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One file tonal
// # Tonal
// __tonal__ is a functional music theory library. It deals with abstract music
// concepts like picthes and intervals, not actual music.
// `tonal` is also the result of my journey of learning how to implement a music
// theory library in javascript in a functional way.
// You are currently reading the source code of the library. It's written in
// [literate programming]( as
// a tribute to the The Haskell School of Music and it's impressive book/source
// code ["From Signals to
// Symphonies"](
// that has a big influence over tonal development.
// This page is generated using the documentation tool
// [docco](
// #### Prelude
// Parse note names with `note-parser`
const noteParse = require('note-parser').parse
// Parse interval names with `interval-notation`
const ivlNttn = require('interval-notation')
// Utilities
// Is an array?
export const isArr = Array.isArray
// Is a number?
export const isNum = (n) => typeof n === 'number'
// Is string?
export const isStr = (o) => typeof o === 'string'
// Is defined? (can be null)
export const isDef = (o) => typeof o !== 'undefined'
// Is a value?
export const isValue = (v) => v !== null && typeof v !== 'undefined'
// __Functional helpers__
// Identity function
export const id = (x) => x
// ## 1. Pitches
// An array with the signature: `['tnl', fifths, octaves, direction]`:
* Create a pitch class in array notation
* @function
* @param {Integer} fifhts - the number of fifths from C
* @return {Pitch} the pitch in array notation
export const pcArr = (f) => ['tnl', f]
* Create a note pitch in array notation
* @function
* @param {Integer} fifhts - the number of fifths from C
* @param {Integer} octaves - the number of encoded octaves
* @return {Pitch} the pitch in array notation
export const noteArr = (f, o) => ['tnl', f, o]
// calculate interval direction
const calcDir = (f, o) => encDir(7 * f + 12 * o)
* Create an interval in array notation
* @function
* @param {Integer} fifhts - the number of fifths from C
* @param {Integer} octaves - the number of encoded octaves
* @param {Integer} dir - (Optional) the direction
* @return {Pitch} the pitch in array notation
export const ivlPitch = (f, o, d) => ['tnl', f, o, d || calcDir(f, o) ]
* Test if a given object is a pitch
* @function
* @param {Object} obj - the object to test
* @return {Boolean}
export const isPitch = (p) => p && p[0] === 'tnl'
* Test if a given object is a pitch class
* @function
* @param {Object} obj - the object to test
* @return {Boolean}
export const isPitchClass = (p) => isPitch(p) && p.length === 2
* Test if a given object is a pitch with octave (note pitch or interval)
* @function
* @param {Object} obj - the object to test
* @return {Boolean}
export const hasOct = (p) => isPitch(p) && isNum(p[2])
* Test if a given object is a note pitch
* @function
* @param {Object} obj - the object to test
* @return {Boolean}
export const isNotePitch = (p) => hasOct(p) && p.length === 3
* Test if a given object is a pitch interval
* @function
* @param {Object} obj - the object to test
* @return {Boolean}
export const isIvlPitch = (i) => hasOct(i) && isNum(i[3])
* Test if a given object is a pitch, but not an interval
* @function
* @param {Object} obj - the object to test
* @return {Boolean}
export const isPitchNotIvl = (i) => isPitch(i) && !isDef(i[3])
// #### Pitch encoding
// Map from letter step to number of fifths and octaves
// equivalent to: { C: 0, D: 2, E: 4, F: -1, G: 1, A: 3, B: 5 }
const FIFTHS = [0, 2, 4, -1, 1, 3, 5]
// Encode a pitch class using the step number and alteration
const encPC = (step, alt) => FIFTHS[step] + 7 * alt
// Given a number of fifths, return the octaves they span
const fOcts = (f) => Math.floor(f * 7 / 12)
// Get the number of octaves it span each step
const FIFTH_OCTS =
// Encode octaves
const encOct = (step, alt, oct) => oct - FIFTH_OCTS[step] - 4 * alt
// Encode direction
const encDir = (n) => n < 0 ? -1 : 1
* Create a pitch. A pitch in tonal may refer to a pitch class, the pitch
* of a note or an interval.
* @param {Integer} step - an integer from 0 to 6 representing letters
* from C to B or simple interval numbers from unison to seventh
* @param {Integer} alt - the alteration
* @param {Integer} oct - the pitch octave
* @param {Integer} dir - (Optional, intervals only) The interval direction
* @return {Pitch} the pitch encoded as array notation
export function encode (step, alt, oct, dir) {
// is valid step?
if (step < 0 || step > 6) return null
const pc = encPC(step, alt || 0)
// if not octave, return the pitch class
if (!isNum(oct)) return pcArr(pc)
const o = encOct(step, alt, oct)
// if not direction, return a note pitch
if (!isNum(dir)) return noteArr(pc, o)
const d = encDir(dir)
// return the interval
return ivlPitch(d * pc, d * o, d)
// ### Pitch decoding
// remove accidentals to a pitch class
// it gets an array and return a number of fifths
function unaltered (f) {
const i = (f + 1) % 7
return i < 0 ? 7 + i : i
const decodeStep = (f) => STEPS[unaltered(f)]
const decodeAlt = (f) => Math.floor((f + 1) / 7)
// 'FCGDAEB' steps numbers
const STEPS = [3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6]
* Decode a pitch to its numeric properties
* @param {Pitch}
* @return {Object}
export function decode (p) {
const s = decodeStep(p[1])
const a = decodeAlt(p[1])
const o = isNum(p[2]) ? p[2] + 4 * a + FIFTH_OCTS[s] : null
return { step: s, alt: a, oct: o, dir: p[3] || null }
// #### Pitch parsers
// Convert from string to pitches is a quite expensive operation that it's
// executed a lot of times. Some caching will help:
const cached = (parser) => {
const cache = {}
return (str) => {
if (typeof str !== 'string') return null
return cache[str] || (cache[str] = parser(str))
* Parse a note name
* @function
* @param {String}
* @return {Pitch}
export const parseNote = cached((str) => {
const n = noteParse(str)
return n ? encode(n.step, n.alt, n.oct) : null
* Test if the given string is a note name
* @function
* @param {String}
* @return {Boolean}
export const isNoteStr = (s) => parseNote(s) !== null
* Parses an interval name in shorthand notation
* @function
* @param {String}
* @return {Pitch}
export const parseIvl = cached((str) => {
const i = ivlNttn.parse(str)
return i ? encode(i.simple - 1, i.alt, i.oct, i.dir) : null
* Test if the given string is an interval name
* @function
* @param {String}
* @return {Boolean}
export const isIvlPitchStr = (s) => parseIvl(s) !== null
const parsePitch = (str) => parseNote(str) || parseIvl(str)
// ### Pitch to string
* Given a step number return the letter
* @function
* @param {Integer}
* @return {String}
export const toLetter = (s) => 'CDEFGAB'[s % 7]
// Repeat a string num times
const fillStr = (s, num) => Array(Math.abs(num) + 1).join(s)
* Given an alteration number, return the accidentals
* @function
* @param {Integer}
* @return {String}
export const toAcc = (n) => fillStr(n < 0 ? 'b' : '#', n)
const strNum = (n) => n !== null ? n : ''
* Given a pitch class or a pitch note, get the string in scientific
* notation
* @param {Pitch}
* @return {String}
export function strNote (n) {
const p = isPitch(n) && !n[3] ? decode(n) : null
return p ? toLetter(p.step) + toAcc(p.alt) + strNum(p.oct) : null
// is an interval ascending?
const isAsc = (p) => p.dir === 1
// is an interval perfectable?
const isPerf = (p) => ivlNttn.type(p.step + 1) === 'P'
// calculate interval number
const calcNum = (p) => isAsc(p) ? p.step + 1 + 7 * p.oct : (8 - p.step) - 7 * (p.oct + 1)
// calculate interval alteration
const calcAlt = (p) => isAsc(p) ? p.alt : isPerf(p) ? -p.alt : -(p.alt + 1)
* Given an interval, get the string in scientific
* notation
* @param {Pitch}
* @return {String}
export function strIvl (pitch) {
const p = isIvlPitch(pitch) ? decode(pitch) : null
if (!p) return null
const num = calcNum(p)
return p.dir * num + ivlNttn.altToQ(num, calcAlt(p))
const strPitch = (p) => p[3] ? strIvl(p) : strNote(p)
// #### Decorate pitch transform functions
const notation = (parse, str) => (v) => !isPitch(v) ? parse(v) : str(v)
const asNote = notation(parseNote, id)
const asIvl = notation(parseIvl, id)
const asPitch = notation(parsePitch, id)
const toNoteStr = notation(id, strNote)
const toIvlStr = notation(id, strIvl)
const toPitchStr = notation(id, strPitch)
// create a function decorator to work with pitches
const pitchOp = (parse, to) => (fn) => (v) => {
// is value in array notation?...
const isP = isPitch(v)
// then no transformation is required
if (isP) return fn(v)
// else parse the pitch
const p = parse(v)
// if parsed, apply function and back to string
return p ? to(fn(p)) : null
const noteFn = pitchOp(parseNote, toNoteStr)
const ivlFn = pitchOp(parseIvl, toIvlStr)
const pitchFn = pitchOp(parsePitch, toPitchStr)
* Given a string return a note string in scientific notation or null
* if not valid string
* @function
* @param {String}
* @return {String}
* @example
* ['c', 'db3', '2', 'g+', 'gx4'].map(tonal.note)
* // => ['C', 'Db3', null, null, 'G##4']
export const note = noteFn(id)
// #### Pitch properties
* Get pitch class of a note. The note can be a string or a pitch array.
* @function
* @param {String|Pitch}
* @return {String} the pitch class
* @example
* tonal.pc('Db3') // => 'Db'
export const pc = noteFn((p) => [ 'tnl', p[1] ])
* Return the chroma of a pitch.
* @function
* @param {String|Pitch}
* @return {Integer}
export const chroma = pitchFn((n) => {
return 7 * n[1] - 12 * fOcts(n[1])
* Return the letter of a pitch
* @function
* @param {String|Pitch}
* @return {String}
export const letter = noteFn((n) => toLetter(decode(n).step))
export const accidentals = noteFn((n) => toAcc(decode(n).alt))
export const octave = pitchFn((p) => decode(p).oct)
export const simplify = ivlFn(function (i) {
const d = i[3]
const s = decodeStep(d * i[1])
const a = decodeAlt(d * i[1])
return ivlPitch(i[1], -d * (FIFTH_OCTS[s] + 4 * a), d)
export const simplifyAsc = ivlFn((i) => {
var s = simplify(i)
return (s[3] === 1) ? s : ivlPitch(s[1], s[2] + 1, 1)
export const simpleNum = ivlFn(function (i) {
const p = decode(i)
return p.step + 1
export const number = ivlFn((i) => calcNum(decode(i)))
export const quality = ivlFn((i) => {
const p = decode(i)
return ivlNttn.altToQ(p.step + 1, p.alt)
// __semitones__
// get pitch height
const height = (p) => p[1] * 7 + 12 * p[2]
export const semitones = ivlFn(height)
// #### Midi pitch numbers
// The midi note number can have a value between 0-127
* Test if the given number is a valid midi note number
* @function
* @param {Object} num - the number to test
* @return {Boolean} true if it's a valid midi note number
export const isMidi = (m) => isValue(m) && !isArr(m) && m >= 0 && m < 128
// To match the general midi specification where `C4` is 60 we must add 12 to
// `height` function:
* Get midi number for a pitch
* @function
* @param {Array|String} pitch - the pitch
* @return {Integer} the midi number or null if not valid pitch
* @example
* midi('C4') // => 60
export const midi = function (val) {
const p = asNote(val)
return hasOct(p) ? height(p) + 12
: isMidi(val) ? +val
: null
const PCS = 'C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B'.split(' ')
* Given a midi number, returns a note name. The altered notes will have
* flats.
* @function
* @param {Integer} midi - the midi note number
* @return {String} the note name
* @example
* tonal.fromMidi(61) // => 'Db4'
export const fromMidi = (m) => {
const pc = PCS[m % 12]
const o = Math.floor(m / 12) - 1
return pc + o
// #### Frequency conversions
// The most popular way (in western music) to calculate the frequency of a pitch
// is using the [well
// temperament]( tempered tuning.
// It assumes the octave to be divided in 12 equally sized semitones and tune
// all the notes against a reference:
* Get a frequency calculator function that uses well temperament and a tuning reference.
* @function
* @param {Float} ref - the tuning reference
* @return {Function} the frequency calculator. It accepts a pitch in array or scientific notation and returns the frequency in herzs.
export const wellTempered = (ref) => (pitch) => {
const m = midi(pitch)
return m ? Math.pow(2, (m - 69) / 12) * ref : null
// The common tuning reference is `A4 = 440Hz`:
* Get the frequency of a pitch using well temperament scale and A4 equal to 440Hz
* @function
* @param {Array|String} pitch - the pitch to get the frequency from
* @return {Float} the frequency in herzs
* @example
* tonal.freq('C4') // => 261.6255653005986
export const freq = wellTempered(440)
// ==================
// ### 2.1 Tansposition
function trBy (i, p) {
if (p === null) return null
const f = i[1] + p[1]
if (p.length === 2) return [ 'tnl', f ]
const o = i[2] + p[2]
if (p.length === 3) return [ 'tnl', f, o ]
return [ 'tnl', f, o, calcDir(f, o) ]
* Transpose notes. Can be used to add intervals
* @function
export function transpose (a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return (b) => transpose(a, b)
const pa = asPitch(a)
const pb = asPitch(b)
const r = isIvlPitch(pa) ? trBy(pa, pb)
: isIvlPitch(pb) ? trBy(pb, pa) : null
return toPitchStr(r)
* Transpose notes. An alias for `transpose`
* @function
export const tr = transpose
// ### 2.2 Distances (in intervals)
// substract two pitches
function substr (a, b) {
if (a.length !== b.length) return null
return isPitchClass(a)
? ivlPitch(b[1] - a[1], -fOcts(b[1] - a[1]), 1)
: ivlPitch(b[1] - a[1], b[2] - a[2])
* Find distance between two pitches. Both pitches MUST be of the same type.
* Distances between pitch classes always returns ascending intervals.
* Distances between intervals substract one from the other.
* @param {Pitch|String} from - distance from
* @param {Pitch|String} to - distance to
* @return {Interval} the distance between pitches
* @example
* var tonal = require('tonal')
* tonal.distance('C2', 'C3') // => 'P8'
* tonal.distance('G', 'B') // => 'M3'
* tonal.distance('M2', 'P5') // => 'P4'
export function distance (a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return (b) => distance(a, b)
const pa = asPitch(a)
const pb = asPitch(b)
const i = substr(pa, pb)
// if a and b are in array notation, no conversion back
return a === pa && b === pb ? i : toIvlStr(i)
* An alias for `distance`
* @function
export const dist = distance
* An alias for `distance`
* @function
export const interval = distance
// ## 3. Lists
// items can be separated by spaces, bars and commas
const SEP = /\s*\|\s*|\s*,\s*|\s+/
* Split a string by spaces (or commas or bars). Always returns an array, even if its empty
* @param {String|Array|Object} source - the thing to get an array from
* @return {Array} the object as an array
export function asArr (src) {
return isArr(src) ? src
: typeof src === 'string' ? src.trim().split(SEP)
: (src === null || typeof src === 'undefined') ? []
: [ src ]
* Map a list with a function
* Can be partially applied.
* @param {Function}
* @param {String|Array}
* @return {Array}
export function map (fn, list) {
return arguments.length > 1 ? map(fn)(list) : (l) => asArr(l).map(fn)
* Filter a list with a function
* Can be partially applied.
* @param {Function}
* @param {String|Array}
* @return {Array}
export function filter (fn, list) {
return arguments.length > 1 ? filter(fn)(list) : (l) => asArr(l).filter(fn)
// #### Transform lists in array notation
const listToStr = (v) => isPitch(v) ? toPitchStr(v) : isArr(v) ? : v
* Decorates a function to work with lists in pitch array notation
* @function
export const listFn = (fn) => (src) => {
const param = asArr(src).map(asPitch)
const result = fn(param)
return listToStr(result)
// #### Transpose lists
* Create an harmonizer: a function that given a note returns a list of notes.
* @function
* @param {String|Array} list
* @return {Function}
export const harmonizer = (list) => (pitch) => {
return listFn((list) => || 'P1')).filter(id))(list)
* Harmonizes a list with a pitch
* @function
* @param {String|Array} list
* @param {String|Pitch} pitch
* @return {Array}
export const harmonize = function (list, pitch) {
return arguments.length > 1 ? harmonizer(list)(pitch) : harmonizer(list)
// #### Ranges
// ascending range
const ascR = (b, n) => { for (var a = []; n-- ; a[n] = n + b ); return a; }
// descending range
const descR = (b, n) => { for (var a = []; n-- ; a[n] = b - n ) ; return a; }
* Create a range. It works with numbers or note names
* @function
export function range (a, b) {
const ma = isNum(a) ? a : midi(a)
const mb = isNum(b) ? b : midi(b)
return ma === null || mb === null ? []
: ma < mb ? ascR(ma, mb - ma + 1) : descR(ma, ma - mb + 1)
* Create a note range
* @function
export function noteRange (fn, a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return (a, b) => noteRange(fn, a, b)
return range(a, b).map(fn).filter((x) => x !== null )
* Create a range of chromatic notes
* @function
* @example
* tonal.chromatic('C2', 'E2') // => ['C2', 'Db2', 'D2', 'Eb2', 'E2']
export const chromatic = noteRange(fromMidi)
// #### Cycle of fifths
* Transpose a tonic a number of perfect fifths.
* @function
export function fifthsFrom (t, n) {
if (arguments.length > 1) return fifthsFrom(t)(n)
return (n) => tr(t, ivlPitch(n, 0))
// #### Sort lists
const objHeight = function (p) {
if (!p) return -Infinity
const f = p[1] * 7
const o = isNum(p[2]) ? p[2] : -Math.floor(f / 12) - 10
return f + o * 12
const ascComp = (a, b) => objHeight(a) - objHeight(b)
const descComp = (a, b) => -ascComp(a, b)
export function sort (comp, list) {
if (arguments.length > 1) return sort(comp)(list)
const fn = comp === true || comp === null ? ascComp
: comp === false ? descComp : comp
return listFn((arr) => arr.sort(fn))
// Fin.
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