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Created December 10, 2011 12:03
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Alternative STM implementation for Haskell
This is a simple consistency test.
import Control.Concurrent
--import Control.Concurrent.STM
import STM
import Control.Monad
main = do
a <- newTVarIO ""
b <- newTVarIO True
forkIO $ forever $ atomically $ do
a' <- readTVar a
b' <- readTVar b
if b' then do
writeTVar a $ "%" ++ a'
writeTVar b $ not b'
return ()
forkIO $ forever $ atomically $ do
a' <- readTVar a
b' <- readTVar b
if not b' then do
writeTVar a $ "^" ++ a'
writeTVar b $ not b'
return ()
threadDelay 1000000
v <- atomically $ do
a' <- readTVar a
b' <- readTVar b
return (a', b')
print v
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
The idea is that each variable is an IORef that is either in a stable state
or is being transformed. If it is being transformed then the IORef contains a
MidChange value. The first argument of the constructor is the state before
the modification, the second argument is the state afterwards and the third
argument is an IORef that says whether the transaction has completed.
module STM where
import Control.Concurrent (yield)
import Data.IORef
data STMState a =
At a |
MidChange a a (IORef Bool)
type TVar a = IORef (STMState a)
data STM a =
Done a |
forall x. NewTVar x (TVar x -> STM a) |
forall x. ReadTVar (TVar x) (x -> STM a) |
forall x. WriteTVar (TVar x) x (STM a)
instance Monad STM where
return = Done
m >>= f =
case m of
Done x -> f x
NewTVar x c -> NewTVar x (\i -> c i >>= f)
ReadTVar x c -> ReadTVar x (\i -> c i >>= f)
WriteTVar v x c -> WriteTVar v x (c >>= f)
newTVar = flip NewTVar return
readTVar = flip ReadTVar return
writeTVar v x = WriteTVar v x $ return ()
newTVarIO :: a -> IO (TVar a)
newTVarIO x =
newIORef (At x)
reduce :: IORef Bool -> TVar a -> IO ()
reduce t var = do
atomicModifyIORef var (\v ->
case v of
MidChange a b t' ->
if t == t' then
(At b, ())
(v, ())
_ -> (v, ()))
readTVarIO :: TVar a -> IO a
readTVarIO var = do
var' <- readIORef var
case var' of
At x -> return x
MidChange before after switch -> do
x <- readIORef switch
if x then do
reduce switch var
return after
return before
atomicModifyTVar :: TVar a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IO b
atomicModifyTVar var op = do
atomically :: STM a -> IO a
atomically op = do
t <- newIORef False
out <- retry $ trans t op
writeIORef t True
return out
retry :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO a
retry op = do
v <- op
case v of
Just v' -> return v'
Nothing -> do
retry op
continue :: IORef Bool -> STM a -> TVar x -> IO (Maybe a)
continue t c v = do
out <- trans t c
case out of
Nothing ->
-- transaction failed, rollback.
atomicModifyIORef v (\v' ->
case v' of
At _ ->
error "Clobbered transaction"
MidChange x _ t' ->
if t /= t' then
error "Clobbered transaction"
(At x, ()))
Just _ ->
return ()
return out
transVar :: (IORef Bool) -> TVar a -> (a -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
transVar t x fn = do
v <- atomicModifyIORef x (\v ->
case v of
At v' ->
(MidChange v' (fn v') t, Left v')
MidChange a b t' ->
if t' == t then
(MidChange a (fn b) t, Left b)
(v, Right t'))
case v of
Left v' -> return $ Just v'
Right t' -> do
s <- readIORef t'
if s then do
reduce t' x
transVar t x fn
return Nothing
trans _ (Done x) =
return $ Just x
trans t (NewTVar x c) = do
var <- newTVarIO x
trans t $ c var
trans t (ReadTVar x c) = do
v <- transVar t x id
case v of
Just v' -> continue t (c v') x
Nothing -> return Nothing
trans t (WriteTVar v x c) = do
v' <- transVar t v (const x)
case v' of
Just _ -> continue t c v
Nothing -> return Nothing
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satvikc commented Feb 6, 2012

Some comments on the functions appreciated .. I am not able to understand whats going on after atomically

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@satvikc, I completely agree, looking back at this, it's difficult to tell exactly what's going on. I'll add comments at some point when I get the time.

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