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Created January 29, 2020 14:24
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Examples of Python NLM Selenium Test Framework
from nlm_selenium.seleniumtest import SeleniumTestCase
from import By
from import expected_conditions
import pytest
from nlm_selenium.configuration import SeleniumSettings
def selenium_settings(pytestconfig):
s = SeleniumSettings(pytestconfig)
# Set a URL for the test
s.baseUrl = ''
return s
class TestGoogleSearch(SeleniumTestCase):
def test_googlesearch(self):
# Open the page. Use the URL previously defined in the 'configureSelenium' method by 'setBaseUrl'.
# Check the title.
# Find a text input element by its name.
search_field = self.findElement(By.NAME, 'q')
# Enter something to search for.
search_field.send_keys('National Library of Medicine')
# Submit the form with our search query.
# Wait for the page to load and check if the title is correct.
self.wait.until(expected_conditions.title_contains('National Library of Medicine'))
# Wait until the result are displayed.
self.wait.until(expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'resultStats')))
# Check the first search result.
self.elementShouldContain(self.findElement(By.ID, 'rso'),
'National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health')
import os
import pytest
from nlm_selenium import SeleniumTestCase
from import By
class TestCas(SeleniumTestCase):
@pytest.mark.skip(reason='This test will only work if username and password are provided')
def test_wiki(self):
username = os.environ.get('my.username')
password = os.environ.get('my.password')
self.loginCasIfNeeded('', username, password) # use 'loginCasIfNeeded' instead if login might not be required
self.titleShouldBe('Dashboard - NLM Wiki')
self.logoutCas((By.ID, 'user-menu-link'), (By.ID, 'logout-link')) # Arguments are elements to be clicked for logout
import pytest
from nlm_selenium import SeleniumTestCase
from nlm_selenium.configuration import SeleniumSettings
from nlm_selenium.page_objects import PageObject, PageElement
def selenium_settings(pytestconfig):
s = SeleniumSettings(pytestconfig)
s.baseUrl = ''
return s
class SearchPage(PageObject):
URI = '/search/'
last_name = PageElement(id_='ContentPlaceHolder_txtLastName')
first_name = PageElement(id_='ContentPlaceHolder_txtFirstName')
search_button = PageElement(id_='ContentPlaceHolder_btnSearchName')
records_label = PageElement(id_='ContentPlaceHolder_lblRecords', caching=False)
error_label = PageElement(id_='ContentPlaceHolder_lblError', caching=False)
def should_have_no_results(self):
assert self.error_label
assert self.error_label.text
def should_have_results(self):
assert self.records_label
assert self.records_label.text
class TestNedSearch(SeleniumTestCase):
def test_wiring(self):
assert self.baseUrl == ''
def test_ned_search_1(self):
# open | |
page = SearchPage(self.driver, self.baseUrl)
page.wait_for('first_name', 'last_name', 'search_button')
# type | id=ContentPlaceHolder_txtLastName | Paleontology
# type | id=ContentPlaceHolder_txtFirstName | John
# click | id=ContentPlaceHolder_btnSearchName |
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