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Last active April 15, 2024 15:05
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import cyvcf2
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
import os
import time
import glob
import argparse
import re
import numpy as np
import shutil
from multiprocessing import Pool
def phred_to_prob(phred: float):
return 10**(-phred/10)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-v', '--vcf', type=str, help='VCF file')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--patient', type=str, help='Patient name')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfolder', type=str, help='Output folder')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--alleles', type=str, help='Single line allele file with alleles separated by commas')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--ncpus', type=int, default=10, help='Number of CPUs to use')
return parser.parse_args()
class variantCollector(object):
def __init__(self, vcf_file: cyvcf2.VCF, patname) -> None:
self.variants = self._store_variants(vcf_file)
self.patname = patname
def _store_variants(self, vcf_file: cyvcf2.VCF, onlyAutosomicOrSexual=True):
# the objective here is to store variants to associate also
# eventual phased variants.
variants = {}
for variant in vcf_file:
if onlyAutosomicOrSexual:
if str(variant.CHROM) in [str(i) for i in range(23)] + ['X', 'Y']:
variants[f'{variant.CHROM}:{variant.POS}'] = variant
variants[f'{variant.CHROM}:{variant.POS}'] = variant
return variants
class variantExtended(object):
def __init__(self, variant: cyvcf2.Variant):
csq_keys = ["Allele","Consequence","IMPACT","SYMBOL","Gene","Feature_type","Feature","BIOTYPE","EXON","INTRON","HGVSc","HGVSp","cDNA_position","CDS_position","Protein_position","Amino_acids","Codons","Existing_variation","DISTANCE","STRAND","FLAGS","SYMBOL_SOURCE","HGNC_ID","TSL","FrameshiftSequence","WildtypeProtein"]
self.variant = variant
self.position = f"{self.variant.CHROM}:{self.variant.POS}-{self.variant.POS + 1}"
self.germProb = phred_to_prob(self.variant.INFO.get('hetProb')) + phred_to_prob(self.variant.INFO.get('homaltProb'))
if self.variant.INFO.get('CSQ') is not None:
self.csq = dict(zip(csq_keys, self.variant.INFO.get('CSQ').split('|')))
self.aa_change, self.cdna_change = self._get_changes()
except KeyError:
self.aa_change, self.cdna_change = None, None
self.csq = None
self.phased_variants = self._get_phased()
self.stringID = self._get_stringID()
def _get_changes(self):
if not self.csq['IMPACT'] in ['MODERATE', 'HIGH']:
return None, None
aa_change = f"p.{self.csq['Amino_acids'].split('/')[0]}{self.csq['Protein_position']}{self.csq['Amino_acids'].split('/')[1]}"
cDNA_change = f"c.{self.variant.REF}{self.csq['cDNA_position']}{self.variant.ALT[0]}"
return aa_change, cDNA_change
def _get_phased(self):
if self.variant.format('PS') is None:
return []
phased = []
for variant in self.variant.format('PS')[0]:
return phased
def _get_substrings_at_index(self, s, index, length):
substrings = []
for start in range(max(0, index - length + 1), min(index + 1, len(s) - length + 1)):
substrings.append(s[start:start + length])
return substrings
def _get_sequences(self, collector: variantCollector, min_length=8, max_length=12):
wt_sequences = []
mt_sequences = []
aa_changes = []
# control for the presence of any other phased variant
if len(self.phased_variants) == 0:
mt_seq = self.csq["WildtypeProtein"][:int(self.csq['Protein_position']) - 1] + self.aa_change[-1] + self.csq["WildtypeProtein"][int(self.csq['Protein_position']):]
# here we control for the presence of any other phased variant. We used the variant collector to
# get back infos about the other variant, then use the information about the modification on the
# aminoacidic sequence to generate the new mt_sequence which will be used for slicing.
edits = {}
# first add the current variant
edits[self.csq['Protein_position']] = self.csq['Amino_acids'].split('/')[1]
for phased_var in self.phased_variants:
phased_variant = collector.variants[phased_var]
phased_variant_extended = variantExtended(phased_variant)
# not all the variants have an impact on the aa sequence
if phased_variant_extended.aa_change is not None:
edits[phased_variant_extended.csq['Protein_position']] = phased_variant_extended.csq['Amino_acids'].split('/')[1]
# add aa_changes to the collector
except KeyError:
# this is the case where a phased variant was filtered
mt_seq = self.csq["WildtypeProtein"]
for edit in edits:
mt_seq = mt_seq[:int(edit) - 1] + edits[edit] + self.csq["WildtypeProtein"][int(edit):]
#now generates frame within the sequence
index = int(self.csq['Protein_position']) - 1
for length in range(min_length, max_length + 1):
wt_sequences.extend(self._get_substrings_at_index(self.csq['WildtypeProtein'], index, length))
mt_sequences.extend(self._get_substrings_at_index(mt_seq, index, length))
return wt_sequences, mt_sequences, aa_changes
def _get_stringID(self):
return f"{self.variant.CHROM}:{self.variant.POS}"
class frameGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, hlas: list, collector: variantCollector, min_length=8, max_length=12):
self.hlas = hlas
self.collector = collector
self.min_length = min_length
self.max_length = max_length
self.frame = self._generate_frame()
def _generate_frame(self, germProbthreshold=0.5):
frame = []
for variant in self.collector.variants.values():
variant_extended = variantExtended(variant)
if variant_extended.aa_change is not None:
wt_seqs, mt_seqs, aa_changes = variantExtended._get_sequences(variant_extended, self.collector)
# concatenate as a single string the aa_change
aa_change = ','.join(aa_changes)
for hla in self.hlas:
for wt_seq, mt_seq in zip(wt_seqs, mt_seqs):
frame.append({'patient': self.collector.patname, 'position': variant_extended.position, 'germProb': variant_extended.germProb, 'WT_Epitope_Seq': wt_seq, 'MT_Epitope_Seq': mt_seq, 'HLA': hla, 'aa_change': aa_change })
frame = pd.DataFrame(frame)
# drop duplicates within the frame
frame = frame.drop_duplicates(subset=['MT_Epitope_Seq', 'HLA'])
# subset the frame
frame = frame[frame['germProb'] <= germProbthreshold]
return frame
def convertHLA_notation(hla: str):
netMHCpan doesn't like the HLA notation used by the other tools.
if '*' in hla:
return hla.replace('*', '')
return f"{hla[0:5]}*{hla[-5:]}"
class launcher(object):
def __init__(self, inputDf: pd.DataFrame, seqColumn: str, alleleCol: str, outfolder: str, ncpus=10, **kwargs):
if any([seqColumn not in inputDf.columns, alleleCol not in inputDf.columns]):
raise ValueError("Column names not found in input dataframe")
self.sequences = list(inputDf[seqColumn].values)
self.alleles = list(inputDf[alleleCol].values)
self.df = pd.DataFrame({'pep': self.sequences, 'mhc': self.alleles})
if len(self.sequences) != len(self.alleles):
raise ValueError("Number of sequences and alleles do not match. Check input file")
self.outfolder = outfolder
self.ncpus = ncpus
self.params = kwargs
class netMHCpan_launcher(launcher):
def __init__(self, inputDf: pd.DataFrame, seqColumn: str, alleleCol: str, outfolder:str, **kwargs):
super().__init__(inputDf, seqColumn, alleleCol, outfolder,**kwargs)
self.isok = self.ensureConfig()
self.exec_path = self.params['exec_path']
self.cmd_params = self.parse_params()
def run_subprocess(self, args):
exec_path, seqfile, conv_allele, cmd_params, outfile = args
with open(outfile, 'w') as ofile:[exec_path, '-p', seqfile, '-a', conv_allele, cmd_params], stdout=ofile)
def ensureConfig(self):
Simple check to verify that the netmhcpan is correcly configured.
@TODO: just grab from the exec path
if not os.path.exists(self.params['data_path']):
raise ValueError("netMHCpan data path not found. Please download them and place in the right folder.")
return True
def parse_params(self):
Using the external parameters passed through the class, return as a string
to be used for the subprocess
string_params = ''
if 'rth' in self.params.keys():
string_params += f"-rth {self.params['rth']}"
if 'rlt' in self.params.keys():
string_params += f"-rlt {self.params['rlt']}"
return string_params
def launch(self):
# Multiprocessing version
if self.isok:
print("Executing netmhcpan..")
# create the output directory for the results
start = time.time()
outfolder = self.outfolder
os.makedirs(outfolder, exist_ok=True)
# create the input file
# make also a temp folder
tempfolder = os.path.join(outfolder, 'temp')
os.makedirs(tempfolder, exist_ok=True)
# split unique_alleles into chunks
n_chunks = self.ncpus
chunks = np.array_split(self.df, n_chunks)
columns = self.df.columns
args_list = []
for idx,chunk in enumerate(chunks):
print(f"Processing chunk {idx} of {n_chunks}")
chunk = pd.DataFrame(chunk)
chunk.columns = columns
for allele in chunk['mhc'].unique():
conv_allele = convertHLA_notation(allele)
seqs = chunk[chunk['mhc'] == allele]['pep']
seqfile = os.path.join(tempfolder, f'{conv_allele}_batch_{idx}.csv')
seqs.to_csv(seqfile, index=False, header=False)
outfile = os.path.join(tempfolder, f'{conv_allele}_results_batch_{idx}.csv')
args_list.append((self.exec_path, seqfile, conv_allele, self.cmd_params, outfile))
# launch
with Pool() as pool:, args_list)
end = time.time()
print(f"netMHCpan completed the task in {end-start:.3f} seconds.")
def parse_output(self):
Parse the output of netMHCpan and return a dataframe
temp_dest_path = os.path.join(self.outfolder, 'temp')
files_to_parse = glob.glob(temp_dest_path+'/*_results*.csv')
dest_df = pd.DataFrame()
# get alleles and batches all together
alleles = list(set([x.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] for x in files_to_parse]))
for allele in alleles:
conv_allele = convertHLA_notation(allele)
# subset files
subset_files = [x for x in files_to_parse if allele in x]
outfile = os.path.join(self.outfolder, f'{allele}.csv')
with open(outfile, 'w') as ofile:
for f in subset_files:
# get the batch number
batch_i = f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]
original_input = os.path.join(self.outfolder, 'temp', f'{allele}_batch_{batch_i}.csv')
# get the number of sequences
num_seqs = 0
with open(original_input, 'r') as original_iput:
num_seqs = len(original_iput.readlines())
with open(f, 'r') as infile:
good_header = 0
bad_header = 0
for idx,line in enumerate(infile):
# remove whitespaces and replace with commas
edited_line = re.sub(r'\s+', ',', line.strip())
if edited_line.startswith('Pos'):
# good. this is the header.
# plus one because of the empty line
good_header = idx
bad_header = idx + num_seqs + 1
ofile.write(edited_line + '\n')
elif idx > good_header and idx <= bad_header:
if not line.startswith('-'):
# some lines are offending for the parsing. Damn how on hell someone
# can write output file like this one?
if len(edited_line.split(',')) == 15:
# the last two field are just the same one, but with a space between.
# just connect them into a single one
last_field = ' '.join(edited_line.split(',')[-2:])
edited_line = ','.join(edited_line.split(',')[0:-2] + [last_field])
ofile.write(edited_line + '\n')
df = pd.read_csv(outfile, skipinitialspace=True, index_col=False)
except pd.errors.ParserError:
print("Something went wrong with the allele {}".format(allele))
dest_df = pd.concat([dest_df, df], ignore_index=True)
except KeyError:
print("Something went wrong with the allele {}".format(allele))
#drop temp
# os.remove(os.path.join(self.outfolder, 'temp'))
dest_df = dest_df.loc[:,['HLA','Peptide','Score_EL','Rnk_EL']].rename(columns={
'Peptide': 'MT_Epitope_Seq', 'Score_EL': 'score_EL_netmhcpan', 'Rnk_EL': 'rank_EL_netmhcpan'})
return dest_df
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
vcf = cyvcf2.VCF(args.vcf)
hla = open(args.alleles, 'r').readlines()[0].strip().split(',')
variants = variantCollector(vcf, patname=args.patient)
frame = frameGenerator(hla, variants).frame
# instantiate the netMHCpan launcher
netMHCpan = netMHCpan_launcher(frame, 'MT_Epitope_Seq', 'HLA', args.outfolder, exec_path="/opt/netmhcpan/netMHCpan", data_path="/opt/netmhcpan/data", ncpus=args.ncpus)
netMHCpan_df = netMHCpan.parse_output()
output_frame = pd.merge(frame, netMHCpan_df, on=['MT_Epitope_Seq', 'HLA'], how='left')
output_frame.to_csv(os.path.join(args.outfolder, f'{args.patient}.epitopes.csv'), index=False)
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