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Last active May 20, 2020 08:38
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Meson example
# project name and programming language
project('com.github.yourusername.yourrepositoryname', 'vala', 'c')
# Include the translations module
i18n = import('i18n')
# Set our translation domain
add_global_arguments('-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="@0@"'.format (meson.project_name()), language:'c')
# Create a new executable, list the files we want to compile, list the dependencies we need, and install
dependencies: [
install: true
#Translate and install our .desktop file
input: meson.project_name() + '',
output: meson.project_name() + '.desktop',
po_dir: join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'po'),
type: 'desktop',
install: true,
install_dir: join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'applications')
#Translate and install our .appdata file
input: meson.project_name() + '',
output: meson.project_name() + '.appdata.xml',
po_dir: join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'po'),
install: true,
install_dir: join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'metainfo')
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