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Created December 4, 2023 14:39
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Plot a boxplot comparing a quantitative (dependent) variable in three groups (defined by the independent variable) applying most common statistical tests. Pvalues or stars like in PRISM.
from decimal import Decimal
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
import itertools
def plotBoxplotWithTest3Groups(df: pd.DataFrame, depVar: str, indVar: str, ax: plt.Axes, test: str, prop=None, explicitP=False) -> plt.Axes:
Plot a Boxplot with a statistical test between three groups.
The test can be chosen between Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney or T-test.
The p-value can be shown explicitly or with stars.
- df: pd.DataFrame
- depVar: str, the dependent variable
- indVar: str, the independent variable. Has 3 diffeent values
- ax: plt.Axes, an existing axes. This is made for better shape control
- test: str, the test to perform. Can be 'kruskal', 'mann-whitney' or 'ttest'
- prop: matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties, optional. Font properties for the text
- explicitP: bool, whether to show the p-value explicitly or with stars
vals = df[depVar].unique().tolist()
if len(vals) != 3:
raise ValueError("The dependent variable must have 3 different values")
data=df, x=depVar, y=indVar,
vals[0]: "#EF3B2C",
vals[1]: "#20A39E",
vals[2]: "#F2A900"
}, ax=ax, width=.5, showfliers=False)
IQR = df[indVar].quantile(.75) - df[indVar].quantile(.25)
# get value until 1.5 times the interquartile range
max_val = df[indVar].median() + (IQR*2)
statTest = None
if test.upper() == "KRUSKAL":
statTest = stats.kruskal
if test.upper() == "MANN-WHITNEY":
statTest = stats.mannwhitneyu
if test.upper() == "TTEST":
statTest = stats.ttest_ind
if not test.upper() in ["KRUSKAL", "MANN-WHITNEY", "TTEST"]:
raise ValueError("Test not recognized. Please choose between 'kruskal', 'mann-whitney' or 'ttest'")
# now iterate through the values of the dependent variable two by two and performs the test
# get the combinations
combinations = list(itertools.combinations(vals, 2))
# get the y range
yrange = ax.get_ylim()[1]
for i in range(len(combinations)):
value1 = combinations[i][0]
value2 = combinations[i][1]
# get indices from vals
indices = [vals.index(value1), vals.index(value2)]
# get the max value using a subset of the dataframe made by the two values
# use only the column which has the highest value
IQR = df.loc[df[depVar].isin([value1, value2])][indVar].quantile(.75) - df.loc[df[depVar].isin([value1, value2])][indVar].quantile(.25)
max_val = df.loc[df[depVar].isin([value1, value2])][indVar].median() + (IQR*1.5)
# do the test
pval = statTest(df.loc[df[depVar] == value1][indVar],df.loc[df[depVar] == value2][indVar], nan_policy='omit')[1]
[indices[0], indices[0], indices[1], indices[1]],
[max_val+(yrange*0.04), max_val+(yrange*0.05), max_val+(yrange*0.05), max_val+(yrange*0.04)],
toWrite = ""
if not explicitP:
if pval < 0.0001:
toWrite = "***"
elif pval < 0.001:
toWrite = "**"
elif pval > 0.001 and pval < 0.05:
toWrite = "*"
toWrite = "ns"
x=(indices[0] + indices[1])/2, y=max_val+(yrange*0.05), s=toWrite, ha= "center", size=14, weight="bold", color="0.2")
pval = Decimal(pval)
toWrite = "p: {:.2e}".format(pval)
x=(indices[0] + indices[1])/2, y=max_val+(yrange*0.08), s=toWrite, ha="center", size=12, color="0.2")
for axis in ["bottom","left"]:
for item in ([ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
return ax
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