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Last active April 11, 2016 21:45
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import salsa20
# import the distinguisher function and B and r paramaters from my_salsa
# B: number of 64-byte blocks to generate
# r: number of Salsa20 rounds
from distinguish import distinguish, B, r, random_dist
import os
from struct import pack, unpack
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
`distinguish` should take a list of `B` 64-byte ciphertext blocks as
a parameter and return `0` if it determines the bytes are output of Salsa20
or `1` if the bytes are random.
labeled_salsa = False
labeled_random = False
def challenge_distinguisher():
global labeled_salsa, labeled_random
coin = ord(os.urandom(1)[0]) % 2
ctxt_blocks = []
if coin == 1:
# salsa bytes
sk = os.urandom(32)
# initialization vector (nonce)
iv = 0
for i in range(B):
salsa = salsa20.Salsa20(sk, pack("<Q", iv), r)
ctxt = salsa.encrypt('\x00'*64)
iv += 1
# random bytes
for i in range(B):
is_salsa, chisq = distinguish(ctxt_blocks)
if coin == 1:
if not labeled_salsa:
plt.axvline(chisq, color='b', label="Salsa Chi2 Samples")
labeled_salsa = True
else: plt.axvline(chisq, color='b')
if not labeled_random:
plt.axvline(chisq, color='r', label="Random Chi2 Samples")
labeled_random = True
else: plt.axvline(chisq, color='r')
if is_salsa == coin:
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
start_time = time.time()
bins = np.linspace(150, 350, 50)
print "Testing distinguisher for " + str(B) + " blocks of " + str(r) + "-round Salsa"
trials = 20
correct = 0
for i in range(trials):
if challenge_distinguisher():
correct += 1
print "Number of correct guesses: " + str(correct) + " out of " + str(trials)
plt.hist(random_dist, bins, alpha=0.5, label='Random Chi2 Distribution', color='c')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.title('Chi2 Distribution of Random Samples')
plt.suptitle(str(r) + ' Salsa Rounds; ' + str(B) + ' Blocks; ' + str(len(random_dist)) + ' Random Samples')
plt.xlabel("Number of correct guesses: " + str(correct) + " out of " + str(trials))
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
import salsa20
import os
import math
from struct import pack
import numpy as np
B = 2048
N = 256 # number of possible bytes
r = 4
Ei = float(B)*64 / float(N)
random_dist = []
random_stddev = 0
random_mean = 0
def make_random_dist(sample_size):
print 'Building a Random Distribution with', SAMPLE_SIZE, 'samples'
global random_dist, random_stddev, random_mean
for r in range(sample_size):
if r%50==0: print r
random_blocks = [os.urandom(64) for i in range(B)]
char_counts = []
for i in range(N):
char_counts.append(sum([block.count(chr(i)) for block in random_blocks]))
random_chisq = sum([((Ei-float(char_count))**float(2)/Ei) for char_count in char_counts])
random_stddev = np.std(np.array(random_dist))
random_mean = np.mean(np.array(random_dist))
print 'Random Mean:', random_mean
print 'Random StdD:', random_stddev
def distinguish(blocks):
if len(random_dist) < 1: make_random_dist(SAMPLE_SIZE)
threshold = 3 * random_stddev
chisq = 0
for i in range(N):
count = 0
for j in range(len(blocks)):
count += blocks[j].count(chr(i))
chisq += ((Ei - count)**2) / Ei
is_salsa = math.fabs(chisq - random_mean) >= threshold
return (is_salsa, chisq)
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