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Created February 26, 2012 10:21
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Save danielwaterworth/1915841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Error conscious, pure iteratee library (based on pipes)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Char
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans
import System.IO
-- The result of a push or pull operation
data Result i e =
Err e |
Success i |
data Step i o e m a =
Done a |
Pull (Result i e -> Pipe i o e m a) |
Push o (Result () e -> Pipe i o e m a) |
Error e
-- The main pipe type
data Pipe i o e m a = Pipe {
runPipe :: m (Step i o e m a)
instance Monad m => Monad (Pipe i o e m) where
return = Pipe . return . Done
m >>= f = Pipe $ do
step <- runPipe m
case step of
Done x -> runPipe $ f x
Error e -> runPipe $ pipeErr e
Pull c -> return $ Pull (\i -> c i >>= f)
Push o c -> return $ Push o (\i -> c i >>= f)
instance MonadTrans (Pipe i o e) where
lift m = Pipe $ do
v <- m
return $ Done v
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Pipe i o SomeException m) where
liftIO m = Pipe $ do
v <- liftIO $ try m
case v of
Right v' -> return $ Done v'
Left e -> runPipe $ pipeErr e
data EOFError = EOFError deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception EOFError
-- pull a value
pull :: Monad m => Pipe i o SomeException m i
pull = do
x <- Pipe $ return $ Pull return
case x of
Err e -> pipeErr e
Success i -> return i
EOF -> pipeErr $ SomeException EOFError
-- push a value
push :: Monad m => o -> Pipe i o SomeException m ()
push o = do
x <- Pipe $ return $ Push o return
case x of
Err e -> pipeErr e
Success () -> return ()
EOF -> pipeErr $ SomeException EOFError
-- throw an error
pipeErr :: Monad m => e -> Pipe i o e m a
pipeErr e = Pipe $ return $ Error e
-- catch an error
pipeCatch :: Monad m => Pipe i o e m a -> (e -> Pipe i o e m a) -> Pipe i o e m a
pipeCatch pipe handler = Pipe $ do
step <- runPipe pipe
runPipe $ case step of
Done a -> return a
Error e -> handler e
Pull c -> Pipe $ return $ Pull (\i -> pipeCatch (c i) handler)
Push o c -> Pipe $ return $ Push o (\i -> pipeCatch (c i) handler)
-- create big pipes from small pipes
($>) :: Monad m => Pipe i x e m a -> Pipe x o e m b -> Pipe i o e m (a, b)
a $> b = Pipe $ do
a' <- runPipe a
b' <- runPipe b
runPipe $ case (a', b') of
(_, Push o c) -> do
x <- Pipe $ return $ Push o return
(Pipe $ return a') $> (c x)
(Error e, Error _) ->
pipeErr e
(Error e, Done _) ->
pipeErr e
(Error e, Pull c) ->
(pipeErr e) $> (c (Err e))
(Pull c, Error e) ->
(c (Err e)) $> (pipeErr e)
(Push _ c, Error e) ->
(c (Err e)) $> (pipeErr e)
(Done _, Error e) ->
pipeErr e
(Push o c, Pull c') ->
(c (Success ())) $> (c' (Success o))
(Pull c, _) -> do
x <- Pipe $ return $ Pull return
(c x) $> (Pipe $ return b')
(Done _, Pull c) ->
(Pipe $ return a') $> (c EOF)
(Push _ c, Done _) ->
(c EOF) $> (Pipe $ return b')
(Done a, Done b) ->
Pipe $ return $ Done (a, b)
-- enumerate the characters in a file
enumFile :: String -> Pipe () Char SomeException IO ()
enumFile path = do
fd <- liftIO $ openFile path ReadMode
(forever $ do
c <- liftIO $ hGetChar fd
push c) `pipeCatch` (\e -> (liftIO $ hClose fd) >> pipeErr e)
-- dump a stream of characters into a file
iterFile :: String -> Pipe Char () SomeException IO ()
iterFile path = do
fd <- liftIO $ openFile path WriteMode
(forever $ do
c <- pull
liftIO $ hPutChar fd c) `pipeCatch` (\e -> (liftIO $ hClose fd) >> pipeErr e)
-- take a complete pipeline and run it
runPipeline :: Monad m => Pipe () () e m a -> m (Either e a)
runPipeline pipe = do
step <- runPipe pipe
case step of
Done x -> return $ Right x
Error e -> return $ Left e
Pull _ -> error "unexpected pull"
Push _ _ -> error "unexpected push"
-- lift a pure function into a pipe
createPipe :: Monad m => (i -> o) -> Pipe i o SomeException m a
createPipe fn =
forever $ pull >>= (push . fn)
-- read the characters from src, capitalize them, then dump them into dst
main = runPipeline ((enumFile "src") $> (createPipe toUpper) $> (iterFile "dst"))
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@dagit, I could certainly demonstrate more of what's possible, but I don't want to over complicate the example. It is possible to create a pipe that rechunks data, ie pulls arbitrary chunks and pushes lines.

@blamario, yes, but then you have to consistently use the incremental-parser package.

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