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Forked from jjesusfilho/toTitleCasePT.R
Created June 25, 2024 21:39
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Converts Portuguese strings to Title Case
#' Convertion to title case with lower case for some classes of words.
#' In written Portuguese, when converting to title case, it is not usual
#' to keep in title case some words, like prepositions, conjunctions,
#' articles and some kinds of pronouns. This functions locates those
#' cases and converts them to lower case.
#' @param string vector of characters to be converted to title case
#' but with connector words (one-word prepositions and conjunctions)
#' and articles (both definite and indefinite) and some pronouns
#' in lower case.
#' @details
#' The current list of words converted to lower case is:
#' - articles
#' - o(s), a(s), um, uma(s), uns
#' - pronouns
#' - me, mim, meu(s), minha(s)
#' - te, ti, teu(s), tua(s)
#' - lhe(s), seu(s), sua(s)
#' - nos, nosso(a)(s)
#' - vos, vosso(a)(s)
#' - prepositions, their contractions and combinations
#' - prepositions
#' - a, ante, até, após, com, contra, de, desde, em, entre, para,
#' perante, por, sem, sob, sobre, trás
#' - contractions
#' - à(s), do(a)(s), no(a)(s), pelo(a)(s), pro(a)(s) (informal language)
#' - combinations
#' - ao(s)
#' - conjunctions
#' - conforme, conquanto, contudo, durante, embora, enquanto, então,
#' entretanto, exceto, logo, mas, nem, ou, ora, pois, porém, porque,
#' porquanto, portanto, quando, quanto, que, se, senão, todavia
#' The above list is far from complete or exaustive, mainly due to the absence
#' of the accidental prepositions and conjuntions, which are words that are not
#' originally prepositions or conjunctions, but can play those roles in some contexts,
#' like, for instance _segundo_, which can mean either the numeral _second_ or
#' the prepositional expression _acording to_.
#' @return vector of characters with the same dimension of `string`
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
## You must have packages magrittr and stringr installed and loaded.
ToTitleCasePT <- function(string) {
`%>%`<- magrittr::`%>%`
string %>%
stringr::str_to_title() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all( # using `c("regex" = "replacement")` syntax
# articles
"(.)\\bA(s)?\\b" = "\\1a\\2",
"(.)\\bO(s)?\\b" = "\\1o\\2",
"(.)\\bU((m(a(s)?)?)|ns)\\b" = "\\1u\\2",
# oblique pronouns
"(.)\\bL(he(s)?)\\b" = "\\1l\\2",
"(.)\\bM((e(u(s)?)?)|(i(m|(nha(s)?))))\\b" = "\\1m\\2",
"(.)\\bN(os(s[ao](s)?)?)\\b" = "\\1n\\2",
"(.)\\bS((e(u(s)?)?)|(ua(s)?))\\b" = "\\1s\\2",
"(.)\\bT((e(u(s)?)?)|i|(ua(s)?))\\b" = "\\1t\\2",
"(.)\\bV(os(s[ao](s)?)?)\\b" = "\\1v\\2",
# prepositions
"(.)\\bA((o)(s)?|nte|té|pós)\\b" = "\\1a\\2",
"(.)\\bÀ(s)?\\b" = "\\1à\\2",
"(.)\\bC(om|ontra)\\b" = "\\1c\\2",
"(.)\\bD(((a|o)(s)?)|(e(sde)?))\\b" = "\\1d\\2",
"(.)\\bE(m|ntre)\\b" = "\\1e\\2",
"(.)\\bN((a|o)(s)?)\\b" = "\\1n\\2",
"(.)\\bP(ara|(e((l(a|o)(s)?)|rante))|or)\\b" = "\\1p\\2",
"(.)\\bS(em|(ob(re)?))\\b" = "\\1s\\2",
"(.)\\bT(rás)\\b" = "\\1t\\2",
# conjunctions
"(.)\\bC(on(forme|quanto|tudo))\\b" = "\\1c\\2",
"(.)\\bD(urante)\\b" = "\\1D\\2",
"(.)\\bE((mbora|n(quanto|t(ão|retanto))|xceto)?)\\b" = "\\1e\\2",
"(.)\\bL(ogo)\\b" = "\\1l\\2",
"(.)\\bM(as)\\b" = "\\1m\\2",
"(.)\\bN(em)\\b" = "\\1n\\2",
"(.)\\bO(u|ra)\\b" = "\\1o\\2",
"(.)\\bP(o(is|r(ém|qu(e|anto)|tanto)))\\b" = "\\1p\\2",
"(.)\\bQ(u(an[dt]o|e))\\b" = "\\1q\\2",
"(.)\\bS(e(não)?)\\b" = "\\1s\\2",
"(.)\\bT(odavia)\\b" = "\\1t\\2"
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