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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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require 'httparty'
class SmartWallet
include HTTParty
KEY = 'E485075C-A77D-404A-A966-72AD93E1CB7D'
def self.create_account
url = ''
account_url = "#{url}/Account"
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'SmartWalletKey' => KEY
query = {
'AccountReference': 'GenericReference',
'Addresses': [
'AddressNumber': '42',
'City': 'Rio de Janeiro',
'Complement': '',
'Country': 'Brasil',
'District': '',
'State': 'RJ',
'StreetAddress': 'GenericStreet',
'ZipCode': '123465'
'DbaName': 'Arthur',
'DocumentNumber': '123456789',
'DocumentType': 'CNPJ',
'Email': '',
'FinancialDetails': [
'Bank': {
'AccountNumber': '000',
'AgencyNumber': '123456',
'BankCode': '789'
'Destination': 'sample',
'Email': ''
'LegalName': 'Arthur Dent',
'MCC': 0042,
'PhoneNumber': '9999999999',
'RequestKey': '4636d485-583e-4f7d-a776-bdc4d9654950',
'SmartWalletKey': KEY,
'SocialUserName': ''
}, body: JSON.dump(query), headers: headers )
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