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Created May 27, 2011 20:00
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def tableView(aView, acceptDrop:info, row:droppedRow, dropOperation:op)
pboard = info.draggingPasteboard
row_data_array = YAML.load(pboard.stringForType("MyRowDataType")) #grab the YAML from the pasteboard and convert it back to an array
row_data_array.reverse.each do |row| #You'll want to insert your rows in reverse order to maintain the indexes, thus the reverse call
#rearrange your table_data_array accordingly here. droppedRow represents index value of where the row was dropped.
table_view.deselectAll(nil) #Deselect everything after the drop
table_view.reloadData #redraw the table to show the updates
return true #if everything went as planned, return true
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