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Created April 10, 2016 17:56
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FT-817ND factory calibration
# FT-817 Commander by Simon Brown, HB9DRV
# Contents ..: Calibration settings
# Created ...: 04/05/16 22:55:39
# The contents of this file must not be changed if the
# program is to operate correctly. To avoid problems,
# please do NOT edit this file.
| Entry | Address | Value (dec) | Value (hex) | Description |
| HF1 Rx Gain | 0007 | 75 | 4B | IF gain setting for HF band 1 (0.1-<2.5 MHz.) This adjustment sets a bias current into D1063 in the 1st IF and, thus, has an effect on AGC, S-Meter, and noise blanker operation as well as having an effect on the absolute sensitivity of the FT-817's receiver. Lower numbers = greater attenuation. |
| HF2 Rx Gain | 0008 | 70 | 46 | The same as HF1RXG, except that it adjust the IF gain setting for HF band 2 (2.5 - <10.5 MHz). |
| HF3 Rx Gain | 0009 | 80 | 50 | The same as HF1RXG, except that it adjust the IF gain setting for HF band 3 (10.5 - <33.0 MHz). |
| 50MHz Rx Gain | 000A | 70 | 46 | The same as HF1RXG, except that it adjust the IF gain setting for 50 MHz band (33.0 - 56.0 MHz). |
| VHF Rx Gain | 000B | 75 | 4B | The same as HF1RXG, except that it adjust the IF gain setting for VHF (108.0-154.0 MHz). |
| UHF Rx Gain | 000C | 68 | 44 | The same as HF1RXG, except that it adjust the IF gain setting for UHF (420.0-470.0 MHz). |
| SSB S9 Signal Strength | 000D | 69 | 45 | This adjusts the amount of signal required for an S-9 reading in the AM/SSB/CW modes on all bands. |
| SSB Full Scale Signal Strength | 000E | 63 | 3F | This sets the amount of signal required for a full-scale reading in the AM/SSB/CW modes on all bands. |
| FM S1 Signal Strength | 000F | 80 | 50 | This sets the amount of signal required for an S-1 reading in the FM mode. (Does not apply to WFM in the FM broadcast band.) |
| FM Full Scale Signal Strength | 0010 | 114 | 72 | This sets the amount of signal required for a fill-scale reading in the FM mode. (Does not apply to WFM in the FM broadcast band.) |
| FM Center-tuned Low Threshold | 0011 | 34 | 22 | This sets the lower threshold for the "Discriminator Center" detection in the FM-N and FM modes. This threshold is typically set for 3 KHz below the display frequency. |
| FM Center-tuned High Threshold | 0012 | 62 | 3E | This sets the upper threshold for the "Discriminator Center" detection in the FM-N and FM modes. This threshold is typically set for 3 KHz above the display frequency. |
| FM Squelch TH1 | 0013 | 69 | 45 | This is believed to set the "bottom end" of the squelch range threshold. |
| FM Squelch TH2 | 0014 | 71 | 47 | This is believed to adjust the amount of hysteresis in the squelch response. |
| FM Squelch TI1 | 0015 | 2 | 02 | The precise function is unknown, but it appears to affect how the squelch operates in the presence of a received signal. |
| FM Squelch TI2 | 0016 | 2 | 02 | The precise function is unknown, but it appears to affect how the squelch operates in the presence of a received signal. |
| Voltmeter Calibration (Voltage) | 0017 | 138 | 8A | This sets permits calibration of the voltmeter. The voltmeter will display a voltage equal to 1/10th the displayed value whenever the voltage being applied to the radio at that moment is applied. |
| Voltmeter Calibration (Factor) | 0053 | 158 | 9E | |
| HF1 Current Limit | 0018 | 81 | 51 | This sets the maximum amount of current that the radio can draw when transmitting in the HF1 band (0.1 - <2.5 MHz). This is overcurrent protection for the radio's finals and is measured by monitoring the voltage drop across T1035. Higher values = higher current. |
| HF2 Current Limit | 0019 | 80 | 50 | The same as HF1-IC except that it applies to the HF band 2. |
| HF3 Current Limit | 001A | 85 | 55 | The same as HF1-IC except that it applies to the HF band 3. |
| 50MHz Current Limit | 001B | 80 | 50 | The same as HF1-IC except that it applies to the 50 MHz band. |
| VHF Current Limit | 001C | 81 | 51 | The same as HF1-IC except that it applies to the VHF band. |
| UHF Current Limit | 001D | 86 | 56 | The same as HF1-IC except that it applies to the UHF band. |
| HF1 Power Level High | 001E | 96 | 60 | This sets the RF output power in the HI power setting for HF Band 1 (5 watts). |
| HF1 Power Level L3 | 001F | 55 | 37 | This sets the RF output power in the L3 power setting for HF Band 1 (2.5 watts). |
| HF1 Power Level L2 | 0020 | 21 | 15 | This sets the RF output power in the L2 power setting for HF Band 1 (1 watt). |
| HF1 Power Level L1 | 0021 | 5 | 05 | This sets the RF output power in the L1 power setting for HF Band 1 (0.5 watts). |
| HF2 Power Level High | 0022 | 104 | 68 | Same as HF1-HI except for HF Band 2. |
| HF2 Power Level L3 | 0023 | 58 | 3A | Same as HF1-L3 except for HF Band 2. |
| HF2 Power Level L2 | 0024 | 22 | 16 | Same as HF1-L2 except for HF Band 2. |
| HF2 Power Level L1 | 0025 | 5 | 05 | Same as HF1-L1 except for HF Band 2. |
| HF3 Power Level High | 0026 | 102 | 66 | Same as HF1-HI except for HF Band 3. |
| HF3 Power Level L3 | 0027 | 58 | 3A | Same as HF1-L3 except for HF Band 3. |
| HF3 Power Level L2 | 0028 | 22 | 16 | Same as HF1-L2 except for HF Band 3. |
| HF3 Power Level L1 | 0029 | 4 | 04 | Same as HF1-L1 except for HF Band 3. |
| 50MHz Power Level High | 002A | 100 | 64 | Same as HF1-HI except for the 50 MHz Band. |
| 50MHz Power Level L3 | 002B | 57 | 39 | Same as HF1-L3 except for the 50 MHz Band. |
| 50MHz Power Level L2 | 002C | 21 | 15 | Same as HF1-L2 except for the 50 MHz Band. |
| 50MHz Power Level L1 | 002D | 7 | 07 | Same as HF1-L1 except for the 50 MHz Band. |
| VHF Power Level High | 002E | 88 | 58 | Same as HF1-HI except for the VHF Band. |
| VHF Power Level L3 | 002F | 50 | 32 | Same as HF1-L3 except for the VHF Band. |
| VHF Power Level L2 | 0030 | 17 | 11 | Same as HF1-L2 except for the VHF Band. |
| VHF Power Level L1 | 0031 | 5 | 05 | Same as HF1-L1 except for the VHF Band. |
| UHF Power Level High | 0032 | 101 | 65 | Same as HF1-HI except for the UHF Band. |
| UHF Power Level L3 | 0033 | 60 | 3C | Same as HF1-L3 except for the UHF Band. |
| UHF Power Level L2 | 0034 | 26 | 1A | Same as HF1-L2 except for the UHF Band. |
| UHF Power Level L1 | 0035 | 6 | 06 | Same as HF1-L1 except for the UHF Band. |
| HF1 Transmitter Gain | 0036 | 74 | 4A | This sets the gain of the transmit IF for HF Band 1. This is done by adjusting bias current on D1017. |
| HF2 Transmitter Gain | 0037 | 64 | 40 | This sets the gain of the transmit IF for HF Band 2. This is done by adjusting bias current on D1017. |
| HF3 Transmitter Gain | 0038 | 69 | 45 | This sets the gain of the transmit IF for HF Band 3. This is done by adjusting bias current on D1017. |
| 50MHz Transmitter Gain | 0039 | 113 | 71 | This sets the gain of the transmit IF for 50MHz. This is done by adjusting bias current on D1017. |
| VHF Transmitter Gain | 003A | 76 | 4C | This sets the gain of the transmit IF for VHF. This is done by adjusting bias current on D1017. |
| UHF Transmitter Gain | 003B | 56 | 38 | This sets the gain of the transmit IF for UHF. This is done by adjusting bias current on D1017. |
| HF1 Power Output Meter | 003C | 65 | 41 | This calibrates the RF Power meter for HF Band 1 |
| HF2 Power Output Meter | 003D | 68 | 44 | This calibrates the RF Power meter for HF Band 2 |
| HF3 Power Output Meter | 003E | 70 | 46 | This calibrates the RF Power meter for HF Band 3 |
| 50MHz Power Output Meter | 003F | 70 | 46 | This calibrates the RF Power meter for 50MHz |
| VHF Power Output Meter | 0040 | 61 | 3D | This calibrates the RF Power meter for VHF |
| UHF Power Output Meter | 0041 | 68 | 44 | This calibrates the RF Power meter for UHF |
| ALC Meter (no-signal) | 0042 | 182 | B6 | This is believed to be a no-signal calibration setting for the ALC Meter. |
| ALC Meter (signal) | 0043 | 122 | 7A | This is believed to be a signal-reference calibration setting for the ALC meter. |
| HF1 Reflected Power (SWR Meter) | 0044 | 18 | 12 | This adjusts the sensitivity of the reverse-power detector for purposes of VSWR protection for HF Band 1. |
| HF2 Reflected Power (SWR Meter) | 0045 | 14 | 0E | This adjusts the sensitivity of the reverse-power detector for purposes of VSWR protection for HF Band 2. |
| HF3 Reflected Power (SWR Meter) | 0046 | 19 | 13 | This adjusts the sensitivity of the reverse-power detector for purposes of VSWR protection for HF Band 3. |
| 50MHz Reflected Power (SWR Meter) | 0047 | 19 | 13 | This adjusts the sensitivity of the reverse-power detector for purposes of VSWR protection for 50MHz. |
| VHF Reflected Power (SWR Meter) | 0048 | 16 | 10 | This adjusts the sensitivity of the reverse-power detector for purposes of VSWR protection for VHF. |
| UHF Reflected Power (SWR Meter) | 0049 | 36 | 24 | This adjusts the sensitivity of the reverse-power detector for purposes of VSWR protection for UHF. |
| CW Carrier Injection Level | 004A | 255 | FF | This sets the level of the keyed CW carrier. |
| AM Unmodulated Carrier Level | 004B | 220 | DC | This sets the level of the AM carrier. This is typically set for a carrier level 6db below that of the peak power output. |
| FM Wide Deviation (+/- 5KHz Max) | 004C | 201 | C9 | This adjusts the gain to the Frequency modulator in the "Normal" FM transit mode to adjust the clipped deviation level - typically +- 5 KHz. (Note: This is not the same as FM-MIC gain and should not be treated as such!) |
| FM Narrow Deviation (+/- 2.5KHz Max) | 004D | 100 | 64 | This adjusts the gain to the Frequency modulator in the "Narrow" FM transmit mode to adjust the clipped deviation level - typically +- 2.5 KHz. (Note: This is not the same as FM-MIC gain and should not be treated as such!) |
| Modulation Meter | 004E | 176 | B0 | This calibrates the sensitivity of the MOD meter. |
| CTCSS Deviation | 004F | 178 | B2 | This sets the amount of deviation provided by the CTCSS (subaudible) tone - typically +-700 Hz or so. |
| DCS Deviation | 0050 | 135 | 87 | This sets the amount of deviation provided by the DCS (Digital Coded Squelch) code - typically +-700 Hz or so. |
| LSB BFO Frequency | 0051 | 0 | 00 | This sets the center of the passband of the SSB filter in the LSB mode for both receive and transmit. |
| USB BFO Frequency | 0052 | 0 | 00 | This sets the center of the passband of the SSB filter in the USB mode for both receive and transmit. |
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