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Created May 27, 2011 14:35
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  • Save danielwestendorf/995366 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danielwestendorf/995366 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
UseIPv6 off
# If set on you can experience a longer connection delay in many cases.
IdentLookups off
ServerType standalone
DeferWelcome off
MultilineRFC2228 on
DefaultServer on
ShowSymlinks on
TimeoutNoTransfer 600
TimeoutStalled 600
TimeoutIdle 1200
DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .message true
#ListOptions "-l"
DenyFilter \*.*/
# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port 21
MaxInstances 30
User proftpd
Group nogroup
# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
# (second parm) from being group and world writable.
Umask 002 002
# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
AllowOverwrite on
TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
SystemLog /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd/sql.log
DebugLevel 10
<IfModule mod_quotatab.c>
QuotaEngine on
<IfModule mod_ratio.c>
Ratios off
# Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in
# It is on by default.
<IfModule mod_delay.c>
DelayEngine off
<IfModule mod_ctrls.c>
ControlsEngine off
ControlsMaxClients 2
ControlsLog /var/log/proftpd/controls.log
ControlsInterval 5
ControlsSocket /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock
<IfModule mod_ctrls_admin.c>
AdminControlsEngine off
<IfModule mod_shaper.c>
ShaperEngine on
ShaperLog /var/log/proftpd/shaper.log
ShaperTable /var/log/proftpd/
ShaperAll downrate 5000 uprate 5000
DefaultRoot ~
SQLBackend mysql
SQLAuthTypes OpenSSL Plaintext
SQLAuthenticate users groups
SQLConnectInfo user@host user password
SQLUserInfo ftpuser userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
SQLGroupInfo ftpgroup groupname gid members
SQLMinID 500
CreateHome on
SQLLog PASS updatecount
SQLNamedQuery updatecount UPDATE "count=count+1, accessed=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
SQLLog STOR,DELE modified
SQLNamedQuery modified UPDATE "modified=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
QuotaDirectoryTally on
QuotaDisplayUnits Mb
QuotaShowQuotas on
SQLNamedQuery get-quota-limit SELECT "name, quota_type, per_session, limit_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avail, bytes_xfer_avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail FROM ftpquotalimits WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
SQLNamedQuery get-quota-tally SELECT "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_in_used, files_out_used, files_xfer_used FROM ftpquotatallies WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
SQLNamedQuery update-quota-tally UPDATE "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used + %{0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used + %{1}, bytes_xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used + %{2}, files_in_used = files_in_used + %{3}, files_out_used = files_out_used + %{4}, files_xfer_used = files_xfer_used + %{5} WHERE name = '%{6}' AND quota_type = '%{7}'" ftpquotatallies
SQLNamedQuery insert-quota-tally INSERT "%{0}, %{1}, %{2}, %{3}, %{4}, %{5}, %{6}, %{7}" ftpquotatallies
SQLNamedQuery update-upload-tally UPDATE "uploaded_bytes = uploaded_bytes + %b, uploaded_files = uploaded_files + 1 WHERE userid = '%u'" ftpuser
SQLNamedQuery file-statistic-delete FREEFORM "DELETE FROM file_statistics WHERE file_name = '%f' and user_id = (SELECT id FROM ftpuser WHERE userid = '%u')"
SQLNamedQuery update-download-tally UPDATE "downloaded_bytes = downloaded_bytes + %b, downloaded_files = downloaded_files + 1 WHERE userid = '%u'" ftpuser
SQLNamedQuery file-uploaded FREEFORM "INSERT INTO file_statistics (file_name, file_size, directory_id, uploaded_at, modified, user_id, created_at, transfer_time, client) VALUES ('%f', %b, (SELECT id FROM directories WHERE user_id =(SELECT id FROM ftpuser where userid='%u') AND path = (SELECT REPLACE('%f',REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE('%f'), '/', 1)), '') )), now(), now(), (SELECT id FROM ftpuser where userid = '%u'), now(), %T, '%h') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE file_size = %b, uploaded_at = now(), transfer_time = %T, client = '%h', deleted_at = NULL"
SQLNamedQuery file-downloaded UPDATE "downloaded_at = now(), modified = now(), transfer_time = %T WHERE file_name= '%f'" file_statistics
SQLNamedQuery new-directory FREEFORM "INSERT INTO directories (path, user_id, parent) VALUES ('%f/', (SELECT id FROM ftpuser where userid = '%u'), (SELECT REPLACE('%f', '%d', '')) )"
SQLNamedQuery delete-directory FREEFORM "DELETE FROM directories WHERE path = '%f/' AND user_id = (SELECT id FROM ftpuser where userid = '%u')"
SQLNamedQuery rename-file UPDATE "file_name = '%f', directory_id = (SELECT id FROM directories WHERE user_id =(SELECT id FROM ftpuser where userid='%u') AND path = (SELECT REPLACE('%f',REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE('%f'), '/', 1)), '') )) WHERE file_name = '%w')" file_statistics
SQLNamedQuery rename-directory UPDATE "path = '%f/', parent = (SELECT REPLACE('%f', REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE('%f'), '/', 1)), '')) WHERE path = '%w/'" directories
QuotaLimitTable sql:/get-quota-limit
QuotaTallyTable sql:/get-quota-tally/update-quota-tally/insert-quota-tally
RootLogin off
RequireValidShell off
SQLLog STOR update-upload-tally
SQLLog DELE file-statistic-delete
SQLLog STOR file-uploaded
SQLLog RETR update-download-tally
SQLLog RETR file-downloaded
SQLLog MKD new-directory
SQLLog RMD delete-directory
SQLLog RNTO rename-file
SQLLog RNTO rename-directory
May 27 14:28:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14075] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal: ProFTPD 1.3.4rc2 (devel) (built Thu May 26 2011 16:56:18 UTC) standalone mode STARTUP
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:21 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): creating home directory '/ftp/dwest' for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome: '/' already exists
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome: '/ftp' already exists
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome: directory '/ftp/dwest' created
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): home directory '/ftp/dwest' created
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,221' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,221' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,221' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,221' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,221' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:22 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,221' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:23 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:31 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MKD NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:35 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,232' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,232' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,232' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,232' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,232' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,232' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,233' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,233' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,233' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,233' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,233' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,233' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,234' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,234' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,234' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:36 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,234' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,234' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,234' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:37 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1242) Subquery returns more than 1 row
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14090] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): rechecking TransferRates
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1242) Subquery returns more than 1 row
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14089] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:38 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,238' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,238' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,238' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,238' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,238' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,238' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:39 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,239' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,239' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,239' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,239' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,239' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,239' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,240' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,240' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,240' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,240' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,240' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,240' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:40 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,254' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,254' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,254' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,254' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,254' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,208,254' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1242) Subquery returns more than 1 row
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:50 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14091] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,9' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,9' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,9' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,9' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,9' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,9' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:51 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:53 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,10' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:53 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,10' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:53 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,10' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:53 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:54 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,10' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:54 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,10' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:54 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,10' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:55 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1242) Subquery returns more than 1 row
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14092] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,15' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,15' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,15' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,15' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,15' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:56 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,15' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,16' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,16' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,16' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,16' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,16' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,16' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,18' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,18' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,18' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,18' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,18' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,18' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 86088' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,22' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,22' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,22' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,22' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,22' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,22' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:57 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1242) Subquery returns more than 1 row
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:58 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14096] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,31' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,31' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,31' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,32' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,32' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,32' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,31' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,31' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,31' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,32' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,32' to mod_sql
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,32' to mod_log
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferRate (1666.667 KB/s, 0 bytes free) in effect
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:29:59 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,34' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,34' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,34' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,34' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,34' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,34' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 293455' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 293455' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 293455' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 293455' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 293455' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 293455' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,35' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,35' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,35' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,35' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,35' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,35' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:00 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1242) Subquery returns more than 1 row
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14098] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:01 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,37' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,37' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,37' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,37' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,37' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,37' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 291751' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 291751' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 291751' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 291751' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 291751' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 291751' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'STOR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,38' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,38' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,38' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,38' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,38' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,38' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,39' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,39' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,39' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,39' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,39' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,39' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:04 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:30:42 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14085] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:43 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:44 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14111] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:45 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14113] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'CWD /NewDir' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:46 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNFR Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): setting umask to 0002 (was 0002)
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'RNTO /Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: unrecoverable backend error: (1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_sql/4.3: check the SQLLogFile for more details
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14114] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - local :
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): connected - remote :
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session opened.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER dwest' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:1998
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:2000
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): no supplemental groups found for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): user 'dwest' authenticated by mod_sql.c
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1273
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1275
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:1122
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1124
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mkhome.c:292
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mkhome.c:320
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]):
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Config for FTP.SCOTTUSA.COM -- SCOTT-SPORTS:
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): IdentLookups
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DeferWelcome
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): MultilineRFC2228
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultServer
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShowSymlinks
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutNoTransfer
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutStalled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TimeoutIdle
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayLogin
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DisplayChdir
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DenyFilter
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserID
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): UserName
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupID
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): GroupName
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Umask
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DirUmask
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): AllowOverwrite
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): TransferLog
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLogFile
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DebugLevel
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaEngine
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DelayEngine
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ShaperEngine
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): DefaultRoot
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLBackend
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthTypes
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLAuthenticate
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLConnectInfo
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUserTable
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUsernameField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLPasswordField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLUidField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGidField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLHomedirField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLShellField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupTable
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupnameField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupGIDField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLGroupMembersField
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLMinID
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): CreateHome
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_PASS
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_modified
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDirectoryTally
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaDisplayUnits
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaShowQuotas
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-upload-tally
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-statistic-delete
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_update-download-tally
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-uploaded
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_file-downloaded
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_new-directory
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_delete-directory
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-file
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLNamedQuery_rename-directory
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaLimitTable
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): QuotaTallyTable
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RootLogin
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RequireValidShell
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_DELE
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_STOR
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RETR
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_MKD
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RMD
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SQLLog_RNTO
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1212
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): opening TransferLog '/var/log/proftpd/xferlog'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): setting group ID: 2001
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1252
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER PRIVS 2001 at mod_auth.c:654
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): retrieved UID 2001 for user 'dwest'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:658
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): set TZ environment variable to 'UTC'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/ftp/dwest'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at auth.c:1387
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at auth.c:1389
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): Environment successfully chroot()ed
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1293
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1305
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_shaper
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_quotatab
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1667
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): unable to display DisplayLogin file 'welcome.msg': No such file or directory
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): USER dwest: Login successful.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:47 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,74' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,74' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,74' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,74' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,74' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 66,210,44,66,209,74' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching PRE_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_core
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/'.
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:345
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:408
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - local :
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): active data connection opened - remote :
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/NewDir', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/NewDir'.
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-12 at 9.26.50 AM.png'.
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 12.42.47 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:48 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.38.22 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): in dir_check_full(): path = '/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png', fullpath = '/ftp/dwest/Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 1.40.48 PM.png'.
May 27 14:30:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching POST_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_sql
May 27 14:30:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_log
May 27 14:30:49 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14115] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): dispatching LOG_CMD command 'MLSD' to mod_facts
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:31:02 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14101] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
May 27 14:31:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): ROOT PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:333
May 27 14:31:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_shaper.c:335
May 27 14:31:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): RELINQUISH PRIVS: ID switching disabled
May 27 14:31:03 ip-10-99-13-97 proftpd[14102] ip-10-99-13-97.ec2.internal ([]): FTP session closed.
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