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Last active November 25, 2015 14:15
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Git basic stuff WITH A DISCLAIMER... USE AT OWN RISK :-)


This is a simple guide of getting started. Commands can have a multitude of switches and be combined to make the most amazingly magical things. But this is more focused on "manual basic" stuff.


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Ensure to select option to:

  • Use bash console and integrate in command prompt
  • For line endings (if on Windows), "Commit Unix line endings, Checkout Windows" (core.autorcrlf=true)

Built in tools

git gui opens a UI that you can use to rever changes, stage, commit etc. You can right-click and move parts of files into the staging area.

gitk lets you inspect the history and to e.g. reset back to a certain commit. Tip: You can pass a specific reflog e.g. branch to it, e.g.: gitk develop.

Hook in custom tools

Under your "home directory", there's a .gitconfig file. Open it with a text editor. Then hack away. Here is a sample that:

  • Defines my user info
  • Defaults to push my current branch
  • Hooks in Notepad++ as my core editor (used e.g. for writing commit messages, doing interactive rebase etc)
  • Hooks in my diff- and merge tool of choice (Beyond compare)
    name = Daniel Wertheim
    email =
    default = current
    editor = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -nosession -noPlugin
    autocrlf = true
    tool = bc4
    tool = bc4
[difftool "bc4"]
	cmd = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 4/BComp.exe' \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
[mergetool "bc4"]
	cmd = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 4/BComp.exe' \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\"
	trustExitCode = true

Create alises

You can create custom aliases that you can use in git bash. E.g. I used gs as an alias for git status.

You create aliases to bash by editing %USERPROFILE%\.bashrc. My recommendation is to start learning the commands before going into aliasing everything. Some sample content:

alias cls=clear
alias gouser='cd $USERPROFILE && clear'
alias godev='cd c:\\Dev && clear'
alias exp='explorer .'
alias gs='git status'
alias gss='git status -s'
alias gco='git commit -a -m $1'
alias gl='git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate'
alias gm='git merge --no-ff'

Some more advanced:

Git flow support

Have not tried it myself, I manage without, but there are "libs" for it:

I'm scared

Don't. Just don't push ;-) Maybe start with an online tutorial like:

Creating a repo

Quick usual sample for getting started. (Step through info exists below.)

git init demo

cd demo

git remote add origin

git add

git commit -m 'Initial commit'

git push -u origin master


git remote add origin

The convention is to use origin for the default remote one.

You can of course have MANY. Like a colleagues. Or if you have a public GitHub clone, a normal convention is upstream for the original cloned repo.

Inspect them:

git remote
git remote -v



Local branches:

git branch

Remote branches:

git branch -r


Create a new branch locally

git branch develop
git checkout develop

or using one line:

git checkout -b feature/mytask


If you are in the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m feature/my-new-name


git branch -d feature/mybranch

If it has not been merged into master, it will nag. If you really want to delete it:

git branch -D feature/mybranch

Delete remote branch

One way:

git push origin :feature/mybranch


git push origin --delete feature/mybranch


Some areas:

  • Working directory
  • Index (stage)
  • HEAD (points to tip of branch)


Files aren't tracked by Git yet. This usually indicates a newly created file.


Files with changes that have not been prepared to be committed.


Files are ready to be committed.


File has been deleted and is waiting to be removed from Git.


Frequently check the status:

git status


git status -s


Use git add to get files staged:

Stage new files and changes:

git add .


git add


git add '*.cs'

Stage everything (new, changes, deletes)

git add . -A


git add --all


Used to persist staged changes locally.

git commit -m 'Comment'

The comment can span multiple lines. Is terminated by '.

git commit -m `
Create rocket

Allows creation of rockets:

  - Plain
  - Super-seeking-death-rocket

Add and commit already tracked files:

git commit -a -m 'Oh dear'


If you have staged something that you want to regret:

git checkout myfile.txt

If you staged a new file:

git reset myfile.txt

If you want it gone, either delete it manually and stage the delete, or:

git rm myfile.txt -f

If it is commited, then rm then commit:

git rm myfile.txt
git commit -m 'bye, bye'

Fetch & Pull

git pull is the combination of git fetch + git merge. You can do individual get fetch calls. This is a non-destructive command. You can then e.g. start to inspect what you might be merging, by a subsequent call to git merge.

git fetch
git log FETCH_HEAD
git diff origin

Tip. You can always refer to a specific remote: git fetch origin develop. Works in more commands like: git pull, git diff...

Rebase & Merge

Merge will merge others changes with your changes as they happen, in logged order. Rebase will rewind your changes to a common known/shared commit, then apply the remote changes then apply your changes.

So e.g. in Git flow:

At develop: git pull develop
At your feature: git rebase develop

Tip Try git rebase -i develop.

You can also do stuff like: git pull --rebase if you are collaborating with others on the same feature branch. On develop and master, this should not be needed.

Fast forward

When merging, if fast forward is possible, then that is the default strategy. That means, your changes can be added on top (appended last in the log) and the header (reflog) can be switched to point to your last commit.

At develop: git merge feature/myfeature -m 'Close #32'

If you do want to force a non fast forward, so that you e.g. see how your feature branch is merged back into develop:

At develop: git merge --no-ff feature/myfeature -m 'Close #32'


Getting stuff up to your remote:

git push -u origin develop

After this, since -u will tell git to link branch to remote branch, when ever you are in develop, you can shorten to:

git push


When you have working changes and want to get those changes reset but kept, you can stash (or put them in a branch):

git stash
git stash list
git stash apply

There are more commands to stash. E.g. the destructive git stash clear. Inspect the documentation/help.


To see changes...

git diff (same as: git diff HEAD)
git diff --staged
git diff develop
git diff HEAD^
git diff master


Check what has happened:

git log
git log --oneline
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
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