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Last active December 18, 2020 07:28
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Tarantool Quick Test
// Tarantool quick test
// Copyright, Dennis Anikin 2016
// Quick disclaimer:
// This test shows 500K-1000K transactions per second on one CPU core
// and 600K-1600K queries per second on one CPU core.
// Based on the $6.57 per-month-price for the AWS t2.micro instance we can afford the tremendous number of 630bln queries for just $1
// A typical output of this test should look like this:
// Here is a quick instruction how to run this test on Centos 6.x machines. All you need to run this
// test is a couple of such machines.
// Try to do the following things from point 1 to point 37
// Getting ready:
// 1. Launch two AWS t2.micro instances with AWS Linux: or
// two Google 1v CPU instances on Centos 6.x: Otherwise you
// can use any Centos 6.x instances on any cloud platform or in your own datacenter.
// 2. Connect via SSH terminal to both of them.
// 3. Head over to
// 4. Click Amazon Linux.
// 5. Copy the command set.
// 6. Open the server terminal
// 7. Paste everything to the console and press Enter.
// 8. Press “y” and then enter whenever the console asks you to do so.
// 9. sudo ln -sf /etc/tarantool/instances.available/example.lua /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/example.lua
// 10. sudo sed "s/space:create_index('primary')/space:create_index('primary', {type='HASH'})/g" -i /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/example.lua
// 11. sudo sed 's/wal_mode = ".*"/wal_mode = "write"/g' -i /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/example.lua
// 11.5 sudo sed "s/listen = 'localhost:3301';/listen = '*:3301';/g" -i /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/example.lua
// 12. sudo tarantoolctl start example
// 13. Open the client terminal
// 14. Head over to
// 15. Click Amazon Linux.
// 16. Copy the command set except the last line.
// 17. Paste everything to the console and press Enter.
// 18. Press “y” and then Enter whenever the console asks you to do so.
// 19. sudo yum -y install tarantool-c tarantool-c-devel
// 20. Press “y” and then Enter whenever the console asks you to do so.
// 20.5. Copy-paste the following command to the console and press Enter
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/tarantool_1_6.repo <<- EOF
name=EnterpriseLinux-\$releasever - Tarantool
name=EnterpriseLinux-\$releasever - Tarantool Sources
// The test
// in the client console
// 21. mkdir tar_test
// 22. cd tar_test
// 23. cat >tar_test.c // Then copy and paste the whole file tar_test.c that you're reading to the console and press CTRL+D
// 24. sudo yum install gcc
// 25. cc -g -lpthread -O3 -std=gnu99 tar_test.c -ltarantool -o tar_test
// In the server console
// 26. ifconfig
// 27. Copy IP address.
// In the client console
// 28. ./tar_test write 3 10000000 // Substitute with the IP address pasted from the clipboard.
// 29. See one million transactions per second!!!
// In the server console
// 30. top // CPU is the bottleneck.
// 31. sudo ls -la /var/lib/tarantool/example // Number of xlogs is growing and xlogs size is growing.
// 32. sudo yum install sysstat
// 33. iostat -x 3 // Disk is 15-20% busy, 100-120K sectore per second
// 34. fdisk -l // The sector size is 512 bytes. Which means that totally we commit transactions at the speed of 50-60Mb per second.
// In the client console
// 35. ./tar_test read 5 10000000 // Substitute with the server IP that you got above and you'll get
// 700K-1600K queries per second.
// In the server console
// 36. top // 30-40% CPU is used.
// 37. iostat -x 3 // No disk activity.
// The bottom line:
// One million transactions per second on one CPU core!
// 700K-1600K queries per second on 1/3 CPU core!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <tarantool/tarantool.h>
#include <tarantool/tnt_net.h>
#include <tarantool/tnt_opt.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// General parameters
typedef struct test_params
char address[256];
int is_read_test;
int num_ops;
} test_params;
// Parameters per thread
typedef struct thread_data
test_params *tp;
long long num_requests, num_responses;
struct tnt_stream *tnt;
} thread_data;
int NUM_THREADS = 30;
// The thread that reads responses
void *read_thread(void *ctx)
thread_data *td = (thread_data*)ctx;
struct tnt_stream *tnt = td->tnt;
struct tnt_reply reply;
int num_errs = 0;
// Iterate through all the operations
for (int i = 0; i < td->tp->num_ops; ++i)
// Read a reply
int r = tnt->read_reply(tnt, &reply);
if (r == 1)
// This means that we're reading responses way to fast and there is nothing in the socket
// Let's just wait a little bit
// It is better to wait 1 ms one in a while than to use mutex every time in terms of CPU usage
if (r == -1)
printf("Read reply failed %s\n", reply.error);
// To many errors
if (num_errs >= 5)
num_errs = 0;
void *do_test(void *ctx)
thread_data *td = (thread_data*)ctx;
struct tnt_stream *tnt = tnt_net(NULL);
td->tnt = tnt;
tnt_set(tnt, TNT_OPT_URI, td->tp->address);
// Connect to the Tarantool server
if (tnt_connect(tnt) < 0)
printf("Connection refused\n");
struct tnt_stream *tuple = tnt_object(NULL);
int k = (int)time(NULL);
struct timeval tv, prev_tv;
// Create the thread that reads responses
pthread_t read_pid;
int r = pthread_create(&read_pid, NULL, &read_thread, td);
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "multithread_test: could not create thread, r=%d, errno='%s'\n", r, strerror(errno));
// Iterate through all the operations
for (int i = 0; i < td->tp->num_ops; ++i)
// Form a request to a server
if (td->tp->is_read_test)
tnt_object_add_array(tuple, 1);
tnt_object_add_int(tuple, k + i);
tnt_select(tnt, 512, 0, UINT32_MAX, 0, 0, tuple);
tnt_object_add_array(tuple, 2);
tnt_object_add_int(tuple, k + i);
tnt_object_add_int(tuple, k + i);
tnt_replace(tnt, 512, tuple);
// Send a request to the server
// Join the read thread before clear all the resources
void *v;
pthread_join(read_pid, &v);
// The thread that prints statistics one in a second
void *timer_thread(void *ctx)
thread_data *tds = (thread_data*)ctx;
long long prev_reqs = 0, prev_resps = 0;
while (1)
long long reqs = 0, resps = 0;
for (int i = 0;i < NUM_THREADS;++i)
reqs += tds[i].num_requests;
resps += tds[i].num_responses;
long long rps = reqs - prev_reqs, rps2 = resps - prev_resps;
// If nothing is happening and the pending queue is empty then stop
if (!rps && !rps2 && reqs == resps)
// Latency is very rough here. See RPS instead. The main target of this test was RPS
printf("Requests per second: %d, Responses per second: %d, Pending requests: %d, Latency: %f ms\n",
(int)rps, (int)rps2, (int)(reqs-resps), 1000.0 * (reqs-resps) / rps2);
prev_reqs = reqs;
prev_resps = resps;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 5)
printf("Usage: tar_test address:port read|write num_threads num_ops\n");
return 0;
test_params tp;
if (strlen(argv[1]) < 255)
strcpy(tp.address, argv[1]);
fprintf(stderr, "Address is too long\n");
return 1;
tp.is_read_test = !strcmp(argv[2], "read");
NUM_THREADS = atoi(argv[3]);
tp.num_ops = atoi(argv[4]);
pthread_t pids[NUM_THREADS];
thread_data tds[NUM_THREADS];
// Start all the threads
for (int i = 0;i < NUM_THREADS;++i)
tds[i].tp = &tp;
tds[i].num_requests = tds[i].num_responses = 0;
int r = pthread_create(pids + i, NULL, &do_test, tds + i);
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "multithread_test: could not create thread, i=%d, r=%d, errno='%s'\n", i, r, strerror(errno));
// Start a timer thread
pthread_t timer_pid;
int r = pthread_create(&timer_pid, NULL, &timer_thread, tds);
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "multithread_test: could not create thread, r=%d, errno='%s'\n", r, strerror(errno));
// Join all the threads
for (int i = 0;i < NUM_THREADS;++i)
void *v;
int r = pthread_join(pids[i], &v);
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "multithread_test: could not join thread, i=%d, r=%d, errno='%s'\n", i, r, strerror(errno));
// Join the timer thread
void *v;
pthread_join(timer_pid, &v);
return 0;
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I get connection refused on local server

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I know the culprit. In tarantool 1.10.2 when you do: sudo tarantoolctl start example it does it from instances.available instead of instances.enable, so just do sed in instances.available and everything will be a breeze.

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