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Last active August 2, 2023 12:15
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  • Save danktankk/d4cb559f81bfe96cf915413f76b34180 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@echo off
ECHO This script is for easily starting Total War: Three Kingdoms Fitgirl 1.5.3 repack.
ECHO You will need to change the path of where the shortcut to the EXE file is that starts the game. If this doesnt work, do more research, or buy the game.
ECHO Deleting reg entry responsible for the game not starting.
ECHO If you see an error message below, please keep reading. If not, also keeo reading as either outcome could be expected.
REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\The Creative Assembly\THREE_KINGDOMS\Preferences\first_time" /v "last_content_alert_seen" /f
ECHO If there was an error above, it is because the registry entry that needed to be deleted is already gone.
ECHO Checking to be sure the reg entry has been deleted before proceeding
ECHO If you see the following, "ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value."
ECHO This is expected behavior as we are first deleting a registry key and then checking to make sure it is deleted.
ECHO This is a good thing to see that error.
REG QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\The Creative Assembly\THREE_KINGDOMS\Preferences\first_time" /v "last_content_alert_seen
ECHO Error? Good.
ECHO If the game didnt start on the first try with just deleting the reg entry, then try to rename preferences.script.txt as it can also keep the game from running as well.
ECHO Location of this file: "C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\scripts\preferences.script.txt"
ECHO Change this batch file to match your path below!
@echo off
goto :starting
color 0c
ECHO Invalid Entry:
ECHO Please try again.
set /p question=Rename C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\scripts\preferences.script.txt? (Y/N)? )
if /i {%question%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%question%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
if /i {%question%}=={n} (goto :no)
if /i {%question%}=={no} (goto :no)
if /i {%question%}=={%question%} (goto :invalid)
color 0a
ECHO Renaming requested file.
IF exist C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\scripts\preferences.script.txt (
REN "C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\scripts\preferences.script.txt" "preferences.script.bak"
ECHO "File renamed"
) ELSE (
IF exist C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\scripts\preferences.script.bak (
MOVE /y "C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\scripts\preferences.script.txt" "preferences.script.bak"
ECHO "File overwritten"
) ELSE (
ECHO "File moved and original preferences.script.txt has been deleted."
goto :end
color 0a
ECHO You chose : %question%=No
ECHO You can run this again and rename the file if needed
goto :end
ECHO Lastly we will be starting the game from here as well.
ECHO Hit any key to start Total War: Three Kingdoms Fitgirl 1.5.3 Repack
START "Three_Kingdoms.exe" "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Total War - Three Kingdoms.lnk"
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Please help, when I run the file I keep getting an error so i checked app data and found out that preferences.script file was missing. Found one online, and copied it to the location. The Game still crashes and anytime i run the batch file you created, i keep getting an error as you can see in the image. if you can give me a copy of your preferences.script config file as well, I'd be grateful


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I didnt have that issue. It looks like the preferences.script is saving as preferences.script.txt though. You would definitely need to fix that.

I got this to work for my system and shared from that only. I dont really have any additional information that would be of any use. If the above suggestion doesnt work, then I would go through the script and make sure you haven't missed any spots in it that need required input. I would reinstall the game again to see if you generate your own preferences.script as well.

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