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Created December 2, 2019 20:54
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enhance selenium page objects with wait capability and caching
Adapted from the page-objects Python package addressing two perceived shortfalls:
- Lack of an easy way to get at the locator for a field, for instance for waits.
- Extra calls to driver.find_element() without any caching.
The API of this module is mostly backwards compatible with page-objects, with the following differences:
- The `root_uri` kwarg or PageObject is deprecated in favor of `base_url`, but root_uri is still supported.
- The behavior where setting the attribute sends keys seems to obscure the selenium bindings for selenium,
and are too magical, so they are removed.
- The factory methods at end are removed, because I never used it with factory methods
import warnings
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from import By
from import expected_conditions
from import WebDriverWait
# Map PageElement constructor arguments to webdriver locator enums
'id_': By.ID,
'name': By.NAME,
'xpath': By.XPATH,
'link_text': By.LINK_TEXT,
'partial_link_text': By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT,
'tag_name': By.TAG_NAME,
'class_name': By.CLASS_NAME,
class PageObject(object):
"""Page Object pattern.
:param webdriver: `selenium.webdriver.WebDriver`
Selenium webdriver instance
:param base_url: `str`
Base URL to base any calls to the ``PageObject.get`` method.
:param root_uri: `str`
Alias for base_url during initialization
:param caching: `bool'
Controls whether this PageObject will be caching element instances (default True)
:param wait: None or `WebDriverWait`
an explicit WebDriverWait to use if needed
def __init__(self, webdriver, base_url=None, caching=True, wait=None, root_uri=None):
self.webdriver = webdriver
if not base_url and root_uri:
warnings.warn('root_uri attribute is deprecated', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
base_url = root_uri
self.base_url = str(base_url) if base_url else ''
self.__wait = wait
if caching:
self.__cache = dict()
def get(self, uri):
:param uri: URI to GET, based off of the base_url attribute.
self.webdriver.get(self.base_url + uri)
def open(self, uri=None):
if not uri:
uri = self.URI
def clear_cache(self):
def element_names(cls):
return set(
name for name, element_def in cls.__dict__.items()
if isinstance(element_def, PageElement)
def wait(self):
if self.__wait is None:
self.__wait = WebDriverWait(self.webdriver, self.WAIT_TIMEOUT, self.POLL_DELAY)
return self.__wait
def locator_for(cls, name):
element_def = getattr(cls, name, None)
if not isinstance(element_def, PageElement):
raise ValueError('%s: no such element is defined' % name)
return element_def.locator
def wait_for(self, *elements):
for name in elements:
element_def = getattr(type(self), name, None)
if not isinstance(element_def, PageElement):
raise ValueError('%s: no such element is defined' % name)
for name in elements:
element_def = getattr(type(self), name, None)
if isinstance(element_def, MultiPageElement):
def wait_for_all(self):
return self.wait_for(*self.element_names())
class PageElement(object):
"""Page Element descriptor.
:param css: `str`
Use this css locator
:param id_: `str`
Use this element ID locator
:param name: `str`
Use this element name locator
:param xpath: `str`
Use this xpath locator
:param link_text: `str`
Use this link text locator
:param partial_link_text: `str`
Use this partial link text locator
:param tag_name: `str`
Use this tag name locator
:param class_name: `str`
Use this class locator
:param caching: `bool`
This element will be cached or will not be cached (default True)
:param context: `bool`
This element is expected to be called with context
Page Elements are used to access elements on a page. The are constructed
using this factory method to specify the locator for the element.
>>> from page_objects import PageObject, PageElement
>>> class MyPage(PageObject):
elem1 = PageElement(css='div.myclass')
elem2 = PageElement(id_='foo')
Page Elements act as property descriptors for their Page Object, you can get
them as normal attributes.
def __init__(self, context=False, caching=True, **kwargs):
if not kwargs:
raise ValueError("Please specify a locator")
if len(kwargs) > 1:
raise ValueError("Please specify only one locator")
k, v = next(iter(kwargs.items()))
self.locator = (_LOCATOR_MAP[k], v)
self.caching = caching
self.has_context = bool(context)
def find(self, context):
return context.find_element(*self.locator)
except NoSuchElementException:
return None
def __get__(self, instance, owner, context=None):
if not instance:
return self
if not context and self.has_context:
return lambda ctx: self.__get__(instance, owner, context=ctx)
if not context:
context = instance.webdriver
instance_cache = getattr(instance, '_PageObject__cache', None)
if self.caching and instance_cache is not None:
value = instance_cache.get(self, None)
if not value:
instance_cache[self] = value = self.find(context)
return value
return self.find(context)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
raise ValueError('Cannot set page element value any longer')
class MultiPageElement(PageElement):
""" Like `PageElement` but returns multiple results.
>>> from page_objects import PageObject, MultiPageElement
>>> class MyPage(PageObject):
all_table_rows = MultiPageElement(tag='tr')
elem2 = PageElement(id_='foo')
elem_with_context = PageElement(tag='tr', context=True)
def find(self, context):
return context.find_elements(*self.locator)
except NoSuchElementException:
return []
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