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Created September 21, 2012 05:13
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Eruption explosive doomsday calculation
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Sep 19 05:54:37 2012
Eruption explosive doomsday calculation.
Copyright (C) 2012 Danilo de Jesus da Silva Bellini
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Problem description:
Given a generic 2D map with volcanos and cities, such as:
Where X are the volcanos and * are the cities (or any representation without
data loss). After one day, each volcano cloud destroy a neighbor space (but
diagonals), so the map above after one day become like:
And so on, where the volcano cloud is interpreted as new volcanos.
Find the number of days until all cities gets destroyed by a volcano.
import unittest
import sys
import copy
# =========================
# Solution one: assignments
# =========================
def doomsday(scenario):
# Find the number of columns, assuming the scenario is a rectangle
cols = len(scenario.split("\n", 1)[0])
# Alternative:
#cols = scenario.find("\n") if "\n" in scenario else len(scenario)
# Find the scenario index for all volcanos and cities (generators)
volcanos = (pos for pos, data in enumerate(scenario) if data == "X")
cities = (pos for pos, data in enumerate(scenario) if data == "*")
# Gets the coords (row, col) from the indexes
coords_volcano = [divmod(volcano, cols + 1) for volcano in volcanos]
coords_city = [divmod(city, cols + 1) for city in cities]
# Manhattan distance from each vc (volcano coords) and cc (city coords)
man_distance = lambda vc, cc: abs(vc[0] - cc[0]) + abs(vc[1] - cc[1])
# Find last city to be destroyed (max days), where nearest volcano destroy
# each city (min days, for each city)
return max(min(man_distance(vc, cc)
for vc in coords_volcano)
for cc in coords_city)
# =======================
# Solution two: one-liner
# =======================
def doomsday_oneliner(scenario):
# Function from "doomsday" assignments version, but as one statement
return (lambda cols:
max(min(abs(vc[0] - cc[0]) + abs(vc[1] - cc[1])
for vc in (divmod(volcano, cols + 1)
for volcano in (pos
for pos, data
in enumerate(scenario)
if data == "X")))
for cc in (divmod(city, cols + 1)
for city in (pos
for pos, data
in enumerate(scenario)
if data == "*")))
)(len(scenario.split("\n", 1)[0]))
# ===============================
# Solution three: object-oriented
# ===============================
class Cell(object):
""" Main class for all cell objects """
def __init__(self, parent, row, col):
self.parent = parent
self.row = row
self.col = col
class VolcanoCell(Cell):
""" This class represents a volcano """
def neighbor_coords(self):
""" Generator for neighbor coords that should be destroyed! """
if self.row > 0:
yield (self.row - 1, self.col)
if self.row < self.parent.rows - 1:
yield (self.row + 1, self.col)
if self.col > 0:
yield (self.row, self.col - 1)
if self.col < self.parent.cols - 1:
yield (self.row, self.col + 1)
class CityCell(Cell):
""" This class represents a city """
class Scenario(object):
""" A rectangle scenario as an iterable cell container """
def __init__(self, scenario_str):
""" Constructor from a string """
lines = scenario_str.strip("\n").splitlines() # Remove ending "\n" first
self.rows = len(lines)
self.cols = len(lines[0])
# Initialize with empty cells
self._cell_container = [[None for unused1 in xrange(self.cols)]
for unused2 in xrange(self.rows)]
# Creates all cells
for row, line_data in enumerate(lines):
for col, data in enumerate(line_data):
self[row, col] = {".": Cell,
"X": VolcanoCell,
"*": CityCell
}[data](self, row, col)
def __iter__(self):
""" Scenario iterator (generator) """
for row in xrange(self.rows):
for col in xrange(self.cols):
yield self[row, col]
def has_cities(self):
""" Is there at least one city in this scenario? """
for cell in self:
if isinstance(cell, CityCell):
return True
return False
def doomsday(self):
""" Calculate the doomsday creating new scenarios recursively """
if self.has_cities():
return 1 + self.one_day_after().doomsday()
return 0
def one_day_after(self):
""" Create a new scenario where all volcanos got 1 step further """
new_scenario = copy.deepcopy(self)
new_volcano_coords = set()
for cell in new_scenario:
# Ensure the cell is really a copy (this fails with copy.copy)
assert cell is not self._cell_container[cell.row][cell.col]
# Updates the copy to know his real parent
cell.parent = new_scenario
# We need to know all volcano cells
if isinstance(cell, VolcanoCell):
for coords in cell.neighbor_coords():
# Now we have a volcano in all volcano's neighbor cells
for row, col in new_volcano_coords:
new_scenario[row, col] = VolcanoCell(new_scenario, row, col)
return new_scenario
def __getitem__(self, item):
""" Allows access to scn[row, col] """
row, col = item
return self._cell_container[row][col]
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
""" Allows scn[row, col] = value assignment, where item = (row, col) """
row, col = item
self._cell_container[row][col] = value
def doomsday_object_oriented(scenario):
return Scenario(scenario).doomsday()
# =========================
# Solution four: functional
# =========================
def doomsday_functional(scenario):
# Manhattan distance between 2 coord pairs
man_distance = lambda vc, cc: abs(vc[0] - cc[0]) + abs(vc[1] - cc[1])
# Find (row, col) tuple for each string index in the scenario input
coords = lambda pos, total_cols: divmod(pos, total_cols + 1)
# Finds the number of columns of a given string
cols = lambda string_data: len(string_data.split("\n", 1)[0])
# Given all coords, find the doomsday recursively
days_from_coords = (lambda coords_city, coords_volcano:
map(lambda cc:
map(lambda vc:
man_distance(vc, cc),
# Returns all coords from the given string which have the given item
# Item is "X" (volcano) or "*" (city)
get_all_coords = (lambda string_data: lambda item:
lambda (pos, data): coords(pos, cols(string_data)),
filter(lambda (pos, data): data == item,
# Connect the parts and finish
return days_from_coords(*map(get_all_coords(scenario),
["*", "X"]
# ==================================
# Solution five: functional oneliner
# ==================================
doomsday_functional_oneliner = (lambda scenario:
(lambda coords_city, coords_volcano:
map(lambda cc:
map(lambda vc:
abs(vc[0] - cc[0]) + abs(vc[1] - cc[1]),
)(*map(lambda item: # Item is "X" (volcano) or "*" (city)
lambda (pos, data): divmod(pos,
len(scenario.split("\n", 1)[0]) + 1
filter(lambda (pos, data): data == item,
["*", "X"]
# ========
# Testers!
# ========
def snake2camel(name):
return name.title().replace("_", "")
def create_tester(doomfunc):
""" Function to create & register TestCase subclasses to test doomfunc """
class DoomsdayTesterTemplate(unittest.TestCase):
def test_linear_1_day(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("X*"), 1)
def test_linear_2_days(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("X.*"), 2)
def test_linear_2_days_rightpad(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("X.*."), 2)
def test_linear_2_cities_2_days_rightpad(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*X.*."), 2)
def test_linear_2_cities_3_days(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*X..*"), 3)
def test_linear_2_cities_3_days_2_volcanos(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*X.X..*"), 3)
def test_vertical_1_day(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*" "\n"
), 1)
def test_vertical_2_days(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*" "\n"
"*" "\n"
), 2)
def test_vertical_1_day_upperpad(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("." "\n"
"*" "\n"
), 1)
def test_2x2_1_day(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc(".." "\n"
), 1)
def test_5x7_4_days(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("..*...." "\n"
"..*..*." "\n"
"...X*.." "\n"
"......." "\n"
), 4)
def test_6x9_7_days_2_volcanos(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("..*....*." "\n"
"..*..*..." "\n"
"...X*...." "\n"
"*........" "\n"
".*......." "\n"
), 7)
def test_3x11_2_days_3_volcanos_residual_newline(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*X......." "\n"
"........." "\n"
".X.*....X" "\n"
), 2)
def test_3x11_2_days_3_volcanos(self):
self.assertEqual(doomfunc("*X......." "\n"
"........." "\n"
), 2)
# Creates a PEP8-compliant class name
DoomsdayTesterTemplate.__name__ = snake2camel(doomfunc.__name__) + "Tester"
# Register the class in the namespace we're in
# Creates all testers we want (local names that starts with "doomsday")
names = filter(lambda key: key.startswith("doomsday"), locals().keys())
for name in names: # The locals() dict should be kept away from "for" loops
create_tester(locals()[name]) # This changes locals()!!!
if __name__ == "__main__":
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