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Last active April 12, 2016 03:05
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Code to conduct the side channel attack for 6.857's pset 3 problem 2b.
import requests
import gmpy2
import sys
import math
import json
from math import sqrt
n = 1024
R = 2**(n//2)
TEAM = "daniman_ivonchyk_vossm_rchipman"
# Dependency Notes:
# This file requires python3 and the gmp library. It also requires the pip
# module gmpy2.
# First check google for instructions on how to install python3 and gmp
# for your operating system. They are available with apt-get on Linux and
# brew on mac.
# Next make sure pip is installed (using python3 not python):
# Finally install gmpy2
# python3 -m pip install gmpy2
# If you are using windows, make sure you have Python3.2 or Python3.3
# installed, then run the appropriate installer from
# to install gmpy2.
# Feel free to post on piazza for assistance!
# RSA Server API
# POST /decrypt
# json request body
# team: String, comma-separated list of team member kerberos names (or
# a practice team name previously generated by the server)
# ciphertext: String, hex-encoded
# no_n: bool, optional, if true the server omits the modulus in the response
# setting this will save some network bandwidth if you already
# know the modulus for this team strings's key
# json response body
# modulus: String, hex-encoded, present if no_n was not true
# time: integer, units of time the decryption took (use this, not the
# real time the response takes to arrive)
# POST /guess
# json request body
# team: String
# q: String, hex-encoded, the smaller of (p, q)
# json response body
# correct: bool, whether the guess is correct
# GET /gen_practice
# no request body
# json response body
# team: String, a random team string generated by the server
# p: String, hex-encoded, the larger of the two secret primes
# q: String, hex-encoded, the smaller of the two secret primes
def main():
# first make a dummy request to find the public modulus for our team
initial_request = {"team": TEAM, "ciphertext": "00"*(n//8)}
r = + "/decrypt", data=json.dumps(initial_request))
N = int(r.json()["modulus"], 16)
# compute R^{-1}_N
Rinv = gmpy2.invert(R, N)
print r.json()
# Start with a "guess" of 0, and analyze the zero-one gap, updating our
# guess each time. Repeat this for the (512-16) most significant bits of q
g = 0
cluster_0 = [1400]
cluster_1 = [0]
for i in range(512-16):
gap = compute_gap(g, i, Rinv, 512, N)
middle = (float(sum(cluster_0))/len(cluster_0) + float(sum(cluster_1))/len(cluster_1)) / 2
if gap < middle:
print 'Q[' + str(i) + '] = 1; Gap: ' + str(gap)
g += 2 ** (512-i)
print 'Q[' + str(i) + '] = 0; Gap: ' + str(gap)
g /= 2 # correct for the fact that 2^512 is a 513-bit number
print "##########################################################"
print g
print "##########################################################"
skip_to = 49100 # skip ahead because we've already found q via brute force and know
# that the right key is at i=49155
# brute-force last 16 bits
g += skip_to
for i in range(2**16 - skip_to):
q = g + i
if not ((q%2==0) or (q%3==0) or (q%5==0) or (q%7==0) or (q%13==0) or (q%17==0) or \
(q%19==0) or (q%23==0) or (q%29==0) or (q%31==0) or (q%37==0) or (q%41==0) or \
(q%47==0) or (q%53==0)):
prime = is_prime(q)
print 'Try: ' + str(i) + '; ' + str(prime)
if prime:
# compute the gap for a given guess `g` (assuming the top `i` bits are
# correct)
def compute_gap(g, i, Rinv, n, N):
bit = 512 - i
g_hi = g + 2 ** bit
u_g_hi_times = []
u_g_times = []
n_its = 50
for j in xrange(n_its):
u_g = (g * Rinv) % N
u_g_hi = (g_hi * Rinv) % N
g += 1
g_hi += 1
return abs(sum(u_g_times) - sum(u_g_hi_times))/float(n_its)
# hex-encode a ciphertext and send it to the server for decryption
# returns the simulated time the decryption took
def time_decrypt(ctxt):
padded_ctxt = ctxt_to_padded_hex_string(ctxt, n)
req = {"team": TEAM, "ciphertext": padded_ctxt, "no_n": True}
r = + "/decrypt", data=json.dumps(req))
return r.json()["time"]
# converts a gmpy integer into a hex string front-zero padded to n bits
def ctxt_to_padded_hex_string(ctxt, n):
h = ctxt.digits(16)
h = "0"*max(n//4 - len(h), 0) + h
return h
# requests a random practice key from the server
def gen_practice_key():
r = requests.get(SERVER_URL + "/gen_practice")
json = r.json()
return {"team": json["team"], "p": int(json["p"], 16), "q": int(json["q"], 16)}
# hex-encodes q and sends it to the server, printing the result
def submit_guess(q):
# convert q to hex and remove '0x' at beginning
print 'submitting request: ' + str(hex(q)[2:-1])
data = {"team": TEAM, "q": hex(q)[2:-1]}
r = + "/guess", data=json.dumps(data))
print r.json()
if r and r.json()['correct'] == True:
sys.exit("----------------------------------------------------\nRecovered Q: " + \
str(hex(q)[2:-1]) + "\n----------------------------------------------------")
def mrange(start, stop, step):
stop = 5000000 # arbitrarily chosen upper bound to limit computation
while start < stop:
yield start
start += step
def is_prime(num):
if num == 2:
return True
if (num < 2) or (num % 2 == 0):
return False
return all(num % i for i in mrange(3, int(sqrt(num)) + 1, 2))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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