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Created October 8, 2010 05:48
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// Required jars (I know, I know...I should investigate Grape)
// nekohtml.jar
// xercesimpl.jar
// Define the pages which contain links to products - our "seeds" in crawl parlance.
def seeds = [""]
// Load the NekoHTML parser with Xerces - this lets us parse the HTML.
slurper = new XmlSlurper(new org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser())
// Now let's loop through each seed URL in turn.
seeds.each() {
println "Accessing seed URL ${it}"
def seedURL = new URL(it)
seedURL.withReader { seedReader ->
def seedHTML = slurper.parse(seedReader)
// Show the title of the seed page we're parsing.
println "Seed page title is ${seedHTML.depthFirst().grep { == 'TITLE'}}"
seedHTML.depthFirst().find { it.@class == 'body-text' }.children().each { p ->
if (p.children().size() > 2) {
def text = p.text()
println text
text.find(/(.*?)(\d+.+\d{5})/) { match, name, address ->
println "NAME = " + name
println "ADDRESS = " + address
println "TELEPHONE = " + text.find(/(\(\d{3}\).*?\d{3}.*?\d{4})/)
text.find(/(Website:\s*)(.*)/) { match, website, url ->
println "WEBSITE = http://" + url
println "-**-" * 20
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