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Last active April 4, 2016 16:11
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Defender test
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
This AI simply generates a random 'plan'.
Update the 'notify_player()' function to implement your own AI.
var defender = {};
window.defender = defender;
The 'space' is a region of 100x100 characters
| |
| |
| |
'rocks' appear along the y=0 axis, and move to the right (from x=0 to x=79)
var iW = 80, iH = 10, bQuickSimulation = false;
function log(sMsg){
window.console && console.log(sMsg);
function assert(b, sMsg){
if( !b )
defender.rock = (function(){
var rock = {};
rock.create = function(iY){
var oRock = {
iX: 0,
//Math.floor(Math.random() * iH)
iY: iY
return oRock;
return rock;
defender.start = function(notify_player){
if( typeof(notify_player) !== "function" ){
alert("Error: defender.init(notify_player) requires a function as its first parameter.");
// initialize the board
var asHTML = ['<table style="border-collapse:collapse;border-width:0px">'];
for( var i = 0; i < iH; i++ ){
var asRow = ['<tr>'];
for( var j = 0; j < iW+1; j++ ){
asRow.push('<td id="td-'+j+'-'+i+'"></td>');
asHTML.push('<div style="font-size:12px;width:550px" id="game-message"></div>');
asHTML.push('<div style="font-size:12px;width:570px" id="game-instructions">');
asHTML.push('<br/>Nasty Aliens are hurling red rocks at the planet <b>Earth</b>. Our last line of defence- <b>The Paddle</b>. Write the AI for The Paddle to defend the Earth from certain destruction.</br><br/>');
asHTML.push('Download the instructions manual: <a target="_blank" href="">defender-test.pdf</a>.</br><br/>');
asHTML.push('<div style="border: 1px solid grey;padding:5px;background-color:#fee">');
asHTML.push('<b>This is not specifically a "front-end" test</b><br/><br/>');
asHTML.push('This test requires only writing the logic for the movement of the paddle and not the UI.<br/></br/>');
asHTML.push('You must write a solution to this test using Javascript, but note that you do not need to interact with the "document object model" (DOM), and so');
asHTML.push('this test is not specifically a "front-end" test. Even if you have limited understanding of Javascript, you should be able to tackle this test.');
asHTML.push('For those of you new to Javascript, I would suggest review the math and array functions available in Javascript:');
asHTML.push('<li><a href=""></a></li>');
asHTML.push('<li><a href=""></a></li>');
$("body").css({"font-family": "courier", "font-size": "8px"});
defender.notify_player = notify_player;
defender.notify_player = function(aoRockNotifiction, iPaddleY){
function log(sMsg){
window.console && console.log(sMsg);
var asMsg = ["defender.notify_player: "];
for( var i = 0; i < aoRockNotifiction.length; i++ ){
var oRockNotification = aoRockNotifiction[i];
asMsg.push("{distance: " + oRockNotification.distance + ", radians: " + oRockNotification.radians + "},");
// random plan
var aiMove = [];
for( var i = 0; i < 22; i++ )
// -1, 0, 1
aiMove.push( Math.floor(Math.random()*3) - 1 );
log("Plan: " + aiMove)
return aiMove ;
var oPos = {
iX: iW, iY: Math.floor(iH/2),
// sequence values in [-1, 0, +1], indiciating the current defensive plan for the paddle
aiMove: []
defender.notify_rock_change = function(aoRock){
var aoRockNotifiction = [];
for( var i = 0; i < aoRock.length; i++ ){
var oRock = aoRock[i];
var oRockNotification = {
distance: (
Math.pow( Math.pow(oPos.iX - oRock.iX, 2) + Math.pow(oPos.iY - oRock.iY, 2), 0.5)
radians: Math.atan2(oPos.iY - oRock.iY, oPos.iX - oRock.iX)
// randomize order
if( Math.random() < 0.5 )
aoRockNotifiction = [oRockNotification].concat(aoRockNotifiction);
oPos.aiMove = defender.notify_player(aoRockNotifiction, oPos.iY);
if( !oPos.aiMove || !oPos.aiMove.length ){
oPos.aiMove = [];
// when iRockWait is zero, it's time for a new rock!
// 600 ticks = 2min
var iTickCount = 0, iTickMax = 600;
var aoRock = [];
var iRockWait = 1;
defender.game_loop = function(){
var bRockBlocked = false;
// update any rocks
var aoNewRock = [];
for( var i = 0; i < aoRock.length; i++ ){
var oRock = aoRock[i];
if( oRock.iX === iW ){
if( oPos.iY === oRock.iY ){
log("Blocked attack!");
bRockBlocked = true;
$("#game-message").html("<h1>Game over!</h1><div>The Earth is now a smouldering ruin.</div>")
} else {
aoRock = aoNewRock;
if( iTickCount === iTickMax ){
$("#game-message").html("<h1>Congratulations!</h1><div>Your planetary defences seem to be working.</div>")
// create new rocks
if( iRockWait === 0 ){
aoRock.push(defender.rock.create(Math.floor(Math.random() * iH)));
// iH = 9, => 21 dots sepearate rocks
iRockWait = iH * 2 + 2;
} else if(bRockBlocked){
// move paddle
var iMove = oPos.aiMove.shift();
if( iMove === 1 || iMove === -1 || iMove === 0){
var iNewY = oPos.iY + iMove;
if( iNewY < 0 ){
log("Invalid move: you can't move the paddle to (y=-1).");
}else if( iNewY >= iH ){
log("Invalid move: you can't move the paddle to (y=" + iH + ").");
oPos.iY += iMove;
} else if( iMove !== undefined ){
log("Invalid move: " + iMove + ". A valid move msut be one of: [-1, 0, +1].");
// render game board
if( !bQuickSimulation ){
$("table td").text(".").css("color", "#aaa");
for( var i = 0; i < aoRock.length; i++ ){
var oRock = aoRock[i];
$("#td-"+oRock.iX+"-"+oRock.iY).text("O").css("color", "red");
for( var j = 0; j < iH; j++ )
$("#td-" + iW + "-" + j).text(" ");
$("#td-" + iW + "-" + oPos.iY).text("|").css("color", "black")
bQuickSimulation ? 1 : 100
function notify_player(rocks, paddle_y){
// just in case we don't have any rocks left
if (rocks.length === 0) return [];
var moves = [];
// find the closest rock
rocks.sort(function(x, y) {
return x.distance - y.distance;
var rock = rocks[0];
// calculate distance we need to move to intercept the rock
var iDistY = Math.round(Math.sin(rock.radians) * rock.distance);
// moving up or down?
var iMove = iDistY > 0 ? -1 : 1;
for (var i=0; i < Math.abs(iDistY); i++) {
return moves;
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