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Created July 20, 2017 03:32
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# Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
### This file contains commonly used overrides for convenience. Please inspect
### the defaults for each role to find additional override options.
## Debug and Verbose options.
debug: true
## Common Glance Overrides
# Set glance_default_store to "swift" if using Cloud Files backend
# or "rbd" if using ceph backend; the latter will trigger ceph to get
# installed on glance. If using a file store, a shared file store is
# recommended. See the OpenStack-Ansible install guide and the OpenStack
# documentation for more details.
# Note that "swift" is automatically set as the default back-end if there
# are any swift hosts in the environment. Use this setting to override
# this automation if you wish for a different default back-end.
glance_default_store: rbd
## Ceph pool name for Glance to use
glance_rbd_store_pool: glance-images
glance_rbd_store_chunk_size: 8
## Common Nova Overrides
# When nova_libvirt_images_rbd_pool is defined, ceph will be installed on nova
# hosts.
nova_libvirt_images_rbd_pool: ephemeral-vms
nova_force_config_drive: False
live_migration_uri: qemu+ssh://nova@%s/system?keyfile=/var/lib/nova/.ssh/id_rsa&no_verify=1
# If you wish to change the dhcp_domain configured for both nova and neutron
## Common Glance Overrides when using a Swift back-end
# By default when 'glance_default_store' is set to 'swift' the playbooks will
# expect to use the Swift back-end that is configured in the same inventory.
# If the Swift back-end is not in the same inventory (ie it is already setup
# through some other means) then these settings should be used.
# NOTE: Ensure that the auth version matches your authentication endpoint.
# NOTE: If the password for glance_swift_store_key contains a dollar sign ($),
# it must be escaped with an additional dollar sign ($$), not a backslash. For
# example, a password of "super$ecure" would need to be entered as
# "super$$ecure" below. See Launchpad Bug #1259729 for more details.
# glance_swift_store_auth_version: 3
# glance_swift_store_auth_address: ""
# glance_swift_store_user: "OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID:OPENSTACK_USER_NAME"
# glance_swift_store_key: "OPENSTACK_USER_PASSWORD"
# glance_swift_store_container: "NAME_OF_SWIFT_CONTAINER"
# glance_swift_store_region: "NAME_OF_REGION"
cinder_ceph_client: cinder
cephx: true
## Common Ceph Overrides
## Custom Ceph Configuration File (ceph.conf)
# By default, your deployment host will connect to one of the mons defined above to
# obtain a copy of your cluster's ceph.conf. If you prefer, uncomment ceph_conf_file
# and customise to avoid ceph.conf being copied from a mon.
#ceph_conf_file: |
# [global]
# fsid = 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
# mon_initial_members = mon1.example.local,mon2.example.local,mon3.example.local
# mon_host =,,
# # optionally, you can use this construct to avoid defining this list twice:
# # mon_host = {{ ceph_mons|join(',') }}
# auth_cluster_required = cephx
# auth_service_required = cephx
# By default, openstack-ansible configures all OpenStack services to talk to
# RabbitMQ over encrypted connections on port 5671. To opt-out of this default,
# set the rabbitmq_use_ssl variable to 'false'. The default setting of 'true'
# is highly recommended for securing the contents of RabbitMQ messages.
# rabbitmq_use_ssl: false
# RabbitMQ management plugin is enabled by default, the guest user has been
# removed for security reasons and a new userid 'monitoring' has been created
# with the 'monitoring' user tag. In order to modify the userid, uncomment the
# following and change 'monitoring' to your userid of choice.
# rabbitmq_monitoring_userid: monitoring
## Additional pinning generator that will allow for more packages to be pinned as you see fit.
## All pins allow for package and versions to be defined. Be careful using this as versions
## are always subject to change and updates regarding security will become your problem from this
## point on. Pinning can be done based on a package version, release, or origin. Use "*" in the
## package name to indicate that you want to pin all package to a particular constraint.
# apt_pinned_packages:
# - { package: "lxc", version: "1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1" }
# - { package: "libvirt-bin", version: "1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.9" }
# - { package: "rabbitmq-server", origin: "" }
# - { package: "*", release: "MariaDB" }
## Environment variable settings
# This allows users to specify the additional environment variables to be set
# which is useful in setting where you working behind a proxy. If working behind
# a proxy It's important to always specify the scheme as "http://". This is what
# the underlying python libraries will handle best. This proxy information will be
# placed both on the hosts and inside the containers.
## Example environment variable setup:
## (1) This sets up a permanent environment, used during and after deployment:
# proxy_env_url: http://username:pa$$w0rd@
# no_proxy_env: "localhost,,{{ internal_lb_vip_address }},{{ external_lb_vip_address }},{% for host in groups['all_containers'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['container_address'] }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
# global_environment_variables:
# HTTP_PROXY: "{{ proxy_env_url }}"
# HTTPS_PROXY: "{{ proxy_env_url }}"
# NO_PROXY: "{{ no_proxy_env }}"
# http_proxy: "{{ proxy_env_url }}"
# https_proxy: "{{ proxy_env_url }}"
# no_proxy: "{{ no_proxy_env }}"
## (2) This is applied only during deployment, nothing is left after deployment is complete:
# deployment_environment_variables:
# http_proxy: http://username:pa$$w0rd@
# https_proxy: http://username:pa$$w0rd@
# no_proxy: "localhost,,{{ internal_lb_vip_address }},{{ external_lb_vip_address }}"
## SSH connection wait time
# If an increased delay for the ssh connection check is desired,
# uncomment this variable and set it appropriately.
ssh_delay: 10
## HAProxy
# Uncomment this to disable keepalived installation (cf. documentation)
haproxy_use_keepalived: True
# HAProxy Keepalived configuration (cf. documentation)
# Make sure that this is set correctly according to the CIDR used for your
# internal and external addresses.
#haproxy_keepalived_external_vip_cidr: "{{external_lb_vip_address}}/32"
haproxy_keepalived_internal_vip_cidr: ""
haproxy_keepalived_internal_interface: br-mgmt
keepalived_use_latest_stable: True
# Defines the default VRRP id used for keepalived with haproxy.
# Overwrite it to your value to make sure you don't overlap
# with existing VRRPs id on your network. Default is 10 for the external and 11 for the
# internal VRRPs
# haproxy_keepalived_external_virtual_router_id:
# haproxy_keepalived_internal_virtual_router_id:
# Defines the VRRP master/backup priority. Defaults respectively to 100 and 20
# haproxy_keepalived_priority_master:
# haproxy_keepalived_priority_backup:
# Keepalived default IP address used to check its alive status (IPv4 only)
# keepalived_ping_address: ""
# All the previous variables are used in a var file, fed to the keepalived role.
# To use another file to feed the role, override the following var:
# haproxy_keepalived_vars_file: 'vars/configs/keepalived_haproxy.yml'
openstack_service_publicuri_proto: http
openstack_external_ssl: false
haproxy_ssl: false
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