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Last active March 23, 2016 19:03
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# Biology IA Simulations
# By Daniel Watson
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Controlled variables
h = .1 # days (step size)
population = 3.9e6 # remains constant
mosquitoes = 1e8 # remains constant
initial_mosquitoes_infected = 1000
recovery_time = 4.5 # days
mosquito_lifetime = 14. # days
# Simulation
def zika(num_steps, bite_factor):
bites = 3. / mosquito_lifetime * bite_factor
# Arrays for data
s = numpy.zeros(num_steps + 1)
i = numpy.zeros(num_steps + 1)
r = numpy.zeros(num_steps + 1)
m_s = numpy.zeros(num_steps + 1)
m_i = numpy.zeros(num_steps + 1)
# Distribution of humans
s[0] = population
# Distribution of mosquitoes
m_i[0] = initial_mosquitoes_infected
m_s[0] = mosquitoes - m_i[0]
# Variables for storing maximum values
max_h = i[0]
max_m = m_i[0]
time_max_h = 0
time_max_m = 0
# Forward Euler Method
for k in range(num_steps):
# Dynamic quantities used in calculations
i2r = i[k] / recovery_time
s2i_h = bites * s[k] * m_i[k] / mosquitoes
s2i_m = bites * m_s[k] * i[k] / population
mosquito_births = (m_i[k] + m_s[k]) / mosquito_lifetime # mosquito population is constant
# Update all the system according to the five differential equations
r[k+1] = r[k] + h * i2r
i[k+1] = i[k] + h * (s2i_h - i2r)
s[k+1] = s[k] - h * s2i_h
m_i[k+1] = m_i[k] + h * (s2i_m - m_i[k] / mosquito_lifetime)
m_s[k+1] = m_s[k] + h * (mosquito_births - s2i_m - m_s[k] / mosquito_lifetime)
# Record maximum values for humans and mosquitoes
if i[k+1] > max_h:
max_h = i[k+1]
time_max_h = k
if m_i[k+1] > max_m:
max_m = m_i[k+1]
time_max_m = k
return {'humans': i,
'mosquitoes': m_i,
'recovered': r,
'max_humans': max_h,
'max_mosquitoes': max_m,
'max_humans_step': time_max_h,
'max_mosquitoes_step': time_max_m
# Run the simulation 100 times with a range of bite factors
# to plot it against maximum infection percentages or occurrence
def plot_bite_factor(option, bite_factor_start_value, bite_factor_end_value, show_legend=True):
num_bite_factor_tests = 100
# Arrays for plotting
hum = []
mos = []
# Variables that depend on arguments
bite_factor_step_size = (bite_factor_end_value - bite_factor_start_value) / float(num_bite_factor_tests)
tests = bite_factor_step_size * numpy.array(range(num_bite_factor_tests + 1)) + bite_factor_start_value
# Simulation loop
for bite_factor in tests:
total_time = 365*10
num_steps = int(total_time / h)
simulation = zika(num_steps, bite_factor)
if option == 'maxima':
y_h = 100 * simulation['max_humans'] / population
y_m = 100 * simulation['max_mosquitoes'] / mosquitoes
ylabel = "Maximum perentage infected"
elif option == 'time':
y_h = simulation['max_humans_step'] * total_time / num_steps
y_m = simulation['max_mosquitoes_step'] * total_time / num_steps
ylabel = "Maximum infection percentage time (days)"
raise RuntimeError('"%s" is not a valid option!' % option)
print "b={b}: ({h}, {m})".format(b=bite_factor, h=y_h, m=y_m)
plt.plot(tests, hum, label="Humans")
plt.plot(tests, mos, label="Mosquitoes")
if show_legend:
plt.legend(("Humans", "Mosquitoes"), loc='upper right')
axes = plt.gca()
axes.set_xlabel("Bite factor")
plt.xlim(xmin=bite_factor_start_value, xmax=bite_factor_start_value + \
num_bite_factor_tests * bite_factor_step_size)
# Plot percentages of infected human and mosquito
# populations over time, for a single bite factor
def plot_simulation(bite_factor, total_time=365*10, show_legend=True, show_recovered=True):
# Argument dependents
num_steps = int(total_time / h)
times = h * numpy.array(range(num_steps + 1))
# Simulation results
simulation = zika(num_steps, bite_factor)
print "max_h: " + str(100 * simulation['max_humans'] / population)
print "max_h time: " + str(simulation['max_humans_step'] * total_time / num_steps)
print "max_m: " + str(100 * simulation['max_mosquitoes'] / mosquitoes)
print "max_m time: " + str(simulation['max_mosquitoes_step'] * total_time / num_steps)
print "R: " + str(100 * simulation['recovered'][-1] / population)
# Plot arrays of simulation values
plt.plot(times, 100 * simulation['humans'] / population, label="Humans")
plt.plot(times, 100 * simulation['mosquitoes'] / mosquitoes, label="Mosquitoes")
if show_recovered:
plt.plot(times, 100 * simulation['recovered'] / population, label="Recovered humans")
if show_legend:
plt.legend(("Humans", "Mosquitoes", "Recovered humans"), loc='upper right')
axes = plt.gca()
axes.set_xlabel("Time (days)")
axes.set_ylabel("Percentage infected")
plt.title("Zika simulation for b=" + str(bite_factor))
### Simulation tests. Only use one at a time; feel
### free to play with these or to use your own.
### The tests below are those used to generate the
### graphs presented on the actual report.
#plot_bite_factor('time', 0., 1.)
#plot_bite_factor('time', .5879, .589481, show_legend=False)
#plot_bite_factor('time', .58892, .58898, show_legend=False)
#plot_bite_factor('time', .58943357, .59288, show_legend=False)
#plot_bite_factor('maxima', 0., 1.)
#plot_bite_factor('maxima', 0., .5889386)
#plot_simulation(.1, total_time=365)
#plot_simulation(.3, total_time=365, show_legend=False)
#plot_simulation(.5, total_time=365*2, show_legend=False)
#plot_simulation(.5889386, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
#plot_simulation(.5894681, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
#plot_simulation(.5911396, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
#plot_simulation(.5928111, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
#plot_simulation(.595, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
#plot_simulation(.6, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
plot_simulation(.7, show_legend=False, show_recovered=False)
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