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Last active July 4, 2017 02:20
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Backup Windows Client Side Cache (CSC)
Repermissions and backs up CSC Cache for logged in user
Script will locate running users csc cache and zip, then export to defined location. Requires 7 Zip.
Version: 1.0
Author: dpadgett
Creation Date: 07/02/17
Purpose/Change: Release
Write-Host "Beginning Backup Task" -ForegroundColor Green
$domain = ''
$domainprefix = 'CORP'
$user = (Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object UserName).Username.Trim("$domainprefix\")
$date = Get-Date -UFormat %d-%m-%y
$tempcopy = "C:\users\$user\appdata\local\temp"
$fileserver = "\\server\Profile_Backup$"
$logfile = "$fileserver\Log\$date-$user.txt"
$RobocopyParams = @("/r:1", "/IS", "/w:1", "/COPY:DAT", "/NJS", "/E", "/V", "/NP", "/TEE", "/ZB", "/COPYALL")
$XD = @("WINDOWS", "APPDATA", "SendTo", "Temp", "Temporary Internet Files", "Favorites", "`$RECYCLE.BIN")
$XF = @("*.pif", "*.pst", "*.EXE", "*.ini", "*.bat", "*.tmp", "thumbs.db")
$IC = @("Everyone:(F)", "/t", "/l", "/q")
$destination = "$fileserver\BackupRoot"
$tempcopy2 = "C:\users\$user\appdata\local\temp\$user"
$fullpath = "C:\Windows\CSC"
takeown /f $fullpath /r /a /d y
icacls $fullpath /grant @IC
$CSC = Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Windows\CSC\v2.0.6\namespace\$domain" -filter $user -Recurse | Select-Object -Expand FullName
#region CopyCSC
#Code should be run as elevated user but still read in the correct user for next steps
Write-Host "Taking Ownership of CSC Cache Locally" -ForegroundColor Green
foreach ($i in $CSC)
Write-Host "Copying CSC Cache to tempcopy" -ForegroundColor Green
robocopy.exe $i "$tempcopy\$user\CSC-Cache" $RobocopyParams /XD @XD /XF @XF /log+:$logfile
#region ExtraFiles
Write-Host "Copying Downloads Dir to share" -ForegroundColor Green
$sourcepaths = "c:\users\$user\Downloads"
takeown /f $sourcepaths /r /a /d y
icacls $sourcepaths /grant @IC
foreach ($folder in $sourcepaths)
if ($folder -eq "c:\users\$user\Downloads") { $DLdestination = "$tempcopy\$user\downloads" }
Write-Host "Starting file copy from '$folder' to backup Root" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (!(test-path $logfile -erroraction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Item $logfile -ItemType file }
robocopy.exe $folder $DLdestination $RobocopyParams /XD @XD /XF @XF /log+:$logfile
Write-Host "Copy Complete for $folder to $destination " -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (Test-Path "C:\users\$user\appdata\local\temp\$") {Remove-Item -Path "C:\users\$user\appdata\local\temp\$" -Force}
Write-Host "Compressing CSC..This will take some time" -ForegroundColor Green
#Install 7zip
if (-not (test-path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {
$pathvargs = {.\7z1604.exe /S}
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $pathvargs
Write-Host "Waiting on 7zip install..." -ForegroundColor Green
sleep 3
} until (test-path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
set-alias sz "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
sz a -t7z -mmt "$tempcopy2.7z" "$tempcopy2"
wait-process -Name 7z -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Permissioning Zip File" -ForegroundColor Green
icacls "$tempcopy\$user.7z" /grant @IC
Write-Host "Copying compressed CSC Cache to share" -ForegroundColor Green
robocopy.exe $tempcopy $destination "$user.7z"
Write-Host "All Done" -ForegroundColor Green
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