What do you do in case of a breakdown in a tunnel?

  • ❌ Let the engine run by way of precaution
  • ✅ If possible, park the vehicle in an emergency bay
  • ✅ Switch on the hazard warning lights

In the tunnel, the alternatives for subsequent traffic are low. Therefore, if possible, stop in one of the marked emergency bays in the event of a breakdown. Switch on the hazard light on your car and switch off the engine due to the high risk of poisoning by exhaust gases in the tunnel.

You are being followed by an ambulance with its blue lights flashing and siren sounding. What should you do?

  • ❌ I make way immediately once the traffic light has turned green
  • ✅ I move out of the way immediately without endangering others
  • ❌ I prompt the driver of the vehicle beside me to make way

You are required to make space for the ambulance as soon as possible. Be careful not to endanger other road users. If possible, turn right if you are on a right lane; on the highway and multi-lane roads an alley must be formed.

What can a flashing amber light on a vehicle be a warning for?

  • ✅ For dangers at roadworks or the scene of an accident
  • ✅ For a large transport proceeding at low speed
  • ✅ For an exceptionally wide vehicle

A yellow flashing light warns against dangers that require particularly careful driving behavior. These hazards are work or accident sites or unusually slow, wide or long vehicles.

You are overtaken by a police vehicle, which pulls in immediately in front of you. The words "BITTE FOLGEN" (PLEASE FOLLOW) appear illuminated on the roof. To whom does this apply?

  • ✅ To me
  • ❌ For police and rescue vehicles following behind
  • ❌ To all vehicles in my lane

The signal "PLEASE FOLLOW" on a police car applies to the vehicle immediately behind the police, in this case for you. The police may stop you for traffic control. Follow the police vehicle and stop when it stops.

During daylight, you enter a lit tunnel marked like this. What do you do?

  • ❌ I switch on the side lights
  • ❌ I do not have to switch on the lights
  • ✅ I switch on the dipped headlights

As the car driver, you must turn on the low beam. The daytime lights are not enough, because the light conditions in the tunnel cannot be compared to daylight. You are obliged to make your vehicle seen.

A vehicle with flashing blue light and siren is approaching. What do you do?

  • ✅ Drive carefully onto the pavement if necessary
  • ❌ At all events, brake hard and stop
  • ✅ Clear the way for the vehicle

A blue flashing light and siren are used in emergency situations such as car accidents or house fires. For this reason, you have to clear a passage for the emergency vehicles as fast as you can. Therefore, slowly reduce your speed and drive to the right edge of the road. If necessary, drive on the sidewalk and stay there.

What does it mean when the flashing blue light of a vehicle is switched on but not the siren?

  • ✅ Warning of fire-brigade in action
  • ❌ A breakdown vehicle is on duty and on its way to its destination
  • ✅ Warning of an accident or other dangers

A blue flashing light warns you of accidents or situations such as a fire run. Any driver should allow vehicles with blue flashing lights to pass through, as this may indicate an emergency, vehicle escort or a platoon.

What can a flashing blue light (without siren) mean?

  • ✅ Advance warning of a closed convoy
  • ❌ Without a siren, a flashing blue light does not mean anything
  • ✅ The vehicle is on duty. You should give way

A blue flashing light without siren indicates to accidents or other emergencies - so you should allow free passage here as well. Blue light is also used during blue light driving. It can also be used to secure platoons.

You are overtaken by a police vehicle, which pulls in immediately in front of you. The words "BITTE FOLGEN" (PLEASE FOLLOW) appear illuminated on the roof. What should you do?

  • ❌ - allow the engine to continue running once I have stopped
  • ✅ - stop if the police vehicle stops
  • ✅ - follow the police vehicle

The signal "PLEASE FOLLOW" always applies to the driver directly behind the police car. So, you have to follow the instructions of the police, drive after the officers and stop behind the police car as soon as it stops.

What do you have to do when you see this traffic sign?

  • ✅ Switch on dipped headlights
  • ❌ Switch on the hazard warning lights
  • ✅ Take off your sunglasses

This traffic sign is located in front of the entrance to a tunnel. Turn on the low beam and remove sunglasses for unrestricted visibility.

You hear a siren. Which questions must you ask yourself?

  • ✅ Could I obstruct the emergency vehicle?
  • ❌ Is this vehicle allowed to use a siren at all?
  • ✅ Where is the emergency vehicle coming from?

If you hear a siren, you should first determine which direction the emergency vehicle is coming from. Then you have to consider where you can go, without hindering the emergency vehicle from continuing and without endangering yourself.

In the dark, an oncoming vehicle fails to dip its headlights. What can you do so that you can still see to a certain extent?

  • ❌ Lower the sun visor
  • ✅ Avoid looking at the headlights of the approaching vehicle and direct your gaze towards the right-hand edge of the roadway
  • ❌ Also switch on full beam

If you are dazzled by the light from an oncoming vehicle, look to the right side of the road if possible. This reduces the dazzling effect and you can still stay the lane. It's prohibited to dazzle back by switching on the high beam. Folding down the sun shade is not an appropriate action as it will impair your vision too much.

What are you obliged to do, if you are involved in a road traffic accident?

  • ✅ - provide aid if anyone has been injured
  • ✅ - stop and determine the consequences of the accident
  • ✅ - secure the scene of the accident

After an accident, the car driver and all other participants must stop and inform themselves about the consequences of the accident. Immediately take care of securing the scene of the accident to avoid further damage. Then administer first aid to injured people.

You drive into a brightly lit tunnel which is indicated like this. What do you do?

  • ✅ Drive with dipped headlights
  • ❌ Drive with daytime running lights
  • ❌ Drive without lights

Even a brightly lit tunnel cannot reach daylight conditions, so you need to drive in with low beam to make your vehicle recognizable. The daytime running light is simply not enough in this case.

The words "BITTE FOLGEN" (PLEASE FOLLOW) are illuminated on a police car immediately preceding your car. What does this mean?

  • ❌ All cars driving in the same direction must follow the police car
  • ❌ Only heavy goods transports must follow the police car
  • ✅ Only you must follow the police car

Policemen are allowed to stop car drivers to carry out traffic checks and to check their ability to drive. The request to stop can be made through the PLEASE FOLLOW sign on the police vehicle in front of you. By law, you must comply with this directive.

What must you do if game animals suddenly appear in the full beam of your headlights?

  • ✅ Sound the horn and brake
  • ❌ Proceed on full beam
  • ✅ Immediately dip your headlights

Hold the steering wheel tightly and brake. Dip the high beam, because it dazzles the game and therefore remains on the road. Honk to scare it away. Avoid trying to dodge at high speed. These maneuvers often end at a tree or in oncoming traffic. That's why the following rules apply when there's game on the road: slow down, dip the lights and honk to scare off the game.

You are driving on a country road in darkness and rain and encounter oncoming vehicles with dipped headlights. What must you remember?

  • ✅ You can be dazzled by reflections on the wet road
  • ❌ You can avoid possible dazzle by switching on full beam
  • ✅ Your wet windscreen can result in your being dazzled

You must not turn on the high beam in this situation, as this can strongly dazzle oncoming traffic. Especially on wet roads, the reflection of the light is greatly increased. Further interferences include drops of water and streaks on the windscreen, which scatter the light and cloud the view.

A police signalling disc is displayed towards you from a vehicle driving in front of you. What does this mean?

  • ✅ I have to follow the vehicle until it stops
  • ❌ I have to turn in the direction indicated
  • ✅ I may not overtake the vehicle

Basically, the driver who drives directly behind the police car has to follow the signal given by the police. If this is recognizable, the police signaling disc may also apply to drivers in front. You must not overtake the police car and you have to follow it.

In your rear-view mirror, you see the words "STOP POLIZEI" (Stop Police) in red illuminated letters on the roof of a police car immediately behind your car. Who does this apply to?

  • ❌ To all vehicles on the road
  • ❌ To all following vehicles
  • ✅ To you only

Since the request is displayed to the front and you are directly front of the police car, the request is addressed to you. You are required by law to follow the instructions from police officers.

Where is it permitted to flash headlights to indicate your intention to overtake?

  • ❌ In darkness in built-up areas
  • ✅ In darkness outside built-up areas
  • ✅ In daylight outside built-up areas

Outside built-up areas, you as a car driver may use the flashlight to signal your intention to overtake. This is allowed during the day and in the dark. Within built-up areas the flash light may not be used.

At night, how must you secure a vehicle which has broken down at a place where it constitutes a danger to other traffic?

  • ✅ Place a warning triangle at a sufficient distance
  • ❌ Switch on the reversing lights
  • ✅ Immediately switch on the hazard warning lights

If a vehicle has a breakdown on a multi-lane roadway at a location where it cannot be detected in time as an obstacle, you as a car driver must immediately turn on the hazard lights. Afterwards, a breakdown triangle should be placed clearly visible at a sufficient distance, in fast traffic about 100 m in front of the vehicle. You do not need to switch on the reversing light.

What must you do after an accident with a game animal (for example a deer)?

  • ❌ Proceed without stopping
  • ✅ Inform the police or the nearest forestry office
  • ✅ Stop, switch on hazard warning lights and make the scene of the accident safe

After a wildlife accident, you must stop, turn on your hazard lights and secure the scene of the accident. You also have to inform the police or the nearest forestry office about the accident. Under no circumstances should you touch the game with your bare hands due to the danger of rabies!

The rear lighting systems of your car are covered. What has to be done?

  • ❌ - need only be attached on journeys longer than 5 km
  • ✅ - must be attached in any case
  • ❌ - need only be attached for journeys at dusk or during the hours of darkness

You must always attach a light carrier with all the rear lights to your vehicle. Keep in mind that you as a car driver are responsible for the effectiveness of the lighting equipment. A kilometer limit does not exist in this situation.

Visibility is considerably reduced. When are you allowed to switch on fog headlamps?

  • ✅ In rain
  • ✅ In fog
  • ✅ In falling snow

If the visibility during the day is badly affected by fog, snowfall or rain, then you, as a car driver, have to switch on to low beam. Only in weather conditions with strong visual impairment you may also turn on the fog lights.

How can you tell whether the rear fog lamp is switched on?

  • ❌ By the red indicator light
  • ❌ By the blue indicator light
  • ✅ By the amber indicator light

A look at the dashboard is enough and the car driver immediately recognizes from the yellow warning light that the rear fog-lamp is in operation. According to the highway traffic act, the warning light must be in direct field of vision.

You are driving at night on an unlit road. There is a motor vehicle travelling a short distance in front of you. Which lights must you have on?

  • ❌ Full beam
  • ❌ Only side lights
  • ✅ Dipped headlights

The car driver must turn on the low beam on his own vehicle in order not to blind vehicles driving in front of you nor oncoming traffic. Using high beam is out of the question, as it would dazzle the other driver.

You experience a breakdown outside of a built-up area. Your motor vehicle is located on the carriageway behind a bend in the road. What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ✅ I have to turn on my hazard lights
  • ✅ I must at least position a conspicuous warning sign behind the vehicle
  • ✅ I should wear a high-visibility vest

To secure the area, the car driver must turn on the hazard lights and set up a sign behind the vehicle to warn other road users. In addition, you should wear a safety vest for improved visibility.

What risks could arise if you drive with your main beam lights on?

  • ✅ Oncoming road users will be dazzled
  • ❌ Stationary vehicles on my side of the road will not be detected until it is too late
  • ✅ Wild animals on the road will be dazzled and will remain stationary in the light beam

With high beam on, you can dazzle drivers in front of you and oncoming traffic, which may result in recognizing pedestrians and cyclists not at all or way too late. Game that is crossing the road can also be dazzled, which may lead to the animals remaining in the cone of light. With high beam you can recognize vehicles that broke down better.

At what distance must the warning triangle be placed when a car has broken down on a road with fast-moving traffic?

  • ✅ At a distance of around 100 m
  • ❌ At a distance of around 10 m
  • ❌ At a distance of around 50 m

If you are staying on a road with fast traffic with your vehicle, you must set up the warning triangle at a distance of approx. 100 m. Make the breakdown situation visible to other road users by switching on the hazard lights.

You car has a fault and can no longer be driven. What must you be aware of during towing?

  • ✅ - a towing bar should be used where possible
  • ❌ - the rear fog lights should also be switched on to indicate the towing procedure
  • ✅ - the force required to operate the brake pedal is significantly greater if the engine has failed

Keep in mind that without the engine working, the brake boosters of the engine brake will also fail. This means that the applied braking force is much higher than when the engine is running. If possible, always use a tow bar when towing. The towing bar prevents collision and braking forces can be transmitted.

When must you switch on the hazard warning lights?

  • ❌ For all loading or unloading
  • ❌ When double-parking
  • ✅ When your vehicle has broken down at a place where it cannot readily be recognized as a stationary obstruction

If a car breaks down on a multi-lane roadway at a location where it cannot be recognized in time as an obstacle, the hazard light must be switched on immediately. Parking in the second row is generally prohibited. This does not change just by switching on the hazard lights. It is not allowed. When loading and unloading the hazard light must not be switched on.

Depending on the motor vehicle, how can you tell if the main beam is switched on?

  • ✅ - blue indicator light
  • ✅ - position of the control switch
  • ❌ - green indicator light

The blue indicator with the headlight symbol indicates that the high beam is on. In addition, you can recognize the position of the switch by touching it whether the main beam is turned on or not. The green warning light does not represent high beam, but low beam.

You car has a fault and can no longer be driven. What must you be aware of during towing?

  • ✅ - the towing cable should be kept as taut as possible
  • ❌ - the motorway may only be used to shorten the journey to the next car garage
  • ✅ - the hazard lights must be switched on on both vehicles

When towing, the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle must turn on the hazard lights. The tow rope should be kept as tight as possible. If the breakdown did not occur on the freeway, it is not allowed to drive onto the freeway during towing.

A car with power steering has broken down with engine damage and must be towed away. What is correct?

  • ❌ - is locked
  • ❌ - is not impaired
  • ✅ - is considerably heavier

The function of the power steering depends on the engine and only works when the engine is running. If the engine and the assistive function of the power steering fail, steering is considerably more difficult and you need more power. The steering is impaired in its function.

What should you do, if it is no longer possible to avoid a collision with wild animals?

  • ✅ I maintain my direction of movement
  • ❌ I always take an evasive movement
  • ✅ I brake as hard as possible

If a collision with an animal is no longer avoidable, the direction of travel is to be maintained. Then brake hard and hold the steering wheel firmly. An evasive maneuver can injure other road users or increase the risk of greater damage than a controlled collision with the animal.

Driving at night-time on a rural road, you see persons on your side of the road. What do you do if you are dazzled by an oncoming vehicle?

  • ✅ - stop if necessary
  • ✅ - look towards the right-hand side of the road
  • ❌ - turn on my main beam lights

If you detect people on the side of the road at night as a car driver, you should slow down. Regular eye-contact with the roadside is ideal to avoid an accident. If you are also blinded, you can move to the right and stop.

What must you remember when towing?

  • ✅ The distance between the vehicles must not exceed 5 m
  • ✅ Tow-rope/tow-bar must be clearly marked
  • ❌ Motorcycles may only be towed with a fixed connection

When towing, the distance between the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle shall not exceed 5 meters. The tools used such as rod or rope are clearly marked. Motorcycles must not be towed but must be loaded.

When are you allowed to use fog headlamps also during the day?

  • ✅ - by fog or falling snow
  • ✅ - by rain
  • ❌ - by ice on the windscreen

In the event of heavy weather-related visibility restriction due to fog, snow or rain, fog lights may be switched on during the day. These strong weather-related restrictions of visibility usually only occur in autumn and winter months. You are generally not allowed to drive with ice on the windscreen. You need to remove it before starting your journey.

What can be the cause of a rear light not to work?

  • ❌ Starter is defective
  • ✅ Fuse has blown
  • ✅ Bulb is defective

If the taillight fails, you should first check the bulb. Even a defective fuse can cause a failure. The starter, however, does not matter because it is not related to the lighting system.

When must you use dipped headlights also during the day?

  • ❌ - by a misted windscreen
  • ✅ - by fog or falling snow
  • ✅ - by rain

If visibility is severely limited due to weather conditions - rain, fog, snowfall - you must use the prescribed lighting equipment, usually low beam, even during the daytime driving. This is necessary to be seen better by other road users and to help you see the others better.

Where are parking lights sufficient when parking a car on unlit roads?

  • ✅ In built-up areas
  • ❌ On the hard shoulder of autobahns
  • ❌ Outside built-up areas

Cars may only be parked on unlit roads with parking lights switched on within built-up areas. Because within built-up areas, people drive at lower speeds, so that the parked car can be detected in time. Outside built-up areas this is not permitted.

You are driving with main beam lights on in darkness. When do you have to dip your headlights?

  • ✅ When a vehicle is driving close in front
  • ✅ When a vehicle is oncoming
  • ❌ If there are pedestrians in front moving in the same direction

You must not dazzle the oncoming traffic with high beam. So, turn it off immediately if you realize that other vehicles are driving towards you. Pedestrians will not be dazzled by your high beam if they travel in the same direction as you.

What must you anticipate with traffic islands like this?

  • ❌ Pedestrians always respect the right of way for vehicles
  • ✅ Cyclists crossing the road without paying attention to the traffic
  • ✅ Pedestrians thinking that they have the right of way over the road traffic

Often thought of cyclists and pedestrians that they have priority, particularly attentive his.

Your vehicle has broken down on the autobahn. What must you remember when having it towed away?

  • ❌ You may continue along the autobahn to the exit nearest a suitable garage
  • ✅ You must leave the autobahn at the next exit
  • ✅ During towing, both vehicles must have their hazard warning lights switched on

When towing on the freeway, the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle must have their hazard lights switched on. It's only allowed to tow on the freeway until the next exit. Then, the freeway must be left.

Which dangers can arise from a manual light range adjustment being incorrectly set?

  • ✅ Visibility may be too low
  • ✅ Oncoming traffic may be dazzled
  • ❌ Headlamps may fail

The headlamp beam height control is there to adjust the orientation of the headlamps to the load of the vehicle. If set incorrectly, they are either set too low - the visibility is too low - or too high. If they are set too high, it blinds oncoming traffic. The head lamps themselves are therefore not enough.

When you are driving, how can you tell whether the headlights are switched on full beam?

  • ❌ By a red indicator light
  • ❌ By a green indicator light
  • ✅ By a blue indicator light

Usually there is a blue indicator light in the area of ​​the speedometer which indicates the function of the high beam. If this blue light is turned on, the main beam of your vehicle is switched on as well.

You are driving in the dark with dipped headlights. Oncoming traffic flash their headlights at you. What can this mean?

  • ❌ Other drivers are telling you to turn on your main beam
  • ✅ The light range adjustment is not adapted to your vehicle load
  • ✅ The headlamps on your vehicle are set incorrectly and are dazzling

If the oncoming driver is turning the headlights up and dips them again this is a typical sign that you are dazzling oncoming traffic with your front lights. The reason for this are incorrectly set head lamps or setting the headlight range in a way that does not correspond to the load condition. Do not misunderstand turning the headlights up and dipping them again as an invitation to turn on the high beam of your car.

You are driving with main beam lights on in darkness. When do you have to dip your headlights?

  • ✅ If I am driving on a road with constant, adequate lighting
  • ❌ If there are pedestrians moving in the same direction in front of me
  • ✅ If I am required to wait at a rail crossing and dazzling others

When driving in the dark with high beam, you need to turn it off when approaching oncoming traffic. You are not allowed to drive with high beam on roads that have sufficient lighting throughout. The head lamps of waiting vehicles should not blind others. That's why you have to dip your lights at railroad crossings. If pedestrians precede in the same direction, they are not dazzled by the high beam.

Why must you also drive with dipped headlight during the day when visibility is impaired by fog, rain or falling snow?

  • ❌ So that you can drive at a higher speed
  • ✅ So that you will be more easily seen by other road users
  • ❌ So that you can see traffic signs at greater distances

In poor visibility conditions during the day, due to weather conditions caused by rain, fog or snow, you must turn on the low beam as a car driver. The main reason for that is that your vehicle is better seen by other road users. By doing that, traffic signs are not seen any better from a distance.

When are you allowed to switch on rear fog lamps?

  • ❌ When fog reduces visibility to 100 m
  • ❌ When visibility is reduced by heavy rain
  • ✅ When fog reduces visibility to less than 50 m

The rear fog-lamps of your vehicle may only be used if the visibility is less than 50 m in heavy fog. Due to the high risk of glare, the lights can otherwise become a security risk for subsequent traffic.

If the horn does not work, what can be the reason?

  • ✅ Blown fuse
  • ✅ The horn's operating device is defective
  • ❌ Defective starter

If the horn of your vehicle does not work, it may be due to a faulty fuse or a faulty switch. A malfunction on the starter has no effect on the function of the horn.

In which cases must you at least switch on side lights (parking lights) in twilight or darkness?

  • ✅ When the vehicle is parked on the hard shoulder outside built-up areas
  • ❌ When driving on roads with adequate continuous lighting

At dusk and in the dark always drive with low beam. So, you are clearly visible and you can see well yourself. Vehicles are not allowed to only drive with parking light, because the luminosity of these lights, which are also known as the sidelights, is not sufficient.

When do you have to switch on your dipped headlights?

  • ✅ When driving through a tunnel
  • ✅ When it is dark
  • ✅ During twilight

In poor visibility you must always turn on the low beam. This is always the case during dusk, in darkness or in weather-related poor visibility conditions such as rain, fog or snow. Even if you drive through a tunnel, you must always turn on the low beam.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I brake hard immediately
  • ❌ I take a photograph of the scene of the accident
  • ✅ I continue driving as before

It can be seen that the accident scene has already been adequately secured. For this reason, you should not brake sharply as this is unnecessary in this situation. A strong deceleration would only increase the risk of further accidents (especially rear-end collisions), since subsequent motorists do not expect a braking maneuver. While driving, photographing the accident is prohibited.

What can prevent you from hearing warning signals?

  • ✅ Having the radio on too loud
  • ✅ The exhaust being too loud
  • ✅ Using headphones

Other sounds, such as a loud radio or a loud exhaust, can prevent car drivers from perceiving important warning signals. Also, the use of headphones usually limits the ability to hear. This often means that warning signals are ignored by drivers. Make sure that you can always hear warning signals.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. When driving, what can cause avoidable noise pollution?

  • ✅ Heavily accelerating unnecessarily
  • ✅ Driving fast in low gears
  • ✅ Defective silencer

The higher the engine speed, the louder the motor. Tuned exhaust systems are usually louder than the standard exhaust system. When accelerating you consume more fuel than the normal acceleration.

What should you do to help protect the environment?

  • ✅ - switch off the engine if waiting for longer periods
  • ✅ - avoid unnecessary driving back and forth
  • ✅ - have the motor vehicle inspected if the exhaust is emitting an excessive amount of smoke

Even when standing burns the motor fuel during long stops you should turn off the engine. If it comes to atypical signs such as smoke, you should have your vehicle inspected.

What should you do if you see a vehicle with its hazard lights on?

  • ✅ I reduce my speed
  • ✅ I ready myself for hazards occurring suddenly
  • ❌ I continue driving just as before

When switched on hazard lights can have many reasons and causes. To play it safe, you should reduce your speed and drive especially attentive to the vehicle over.

How can you reduce the noise generated by your motor vehicle?

  • ✅ By using tyres that have a low rolling noise
  • ✅ By driving at a low engine speed
  • ❌ By removing the air filter insert

The higher the engine speed, the louder the motor. Tires have differences in quality. When buying tires on the rolling noise.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What style of driving results in higher fuel consumption within a built-up area?

  • ✅ Accelerating heavily
  • ❌ Driving in a high gear
  • ✅ Driving at high engine speed

When accelerating you consume more fuel than the normal acceleration. The higher the speed the more fuel is consumed.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox on a level carriageway. How should you change gears so as to drive in a particularly environmentally conscious and economical way?

  • ❌ Drive until the upper engine speed range is reached in one gear, before changing up
  • ✅ Changing down again as late as possible
  • ✅ Changing up gears as early as possible

If you're repeat accelerate the speed to always keep as low as possible. When you should roll out as late as possible switch to the engine braking effect to exploit and take advantage of the brakes as little as possible.

What is the right course of action in this situation?

  • ❌ I drive past the tram on the right-side
  • ❌ I overtake the tram on the left
  • ✅ I remain behind the tram

You may impede, endanger passengers either. can stay so behind the tram to proceeding without the passengers at risk.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. How can you reduce the fuel consumption of your vehicle?

  • ✅ By switching early up to the next gear
  • ❌ By driving at a high engine speed
  • ✅ By employing an anticipatory driving style, to avoid frequent changes of speed

The higher the speed the more fuel is consumed. In anticipatory driving, you can avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking.

What can regular vehicle maintenance help achieve?

  • ✅ Ensuring road safety
  • ✅ Keeping fuel consumption low
  • ✅ Keeping emission levels low

Regular vehicle maintenance contributes to the warranty of road safety, in case of low fuel consumption and low emissions.

What is a pre-condition for environmentally-friendly and energy-saving driving?

  • ❌ Washing the engine regularly
  • ✅ Performing vehicle maintenance regularly
  • ✅ Checking the tyre inflation pressure regularly

Tire pressure has great impact on fuel consumption, as this influences the rolling resistance. Regular vehicle maintenance will help to low fuel consumption and low emissions.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. How can you achieve efficient fuel consumption?

  • ❌ When accelerating, changing the gears upwards as late as possible
  • ✅ By having the proper tyre pressure
  • ✅ By adopting an even driving style with low engine speeds

At a constant speed is less consumed than in the constant delay and speed. The tire pressure has a major impact on fuel consumption, as this influences the rolling resistance.

What should you consider after starting your vehicle?

  • ✅ - drive off as promptly as possible
  • ❌ - if possible, allow the engine of the stationary vehicle to warm up
  • ✅ - drive at low engine speeds

Unnecessary stand with the engine running unnecessarily burdened the environment. Start the engine only if you also want to leave. The lower the engine speed the less fuel is burned.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What type of behaviour pollutes the environment?

  • ✅ An uneven driving style
  • ✅ Frequently pressing the accelerator while waiting at traffic lights
  • ❌ Driving downhill in a high gear

At a constant speed is less consumed than in the constant delay and speed. Unnecessary accelerate at a red light burning unnecessary fuel.

Lifelong learning; Traffic violations

Having committed several violations during the probationary period, the authorities have ordered a driver to attend an advanced seminar. The new driver fails to comply with the order. What may he now anticipate?

  • ✅ The withdrawal of the driving licence
  • ❌ A notice to pay a public fine
  • ❌ Additional points in the Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders

If the novice driver fails to attend the retraining seminar as required, he is threatened with the immediate loss of his driving license. An additional fine will not be imposed. Also, no points will be entered in the register of driver fitness.

What can frequently lead to road traffic accidents during night-time recreational drives at the weekend?

  • ✅ - little experience with fully occupied vehicles
  • ✅ - little experience driving after dark
  • ❌ - little knowledge of road traffic regulations

Too little driving experience during the dark and a lack of knowledge about driving behavior in fully occupied vehicles often leads to accidents during nocturnal recreational rides on the weekend.

Who is not allowed to drink alcohol when driving motor vehicles?

  • ✅ All drivers under 21
  • ❌ All drivers
  • ✅ All drivers during their probation period

During the probation period or before the age of 21, a limit of 0.0 permille applies to you before each journey and while driving a motor vehicle: an absolute alcohol ban.

The risk of causing an accident when driving a vehicle is significantly higher for drivers aged between 18 and 24. What reasons are frequently relevant here?

  • ✅ Too little driving experience
  • ✅ Over-estimation of own capabilities
  • ✅ Higher levels of risk readiness

Young car drivers often have too little experience to be able to correctly assess road traffic risks. They often drive carelessly and riskily, overestimate their abilities and rely on the safety of the vehicles they control. By testing their car and their own driving skills, they sometimes get into unmanageable situations.

Five young friends are driving in a car to a recreational event. The mood is exuberant. To what risks can this give rise?

  • ✅ - be induced to drive in a risky manner
  • ❌ - be induced to drive slowly
  • ✅ - be distracted from events on the road

For the car driver, there is a risk of getting carried away by the mood. He/She can be distracted by the others and overlook traffic hazards and make driving mistakes. It is recommended to set up rules of conduct for the passengers before starting the journey. So, the car driver is not a spoilsport or tempted in any way.

What should be achieved by attending an advanced seminar during the probationary period?

  • ✅ Improved risk awareness
  • ✅ A more considerate and risk-conscious attitude to driving on public roads
  • ❌ Reducing the number of points in the Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders

At the retraining seminar you will learn how to analyze your daily driving behavior and raise your awareness of dangerous situations in the probationary period. Points cannot be deducted with the seminar. This can be done in the driving ability seminar.

What should a driving licence applicant anticipate if he is found driving without a licence?

  • ✅ The driving licence authority may withdraw the application inspection order
  • ✅ A test may be ordered to ascertain your aptitude for driving motor vehicles
  • ❌ No consequences, as long as you are registered with a driving school

A person who wants to obtain a driving license not only has to bring along the necessary physical and mental requirements. In addition, he must not have repeatedly violated traffic regulations or penal laws. This would show that the applicant is not suitable for driving a motor vehicle. The same applies to driving without a license. Should a person, who wants to obtain a driving license, drive without one, the authorities might not allow you to attend the exam.

Are drivers during their probation period allowed to be under the influence of alcohol when driving motor vehicles?

  • ❌ Yes, up to a blood alcohol level of 50 milligrams if they have not committed any alcohol related traffic violation
  • ✅ No, definitely not
  • ❌ Yes, up to a blood alcohol level of 30 milligrams if they have not committed any alcohol related traffic violation

During the probationary period you must not drink any alcohol if you want to drive a motor vehicle. In general, you should stick to 0.0 permille when participating in traffic.

You are currently in the probationary period and to date have not come to the attention of the authorities. What consequences may result if you fail to observe the traffic sign "Stop. Give way." and thereby endanger other road users?

  • ❌ An order to resit a theoretical driving licence test
  • ✅ Entry into the Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders
  • ✅ An order to attend an advanced seminar for new drivers

Failure to observe the traffic sign "Stop. Grant right of way" is a serious violation, an A violation, which is recorded in the driving qualifying register. In the event of an A-violation or two minor violations (B-violations) within the probationary period, you will have to attend a retraining seminar as a novice driver. You will not have to take an exam again.

What is the normal trial period?

  • ✅ 2 years
  • ❌ 1 year
  • ❌ 3 years

Normally, the probationary period is 2 years. But there are also situations where it can be extended to up to 4 years.

Serious accidents frequently occur when young people drive cars during night-time recreational drives at weekends. What causes can be particularly relevant here?

  • ❌ Hesitant driving style
  • ✅ High risk readiness
  • ✅ Inappropriate speed

Unreasonable speed and willingness to take risks often lead to serious accidents among young people during weekend rides at night.

Driver / passenger, vehicle

In what sequence may each continue driving?

  • ❌ Me, [the cyclist], [the yellow car]
  • ✅ [The cyclist], me, [the yellow car]
  • ❌ [The cyclist], [the yellow car], me

You are on a turning priority road and you want to leave straight ahead. The cyclist follows the course of the priority road and therefore has priority over you. The car from the left must grant you right of way according to the rule "left yields to right".

What happens as a result of tyre pressures being well below the recommended levels?

  • ✅ Fuel consumption increases
  • ❌ Pollutant emission decreases
  • ✅ Tyre wear increases

Too low air pressure in the tire as well leads to increased fuel consumption. The effort required to keep the tire running is significantly higher than when the tire pressure has been set correctly. This leads to higher wear on the tire, increased fuel consumption and harms the environment.

What is the significance of orange warning plates on a vehicle?

  • ❌ - cattle
  • ✅ - dangerous goods
  • ❌ - easily perishable food

An orange warning sign indicates vehicles that are loaded with dangerous goods as so-called hazardous materials transportation. Other car drivers should be warned this way. In the event of a traffic accident, the orange warning sign serves as a clue to the emergency services.

When should you switch off the engine to save fuel and reduce pollution?

  • ❌ When you stop at a "STOP" sign
  • ✅ When you have to wait at level crossings or building sites
  • ✅ When you have to wait in a traffic jam for a long time

In order to avoid unnecessary consumption of gasoline, the engine should be switched off in certain situations. These include, for example, moments in traffic jams or in front of level crossings. Although there is an increased consumption during starting, it is compensated again starting from a downtime of one minute. You should not turn off the engine at a stop sign.

What must you do when you are travelling and you notice that your vehicle is no longer roadworthy?

  • ✅ Take the vehicle out of the traffic as quickly as possible
  • ✅ Continue only when the damage has been repaired
  • ❌ Proceed to the next authorised dealer

If a vehicle is not roadworthy, the driver must remove it from traffic as soon as possible. Note that driving to the nearest workshop is also prohibited. Only after the damage has been repaired, you may continue driving.

How must a load projecting more than 1 m beyond the rear reflectors of the vehicle be marked in darkness?

  • ❌ By an orange warning plate
  • ✅ By a red light and red rear reflector
  • ❌ By switching the fog tail lamp on

If you carry cargo that protrudes more than 1 m from the end of the vehicle, it must be marked accordingly by a red light and a red reflector. Thus, the end of the load is made visible to the traffic behind you and a correspondingly high safety distance can be maintained. An orange warning sign shows the transport of dangerous goods subject to marking. The rear fog lamp does not improve the visibility and must not be used.

What must you be aware of if you want to transport a load?

  • ✅ - may not interfere with me
  • ❌ - may never project over the front of the vehicle
  • ✅ - may not slide even when I brake

The load must be carefully secured so that it can't fall down. The car driver may not be handicapped by the load, not even in his/her visibility. The permissible dimensions and weight limits must be observed. At the front, the load may protrude only above a height of 2.5 m by a maximum of 50 cm. This regulation reduces the risk of injury in the event of a rear-end collision.

What must you remember when refuelling?

  • ✅ Do not breath in any fuel fumes
  • ✅ Do not refuel when the tank is full and the nozzle has switched off
  • ❌ Fill up to the brim if possible

Inhaling fuel vapors is harmful to your health. Therefore, make sure that the dispenser is being used correctly and pay attention to any defects when refueling. When the tank is full, the automatic system should be switched off. This prevents the overflow of gasoline or diesel. In addition, some air must remain in the tank for the fuel to expand.

What must you remember concerning the lighting equipment of your vehicle?

  • ✅ It must be in operating condition
  • ✅ It must be correctly installed
  • ✅ It must be clean

The car driver must properly install the lighting equipment on the vehicle. In addition to full functionality, the lighting must also be clean, so that other drivers see you in bad weather or in a tunnel.

What can be the effect of an overload of only 20%?

  • ✅ The brakes may be overstrained
  • ✅ Steering may become worse
  • ✅ There may be too much strain on the load-bearing parts of the vehicle

The entire vehicle design, the drivability and the center of gravity of a car are matched and tested by the manufacturer to a certain maximum permissible load limit. Exceeding the maximum limit can affect the driving behavior of the vehicle negatively. In addition, you risk permanent damage, such as warping and breaking load-bearing parts on your car.

What can present a danger?

  • ✅ Headlights set too high
  • ✅ Worn tyres
  • ❌ Vehicle in a spectacular colour

Safety risks include incorrectly adjusted headlamps. If they are set too low, they create poor visibility for the driver. Lights that are set too high can lead to extreme glare from oncoming traffic and cause serious accidents. The tread depth of the tires is an important safety factor. Worn tires have a much longer braking distance on wet roads. The legally prescribed tread depth of 1.6 millimeters is not sufficient in terms of safety. At this tread depth, the risk of aquaplaning is already very high. With aquaplaning, the vehicle slips uncontrollably.

Which defects of a vehicle can result in a danger for road traffic?

  • ✅ Defective rear lamps
  • ✅ Insufficient braking effect
  • ✅ Worn tyres

Worn tires have a negative effect on the grip and could lead the car to skidding. Defective tail lamps make the car less visible to the surrounding traffic. Insufficient braking action can lead to a prolonged braking distance therefore lead to higher risk of accidents, especially for rear-end collisions. All three defects lead to a threat to traffic safety.

Who is responsible for the roadworthiness of a licensed vehicle?

  • ✅ The owner
  • ✅ The driver
  • ❌ The motor liability insurance company

Responsible for the roadworthy condition of a vehicle are both the owner of the vehicle as well as the driver. The driver has to check the operational reliability as well as roadworthiness of the vehicle before driving. The owner has to make sure that this actually happens. This also applies to the TÜV examination. The liability insurance is not responsible.

What do you have to make sure of regarding the load on your vehicle?

  • ✅ My vehicle may not exceed the gross axle weight rating
  • ✅ I have to use suitable equipment to prevent the load from shifting
  • ❌ My vehicle may exceed the gross vehicle weight rating by a maximum of 5%

When loading your vehicle, you must not exceed the permissible axial loads. You must secure the cargo in accordance with the recognized rules of engineering

Which factors lengthen your braking distance?

  • ✅ Driving down slopes
  • ✅ A wet or slippery roadway
  • ✅ Towing a trailer not fitted with brakes

The braking distance of a vehicle is extended: 1. on a steep hill, 2. on a wet or slippery road surface, 3. if the vehicle has to carry an additional load. The reasons for the extended braking distances are: On a steep hill, acceleration force is caused by gravity. On wet or slippery roads, the static friction between tires and road surface is reduced. Additional load increases the mass that needs to come to a stop.

From what height it is permitted for loads to project up to 50 cm in front of your vehicle?

  • ❌ 3.00 m
  • ❌ 2.00 m
  • ✅ 2.50 m

If your vehicle has a height of up to 2.5 m, the cargo may protrude forwards by 50 cm. This cargo projection up to 50 cm is also permitted on trains and must never be exceeded in order to minimize the risk of injury in rear-end collisions.

Your vehicle loses oil. How much drinking water can be polluted by a single drop of oil?

  • ❌ 50 litres
  • ✅ 600 litres
  • ❌ 1 litre

You should urgently avoid oil loss. Because even a single drop of oil can contaminate up to 600 liters of water and make it unfit for consumption.

What can red-white warning plates on vehicles indicate?

  • ✅ A vehicle with excessive width
  • ✅ A trailer parked on the roadway within a built-up area
  • ❌ A vehicle transporting dangerous goods

Red and white warning signs point to vehicles with excess width (e.g., abnormal wide agricultural vehicles). Trailers parked inside a built-up area must either be illuminated or marked with reflective warning signs. So, warning signs do not refer to hazmat trucks.

You are to drive a motor vehicle with which you are unfamiliar. Why do you have to be particularly careful to begin with?

  • ✅ - of its manoeuvrability
  • ✅ - of the arrangement and the function of the controls
  • ✅ - of its braking characteristics

Every driver is accustomed to the driving behavior and characteristics of his vehicle. Each vehicle has a different driving behavior due to its first center of gravity, dimensions, and weight. Even clutch, cornering response and braking distance of the same models can differ. The driver must carefully familiarise himself with these characteristics, as well as with the control elements of the fittings.

What is the potential risk when using driver assistance systems?

  • ✅ - pay too little attention to the traffic around him
  • ✅ - neglect his own personal responsibility
  • ✅ - have false expectations of the systems

The car driver may have too high expectations of the advanced driver-assistance system. This may result in the car driver neglecting his or her own responsibility and paying too little attention to the traffic. Even when using advanced driver-assistance systems, the responsibility for safe driving remains with the driver.

How can you save fuel?

  • ✅ - removing any non-essential roof boxes etc
  • ✅ - driving in a foresighted manner
  • ❌ - driving with winter tyres the whole year round

You can save fuel by: 1. driving smoothly and anticipatory while avoiding high engine speeds; 2. remove unused roof structures, as they increase fuel consumption with air resistance; 3. swap winter tires for summer tires in the warm season. Driving smoothly means avoiding unnecessary acceleration and deceleration. For example, by slowly rolling toward a red light, you can use the rest of the momentum to drive on if it is already green when you reach the traffic light. Only having to give gas, saves fuel compared to starting from standing completely still.

What can help save fuel and reduce pollution?

  • ✅ Contributing to a constant flow of traffic by thinking ahead and driving correspondingly
  • ✅ Using public transport, a bicycle or walking, wherever possible
  • ✅ Paying attention to the fuel consumption of a motor vehicle when buying it

Before buying a car, the driver can check which model consumes little fuel. In addition, economical driving also contributes to savings.

What can cause skidding on bends?

  • ✅ Insufficient or uneven tyre pressure
  • ❌ Load is too small
  • ✅ Faulty shock-absorbers

Defective shock absorbers can be the cause of a vehicle skidding or swinging off the curve when turning. The correct tire pressure specified by the manufacturer is important for a stable vehicle position in curves. It is tailored to the overall design of the vehicle. Too low or too different tire pressure reduces driving stability and increases the risk of skidding on turns. Too high a load has an influence on the driving stability. There is not too little loading.

How can you minimise tyre wear?

  • ✅ I regularly check the tyre inflation pressure
  • ❌ I use winter tyres all year round
  • ✅ I refrain as much as possible from rapid acceleration

Driving with winter tires in non-winter weather leads to increased tire wear. Strong acceleration is associated with increased abrasion. The tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer must be observed. Too little tire pressure increases the tire wear considerably. If the air pressure is too low, the tire will deform more with each rotation than with correct tire pressure. Thereby the fabric layers of the tires rub against each other. Heat can be generated that irreparably damages the tire.

You want to park your motorcycle on its side stand. What do you have to consider?

  • ✅ You must swing the side stand up to the stop
  • ✅ The surface under the side stand must be firm
  • ❌ You can only park your motorcycle on an upward slope

To avoid your motorcycle to tip over, make sure the surface is firm and can support the weight of the motorcycle and that you swing the side stand all the way up to the stop.

When is it sensible to switch off a combustion engine?

  • ✅ When loading and unloading the vehicle
  • ✅ During lengthy waits at rail crossings
  • ❌ When stopping at intersections with a stop sign

Longer waiting times before a closed level crossing as well as loading and unloading a vehicle justify turning of an internal combustion engine. This saves fuel and reduces noise. The waiting time at a stop sign is usually short and you can usually drive on quickly after letting cross traffic pass. Therefore, in this situation, the internal-combustion engine is not turned off.

What can you do to help protect the environment?

  • ✅ - driving in crowded city centres
  • ✅ - driving at flat-out speed
  • ✅ - driving short distances

The best way to protect the environment is to drive less. All journeys that are not absolutely necessary should be avoided. Certain driving styles consume extra fuel: Short-distance driving, especially when the engine is still cold, stop-and-go traffic, for example in crowded inner cities and searching for a parking space. On top of that, in areas with heavy traffic, the risk of smog from the exhaust emissions of vehicles increases. Driving at full throttle will not only cause noise, but your fuel consumption will increase disproportionately. However, once you are only 20% below the maximum speed, you reduce your fuel consumption by about 40%. Carpooling is also good for the environment.

What measures help protect the environment?

  • ❌ - air-conditioning systems
  • ✅ - low viscosity engine oil
  • ✅ - low-resistance tyres

Turning the air conditioning off saves fuel as well. Low rolling resistance tires are designed for lower rolling resistance and can save fuel. Low-friction oils are synthetic oils with improved flow behavior, the so-called viscosity. This lubricates the engine faster and better and reduces friction. This also leads to a noticeable saving of fuel. Only oils approved by the engine/vehicle manufacturer should be used to prevent engine damage.

What influences the degree of centrifugal force on bends?

  • ✅ The radius of the bend
  • ❌ Headwind
  • ✅ Speed

The centrifugal force can throw your vehicle out of the curve. When doubling the speed, the centrifugal force quadruples. In addition, the curve radius influences this force as well. The tighter the curve, the more the centrifugal force increases. Therefore, you must brake early in tight corners.

What vehicles are generally exempt from the ban on road traffic in "environmental zones"?

  • ❌ All motor vehicles belonging to the environmental zone inhabitants
  • ✅ Agricultural and forestry tractors
  • ✅ Ambulances on duty

A traffic ban for "environmental zones" does not apply to ambulances that are on duty. Also not affected are tractors from agriculture and forestry.

How do you drive with consideration to the environment?

  • ❌ Always accelerate to the maximum when the traffic light changes to green
  • ✅ Decelerate in good time and use the momentum of the car when the next traffic light is on red
  • ✅ Avoid unnecessary acceleration and unnecessary braking

Avoid constant acceleration and braking. Accelerating consumes unnecessary fuel and can be avoided, for example, in front of red lights by laying off the gas pedal. Maximum acceleration leads to high pollutant emissions and high noise as well as environmental pollution.

At a red light in a built-up area, another driver apparently wants to provoke you into a street race. What should you do?

  • ❌ I accept the challenge, but without exceeding 50 km/h
  • ❌ I get out and confront the driver
  • ✅ I totally ignore this behaviour

Racing will increase your risk of accidents and put people at risk. You should ignore such behaviors

Where can used oil, lubricants and car batteries be taken to be disposed of properly?

  • ✅ To recycling centres
  • ❌ In the household waste
  • ✅ To car workshops

Waste oils, lubricants and vehicle batteries can be disposed of properly in the recycling center or via the car repair shop. Never should these substances be disposed of with household waste. It is special waste.

Wet conditions can impair the effectiveness of drum brakes. What should you do?

  • ✅ I carefully drive to dry the brakes
  • ❌ I refill the brake fluid
  • ❌ I apply the brakes repeatedly while stationary

The drum brake can run dry. For that you as the car driver brake cautiously. The drum brake heats up and the water can evaporate. Of course, you brake only when the traffic flow allows it. A rear-end collision must be avoided at all costs. Keep an eye on the traffic behind you.

The engine and exhaust system of a vehicle have been "souped up". What could be the effects?

  • ❌ Considerable reduction in fuel consumption
  • ✅ Increased noise pollution
  • ✅ Increased pollutant emission

A souped-up engine and muffler provide increased noise pollution. In addition, the vehicle consumes more fuel. On top of that, exhaust emissions are increased and pollute the environment. In the worst case, the driver can expect a withdrawal of the operating license.

You are driving through city traffic in rush hour. What are the effects of stop-and-go driving?

  • ✅ - creates more exhaust gases
  • ✅ - creates more nuisances for others
  • ✅ - consumes more fuel

The fuel consumption in stop-and-go traffic is greater, because drivers have to brake and accelerate more often. This leads to more exhaust fumes and other road users may be disturbed.

Why is it beneficial to use low viscosity engine oil?

  • ✅ - generate less friction in the engine
  • ❌ - can be disposed of as household waste
  • ✅ - reduce fuel consumption

Low-friction oils are characterized by a better flow behavior. These are synthetic oils that reduce friction in the engine through their improved viscosity and optimize oiling. This saves fuel. When using low-friction oils, attention must be paid to the approval of the manufacturer of the engine or vehicle.

You have to wait because of a closed rail-crossing barrier. How can you now help protect the environment and save fuel?

  • ❌ By letting the engine idle
  • ❌ By switching off the automatic start-stop
  • ✅ By switching off the engine

When waiting in front of closed gates it is recommended to switch off the engine. On the one hand you save fuel and thus money, on the other hand, a switched-off engine is environmentally friendly. A pure gearshift to idle is not recommended, as even at idle the engine does not turn off and continues to use fuel.

Where should you not park a motorcycle (using main or side stand)?

  • ✅ Where the parking surface is a steep downward slope
  • ❌ On firm ground
  • ✅ On soft ground

To avoid your motorcycle to tip over, make sure the surface is firm and can support the weight of the motorcycle. Also make sure that the surface is not too steep downwards which would make the main or side stand unsafe and at risk of tipping over

What is correct for checking the brake light?

  • ✅ Apply hand brake and foot brake one after the other
  • ❌ Apply the hand brake only
  • ❌ Apply hand brake and foot brake at the same time

Make sure that the brake light works for the hand brake and foot break separately.

Where are you allowed to store luggage on motorcycles?

  • ✅ In the tank-top bag
  • ❌ Evenly distributed on the right and left of the handlebars
  • ✅ In panniers or on the luggage rack

You can store luggage in the tank-top bag, panniers (equally distributed on the right and left), luggage rack, handlebars.

Where should you stow heavy luggage?

  • ❌ In the handlebar bag
  • ✅ Stow equally on the left and right, and as deep as possible in the panniers
  • ✅ In the tank-top bag

You should place heavy luggage as close as possible to the center of gravity of your motorcycle to least impact its behavior. Make sure to place it either in the tank-top bag or equally distributed and deep in the panniers.

Why is it extremely advisable to wear protective motorcycle clothing during the journey?

  • ❌ Aquaplaning can be prevented during rainy conditions
  • ❌ In the event of accidents, the motorbike will be protected from damage
  • ✅ Injuries may be reduced in the event of a fall

Protective motorcycle clothes will protect you against injuries in case of an accident. It does not reduce aquaplaning nor protect the motorcycle.

You want to park your motorcycle on its main stand. What do you have to consider?

  • ❌ You may only use the main stand to park your motorcycle for a short time
  • ✅ The surface under the main stand must be firm

To avoid your motorcycle to tip over, make sure the surface is firm and can support the weight of the motorcycle. You can park your bike that way for a short or long time.

What can be the consequence of your passenger (pillion passenger) on the motorbike not wearing conspicuous clothing?

  • ❌ - more difficult to recognise for the traffic ahead
  • ❌ - more difficult to recognise for oncoming traffic
  • ✅ - more difficult to recognise for the following traffic

If your passenger does not wear highly visible clothes (conspicuous clothes), it will make you less visible for people driving behind you

Why are motorcyclists required to wear an appropriate protective helmet?

  • ❌ So it is easier to listen to the radio
  • ❌ To reduce air resistance at higher speed
  • ✅ To avoid head injuries as much as possible

A helmet is required to protect your head against injuries and potential death

Your motorcycle is fitted with a fog headlamp. What must you remember about lighting when it is foggy?

  • ✅ The fog headlamp may be used instead of dipped headlight
  • ❌ You may drive with parking lights only
  • ✅ The fog headlamp may be used with dipped headlight

When it is foggy, you are less visible to other people on the road. To increase your visibility you may use your headlamp instead or with dipped headlights

What must you do before setting off on a journey?

  • ✅ Check if panniers and top case are fixed correctly
  • ✅ Check road safety and operational safety of the motorcycle
  • ✅ Check helmet visor and snug-fitting clothing

All three are correct. Make sure that everything is fixed well on your motorcycle. Make sure that you wear adequate clothing, check your helmet visor. And finally, ensure the safety of the road and motorcycle.

What may be expected if you do not wear conspicuous protective motorcycle clothing when riding a motorbike?

  • ✅ I have an increased risk of having an accident
  • ✅ I am more difficult to see
  • ❌ I may anticipate no negative effects

If you do not wear highly visible clothes (conspicuous clothes), you will be less visible to other drivers, people on the road and will thus have a higher risk of accidents

Which precautionary measures must you take when parking a motorcycle?

  • ✅ Lock the handlebar
  • ✅ Remove the ignition key
  • ✅ Park on firm ground

You must make sure that no other people can use your motorcycle by removing the ignition key and locking in the handlebar/steering. Also make sure that the groud is firm to avoid the motorcycle to tip over.

What applies to the installation and use of rear-view mirrors on motorcycles?

  • ❌ A mirror on the right replaces the look over your shoulder
  • ✅ They must be fixed and adjusted properly
  • ✅ They must neither be cracked nor blind

In order to be able to use your rearview mirror, you must ensure that they are well fixed, adjusted, and work (are not cracked, blind)

It is dark and the main beam fails because the bulb filament has burnt out. What must you do?

  • ❌ Proceed slowly to the nearest garage using parking lights
  • ✅ Immediately switch to dipped headlight
  • ✅ Replace the bulb as soon as possible

You need to make sure that you are both visible to other people on the road and that you are yourself able to see the road. Make sure to replace the bulb as soon as possible in the meantime immediately switch on dipped headlights.

Why is it risky to ride without protective motorcycle clothing?

  • ✅ - less insurance cover available should a damage event occur
  • ✅ - less protection from weather conditions
  • ✅ - an increased risk of injury

Wearing protective motorcycle clothing will decrease the risk of injury in case of accident and will also protect you against the weather. In case of an accident insurance cover will be reduce if you do not wear protective clothing

How does incorrect loading affect driving stability?

  • ✅ To heavy tail-loading causes the motorcycle to shimmy and swing
  • ✅ Unequally distributed loading can have a negative effect on driving stability when braking
  • ❌ Has no effect

Incorrectly loading your motorcycle will make your motorcycle less stable. It will make it less stable when braking and could make it vibrate or swing

Why should you regularly apply the brakes with force at standstill?

  • ✅ - whether the mechanical transmission and connection components are in functioning order
  • ✅ - whether a hydraulic braking system has no leaks
  • ❌ - the deceleration of the brakes is adequate

When standing still, use your brakes to ensure that the system works correctly (both the braking transmission, connection and the breaks themselves)

As a cyclist, what must you check before commencing your journey?

  • ✅ Lighting
  • ❌ First-aid material
  • ✅ Condition of tyres

Before starting your trip, make sure that your lights and tires are in good condition and work properly.

What should you especially consider when travelling with luggage?

  • ✅ The recommended top speed given in the vehicle manufacturer's operating manual
  • ✅ The increased susceptibility to side wind
  • ✅ The affect of the changed centre of gravity on road handling

Adding luggage to your motorcycle will impact its behavior on the road. The additional weight will change the center of gravity of the motorcycle. It will increase the impact of side wind on the motorcycle. Make sure you do not exceed the maximum speed recommended by your manufacturer for driving with luggage.

What items form part of your protective clothing when riding a motorbike?

  • ✅ Suitable gloves
  • ❌ Suitable tank bag
  • ✅ Suitable crash helmet

Wearing highly visible clothes (conspicuous clothes) and retro-reflective clothes at night will increase your visibility to other people on the road. Wearing dark clothes with no retro-reflective clothes makes you hard to see on the road.

What should you anticipate if you fail to wear suitable protective motorbike clothing when riding a motorbike?

  • ✅ I am at greater risk of injury in the event of falling off the bike
  • ✅ I should anticipate that my insurance payments will be reduced in the event of an accident
  • ✅ I am not as well protected from the effects of weather conditions

Wearing protective motorcycle clothing will decrease the risk of injury in case of accident and will also protect you against the weather. In case of accident insurance cover will be reduced if you do not wear protective clothing

What alterations can result in the permit for use (Betriebserlaubnis) being cancelled?

  • ✅ Alterations to the engine to increase power
  • ✅ Alterations to the gear ratio
  • ❌ Fitting an electric starter

Changing the gear ratio or the engine power impact the way your vehicle behave and will thus lead the cancelation of your permit for use

What can you do to avoid noise pollution?

  • ✅ Avoid "power sound" through loudspeakers
  • ✅ Don't drive off with spinning wheels
  • ✅ Push the vehicle on residential premises, if possible

To avoid above normal level of noise called noise pollution, do all of the above.

What documents do you have to carry with you, if you want to drive a light motorcycle?

  • ❌ The registration certificate Part II (Motor Vehicle Title)
  • ✅ My driving licence
  • ✅ The operating licence or the registration certificate Part I (Motor Vehicle Registration)

To drive you need to have your driver's license and the part I of your registration certificate to prove that both you and the motorcycle are authorised to drive

What can you do to avoid unnecessary noise?

  • ❌ Remove the fairings
  • ✅ Avoid high engine revolutions
  • ✅ Do not modify intake and exhaust systems

To avoid unnececessary noise, avoid making high revolutions with your engine and do not modify either the intake/exhaust system. Removing fairings do not impact noise.

What items increase safety when riding a motorbike?

  • ✅ Special motorcycling clothing
  • ❌ Top case
  • ✅ Back protectors

Special motorcycle clothing (highly visible, retro-reflective gear at night for example) and a back protector will increase your safety and diminish the risk of injury

When must motorcycles be submitted for official inspection (Hauptuntersuchung)?

  • ❌ Every three years
  • ❌ Every time they are re-registered
  • ✅ Every two years

Similarly to cars, motorcycles should be inspected every two years

What should you avoid for reasons of environmental protection?

  • ✅ Loud music with windows opened
  • ✅ Unnecessary trips
  • ✅ Letting the engine warm up when the vehicle is stationary

After starting the engine, you as a car driver should start immediately in a low-speed driving style. Warming up the engine while stationary is not permitted. Driving at high speeds, extending gears and switching late, wastes fuel. Unnecessary driving causes avoidable exhaust emissions.

You have fitted your motorbike with a tank bag and side panniers. What must you ensure?

  • ✅ The tyre inflation pressure should be adjusted to the larger loaded weight
  • ✅ The gross vehicle weight rating may not be exceeded
  • ✅ The rear wheel suspension should be adjusted to the larger load if necessary

When loading your motorcycle with bags and panniers, make sure that you do not exceed the gross vehicle weight limit, that you adjust the rear wheel suspension as well as tire pressure due to additional weight

How is avoidable noise caused?

  • ❌ By sounding your horn when in danger
  • ✅ By "playing" with the accelerator when standing still
  • ✅ By driving with a defective exhaust

Avoidable noise can be caused by driving with a defective exhaust system or by "playing" with the gas while standing. If a car driver honks because of a dangerous situation, this does not count as avoidable noise, but serves to avert danger.

What documents must you carry with you, if you want to drive a motorbike with an engine size larger than 200 cm³?

  • ❌ The registration certificate Part II (Motor Vehicle Title)
  • ✅ The registration certificate Part I (Motor Vehicle Registration)
  • ✅ My driving licence

To drive you need to have your driver's license and the part I of your registration certificate to prove that both you and the motorcycle are authorised to drive

Why should you avoid driving off at a rapid pace?

  • ✅ Because of heavier tyre wear
  • ❌ Because this is a great strain on the rear brake
  • ✅ Because the noise you cause annoys others

Making a racing start is an additional noise pollution for other road users. You as a car driver damage your vehicle as well as the tires due to high wear and abrasion with a racing start. The environment is additionally burdened. On the other hand, the rear-wheel brake is no longer and not any less loaded when starting.

What motor vehicles are permitted to enter an environment zone without a fine-particle badge?

  • ✅ All two and three-wheeled motor vehicles
  • ❌ All motor vehicles with a catalytic converter
  • ✅ All agricultural and forestry tractors

All two- and three-wheeled motor vehicles and agricultural and forestry tractors may enter an environmental zone without the carbon emission sticker. They are exempt from the restrictions of the environmental zone. The installation of a catalytic converter does not exempt you as a car driver from the obligation to obtain an environmental badge.

What modifications to the vehicle could result in the license to drive it being cancelled?

  • ❌ Installing a replacement engine
  • ✅ Modifying the exhaust system
  • ✅ Installing a different type steering wheel

Changing the type of steering wheel or modifying the exhaust system impact the way your vehicle behave and will thus lead the cancelation of your permit for use. Replacing an engine by a similar one does not change the way your vehicle behave and thus is permitted.

When riding a motorbike, how can you help other road users to see you better and as early as possible?

  • ✅ By wearing conspicuous clothing
  • ✅ By wearing retro-reflective clothing after dark
  • ❌ By driving with the main beam light on

Wearing highly visible clothes (conspicuous clothes) and retro-reflective clothes at night will increase your visibility to other people on the road. Wearing dark clothes with no retro-reflective clothes makes you hard to see on the road.

Why are short journeys performed with a cold engine especially damaging to the environment?

  • ❌ - the vehicle's battery will be over-charged
  • ✅ - the level of material wear is higher
  • ✅ - more fuel is consumed

Short trips with a cold engine usually consume more fuel than driving with a motor in operating temperature. That's why they are particularly harmful to the environment. In addition, the friction is greater in short-distance driving with a cold engine. This leads to a higher material wear.

What alterations can result in the permit for use (Betriebserlaubnis) being cancelled?

  • ❌ Fitting a radio
  • ✅ Fitting an engine of different power
  • ✅ Fitting fairings

Your vehicule's next roadworthiness test can be seen either in the Part I of the registration certificate or on the inspection tag that is on your rear license plate

You should regularly check your helmet visor. Why should you replace it if it is scratched?

  • ❌ Because my face should always be identifiable
  • ✅ Because my vision will otherwise be restricted
  • ✅ Because I will otherwise be dazzled during hours of darkness

A badly scratched helmet visor will diminish your vision and will make light more intensely seen with the risk of dazzling

What must you take into consideration when checking tyre pressure?

  • ✅ Load/Number of passengers in the car
  • ✅ Tyre temperature
  • ❌ Material of the wheels (steel/aluminium)

When checking tire pressure, you must also take into account the temperature and load of the vehicle. These can influence the tire pressure. By contrast, the material of the wheel rim doesn't matter.

How can driver assistance systems be helpful?

  • ✅ In assisting the driver
  • ✅ In increasing road safety
  • ❌ To compensate for unfitness to drive

Driver assistance systems assist the car driver and increase traffic safety when the navigation device is programmed before driving. However, driver assistance systems can not compensate for an unfitness to drive.

Which checks are particularly important before setting off?

  • ✅ Profile of the rear tyre
  • ✅ Condition of your visor
  • ✅ Even load (front/rear, right/left)

All three are important to check before starting to drive. Make sure your visor is in good condition and not damaged or scratched. If you carry weight, make sure it is evenly distributed to not impact your center of gravity and do not impact your stability. Also ensure that the rear tire is in good condition.

You have changed the motorcycle. For the first time, you are driving a motorcycle with fairings. What is different?

  • ❌ The danger of falling has decreased
  • ✅ As the wind pressure is reduced, there is a tendency to drive faster
  • ✅ Sensitivity to side wind increases

Fairings do not decrease the danger of falling. However, it increases the sensitivity to the side wind but diminishes the front wind which creates a tendency to drive faster

You notice your motorcycle has poor track-holding. What can be the cause?

  • ✅ Too much play in the wheel bearings
  • ✅ Deflected backfork

Both play in the wheel bearings and deflected back fork can cause your motorcycle to not keep its course and make handling more difficult and less safe

When do you have to increase tyre pressure?

  • ✅ When driving on autobahns for longer periods of time at high speed
  • ✅ When driving with heavy luggage
  • ✅ When you have a passenger

Tire pressure need to be increased if driving with more weight (additional passenger, heavy luggage) or when driving for long distances especially at high speed

What can you check on your tyre?

  • ✅ Profile
  • ✅ The age of the tyre
  • ✅ Uniform wear of the profile

The driver can check on the tire whether the prescribed tread depth is present and whether the tread has a consistent wear. In addition, the age of the tire can be read off the so-called DOT number.

The mirror holder on your motorcycle is loose. What do you do?

  • ✅ Fix the mirror holder
  • ❌ Remove the mirror

You should never remove your mirror and need to fix them as they are required at all time to see the traffic behind you

What can play in the handlebar bearing cause?

  • ✅ It can have a negative influence on road behaviour
  • ❌ Track-holding is improved
  • ❌ Road behaviour is improved

Having a loose handlebar with some play is dangerous and make your motorcycle more difficult to control, make sure to not have any play to garantee your safety

When you throttle down without disengaging the clutch, your motorcycle no longer keeps to the track. What can be the cause of this?

  • ❌ Idle speed too high
  • ✅ Too much play of the rear-wheel bearing
  • ✅ Too much play of the fork bearing

Both play in the rear wheel bearing and fork bearing can cause your motorcycle to not keep its course and make handling more difficult and less safe

What must you particularly remember when raising motorcycles onto their stands (centre stands)?

  • ✅ - must be hard and even
  • ✅ - should not slope steeply downwards
  • ❌ - must not slope upwards

To avoid the motorcycle to tip over or fall, you must ensure that the ground is firm, even and not too steep on a downward slope

What particular characteristics of disc brakes must you remember when driving on a wet road surface?

  • ❌ As a rule, the effect of disc brakes starts earlier than on a dry road surface
  • ✅ As a rule, the effect of disc brakes starts later than on a dry road surface

As a car driver you have to take into account that when the street is wet the effect of the disc brakes usually takes effect much later than on a dry road.

What do you have to pay attention to, when jacking up a motorbike on its centre stand?

  • ✅ - can be difficult to jack up when on a steep gradient
  • ✅ - can tip over even when just slightly tilted
  • ❌ - is best jacked up from a seated position

Setting a motorcycle on its centre stand requires more effort and can be difficult when on a steep slope. It is also sensitive to tipping over when tilted on the side

What must be changed before driving with a heavy load?

  • ❌ Chain tension
  • ✅ Pre-tensioning of the springs
  • ✅ Tyre pressure

When driving with heavy loads, make sure to increase the tire pressure and adjust the pre-tension in the suspension springs

You notice there is play on the handlebar bearing. What must you do?

  • ❌ Leave the play because it is easier to move the handlebar
  • ✅ Have the play eliminated

Having a loose handlebar with some play is dangerous and make your motorcycle more difficult to control, make sure to not have any play to guarantee your safety

When you move the handlebar, you notice that the handlebar bearing is catching in one place. What must you do?

  • ❌ Increase the play of the handlebar bearing to improve track-holding
  • ✅ Have the catching eliminated

Having catching in your handelbar bearing makes your motorcycle more difficult to control, make sure to not have any to garantee your safety

You notice that the lever travel of the hydraulic front wheel brake on your motorcycle has become considerably longer. What must you do?

  • ❌ Only use the rear wheel brake until the next service
  • ❌ Fill up the brake fluid immediately
  • ✅ Have the front wheel brake repaired

It is a sign of a defective front wheel brake which needs to be repaired or replaced

What can decisively impair road behaviour?

  • ✅ Defective steering shock absorber
  • ✅ Play in the handlebar bearing
  • ✅ Deflected handlebar bearing

All three will worsen the steering of your motorcycle making it more difficult to control and drive safely

What must you check on your motorcycle before you set off?

  • ✅ The adjustment of the rear-view mirrors
  • ✅ Brake fluid level, lever travel
  • ❌ Setting of the camshaft

Before starting to drive, make sure that the rearview mirrors are correctly installed, adjusted and work properly (not broken, blind) and that the breaks work properly

The control light of your indicator is blinking considerably faster than usual. What can be the cause of this?

  • ✅ A bulb is defective
  • ❌ The direction indicator switch is defective

The flashing interval of the control lamp is shortened significantly if a bulb of the turn signal is defective. A fault with the flashing light switch cannot be the cause of the faster flashing.

What do you have to check the tyres on your vehicle at regular intervals for?

  • ✅ For correct air pressure
  • ✅ For external damage
  • ✅ For sufficient profile

At regular intervals you should check the air pressure and tread depth of your vehicle tires. In addition, you should regularly check the tires on your vehicle for external damage.

What should I ensure when refilling with engine oil?

  • ✅ That I use engine oil that meets the vehicle manufacturer's specifications
  • ✅ That I do not exceed the maximum fill level
  • ❌ That I refill the engine oil while the engine is running

Engine oil may only be used according to the specifications of the manufacturer. You are only allowed to refill the right oil. Make sure that you do not exceed the maximum permissible fill level, otherwise damage to the motor may occur. Never fill engine oil while the engine is running.

The brake light of your vehicle is not working. What could be the cause of this?

  • ✅ The bulb is defective
  • ✅ The relevant fuse is defective
  • ❌ The fill level of the brake fluid is too low

A functioning brake light is significant for the participation in traffic. If the car driver notices a fault on the vehicle, a direct replacement of the corresponding parts must take place. As a cause defective bulbs and broken fuses come into question.

What is the maximum distance a load may project backwards beyond the rear reflectors without a projection marker being necessary?

The lighting or the brake light signals the end of the vehicle. With this, you estimating the correct safety distance. If a protruding object of the vehicle in front of you is visually marked, it protrudes at least one meter. You should take this into account in your assessment of the necessary safety distance and increase it accordingly.

Why are you required to have a defective exhaust system repaired immediately?

  • ✅ Because parts of the exhaust system can drop on the roadway
  • ❌ Because the engine would overheat
  • ✅ Because of the noise pollution

You must repair a rusted exhaust system immediately, otherwise parts of the exhaust may fall onto the road. This poses a danger to the other road users. In addition, rusty exhaust parts create unnecessary noise. A rusted exhaust system has no effect on the temperature of the engine.

What can cause excessive wear on tyres?

  • ✅ Incorrect tyre pressure
  • ✅ Damage to the wheel suspension-spring
  • ❌ Mounting a front spoiler

Improper tire pressure and suspension damage are the most common causes of excessive tire wear. Tire pressure refers to too little air pressure. This increases the abrasion. The attachment of a front spoiler does not lead to tire damage.

What is the function of engine oil in a combustion engine?

  • ✅ - wear protection
  • ✅ - cooling
  • ✅ - cleaning

Engine oil affects different from an internal combustion engine. It serves the wear protection, cooling and cleaning. Pay attention to a sufficient engine oil level.

In which cases is it imperative to test the brakes?

  • ✅ If a vehicle has not been used for a longer period
  • ✅ When you drive a different vehicle
  • ❌ Each time the engine oil is changed

A brake test is always essential if a vehicle has not been moved for a long period of time or if you are taking over a vehicle from someone else. If an oil change has been made on a vehicle, this has no effect on the brake system.

You hit a tyre against a hard obstacle with force. What must you do?

  • ✅ Have the tyres and rim checked immediately
  • ❌ Retighten the wheel bolts

Tire and wheel rim must be thoroughly checked before proceeding. Damage to the tire flanks is particularly critical. A deformed wheel rim can cause the tire to slip off the rim. A torn alloy wheel can also have dire consequences. The wheel bolts are not subjected to extraordinary strain, so they do not need to be tightened.

The glass in your left outside mirror is broken. What do you do?

  • ❌ Do not renew the mirror glass because you can still partly see to the rear
  • ✅ Renew the mirror glass

On each vehicle, a left exterior mirror is mandatory. If the glass has cracked, you must replace the mirror immediately, even if all other mirrors are working properly. Only then can you continue your journey.

What must you be aware of when using navigation systems and road maps?

  • ❌ All navigation systems can update themselves automatically
  • ✅ The contents may become outdated just a short time after purchase
  • ✅ Even up-to-date contents may differ from reality

When using a Naivs, you should make sure that current content may differ from the reality and the content can already be short of date of purchase. A guarantee of timeliness despite automatic update does not exist.

What is the meaning of the date of manufacture "1217" specified on the tyre?

  • ✅ - manufactured in 12th calendar week of the year 2017
  • ❌ - manufactured in the 12th month (December) of the year 2017
  • ❌ - manufactured on the 1/2/2017

The date of manufacture indicated on the tire is made up of the manufacturing week and the year of manufacture. So "1217" means: 12th week in the year 2017.

The noise of the exhaust has suddenly become louder than usual. What do you do?

  • ✅ Check the exhaust system
  • ❌ Nothing because nobody is endangered
  • ❌ Renew the engine air filter

It is likely that the exhaust system is broken or rusted. A rusted exhaust system can endanger other road users if parts fall off. The exhaust must be checked and repaired. The air filter cannot be the cause of the loud exhaust sound.

What is the permissible minimum tread depth of the main tread of all your vehicle's tyres?

Reifen von Krafträder und PKW müssen eine Profiltiefe von mindesten 1,6 mm aufweisen.

When should you check the tyre pressure?

  • ❌ Directly after every journey
  • ✅ Directly after a tyre change
  • ✅ Regularly when the tyres are cool

The tire pressure you should regularly on cold tires and check immediately after each tire change. This exam must be done after each trip.

Just after driving off, you test the brakes. Why?

  • ✅ To check the effectiveness of the brakes
  • ❌ To bleed the brake system quickly

Immediately after the start of the journey you should check the effectiveness of the service brake with a brake test for your own safety. Unlike bleeding the brake system, you can do this yourself by pressing the brake comfortably.

The brake lights do not function. What do you do?

  • ✅ Repair them immediately
  • ❌ Renew the brake fluid

A defect in the brake lights must be rectified immediately in order not to endanger anyone on the road and to avoid accidents. Defective bulbs or broken fuses can be a cause for malfunctioning brake lights.

What happens when you drive with a tyre pressure which is far too low?

  • ✅ Tyres heat up excessively
  • ❌ Tyre wear decreases
  • ✅ Driving stability decreases

If you drive with significantly too low tire pressure, the tire may overheat. The low air pressure decreases the driving stability, the vehicle "floats" on the road. A reduction in tire footprint due to concavity in the tread center increases tire wear. Too little tire pressure also increases fuel consumption.

Driving technique and physics

What is the normal braking procedure for motorcycles?

  • ❌ Applying the front brake only
  • ❌ Applying the rear brake only
  • ✅ Applying both brakes

You should apply both brakes which will result in a shorter stopping distance than only applying one of the breaks

You drive round a bend once at 30 km/h and again at 60 km/h. How does the centrifugal force change?

  • ❌ - is twice as high
  • ❌ - is the same
  • ✅ - is four times as high

The centrifugal force quadruples when the speed is doubled, that is, when you take the curve at 60 km/h the second time.

Is there a difference in the tendency of the wheels to lock?

  • ✅ Yes, as a rule, the rear wheel locks first
  • ❌ No, as a rule, both wheels lock at the same time
  • ❌ Yes, as a rule, the front wheel locks first

When breaking, more weight is applied on the front wheel and less on the back wheel. For this reason, the back wheel tends to lock first

What can happen if you drive around a left-hand bend near the marked central line?

  • ✅ Because of the inclined position, the upper part of your body could be hit by oncoming traffic
  • ✅ The motorcycle could catch the central line and slip from under you
  • ❌ There is no danger as long as the tyres are new

When turning left, being near the central line is dangerous. Due to the inclination left, you could be hit by a vehicle going in the opposite direction. Road markings such as the central line are slippery, if your motorcycle run on it, it could slip resulting in a fall

Is there a difference in the braking action?

  • ❌ Yes, as a rule the rear wheel brake has greater braking action
  • ✅ Yes, as a rule the front wheel brake has greater braking action
  • ❌ No, as a rule, both brakes have the same braking action

When breaking, more weight is applied on the front wheel and less on the back wheel thus the front brake provides more braking power

What should you be prepared here?

  • ✅ - negatively affect driving stability
  • ✅ - extend the braking distance
  • ❌ - reduce the braking distance

Dirt on the road can increase (not decrease) the braking distance and could make the road more slippery thus affecting the stability of your vehicles

In which cases should you apply the brakes only very carefully?

  • ✅ When driving for the first time with new tyres
  • ✅ On tram tracks, sewer covers and lane markings
  • ✅ On roadways with loose chippings or sand

You should break carefully on slippery surfaces such as wet roads, tram tracks, sewer covers, lane markings but also dirt roads, roads with sand, stones as well as when driving with new tires

You are driving on a road with one lane in each direction and want to turn left. Where should you position yourself?

  • ✅ - towards the centre of the roadway
  • ❌ - on the right-hand edge of the roadway

When turning left in this situation, go towards the center of the road (which is the left side of your lane)

You are driving round a bend at a brisk pace which is tighter than you first thought. What do you do?

  • ❌ Make an immediate sharp steering movement
  • ✅ Throttle back, lean further over
  • ✅ Do not brake sharply

In this situation, making a sharp steering movement will be dangerous and could lead to a fall. You should decelerate gradually and lean further to turn more. If you brake sharply while turning, a torque force would tilt you from leaning to one side to a more upward position which will increase the radius of your turn

Why does the rear wheel of a motorcycle tend to lock when braking rather than the front wheel?

  • ❌ - the load on the rear wheel increases
  • ❌ - the rear wheel is still propelled
  • ✅ - the load on the rear wheel is reduced

When breaking, more weight is applied on the front wheel and less on the back wheel which can lock the back wheel

How can you counteract centrifugal force?

  • ✅ By reducing speed
  • ❌ By accelerating rapidly
  • ✅ By leaning over

The centrifugal force can be either reduced by driving at a slower speed or be counteracted by leaning over more. Accelerating will do the opposite and increase the centrifugal force

When is there a danger of the motorcycle's front wheel lifting off the road?

  • ✅ If the clutch is suddenly released on starting off
  • ❌ When the handbrake is pulled on hard
  • ✅ On rapid acceleration in low gear

Fast and sudden accelerations could lead to the front wheel lifting off the road. This could happen when accelerating on low gear or releasing the clutch suddenly when starting to drive

Why must both brakes on a motorcycle always be in perfect working order?

  • ❌ To safely park the motorcycle on a downhill slope
  • ✅ To achieve the shortest possible braking distance
  • ✅ To be able to brake if one of the brakes fails

Both brakes are required to function in case one of them suddenly fail, the other one can take over. Additionally using both brakes diminish the stopping distance compared to breaking with just one break

When must you apply the brakes with particular care?

  • ✅ When it starts raining
  • ✅ When travelling on cobblestones
  • ❌ On a concrete roadway with good grip

Braking is less effective on slippery surfaces (wet road, cobblestones, dirt road) and needs to be applied with care

What can happen if a motorcycle is accelerated rapidly?

  • ❌ If driving straight ahead, driving stability is increased in any case
  • ✅ If turning right, the motorcycle can veer into the path of oncoming traffic
  • ✅ If turning left, the motorcycle could leave the roadway and endanger pedestrians on the pavement

Accelerating while turning will increase the centrifugal force which will increase the radius of your turn. This could result in being directed in incoming traffic or on the pavement. In a straight line accelerating rapidly decrease stability

You are approaching a sharp left-hand bend at high speed. Why is it necessary to reduce your speed before you have actually reached the bend?

  • ✅ - could begin to skid
  • ❌ - could slide off to the left along the bend
  • ✅ - could slide off to the right along the bend

Because of your high speed you can right slip out of the curve and skidded due to the centrifugal force with your vehicle. That's why you should have lower ahead of the curve speed.

What can cause a motorbike to start wobbling?

  • ✅ Wrongly fitted fairings
  • ✅ Unbalanced loading of side panniers
  • ❌ Poor fuel quality

Wobbling can be due to unbalanced weights (more weight to the right or left side) or wrongly fitted fairings that cause more drag to one or the other side

What should you do if your motorbike starts to wobble?

  • ❌ - change down gears and accelerate as quickly as possible
  • ✅ - throttle back, disengage the clutch and brake carefully
  • ❌ - compensate wobbling by quickly counter-steering

If your motorcycle starts to wobble, decelerate, disengage the clutch and brake. Do not accelerate as it might increase the wobble and lead to an accident. Also do not try to compensate it as it is dangerous and could also lead to an accident

What effect can a defective steering shock absorber have on road behaviour?

  • ✅ A defective steering shock absorber can cause the steering wheel to shimmy
  • ✅ Roadworthiness can deteriorate
  • ❌ Roadworthiness only deteriorates at low speed

A defective steering shock absorber can cause the steering wheel to vibrate/shimmy and decrease the stability and roadworthiness of your motorcycle

Your motorcycle no longer keeps the track. What can be defective?

  • ✅ Bent fork
  • ✅ Bent frame
  • ❌ Defective rear wheel brake

A bent fork or frame can make your motorcycle not aligned which will result in difficulty to keep your course

What can happen if you accelerate very rapidly when moving off on your motorbike?

  • ✅ The front lift can lift up from the road surface
  • ✅ I can lose control over the motorbike
  • ✅ The passenger can fall off

Fast and sudden accelerations could lead to the front wheel lifting off the road, passenger falling and losing control overt the motorcycle as there is less or no steering due to less or no contact between the front wheel and the road

You are driving a motorbike equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS). How do you perform an emergency braking manoeuvre?

  • ✅ Effect the best-possible deceleration using hand and foot brake
  • ❌ Operate the hand and foot brake lever intermittently ("intermittent braking")
  • ❌ Do not press the foot brake lever, because the ABS only functions at the front

Breaking both foot and hand brake will result in the shortest stopping distance. ABS improves the stopping distance by un-blocking the wheels during strong brakes

What must you be aware of, if you have to brake sharply while in a bend?

  • ✅ My motorcycle will become upright
  • ❌ My cornering line decreases
  • ✅ I have to steer more strongly in order to maintain my cornering line

If you have to brake sharply in a curve, make sure that your motorcycle straightens (inertia force) and that you have to give in more to the graph line to maintain.

While driving, you unexpectedly come upon a straight section of road with loose chippings. What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I use my parking brake to brake sharply
  • ✅ I slow down carefully
  • ✅ I keep driving as straight as possible

On the straight section with unexpected gravel you should reduce careful about security and maintain your trajectory as possible your speed.

What increases the effect of centrifugal force on the vehicle when driving round bends?

  • ❌ Higher tyre pressure
  • ✅ Higher speed
  • ✅ Smaller radius of a bend

The speed has an immediate effect on the level of centrifugal force. Your braking distance quadruples when you drive at twice the speed. The centrifugal force increases the smaller the curve radius. The tire pressure has no effect on the centrifugal force.

What can help the wobbling of a motorbike?

  • ❌ Driving at a slower speed
  • ✅ Driving at a higher speed
  • ✅ One-sided weight loading

Wobbling increases at higher speed and if the weight is not well distributed such as more weight on the right or left side

You experience pendular movements on your motorbike. What could be the cause of these?

  • ✅ A wheel imbalance
  • ❌ Driving at low revs
  • ✅ The load

If your entire motorcycle swings to the front and back, this could be caused by heavy load or imbalance in the wheel

You are driving in a pair with a load. What should be noted when performing an emergency stop?

  • ✅ - that the rear-wheel brakes may operate more powerfully
  • ✅ - have to apply more braking force
  • ❌ - have to apply less braking force

If you are driving with more weight, you should apply more braking force. Due to the additional weight, the rear wheel brakes will brake more as well

What should be noted with a motorbike with a conventional anti-lock braking system (ABS) when braking in a bend?

  • ✅ You should nevertheless perform controlled braking when in a declined position
  • ✅ The self-righting torque is dependent on the braking force
  • ❌ The transmissible braking forces increase in the declined position

Even if your motorcycle has ABS, you should still use controlled braking as ABS is mostly made for strong braking in straight lines. In a bend, the stronger you break, the more torque you will feel which will tend to put your motorcycle from a tilted to a straight position.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I drive as far to the right as possible
  • ❌ I continue driving as before
  • ✅ I brake immediately

As a vehicle is in your lane, you should slow down immediately and as far as possible turn right to avoid a collision.

Particular difficulties and dangers

As a motorcyclist what should you do to make yourself more visible to others during the daytime?

  • ✅ By wearing high-visibility protective motorcycle clothing
  • ✅ By driving with dipped headlight or daytime running lights switched on
  • ❌ By driving with the main beam light on

In order to be more visible and reduce the risk of accidents during the daytime, you should wear highly visible protective clothes and use either the dipped headlights or daytime running lights

You want to remain on the priority road. What must you anticipate now?

  • ✅ That the children will cross the road
  • ❌ That the van continues driving on the priority road
  • ✅ That the [red car] fails to see me

In this situation, it is likely that the black car did not see you on your motorcycle. The children further down the road are likely to cross the road. The red van will not continue on the priority road and is turning right as indicated by his blinkers

To what should you pay attention if you want to take a passenger on the motorbike?

  • ✅ The chassis should be adjusted accordingly
  • ✅ The passenger should also be wearing protective motorcycling clothing
  • ✅ The tyre inflation pressure should be adjusted

When increasing the load on your motorcycle, make sure to increase the tire pressure, adjust the chassis/suspension. Your passenger should also wear a helmet and protective gear

Why can motorcycles be overseen despite having their dipped headlights switched on?

  • ✅ Because the persons onboard sometimes drive wearing inconspicuous clothing
  • ✅ Because if highly accelerated, motorcycles can approach extremely quickly
  • ✅ Because they are narrower than cars

Motorcycles are easy to miss because they are small and even more so if they are fast and wear clothes that are hard to see

What should you particularly remember when it is raining?

  • ✅ Road surface damage is less noticeable when the road is wet
  • ✅ Visibility is further reduced by water sprayed up by other vehicles
  • ✅ Visibility through goggles or helmet visor gets considerably worse

Rain reduces visibility. The road surface is less visible when wet. The visibility can also be lowered by water particles coming from other vehicles. Your visor will also accumulate water droplets and further diminish your visibility.

What alterations can result in the permit for use (Betriebserlaubnis) being cancelled?

  • ✅ Fitting tyres of a different size
  • ❌ Fitting a rear fog lamp
  • ✅ Fitting a sidecar

Adding a sidecar or fitting tires of a different size impact the way your vehicle behave and will thus lead the cancelation of your permit for use. Fitting a rear fog lamp does not change the way your vehicle behave and thus is permitted.

What safety adjustments may be necessary when loading a motorcycle?

  • ✅ Increase the tyre pressure
  • ❌ Increase the tank volume
  • ✅ Adjust the damping/suspension

When increasing the load on your motorcycle, make sure to increase the tire pressure and adjust the chassis/suspension

What must you point out to your pillion passenger before setting off?

  • ✅ - must put his feet on the footrests
  • ✅ - must wear a safety helmet
  • ❌ - must always lean to the outside on bends

Make sure that your passenger wears a helmet, keeps his feet on the footrests (otherwise it increases the risk of accident and injury). Your passenger does not have to lean to the outside of the bend to compensate when turning

Why should you wear protective motorcycle clothing with a high-visibility colouring?

  • ✅ Because it means others can see me better
  • ❌ Because it means I can still drive home if my lights fail
  • ✅ Because it reduces the risk of an accident

Wearing highly visible colours will make you easier to see and will thus reduce the risk of accidents

You want to take a passenger on your motorcycle. What should you pay attention to before you drive off?

  • ✅ Your passenger has to wear a prescribed helmet
  • ✅ Agree on the conduct during the journey
  • ✅ Carefully and cautiously familiarize inexperienced passengers with riding on a motorbike

When taking an inexperienced passenger with you, make sure that he wears a helmet, agrees on how to behave during the ride and gradually get used to the new environment

What lighting is permissible so that you can be seen as early as possible in road traffic during day-light?

  • ✅ Daytime running lights
  • ✅ Dipped headlights
  • ❌ Parking light

During the day in order to be visible you are permitted to use dipped headlights and daytime running lights

You are approaching a "red" traffic light. Several cars are waiting in all lanes. What do you do?

  • ❌ Pass the waiting cars on the right-hand side and proceed to the stop line
  • ❌ Pass the waiting cars on the left-hand side and proceed to the stop line
  • ✅ Wait in your lane behind the last car

You should always wait in line behind the last car in your lane and not try to pass over other cars by either side.

Which motorcycle clothing increases optical perceptibility?

  • ✅ Clothing in bright colours
  • ❌ Clothing in dark colours
  • ✅ Clothing in light colours

To increase your visibility, wear bright and light colours. Dark colours are less visible, especially at night.

You are driving as part of a group of several motorcycles. What reduces the risk of accidents?

  • ❌ - assume smaller safety distances
  • ❌ - drive alongside one another in the same lane
  • ✅ - maintain their position

When driving together with a group of motorcycles, all should keep their distance behind each other and have enough distance to brake and stop

When are you required to drive with dipped headlights or daytime running lights?

  • ❌ Only when visibility is poor
  • ❌ Only when driving in built-up areas
  • ✅ For every journey

For your safety and the safety of other people, you should be visible by always having either the dipped headlights or running lights on

So far, you have only driven solo motorcycles. You now change over to a combination (sidecar on the right, unbraked). How does driving differ?

  • ✅ When accelerating, the combination pulls to the right
  • ✅ When driving on bends, you must steer instead of leaning over
  • ❌ When braking, the combination pulls to the right

As the sidecar is attached to your right, you cannot lean right and need to steer instead. When accelerating the sidecar tends to be pulled to the right. When breaking the sidecar will be pulled to the left

What should you anticipate when you see this road sign?

  • ✅ Tree branches lying on the roadway
  • ✅ Vehicles ahead that may brake suddenly
  • ✅ Vehicles ahead that may swerve out suddenly to the left

Due to high trees vehicles may suddenly brake and swerve. High vehicles can tear when passing knots, these are then on the road. Be especially attentive.

[The white car] wants to turn left. What is the right course of action if [the car] fails to stop?

  • ✅ I waive my right of way
  • ❌ I sound my horn and continue driving as before
  • ✅ I reduce my speed

The white car wants to turn left and there you does not indicate whether this will continue (you have right of way)'d rather precaution to your right of way and decrease the speed.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ❌ That the vehicle ahead will turn right
  • ✅ That the driver of the [yellow car] fails to see me
  • ✅ That there are loose chippings on the carriageway

The sign to the beginning of the video shows respect to gravel, so you have to expect that gravel is on the road and the yellow vehicle could overlook you because the tractor, obscured the view in front of you for the yellow cars and for you.

What can you do if the sidecar lifts off the ground on a right-hand bend when you are driving a motorcycle and sidecar (sidecar on the right)?

  • ❌ Increase steering lock angle, accelerate
  • ✅ Release throttle, brake, shift your body weight to the right
  • ✅ Reduce steering lock angle, trace a wider arc within the lane you are travelling

When turning right, a torque force will push the sidecar up. To reduce this torque you can slow down, shift your body weight to the right and make a wider turn.

You are driving a motorcycle with sidecar on the right. Which driving technique must you use on bends?

  • ✅ Moderate throttle on right-hand bends
  • ✅ Release throttle and brake lightly on left-hand bends
  • ❌ Always disengage the clutch on all bends

Driving with a sidecar increase your weight, you thus need to go slower when turning

What must you do if the oil pressure warning light fails to switch off after starting the engine?

  • ❌ I continue driving until the next oil change
  • ✅ I check the engine oil level
  • ✅ I shut down the engine immediately

To avoid damage to the engine, you should turn off the engine immediately and check the engine oil level.

So far, you have only driven solo motorcycles. You now change over to a combination (sidecar on the right, unbraked). What is different?

  • ❌ You must not drive with dipped headlights during daytime
  • ✅ The sidecar may lift off the ground on right-hand bends
  • ✅ When braking, the combination pulls to the left

As the sidecar is attached to your right, you cannot lean right and need to steer instead. When turning right, a torque force will push your sidecar up. At high speed the sidecar could be lifted-up, loose contact with the ground and tip over. When accelerating the sidecar tends to be pulled to the right. When breaking the sidecar will be pulled to the left

What must you remember when taking a passenger?

  • ✅ Under the same conditions, overtaking requires a longer distance
  • ✅ Driving characteristics change on bends, particularly when entering and leaving the bend
  • ❌ Under the same conditions, the braking distance is reduced

A passenger increases the weight on your motorcycle. This makes accelerating and thus overtaking longer. It increases the centrifugal force when turning and increases the braking distance.

You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What do you have to do in order to be ready to brake?

  • ✅ I place my hand on the handbrake lever
  • ❌ I change up to a higher gear
  • ✅ I place my foot over the brake pedal

Put foot and hand already on the brake lever to quickly initiate the braking process.

What can happen to a motorcycle with a sidecar attached on the right when driving too fast round a right-hand bend?

  • ✅ The sidecar lifts off the ground and the combination tips over
  • ❌ The motorcycle lifts off the ground and the combination tips over to the right

When turning right, a torque force will push the sidecar up. At high speed the sidecar could be lifted-up, loose contact with the ground and tip over.

What must you be aware of if you want to take a pillion rider with you?

  • ✅ A child pillion rider over 7 years of age, must be able to use the existing footrests and hand grips
  • ✅ The motorbike must be licensed to carry 2 people
  • ✅ The pillion rider must be capable of riding with you

Of / passenger / -a must be additionally needs the bike for adequately equipped to be able to ride to be able physically and mentally.

Where should a passenger on a motorcycle with sidecar sit to reduce the risk of tipping over on bends?

  • ✅ In the sidecar
  • ❌ The position of the occupants has no significance
  • ❌ On the motorcycle

In order to keep a motorcycle with a sidecar stable, the weight should be equaly distributed on each side of the center of gravity. The second passenger therefore should sit in the sidecar

Why should you replace a scratched helmet visor?

  • ✅ - increase glare
  • ✅ - restrict vision
  • ❌ - will cause the visor to become more misted up

You get blinded by other light and the visibility is also limited.

What should be observed when driving a quad?

  • ✅ Protective motorcycle clothing should be worn
  • ✅ A warning triangle must be carried on the quad
  • ✅ The necessary steering force can be significantly greater than with a car

The Quad has no power steering, so the steering could be more difficult than driving a car.

What must you do to protect yourself against head injuries?

  • ✅ - an appropriate, good fitting motorcycle helmet
  • ❌ - a well maintained motorcycle cap
  • ❌ - an officially inspected work safety helmet

The motorcycle helmet protects you from head injuries after an accident you need to replace the helmet.

What motor vehicles may enter an environment zone that has this sign?

  • ✅ Motor vehicles with a green particulate emissions sticker
  • ❌ Motor vehicles that meet the requirements for a green particulate emissions sticker, even if no such sticker is attached
  • ✅ Motorcycles

The supplementary plate shows which motor vehicles may drive in at which plaque. Motorcycles are allowed to enter in any case.

When it is necessary to check the braking system of your motorcycle immediately?

  • ✅ If no pressure point is felt when pulling the brake lever
  • ✅ If the brake control light illuminates while you are driving
  • ✅ If the brake fluid level in the reservoir has dropped considerably

The brake warning light warns of faulty brake system, these lights while driving, you should check the vehicle immediately. With one-sided braking, the vehicle can not keep track. Let's check the brake system.

You are approaching a traffic jam on the motorway. What is the right course of action?

  • ❌ I drive carefully through the emergency corridor
  • ❌ I continue driving carefully along the hard shoulder
  • ✅ I pull carefully up behind the last car in the traffic jam

Warn the following traffic by switching on the hazard warning lights and close carefully.

You want to use a carrying case or pannier affixed to the side of your motorcycle. What must you be especially aware of?

  • ✅ An unequal distribution of weight should be avoided
  • ✅ Heavier pieces of luggage should be stowed as close to the bottom as possible
  • ✅ The gross vehicle weight rating of the motorcycle may not be exceeded

Be sure to stabilize on an even weight distribution around the ride. Stow keep heavy luggage as far down as possible to the center of gravity as far down as possible.

What should be included as suitable protective clothing for a motorcyclist?

  • ✅ A closely fitting motorcycle jacket
  • ✅ Back protector
  • ❌ Low shoes

The motorcycle protective clothing consists of: shoes, gloves, jacket, pants and helmet.

As a basic rule, what lights of a motor vehicle must be turned on when driving in darkness?

  • ❌ Only the parking light
  • ✅ The passing beam
  • ❌ The driving beam

In Germany it is required by the low beam when it is dark turn. With the low beam you will see more and you will also be better seen.

Why should you wear suitable motorcycle boots when riding a motorcycle?

  • ✅ - any accident insurance claims may be reduced
  • ✅ - the operation of the vehicle can be restricted by weather conditions
  • ✅ - serious foot injuries can occur if the motorcycle tips over while stationary

When overturn the foot can be hurt. The vehicle operator may be limited by poor weather conditions. The insurance, in case of an accident refuse to pay.

How can you check the engine oil level?

  • ✅ - sight-glass
  • ✅ - oil dipstick
  • ❌ - instant fuel consumption display

There is a sight glass on the oil level can be read. Otherwise, you can read it on a dipstick.

What can be the consequences of having too much or too little air pressure in the tyres of the motorcycle?

  • ✅ Tyre wear is increased
  • ❌ The reaction distance is lengthened
  • ✅ The motorcycle’s handling will be poorer

The tire proces closing is increased by greater friction. The tire deforms, thereby deteriorating the drivability.

How does riding with a pillion rider affect the handling of a motorbike?

  • ✅ Its behaviour changes when braking
  • ✅ It is more difficult to keep the motorbike stable
  • ❌ There is a reduction in its sensitivity to side winds

The proper motion of the / r partner / -a destabilized the motorcycle. Driving with a passenger should be practiced.

What must you be aware of when driving a quad?

  • ❌ The handling characteristics are similar to those of a car
  • ✅ Wearing a suitable crash helmet is mandatory
  • ✅ Quads are prone to tipping over when driving through tight bends

Reduce speed when turning maneuvers because quads tend by their high center of gravity for tilt.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I continue driving just as before
  • ✅ I reduce my speed further
  • ✅ I drive as far to the left as possible

In the event of an accident, you should always play it safe and increase the safety margin as well as your reduce speed in the event that someone is running on the road.

Special behavior when riding a motorcycle

What must you reckon with when it starts raining after a longer period of dry weather?

  • ❌ Shorter braking distance
  • ✅ Bad visibility through helmet visor or goggles
  • ✅ A dangerous greasy film on the surface of the road

Rain clean up part of the dirt on the road. If the weather was dry for a long period of time, the road will accumulate a lot of dirt. With the addition of water, it will create a film on the road that will make the surface more slippery and increase the braking distance. You can also expect poor visibility on your helmet or goggles.

When is there an increased risk of falling during steering and braking manoeuvres?

  • ✅ On carriageways with loose chippings
  • ✅ On wet cobblestone pavement
  • ✅ On wet asphalt

When turning on bends or braking, slippery surfaces such as lane markings, oil on the road, dirt, manholes, sand, dust, gravel, wet surfaces, cobblestones or leaves will increase the risk of falling

What can cause the danger of falling on bends?

  • ✅ Sand on the roadway
  • ✅ Leaves on the roadway
  • ✅ Manhole covers on the roadway

When turning on bends or braking, slippery surfaces such as lane markings, oil on the road, dirt, manholes, sand, dust, gravel, wet surfaces, cobblestones or leaves will increase the risk of falling

Why do you have to reduce your speed now?

  • ✅ Because of the blue car
  • ❌ Because of the red van
  • ❌ Because of the speed limit

In this situation, the blue car is likely to change to the right lane. You should therefore reduce your speed and keep a safe distance from it

What are the dangers on wet cobblestones?

  • ✅ Increased danger of falling
  • ✅ Spinning and skidding of the rear wheel when accelerating
  • ✅ Increased tendency for the brakes to lock

Cobblestones are slippery and will therefore increase the risk of falling or tires to lose adhesion to the road and spin when accelerating as well as a tendency of breaks to lock

What should you remember when there are tramlines in your lane?

  • ❌ Tramlines should always be crossed at the narrowest angle possible
  • ✅ There is always greater danger of falling on tramlines
  • ✅ Tramlines should always be crossed at the widest angle possible

Tramlines are made of metal which is slippery. A motorcycle therefore has a higher risk of sliding and falling on them. When crossing you should try to be as perpendicular to them as possible to avoid slipping

What is allowed when your motorcycle has broken down with engine damage?

  • ❌ Having the motorcycle towed
  • ✅ Loading the motorcycle on a vehicle and having it transported
  • ✅ Pushing the motorcycle to the nearest garage

You cannot tow a broken motorcycle, it will tip over and fall. Instead you should either push it or transport it.

A large pool of water has formed on the roadway. What do you do?

  • ❌ Do not brake, drive through the pool with your legs raised
  • ❌ Drive along the pavement
  • ✅ Drive slowly, keeping your feet on the footrests

You should drive slowly on large pools of water as there is a risk of aquaplaning.

Wet road markings increase the risk of a fall. How can you reduce this danger of falling?

  • ✅ Cross road markings at the interstice points
  • ✅ Do not accelerate or brake on markings
  • ❌ Cross long markings at a sharp angle

Wet markings similarly to tram tracks are slippery. You should cross them as perpendicularly as possible and try to no accelerate or brake on them.

What can cause the danger of falling on bends?

  • ❌ The outside edge of the bend is higher than the inside
  • ✅ Lane markings
  • ✅ Oil on the roadway

When turning on bends, slippery surfaces such as lane markings, oil on the road, dirt, manholes, sand or leaves can lead to a fall

What must you reckon with when you are driving in the left-hand lane of an autobahn at high speed?

  • ✅ Motorists in front of you may suddenly pull out to overtake
  • ❌ If you have full beam switched on, vehicles travelling in front of you will not pull out to overtake
  • ✅ Even a slight, unexpected side wind can effect road stability

At high speed, motorcycles are very sensitive to wind from the side. Small fast motorcycles are hard to see, other vehicles might therefore not see you.

You would like to turn right. What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I remain behind the [blue car]
  • ❌ I drive up to the stop line
  • ❌ I drive up to the line of sight

A motorcycle should behave similarly to a car and should wait behind the white car

You want to overtake. What should you do?

  • ✅ - only if I have a clear view over the necessary stretch of road
  • ❌ - at the same time, as the [blue car]
  • ✅ - only if there is no oncoming vehicle

Here you can overtake if you can overlook the required for this course and when no vehicle (restricted view) comes to meet.

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I accelerate
  • ❌ I maintain my speed
  • ✅ I refrain from overtaking

Since the vehicle has already started behind you the overtaking, you should refrain from overtaking.

Your motorcycle is fully loaded. How do you drive down a long mountain pass road?

  • ❌ Use the front wheel brake only
  • ✅ Do not drive too fast between bends in order to avoid overheating the brakes
  • ✅ Utilize the braking effect of the engine by changing to a lower gear

When driving down over a long period of time, your brakes are at risk to overheat. To avoid this, try to use the braking effect of the engine on a low gear and limit the acceleration/deceleration in between turns.

Why is the rule of having to adapt your driving to your visibility particularly important in bends?

  • ✅ Because dangerously soiled roadways may be recognized too late
  • ✅ Because bends can be tighter than expected
  • ❌ Because otherwise you lose too much momentum

In a bend, there is limited visibility due to the curvature of the road. You should reduce your speed as unforeseen risk factors such as dirt on the road, obstacles or tighter bends could appear

Why must you abort your overtaking manoeuvre?

  • ❌ Because a no-overtaking zone is visible ahead
  • ✅ Because the tractor wants to turn left
  • ✅ Because it could obstruct oncoming traffic

You should abort the overtaking because the tractor would turn left and because of oncoming traffic may be hampered.

What is allowed on autobahns?

  • ❌ Leaving the autobahn on a farm track
  • ✅ Stopping on the hard shoulder in case of a breakdown
  • ❌ Driving beside another vehicle in the same lane

On the freeway/autobahn, a motorcycle has to behave like a regular car. It can stop on the hard shoulder in case of breakdown. It cannot share a line with another vehicle and cannot leave on a farm track

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ I reduce my distance to the truck, to enable me to overtake more quickly
  • ❌ I follow the motorbike, because the truck is using its indicators to signal an opportunity to overtake
  • ✅ I refrain from overtaking the truck, because I do not have a clear view over the necessary stretch of road

You should not overtake the truck, because you can not see the required for this route.

What is correct when driving round bends on downhill slopes?

  • ✅ Brake adequately before the bend so that no additional braking is needed on the bend
  • ❌ When you do not see any oncoming traffic, follow the ideal line and use the whole width of the roadway
  • ✅ Start taking the bend so that you do not get into the area of oncoming traffic even when you are leaning far over

When going downhill you need to break more than on bends on flat areas. You should therefore break enough before the bend, you should also keep your distance from the demarcation line from the oncoming traffic in case you need to tilt your motorcycle more

What happens if you engage too low a gear and quickly release the clutch when driving at high speed?

  • ✅ A fall is often unavoidable
  • ✅ The rear wheel locks and can slip sideways
  • ❌ The front wheel lifts off the ground

If you engage a gear that is too low and release the clutch, your motorcycle will brutally decelerate and could cause you to fall or slip sideways

How do you secure your motorcycle against being used without permission?

  • ❌ - disconnect the battery
  • ✅ - close the steering lock
  • ✅ - remove the ignition key

The steering lock prevents the steering in the event of unauthorized access. By pull the ignition key, the engine can not be started.

Why are you not allowed to overtake here now?

  • ❌ - [red car]
  • ✅ - motorbike
  • ❌ - signposted prohibition on overtaking

At that moment a motorcyclist on the tractor drives past. can wait until the overtaking maneuver safely begin.

What should you anticipate in this situation?

  • ❌ The [green] truck performs a turn
  • ✅ The driver of the [red] vehicle fails to see me
  • ❌ The tractor moves onto the road

Because of the turning truck transporter might overlook. Be ready to brake.

A strong side wind is blowing. When is there a risk that your motorcycle will be shifted sideways at high speed?

  • ✅ - exit a tunnel passage
  • ✅ - overtake a truck
  • ✅ - cross a bridge

The wind conditions change when overtaking a truck, the drive up on a bridge and when you leave a tunnel. Imagine a page wind.

What should you do now?

  • ✅ I reduce my speed so that the overtaking vehicle can pull in ahead of me
  • ❌ I maintain my speed because there is sufficient safety distance
  • ❌ I accelerate so that the overtaking vehicle can pull in behind me

The Overtaking can not complete as planned probably his overtaking maneuver. To prevent an accident you should classify the overtaking.

What do you have to consider when parking your motorbike?

  • ✅ - may not fall over
  • ❌ - must be positioned on the sidewalk
  • ✅ - may not obstruct anyone

The motorcycle must not obstruct or endanger anyone. Make sure the motorcycle safe and space-saving remedy.

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action here?

  • ❌ I overtake, because no oncoming traffic is visible
  • ✅ I do not overtake, because the [yellow] vehicle might want to overtake
  • ✅ I do not overtake, because oncoming traffic could emerge

The correct behavior is (ahead) here, do not overtake, because the yellow car could overtake and could emerge oncoming traffic. (restricted view)

What must be observed when several motorcycles are travelling together in a group?

  • ✅ They should drive in a staggered formation when travelling on straight sections of road
  • ✅ The driving style of the group should be based on that of the least experienced motorcyclist
  • ❌ The group must remain together in every road traffic situation

Drive offset by rear-end collisions to avoid by sudden braking. Group trips are not easy for an error of a driver all others must respond.

How can you recognise a good driver?

  • ❌ - always informs other traffic participants of their driving errors
  • ✅ - refrains from responding to provocations on the road
  • ✅ - exhibits a calm and relaxed driving style

A good driver pays always ensure to act in partnership and he also knows that people make mistakes.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ✅ I brake
  • ❌ I change direction to the left
  • ✅ I drive as far to the right as possible

The car is likely to overtake the cyclist. Slow down for safety's sake and drive Be as much as possible right.

What must you anticipate in this parking area?

  • ✅ Trucks that are incorrectly parked
  • ✅ People on the roadway
  • ✅ Vehicles emerging from parking spaces

Vehicles can leave the car park, pay attention to ausparkende vehicles. People can walk on the road because you just take a break. Truck drivers often park on car parking.

You are driving on a road that has several marked lanes going in one direction. When should the alternate merging procedure be employed?

  • ❌ When a merging lane ends on the motorway
  • ✅ When a lane comes to an end
  • ✅ If one lane is not continuously free to traffic due to an obstacle

The zipper procedure to be followed when a lane can not be traveled. The exception is the highway.

What results in specific risks to motorcyclists?

  • ✅ Riding in heavy rain
  • ✅ Changes in the road surfacing
  • ✅ Riding with the visor open

Proceed with an open visor can you fly into an insect at any time. This can be very Doll hurt and distracted. Changes to the road surface is falling down the risk, because the grip level is different. During heavy rainfall in motorcycles the risk of aquaplaning is higher than for cars.

What is the right thing to do if you sense signs of fatigue during a night-time journey?

  • ❌ I decide against taking a break, and fight the tiredness
  • ✅ I allow a co-driver to drive, if possible
  • ✅ I interrupt the journey to take an adequate break

Once you should immediately take a break experience fatigue. asleep The risk increases with each passing second. If possible you can let down your passenger, if it has the license.

What can be the effect of aquaplaning?

  • ✅ Reduced ability to steer the vehicle
  • ✅ Reduced vehicle braking capability
  • ❌ Increased tyre static friction

Aquaplaning your vehicle no direct contact with the road surface has, thus the steering command, as well as the brake command can not be implemented.

What is the right course of action now?

  • ❌ - overtake carefully, because the tractor is demanding I do so
  • ❌ - overtake immediately, because the overtaking distance is large enough
  • ✅ - do not overtake, because the tractor wants to pull out to the left

You should not overtake because the tractor to the left (see indicators) will swing out.

Why should you be ready to brake in this situation?

  • ❌ Because of the motorbike
  • ✅ Because of the tractor
  • ❌ Because of the speed limit

The tractor driver could at any moment, take your lane, you are to be able to brake therefore ready defuse in time to the situation.

What must you be aware of when using a prop stand?

  • ✅ The characteristics of the ground surface
  • ✅ That the prop stand is completely folded away before driving off
  • ✅ The gradient of the parking place

If the side stand not fully retracted can result when cornering to the fall. If the inclination is too large, the motorcycle can slip forward because the side stand collapses on its own. If the ground is too soft, the motorcycle can sink so far until it falls.

Technical conditions / environment-conscious use of motor vehicles

Your vehicle loses oil. How much drinking water can be polluted by a single drop of oil?

  • ✅ 600 litres
  • ❌ 1 litre
  • ❌ 50 litres

You should urgently avoid oil loss. Because even a single drop of oil can contaminate up to 600 liters of water and make it unfit for consumption.

What can you do to help protect the environment?

  • ✅ - driving short distances
  • ✅ - driving in crowded city centres
  • ✅ - driving at flat-out speed

The best way to protect the environment is to drive less. All journeys that are not absolutely necessary should be avoided. Certain driving styles consume extra fuel: Short-distance driving, especially when the engine is still cold, stop-and-go traffic, for example in crowded inner cities and searching for a parking space. On top of that, in areas with heavy traffic, the risk of smog from the exhaust emissions of vehicles increases. Driving at full throttle will not only cause noise, but your fuel consumption will increase disproportionately. However, once you are only 20% below the maximum speed, you reduce your fuel consumption by about 40%. Carpooling is also good for the environment.

What must you remember when refuelling?

  • ✅ Do not breath in any fuel fumes
  • ✅ Do not refuel when the tank is full and the nozzle has switched off
  • ❌ Fill up to the brim if possible

Inhaling fuel vapors is harmful to your health. Therefore, make sure that the dispenser is being used correctly and pay attention to any defects when refueling. When the tank is full, the automatic system should be switched off. This prevents the overflow of gasoline or diesel. In addition, some air must remain in the tank for the fuel to expand.

Where can used oil, lubricants and car batteries be taken to be disposed of properly?

  • ✅ To recycling centres
  • ❌ In the household waste
  • ✅ To car workshops

Waste oils, lubricants and vehicle batteries can be disposed of properly in the recycling center or via the car repair shop. Never should these substances be disposed of with household waste. It is special waste.

You are to drive a motor vehicle with which you are unfamiliar. Why do you have to be particularly careful to begin with?

  • ✅ - of its braking characteristics
  • ✅ - of its manoeuvrability
  • ✅ - of the arrangement and the function of the controls

Every driver is accustomed to the driving behavior and characteristics of his vehicle. Each vehicle has a different driving behavior due to its first center of gravity, dimensions, and weight. Even clutch, cornering response and braking distance of the same models can differ. The driver must carefully familiarise himself with these characteristics, as well as with the control elements of the fittings.

When should you switch off the engine to save fuel and reduce pollution?

  • ✅ When you have to wait at level crossings or building sites
  • ✅ When you have to wait in a traffic jam for a long time
  • ❌ When you stop at a "STOP" sign

In order to avoid unnecessary consumption of gasoline, the engine should be switched off in certain situations. These include, for example, moments in traffic jams or in front of level crossings. Although there is an increased consumption during starting, it is compensated again starting from a downtime of one minute. You should not turn off the engine at a stop sign.

You have to wait because of a closed rail-crossing barrier. How can you now help protect the environment and save fuel?

  • ✅ By switching off the engine
  • ❌ By letting the engine idle
  • ❌ By switching off the automatic start-stop

When waiting in front of closed gates it is recommended to switch off the engine. On the one hand you save fuel and thus money, on the other hand, a switched-off engine is environmentally friendly. A pure gearshift to idle is not recommended, as even at idle the engine does not turn off and continues to use fuel.

What measures help protect the environment?

  • ✅ - low-resistance tyres
  • ✅ - low viscosity engine oil
  • ❌ - air-conditioning systems

Turning the air conditioning off saves fuel as well. Low rolling resistance tires are designed for lower rolling resistance and can save fuel. Low-friction oils are synthetic oils with improved flow behavior, the so-called viscosity. This lubricates the engine faster and better and reduces friction. This also leads to a noticeable saving of fuel. Only oils approved by the engine/vehicle manufacturer should be used to prevent engine damage.

Why is it beneficial to use low viscosity engine oil?

  • ✅ - generate less friction in the engine
  • ✅ - reduce fuel consumption
  • ❌ - can be disposed of as household waste

Low-friction oils are characterized by a better flow behavior. These are synthetic oils that reduce friction in the engine through their improved viscosity and optimize oiling. This saves fuel. When using low-friction oils, attention must be paid to the approval of the manufacturer of the engine or vehicle.

How do you drive with consideration to the environment?

  • ✅ Decelerate in good time and use the momentum of the car when the next traffic light is on red
  • ❌ Always accelerate to the maximum when the traffic light changes to green
  • ✅ Avoid unnecessary acceleration and unnecessary braking

Avoid constant acceleration and braking. Accelerating consumes unnecessary fuel and can be avoided, for example, in front of red lights by laying off the gas pedal. Maximum acceleration leads to high pollutant emissions and high noise as well as environmental pollution.

What must you remember concerning the lighting equipment of your vehicle?

  • ✅ It must be correctly installed
  • ✅ It must be clean
  • ✅ It must be in operating condition

The car driver must properly install the lighting equipment on the vehicle. In addition to full functionality, the lighting must also be clean, so that other drivers see you in bad weather or in a tunnel.

What can help save fuel and reduce pollution?

  • ✅ Paying attention to the fuel consumption of a motor vehicle when buying it
  • ✅ Contributing to a constant flow of traffic by thinking ahead and driving correspondingly
  • ✅ Using public transport, a bicycle or walking, wherever possible

Before buying a car, the driver can check which model consumes little fuel. In addition, economical driving also contributes to savings.

What can present a danger?

  • ✅ Worn tyres
  • ❌ Vehicle in a spectacular colour
  • ✅ Headlights set too high

Safety risks include incorrectly adjusted headlamps. If they are set too low, they create poor visibility for the driver. Lights that are set too high can lead to extreme glare from oncoming traffic and cause serious accidents. The tread depth of the tires is an important safety factor. Worn tires have a much longer braking distance on wet roads. The legally prescribed tread depth of 1.6 millimeters is not sufficient in terms of safety. At this tread depth, the risk of aquaplaning is already very high. With aquaplaning, the vehicle slips uncontrollably.

Which defects of a vehicle can result in a danger for road traffic?

  • ✅ Worn tyres
  • ✅ Insufficient braking effect
  • ✅ Defective rear lamps

Worn tires have a negative effect on the grip and could lead the car to skidding. Defective tail lamps make the car less visible to the surrounding traffic. Insufficient braking action can lead to a prolonged braking distance therefore lead to higher risk of accidents, especially for rear-end collisions. All three defects lead to a threat to traffic safety.

What happens as a result of tyre pressures being well below the recommended levels?

  • ✅ Tyre wear increases
  • ✅ Fuel consumption increases
  • ❌ Pollutant emission decreases

Too low air pressure in the tire as well leads to increased fuel consumption. The effort required to keep the tire running is significantly higher than when the tire pressure has been set correctly. This leads to higher wear on the tire, increased fuel consumption and harms the environment.

What must you do when you are travelling and you notice that your vehicle is no longer roadworthy?

  • ❌ Proceed to the next authorised dealer
  • ✅ Continue only when the damage has been repaired
  • ✅ Take the vehicle out of the traffic as quickly as possible

If a vehicle is not roadworthy, the driver must remove it from traffic as soon as possible. Note that driving to the nearest workshop is also prohibited. Only after the damage has been repaired, you may continue driving.

The engine and exhaust system of a vehicle have been "souped up". What could be the effects?

  • ❌ Considerable reduction in fuel consumption
  • ✅ Increased noise pollution
  • ✅ Increased pollutant emission

A souped-up engine and muffler provide increased noise pollution. In addition, the vehicle consumes more fuel. On top of that, exhaust emissions are increased and pollute the environment. In the worst case, the driver can expect a withdrawal of the operating license.

Who is responsible for the roadworthiness of a licensed vehicle?

  • ❌ The motor liability insurance company
  • ✅ The owner
  • ✅ The driver

Responsible for the roadworthy condition of a vehicle are both the owner of the vehicle as well as the driver. The driver has to check the operational reliability as well as roadworthiness of the vehicle before driving. The owner has to make sure that this actually happens. This also applies to the TÜV examination. The liability insurance is not responsible.

Why does environment friendly driving in general have a beneficial effect on traffic safety?

  • ❌ Because you can only drive slowly using alternative fuels
  • ✅ Because environment friendly driving avoids high speeds so that dangerous situations occur less frequently
  • ✅ Because drivers think ahead when travelling, so that possible dangers can be recognized in time and well avoided

Avoid high speeds and drive anticipatory. This not only has a positive effect on the environment. It also contributes to greater road safety.

What vehicles are generally exempt from the ban on road traffic in "environmental zones"?

  • ❌ All motor vehicles belonging to the environmental zone inhabitants
  • ✅ Agricultural and forestry tractors
  • ✅ Ambulances on duty

A traffic ban for "environmental zones" does not apply to ambulances that are on duty. Also not affected are tractors from agriculture and forestry.

How can you save fuel?

  • ✅ - removing any non-essential roof boxes etc
  • ❌ - driving with winter tyres the whole year round
  • ✅ - driving in a foresighted manner

You can save fuel by: 1. driving smoothly and anticipatory while avoiding high engine speeds; 2. remove unused roof structures, as they increase fuel consumption with air resistance; 3. swap winter tires for summer tires in the warm season. Driving smoothly means avoiding unnecessary acceleration and deceleration. For example, by slowly rolling toward a red light, you can use the rest of the momentum to drive on if it is already green when you reach the traffic light. Only having to give gas, saves fuel compared to starting from standing completely still.

What can cause skidding on bends?

  • ✅ Insufficient or uneven tyre pressure
  • ✅ Faulty shock-absorbers
  • ❌ Load is too small

Defective shock absorbers can be the cause of a vehicle skidding or swinging off the curve when turning. The correct tire pressure specified by the manufacturer is important for a stable vehicle position in curves. It is tailored to the overall design of the vehicle. Too low or too different tire pressure reduces driving stability and increases the risk of skidding on turns. Too high a load has an influence on the driving stability. There is not too little loading.

Why should you avoid driving off at a rapid pace?

  • ✅ Because of heavier tyre wear
  • ❌ Because this is a great strain on the rear brake
  • ✅ Because the noise you cause annoys others

Making a racing start is an additional noise pollution for other road users. You as a car driver damage your vehicle as well as the tires due to high wear and abrasion with a racing start. The environment is additionally burdened. On the other hand, the rear-wheel brake is no longer and not any less loaded when starting.

What is the potential risk when using driver assistance systems?

  • ✅ - neglect his own personal responsibility
  • ✅ - have false expectations of the systems
  • ✅ - pay too little attention to the traffic around him

The car driver may have too high expectations of the advanced driver-assistance system. This may result in the car driver neglecting his or her own responsibility and paying too little attention to the traffic. Even when using advanced driver-assistance systems, the responsibility for safe driving remains with the driver.

How is avoidable noise caused?

  • ✅ By "playing" with the accelerator when standing still
  • ✅ By driving with a defective exhaust
  • ❌ By sounding your horn when in danger

Avoidable noise can be caused by driving with a defective exhaust system or by "playing" with the gas while standing. If a car driver honks because of a dangerous situation, this does not count as avoidable noise, but serves to avert danger.

What influences the degree of centrifugal force on bends?

  • ✅ The radius of the bend
  • ❌ Headwind
  • ✅ Speed

The centrifugal force can throw your vehicle out of the curve. When doubling the speed, the centrifugal force quadruples. In addition, the curve radius influences this force as well. The tighter the curve, the more the centrifugal force increases. Therefore, you must brake early in tight corners.

What must you adjust when driving a vehicle which is not your own?

  • ✅ Inside mirror, outside mirrors
  • ✅ Seat, head rest, safety belt
  • ❌ Daily trip counter

In order to drive safely with a vehicle that's not your own, you must adjust the driver-specific equipment such as seat, seatbelt, headrest and mirror according to your requirements. You can reset the trip meter, but you do not have to.

Your vehicle is snowed under. What do you have to do before you drive off?

  • ✅ - remove ice and snow from the lighting systems including during daytime
  • ✅ - remove ice and snow from the windows and mirrors
  • ❌ - allow the engine to warm up

As a car driver, you must make sure before every journey that a risk to other road users is excluded. Therefore, you must also clear all windows and mirrors as well as the roof of ice and snow during the day. The engine must not be used to warm the car up.

What is important to consider about headrests?

  • ❌ For the rear seats they replace the safety belts
  • ✅ Adjust them to head height according to the operating manual
  • ❌ They are optimally adjusted by the factory

Head restraints must always be adjusted to suit the height of the occupants. Only then, can they best absorb the impact energy and protect the driver and other passengers in the event of a collision. However, the headrests do not serve as a substitute for safety belts.

What can interfere with your view?

  • ✅ The load
  • ✅ Smeared windows
  • ✅ Worn wiper blades (formation of streaks)

Your vision may be impaired if the windowpane becomes dirty, if streaks form due to worn windscreen wipers, or if cargo obstructs your view.

Your vehicle is snowed under. What do you have to do before you drive off?

  • ✅ - remove ice and snow from the roof of the vehicle
  • ✅ - remove ice and snow from the windows
  • ✅ - remove ice and snow from the mirrors

Before you drive, you must remove the ice from your vehicle, so as not to endanger other road users. Check all windows and mirrors as well as the roof.

Wet conditions can impair the effectiveness of drum brakes. What should you do?

  • ❌ I refill the brake fluid
  • ❌ I apply the brakes repeatedly while stationary
  • ✅ I carefully drive to dry the brakes

The drum brake can run dry. For that you as the car driver brake cautiously. The drum brake heats up and the water can evaporate. Of course, you brake only when the traffic flow allows it. A rear-end collision must be avoided at all costs. Keep an eye on the traffic behind you.

You are driving through city traffic in rush hour. What are the effects of stop-and-go driving?

  • ✅ - creates more exhaust gases
  • ✅ - creates more nuisances for others
  • ✅ - consumes more fuel

The fuel consumption in stop-and-go traffic is greater, because drivers have to brake and accelerate more often. This leads to more exhaust fumes and other road users may be disturbed.

When is it sensible to switch off a combustion engine?

  • ❌ When stopping at intersections with a stop sign
  • ✅ During lengthy waits at rail crossings
  • ✅ When loading and unloading the vehicle

Longer waiting times before a closed level crossing as well as loading and unloading a vehicle justify turning of an internal combustion engine. This saves fuel and reduces noise. The waiting time at a stop sign is usually short and you can usually drive on quickly after letting cross traffic pass. Therefore, in this situation, the internal-combustion engine is not turned off.

What should be observed when positioning the head rests in your car?

  • ✅ The spacing between the rear of the head and the head rests should be as small as possible
  • ❌ The upper edge of the head rest should conjoin with the upper neck vertebra
  • ✅ The top of the head should be level with the upper edge of the head rest

With correctly adjusted headrests the car driver reduces the force on the cervical spine in case of sudden vehicle movements. This makes headrests a direct protection device for the protection of the vehicle occupants in accidents. The headrests that can be adjusted electrically or manually in height and inclination should be adjusted so that the crown height of the head coincides with the top edge of the headrest. In order for their protective function to be fully effective, you should tilt the headrest so that your back of the head is no more than a few centimeters away from it.

How can you minimise tyre wear?

  • ✅ I refrain as much as possible from rapid acceleration
  • ✅ I regularly check the tyre inflation pressure
  • ❌ I use winter tyres all year round

Driving with winter tires in non-winter weather leads to increased tire wear. Strong acceleration is associated with increased abrasion. The tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer must be observed. Too little tire pressure increases the tire wear considerably. If the air pressure is too low, the tire will deform more with each rotation than with correct tire pressure. Thereby the fabric layers of the tires rub against each other. Heat can be generated that irreparably damages the tire.

How can you keep the burden on the environment low?

  • ✅ By avoiding peak traffic periods
  • ✅ By forming car pools
  • ✅ By avoiding roads with frequent traffic jams

In order to relieve the environment, you should form carpools with others as a car driver. The environment is particularly burdened by the number of moving vehicles. In addition, you should avoid a concentrated accumulation of several vehicles such as traffic jams.

What manufacturer specifications will allow you to know if your motor vehicle is environmentally-friendly?

  • ✅ - about the emissions class
  • ✅ - about the fuel consumption
  • ✅ - about the efficiency category

The emission class provides information about the emission of pollutants. The emission classes defined by the standard and/or the law subdivide products that emit exhaust emissions or interference signals. In the automotive sector, moreover, the following applies: The lower the fuel consumption, the higher the efficiency class and thus the environmental friendliness of the vehicle.

Which conduct shows awareness of the environment?

  • ✅ Switching off the engine in a traffic jam
  • ✅ Changing to public transport at collective parking areas ("P + R")
  • ✅ The formation of car pools

Avoid driving around aimlessly. Private transport pollutes the environment. Make carpools as often as you can. If possible, use public transport. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, do not run the engine unnecessarily, turn it off.

How can you save fuel?

  • ✅ By removing roof racks or ski racks
  • ❌ Avoid driving in top gear
  • ✅ By observing at least the tyre pressure indicated in the owner's manual

Additional load and additional attachments such as roof racks or ski holders increase fuel consumption: when not in use, remove them. You save fuel when driving low-speed: shift up the gear early. Turning off the air conditioning system saves fuel, as does maintaining tire pressure according to the manufacturer's specifications. Because too little tire pressure increases the rolling resistance.

How can you reduce noise?

  • ❌ By driving at high speed
  • ❌ By driving at high engine revolutions
  • ✅ By driving in 4th or 5th gear in built-up areas

Driving in the high-speed range causes more noise than a low-speed driving style. In built-up areas you should drive in the highest possible gear, so that the engine causes the least possible noise. Avoid a high-speed start with squeaky tires.

Where do you have to place the emissions sticker for identifying lowemission vehicles?

  • ✅ Clearly visible on the inside of the windscreen
  • ❌ Clearly visible on the inside of the rear window
  • ❌ Clearly visible on the outside of the windscreen

As a car driver, you must ensure that the carbon emission sticker is affixed to the inside of the windshield of your vehicle so that it clearly identifies your low-emission vehicle.

What increases the fuel consumption of your vehicle considerably?

  • ✅ - the air-conditioning
  • ❌ - the navigation device
  • ✅ - heated seats

Turning on the seat heating or air conditioning of your vehicle consumes a lot of energy and increases the fuel consumption of your car significantly. Navigation devices require relatively little power compared to these devices.

What motor vehicles are permitted to enter an environment zone without a fine-particle badge?

  • ✅ All agricultural and forestry tractors
  • ❌ All motor vehicles with a catalytic converter
  • ✅ All two and three-wheeled motor vehicles

All two- and three-wheeled motor vehicles and agricultural and forestry tractors may enter an environmental zone without the carbon emission sticker. They are exempt from the restrictions of the environmental zone. The installation of a catalytic converter does not exempt you as a car driver from the obligation to obtain an environmental badge.

Why are short journeys performed with a cold engine especially damaging to the environment?

  • ❌ - the vehicle's battery will be over-charged
  • ✅ - the level of material wear is higher
  • ✅ - more fuel is consumed

Short trips with a cold engine usually consume more fuel than driving with a motor in operating temperature. That's why they are particularly harmful to the environment. In addition, the friction is greater in short-distance driving with a cold engine. This leads to a higher material wear.

What should you avoid for reasons of environmental protection?

  • ✅ Unnecessary trips
  • ✅ Letting the engine warm up when the vehicle is stationary
  • ✅ Loud music with windows opened

After starting the engine, you as a car driver should start immediately in a low-speed driving style. Warming up the engine while stationary is not permitted. Driving at high speeds, extending gears and switching late, wastes fuel. Unnecessary driving causes avoidable exhaust emissions.

Where can you stow your baggage so that you do not increase your fuel consumption unnecessarily?

  • ❌ On the roof-rack
  • ✅ In the boot
  • ✅ Behind the front seats

If possible, you should only store the luggage in the trunk of your vehicle. The use of a roof rack to carry luggage results in greatly increased aerodynamic drag, often resulting in a significant increase in fuel consumption.

When are you allowed to enter an environmental zone?

  • ❌ When you have a low-emission vehicle
  • ✅ When your vehicle has a corresponding emissions sticker
  • ✅ When your vehicle enjoys special rights

You may only drive into an environmental zone as a car driver if a valid badge is visibly attached to your vehicle that at least corresponds to the qualifying plate (red, yellow, green). Excluded from this rule are exclusively vehicles with special rights, for example historic motor vehicles.

What must you know about catalytic converters?

  • ✅ A catalytic converter can be damaged or destroyed when the car is towed to start
  • ❌ Unburned fuel in the catalytic converter cannot cause any damage when the engine starts
  • ✅ A catalytic converter can be damaged when the engine starts after many unsuccessful attempts

Vehicles with a catalytic converter should not be towed away. As a result, unburned fuel can flow into the catalytic converter and lead to damage or destruction of the catalyst. If the engine of the vehicle does not start even after several start attempts, the same consequences can occur.

What is caused by driving with winter tyres during the summer months?

  • ✅ - the fuel consumption
  • ❌ - driving stability
  • ✅ - tyre wear

Every car driver should know that winter tires are designed for use in cold and snowy streets. By using them in summer months, the driving stability decreases. Greater rubber abrasion and tire wear lead to increased fuel consumption.

You want to wash your car. Where should you do this in the interests of environmental protection?

  • ❌ In a carpark
  • ❌ On an open road
  • ✅ At a carwash

You should always wash your vehicle in a car wash. There, the wastewater is disposed of by the operators in an environmentally friendly manner. On the other hand, if you wash your vehicle on the road or in a parking lot, the water gets into the ground untreated.

When planning your journeys, how can you make them environmentally-friendlier?

  • ✅ - combining several destinations into one single trip
  • ✅ - planning to use public transport instead of my own vehicle
  • ✅ - forming car pools with other vehicle users

For the sake of the environment, motorists should refrain from all trips that are not absolutely necessary. Therefore, plan your trips well and make carpools as often as possible to avoid unnecessary trips. Another positive contribution to active environmental protection is the use of public transport.

If your car has a petrol engine but does not have an emissions sticker, are you allowed to enter an environmental zone which is sign-posted as follows?

  • ❌ Yes, because I am driving a car with catalytic converter with lambda control
  • ❌ Yes, because this prohibition only applies to diesel vehicles
  • ✅ No, because my car does not have an emissions sticker

Without visibly attached carbon emission sticker, motor vehicle drivers are not allowed to drive into an environmental zone with a gasoline engine. The badge on the vehicle must be valid and correspond at least to the qualifying plate (red, yellow, green).

What results in increased fuel consumption of your car?

  • ❌ Excessive tyre pressure
  • ✅ Transporting unnecessary objects
  • ✅ A roof rack or ski rack

Increased fuel consumption can be expected if, for example, you install roof or ski racks or if you load your vehicle with unnecessary objects. Increased tire pressure, on the other hand, does not matter for fuel consumption, even if it should be avoided altogether.

What does a front-wheel drive car tend to do if you accelerate too much on a bend?

  • ❌ The rear end tends to turn out to the side
  • ✅ The front end tends to turn out to the side
  • ❌ The vehicle tends to oversteer

As a car driver, you must always expect your vehicle with front-wheel drive to swing off in front if you over-accelerate on a turn. Your vehicle will more likely under than oversteer.

You had a tyre failure and must mount the emergency wheel. What is prohibited when you continue to drive?

  • ✅ Driving longer than necessary with the emergency wheel
  • ❌ Taking passengers
  • ✅ Driving faster than 80 km/h

Emergency wheels have a different design than conventional wheels and are only allowed up to a speed of 80 km/h. They have worse operating characteristics. You should only drive with them as far as necessary. Taking other people with you is allowed.

What increases the effect of centrifugal force on the vehicle when driving round bends?

  • ❌ Higher tyre pressure
  • ✅ Smaller radius of a bend
  • ✅ Higher speed

The speed has an immediate effect on the level of centrifugal force. Your braking distance quadruples when you drive at twice the speed. The centrifugal force increases the smaller the curve radius. The tire pressure has no effect on the centrifugal force.

You drive round a bend once at 30 km/h and again at 60 km/h. How does the centrifugal force change?

  • ❌ - is twice as high
  • ❌ - is the same
  • ✅ - is four times as high

The centrifugal force quadruples when the speed is doubled, that is, when you take the curve at 60 km/h the second time.

What must you remember with regard to tyre pressure?

  • ✅ To increase the pressure to the level stated in the vehicle manual when the vehicle is heavily loaded
  • ✅ To check the air pressure regularly, including that of the spare wheel
  • ❌ To reduce the air pressure before longer trips

By regularly checking the air pressure of the tires, tire damage can be avoided, but fuel can also be saved. If you put your vehicle under a greater burden, you need to adjust the tire pressure.

What does a rear-wheel drive car tend to do if you accelerate too much on a bend?

  • ❌ The front end tends to turn out to the side
  • ✅ The rear end tends to turn out to the side
  • ❌ The car tends to understeer

You should always expect your vehicle with rear wheel drive to swing off to the back if you over-accelerate on a turn. It is more likely to oversteer than understeer.

What should you be aware of when charging purely electric vehicles?

  • ✅ Charging should only be performed with a charging cable approved by the manufacturer
  • ✅ The charge time depends on the power supply
  • ❌ Charging is available at every filling station

When charging pure electric vehicles, you must be aware that they cannot be recharged at every gas station. Only use the charging cables approved by the manufacturer. Depending on the power connection, the charging time varies.

What are the advantages of an anti-slip device (ASR)?

  • ✅ No wheelspin when setting off
  • ✅ Reduced danger of sliding sideways when setting off on a slippery roadway
  • ❌ No locking of the wheels when braking

The traction control system (TCS) of a car prevents the wheels of the vehicle from spinning, especially when accelerating faster. Slipping away to the side when starting to drive on slippery roads is thereby largely prevented.

When driving, you notice that the car constantly pulls to the left. What could be the cause of this?

  • ✅ Incorrect wheel adjustment at the front axle (track, wheel camber)
  • ✅ Too little air in the front left tyre
  • ❌ The left rear tyre is extensively worn

If your vehicle pulls to the left so that countersteering is required, too little air pressure in the left tire could be the cause or a different wheel setting. A badly worn tire usually does not have this effect.

What causes avoidable noise?

  • ✅ By firmly slamming doors shut
  • ✅ By sounding the horn as a greeting
  • ❌ By driving with a roof-rack

All noise disturbances arising during normal operation of a vehicle are considered unavoidable. As a car driver, you should avoid any excess noise, for example, honking as a greeting or closing the doors very loudly. A roof rack will not cause you any avoidable noise.

What can restrict the functionality of a lane departure warning system?

  • ✅ The absence of road markings
  • ❌ The absence of guardrails
  • ✅ A dirty road surface

The function of the lane departure warning system may be limited if the system cannot properly pick up lane signals. This is, because the computer-controlled system works on the basis of different optical systems. There are no signals from the guardrails. Another name for the lane departure warning system is: Lane Keeping Assist (active lane departure warning system with steering assistance).

What must you take into consideration when checking tyre pressure?

  • ❌ Material of the wheels (steel/aluminium)
  • ✅ Tyre temperature
  • ✅ Load/Number of passengers in the car

When checking tire pressure, you must also take into account the temperature and load of the vehicle. These can influence the tire pressure. By contrast, the material of the wheel rim doesn't matter.

You suddenly have to brake when cornering on a wet carriageway. What special aspects exist with a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS)?

  • ✅ The steering capability is retained for longer
  • ❌ It is not possible for the vehicle to skid out of the bend
  • ❌ The vehicle will always remain stable

On wet roads, the antilocking system prevents the wheels from locking and shortens the braking distance. In addition, the vehicle remains more steerable when braking. On gravel or snow, the braking distance can certainly be much longer.

What particular characteristics of disc brakes must you remember when driving on a wet road surface?

  • ✅ As a rule, the effect of disc brakes starts later than on a dry road surface
  • ❌ As a rule, the effect of disc brakes starts earlier than on a dry road surface

As a car driver you have to take into account that when the street is wet the effect of the disc brakes usually takes effect much later than on a dry road.

How can driver assistance systems be helpful?

  • ✅ In increasing road safety
  • ❌ To compensate for unfitness to drive
  • ✅ In assisting the driver

Driver assistance systems assist the car driver and increase traffic safety when the navigation device is programmed before driving. However, driver assistance systems can not compensate for an unfitness to drive.

You want to set off in an automatic car (hydraulic converter). What must you know?

  • ✅ When selecting a gear, the car must, as a rule, be held by the service brakes
  • ❌ The engine revolutions must be raised considerably so that the engine does not stall
  • ❌ The selector lever must only be moved when the engine has stopped

If you give a "go" with an engaged gear as a car driver in a vehicle with automatic transmission it will try to start driving. This can only be prevented by operating the service brake. The selector lever can and may be operated with the engine stationary and running.

What information should you obtain before undertaking a journey with a purely electric vehicle?

  • ✅ Factors that influence the range
  • ✅ What I have to do following an accident
  • ✅ The locations at which I can charge the vehicle

The car driver should inform himself about the range of the electric vehicle before starting the journey. This differs significantly from the range of conventional vehicles and more frequent stops to recharge the batteries are necessary. You should also take into account that there is more technology in an electric vehicle. Although it is generally true that electric vehicles are just as safe as conventional cars. But in their bodies usually run cables that are designed for enormously high voltages.

You are planning a longer journey with a purely electric vehicle. What should you be aware of?

  • ✅ The battery charging time
  • ✅ The influence of external ambient temperatures on the range
  • ✅ The availability of electric charging stations

If you are planning a longer journey with a purely electric vehicle, you should consider that your car has a much lower range compared to conventional vehicles. In addition, the capacity of the batteries is influenced by the outside temperature.

How is a purely electric vehicle different from a vehicle with a combustion engine?

  • ❌ - have a lower aerodynamic drag
  • ✅ - do not have any direct exhaust emissions
  • ✅ - have a lower engine noise

Pure electric vehicles are almost noiseless. These vehicles also have no direct exhaust emissions. The aerodynamic drag depends on the volume of the body and not on the type of drive.

The brakes on your car are pulling strongly to one side. What effects can this have when you are braking?

  • ❌ Anti-lock braking system (ABS) fails
  • ✅ Longer braking distance
  • ✅ Your car can veer to the side

If the brake on the car has a strong one-sided effect, this has a significant negative effect on the drivability of the vehicle. The vehicle may break sideways into adjacent lanes or start skidding. The braking distance gets longer. The antilocking system remains functional.

What happens when you drive with a tyre pressure which is far too low?

  • ✅ Driving stability decreases
  • ✅ Tyres heat up excessively
  • ❌ Tyre wear decreases

If you drive with significantly too low tire pressure, the tire may overheat. The low air pressure decreases the driving stability, the vehicle "floats" on the road. A reduction in tire footprint due to concavity in the tread center increases tire wear. Too little tire pressure also increases fuel consumption.

A lane assist system with corrective steer control can help you when driving. What should you be aware of?

  • ✅ - not function if the road markings are poor
  • ❌ - compensate for a lack of fitness to drive (e.g. tiredness)
  • ✅ - keep the vehicle in lane if the road markings are clear

A prerequisite for a perfect function of the lane departure warning system are good road markings. Keep in mind that technical driving assistants cannot compensate for inability to drive. As a car driver, you must be able to intervene into the driving experience at all times.

The brake light of your vehicle is not working. What could be the cause of this?

  • ✅ The relevant fuse is defective
  • ✅ The bulb is defective
  • ❌ The fill level of the brake fluid is too low

A functioning brake light is significant for the participation in traffic. If the car driver notices a fault on the vehicle, a direct replacement of the corresponding parts must take place. As a cause defective bulbs and broken fuses come into question.

You are driving a motor vehicle fitted with anti-lock braking system (ABS). How do you achieve the shortest possible braking distance?

  • ✅ - suddenly and with maximum force
  • ❌ - carefully and then increasingly harder
  • ❌ - multiple times at quick intervals and with maximum force

If you drive a car with an automatic anti-lock braking system, you achieve the shortest braking distance by braking abruptly and with maximum pedal force. The ABS prevents the wheels from locking during braking.

What can you check on your tyre?

  • ✅ The age of the tyre
  • ✅ Profile
  • ✅ Uniform wear of the profile

The driver can check on the tire whether the prescribed tread depth is present and whether the tread has a consistent wear. In addition, the age of the tire can be read off the so-called DOT number.

You are driving a purely electric vehicle in a residential area. What should you be aware of due to your lower engine noise?

  • ❌ Vehicles following behind will tailgate me
  • ✅ Cyclist travelling ahead will turn left, without looking behind them
  • ✅ Pedestrians will not notice me or will do so later than usual

With a pure electric vehicle, you are almost noiseless on the road and you can acoustically be hardly perceived by other road users. Especially cyclists are at risk if they hear no engine noise. Without looking back, they often turn.

What do you have to check the tyres on your vehicle at regular intervals for?

  • ✅ For correct air pressure
  • ✅ For sufficient profile
  • ✅ For external damage

At regular intervals you should check the air pressure and tread depth of your vehicle tires. In addition, you should regularly check the tires on your vehicle for external damage.

The noise of the exhaust has suddenly become louder than usual. What do you do?

  • ❌ Nothing because nobody is endangered
  • ✅ Check the exhaust system
  • ❌ Renew the engine air filter

It is likely that the exhaust system is broken or rusted. A rusted exhaust system can endanger other road users if parts fall off. The exhaust must be checked and repaired. The air filter cannot be the cause of the loud exhaust sound.

You hit a tyre against a hard obstacle with force. What must you do?

  • ❌ Retighten the wheel bolts
  • ✅ Have the tyres and rim checked immediately

Tire and wheel rim must be thoroughly checked before proceeding. Damage to the tire flanks is particularly critical. A deformed wheel rim can cause the tire to slip off the rim. A torn alloy wheel can also have dire consequences. The wheel bolts are not subjected to extraordinary strain, so they do not need to be tightened.

The control light of your indicator is blinking considerably faster than usual. What can be the cause of this?

  • ✅ A bulb is defective
  • ❌ The direction indicator switch is defective

The flashing interval of the control lamp is shortened significantly if a bulb of the turn signal is defective. A fault with the flashing light switch cannot be the cause of the faster flashing.

Why are you required to have a defective exhaust system repaired immediately?

  • ✅ Because parts of the exhaust system can drop on the roadway
  • ✅ Because of the noise pollution
  • ❌ Because the engine would overheat

You must repair a rusted exhaust system immediately, otherwise parts of the exhaust may fall onto the road. This poses a danger to the other road users. In addition, rusty exhaust parts create unnecessary noise. A rusted exhaust system has no effect on the temperature of the engine.

Just after driving off, you test the brakes. Why?

  • ✅ To check the effectiveness of the brakes
  • ❌ To bleed the brake system quickly

Immediately after the start of the journey you should check the effectiveness of the service brake with a brake test for your own safety. Unlike bleeding the brake system, you can do this yourself by pressing the brake comfortably.

When braking, you note that your vehicle pulls to the right. What should you do?

  • ✅ I go to a car workshop
  • ❌ I oil the brake pads
  • ❌ I do not need to fix the problem, as long as I can compensate by counter-steering

A defective brake system poses a significant risk, which can lead to accidents. The car driver must have the problem remedied in a specialist workshop.

The steering wheel is harder to turn than usual. What can cause this?

  • ✅ Servo-steering is not working
  • ✅ Defective steering gear
  • ❌ Tyre pressure is too high

If the steering is stiff, a defect in the steering gear can be the cause. Also, the failure of power steering can cause the steering wheel to be moved more difficult than normal. You have a similar effect with too low tire pressure, but not too high.

When you press on the brake pedal, it touches the floor. Only when you press on it several times does the pedal travel become shorter. What must you do?

  • ✅ Park the car immediately
  • ❌ It is sufficient to fill up the brake fluid
  • ✅ Have the brakes repaired

If the brake pedal can be pushed down to the floor of the vehicle and the pedal travel becomes shorter after repeatedly stepping on it, there is air in the brake system. This means that the brake has to be serviced and repaired immediately. It's not possible to continue your journey. Also, refilling the brake fluid does not solve the problem.

In which cases is it imperative to test the brakes?

  • ✅ If a vehicle has not been used for a longer period
  • ❌ Each time the engine oil is changed
  • ✅ When you drive a different vehicle

A brake test is always essential if a vehicle has not been moved for a long period of time or if you are taking over a vehicle from someone else. If an oil change has been made on a vehicle, this has no effect on the brake system.

The windscreen wipers on your car do not function. What can be the cause of this?

  • ❌ Too much water in the windscreen washer
  • ✅ Windscreen wiper motor defective
  • ✅ Blown fuse

If the windscreen wipers on your car do not work, it may be due to a faulty engine in the windscreen washer system. Even a blown fuse can be the cause. By contrast, too much water is not responsible for any failure.

What is the meaning of the date of manufacture "1217" specified on the tyre?

  • ❌ - manufactured on the 1/2/2017
  • ❌ - manufactured in the 12th month (December) of the year 2017
  • ✅ - manufactured in 12th calendar week of the year 2017

The date of manufacture indicated on the tire is made up of the manufacturing week and the year of manufacture. So "1217" means: 12th week in the year 2017.

The windscreen wipers do not wipe clean? What can be the reason for this?

  • ✅ There is an oil film on the windscreen
  • ✅ The windscreen wiper blades are worn
  • ❌ The windscreen heating is defective

If the wipers do not wipe clean, this may be due to an oil film on the windscreen. Even worn windscreen wiper blades can affect the function of the windscreen wipers. A defect in the window heater, however, has no effect on it.

The windscreen washer does not work. What can be the reason for this?

  • ✅ No water in the reservoir
  • ✅ Blocked jets
  • ✅ Defective fuse

If the windscreen washer does not work, it may be due to clogged nozzles or a defective fuse. However, it is also possible that there is no more water in the storing tank and therefore the windscreen washer does not work.

What can cause excessive wear on tyres?

  • ❌ Mounting a front spoiler
  • ✅ Damage to the wheel suspension-spring
  • ✅ Incorrect tyre pressure

Improper tire pressure and suspension damage are the most common causes of excessive tire wear. Tire pressure refers to too little air pressure. This increases the abrasion. The attachment of a front spoiler does not lead to tire damage.

What can be the reason for a tyre on front axle wearing on one side more than the other?

  • ✅ Track alignment not in order
  • ✅ Steering axle is bent

Basically, there are two causes for the different degrees of wear of the front tires: Either the wheel alignment is not correct or an axle guide is bent. You should immediately correct the wheel alignment or carry out a repair of the axle guide.

The glass in your left outside mirror is broken. What do you do?

  • ❌ Do not renew the mirror glass because you can still partly see to the rear
  • ✅ Renew the mirror glass

On each vehicle, a left exterior mirror is mandatory. If the glass has cracked, you must replace the mirror immediately, even if all other mirrors are working properly. Only then can you continue your journey.

What are the possible consequences if the wheel nuts are not re-tightened following a tyre change?

  • ❌ The tyre can become detached from the hub
  • ✅ The wheel can become detached from the vehicle
  • ✅ The wheel may become damaged

If the wheel fasteners are not tightened after a wheel change or this has been neglected due to negligence, the wheel may fall off the vehicle while driving due to vibration. This can cause a serious accident. The wheel cannot come off the rim.

How can you tell while driving that an indicator lamp is not working?

  • ✅ The indicator signal light will flash faster than usual
  • ❌ You cannot detect a defective indicator lamp while driving

A faulty indicator is noticeable because the indicator light in the instrument display flashes much faster than usual. As a driver, you are able to quickly identify the defect while driving.

Your car’s steering wheel wobbles while you are driving. What can be the reason?

  • ✅ Shock absorbers are defective
  • ✅ Wheels are unbalanced
  • ✅ Wheel suspension-spring is damaged

If the steering wheel flutters while d

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