I hereby claim:
- I am danijeljw on github.
- I am danijeljw (https://keybase.io/danijeljw) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCjOrqQzEnZdFxB03OMRwOPVhTCH_0XkB-JSTMq1Fcggwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# Contribution License Agreement | |
This Contribution License Agreement ("Agreement") is agreed to by the party signing below ("You"), | |
and conveys certain license rights to RePass Cloud Pty Ltd and its affiliates ("RePass Cloud") for Your | |
contributions to RePass Cloud open source projects. This Agreement is effective as of the latest signature | |
date below. | |
## 1. Definitions | |
**"Code"** means the computer software code, whether in human-readable or machine-executable form, | |
that is delivered by You to RePass Cloud under this Agreement. |
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/projects.html | |
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues.html | |
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/notes.html | |
# Project List | |
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'='xxxxx' } -Uri http://xxxxx/api/v4/projects/ | |
$r | Sort-Object -Property id | Format-Table -Property id, name | |
# Issues List | |
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'='xxxxx' } -Uri http://xxxxx/api/v4/projects/<xx>/issues |
########## | |
# Tweaked Win10 Initial Setup Script | |
# Primary Author: Disassembler <disassembler@dasm.cz> | |
# Modified by: alirobe <alirobe@alirobe.com> based on my personal preferences. | |
# Version: 2.20.2, 2018-09-14 | |
# Primary Author Source: https://github.com/Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script | |
# Tweaked Source: https://gist.github.com/alirobe/7f3b34ad89a159e6daa1/ | |
# Tweak difference: | |
# | |
# @alirobe's version is a subset focused on safely disabling telemetry, some 'smart' features and 3rd party bloat ... |
function Function-Name { | |
<# | |
.Synopsis | |
The short function description. | |
.Description | |
The long function description | |
.Example | |
C:\PS>Function-Name -param "Param Value" | |
This example does something |
$K = Read-Host "Full UNC path of friver folder" | |
CD $K | |
Get-ChilItem *.inf -recurse | ForEach-Object { | |
pnputil /i /a $_.FullName | |
} | |
shutdown /r /t 100 |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# Kick off with sudo request | |
sudo -v | |
# Keep-alive: update existing sudo time stamp if set, otherwise do nothing. | |
while true; do sudo -n true; sleep 60; kill -0 "$$" || exit; done 2>/dev/null & | |
# Kill sudo when done, no password required: | |
sudo -k |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
brew update | |
brew cask update | |
casks=( $(brew cask list) ) | |
for cask in ${casks[@]} | |
do | |
# in the first line there is version |
Aujourd'hui, certes, nous ne voyons que d'une manière indirecte, comme dans un miroir. Alors, nous verrons directement. Dans le temps présent, je connais d'une manière partielle, mais alors je connaîtrai comme vous me connaît. | |
En somme, trois choses demeurent: la foi, l'espérance et l'amour, mais la plus grande d'entre elles, c'est l'amour. |