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Created June 28, 2023 10:57
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Obsidian command palette remap Ctrl+P / Ctrl+J
import { App, Editor, MarkdownView, Modal, Notice, Plugin, PluginSettingTab, Setting } from 'obsidian';
// Remember to rename these classes and interfaces!
interface MyPluginSettings {
mySetting: string;
const DEFAULT_SETTINGS: MyPluginSettings = {
mySetting: 'default'
function isKeyRelevant(document, event) {
return document.activeElement && document.activeElement.hasClass('prompt-input') && event.ctrlKey
export default class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
settings: MyPluginSettings;
async onload() {
await this.loadSettings();
document.addEventListener('keydown',(e) =>{
if (isKeyRelevant(document, e) && e.code == "KeyJ"){
document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown",{"key":"ArrowDown","code":"ArrowDown"}))
document.addEventListener('keydown',(e) =>{
if (isKeyRelevant(document, e) && e.code == "KeyK"){
document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown",{"key":"ArrowUp","code":"ArrowUp"}))
onunload() {
async loadSettings() {
this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, await this.loadData());
async saveSettings() {
await this.saveData(this.settings);
class SampleModal extends Modal {
constructor(app: App) {
onOpen() {
const {contentEl} = this;
onClose() {
const {contentEl} = this;
class SampleSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab {
plugin: MyPlugin;
constructor(app: App, plugin: MyPlugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
display(): void {
const {containerEl} = this;
containerEl.createEl('h2', {text: 'Settings for my awesome plugin.'});
new Setting(containerEl)
.setName('Setting #1')
.setDesc('It\'s a secret')
.addText(text => text
.setPlaceholder('Enter your secret')
.onChange(async (value) => {
console.log('Secret: ' + value);
this.plugin.settings.mySetting = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
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