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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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(ns cdupes.core
(require digest)
(:import ( RandomAccessFile))
(:require [ :refer [parse-opts]]
[ :refer [file]]
[clojure.string :as string])
(def cli-options
[["-s" "--size SIZE" "Only run on files of certain sizes, e.g. -1G +200M 500K"
:default nil]
["-r" "--recurse" "Recurse into subdirectories"
:default false]
["-R" "--regex REGEX" "Regular expression to match files"]
["-i" "--invert-regex" "Only run on files not matching --regex"
:default false]
["-p" "--precision PRECISION" "Levels of precision: 0 - Consider equal length files identical
1 - Consider equal MD5 Checksum files identical
2 - Consider byte-by-byte equal files identical (default)"
:default 2
:parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)
:validate [#(< -1 % 3) "Precision must be between 0 and 2"]]
["-v" "--verbose" "Increase verbosity"
:default false]
["-h" "--help"]])
(defn usage [options-summary]
(->> ["cdupes - find duplicate files in a directory"
"Usage: cdupes [options] directory"
(string/join \newline)))
(defn error-msg [errors]
(str "The following errors occurred while parsing your command:\n\n"
(string/join \newline errors)))
(defn exit [status msg]
(println msg)
(System/exit status))
(defn size-str-to-bytes [ size-str ]
"Converts a string such as one of the following:
To the corresponding value in bytes."
(let [ match (re-matches #"(\d+)([b|k|m|g])?" (.toLowerCase size-str)) ]
(if (not match)
(let [ size (Integer/parseInt (second match)) ]
(case (second (rest match))
nil size
"b" size
"k" (* 1024 size)
"m" (* 1048576 size)
"g" (* 1073741824 size))))))
;; hash map of <File> -> <Str>
;; <Str> representing the md5sum of the file
(def md5-hash-map {})
(def length-hash-map {})
;; Filters
(defn size-filter [ size-str ]
"Takes a string which represents the size of a file,
it can be in the form of \"-500\" meaning 'less than 500 bytes',
\"+500\" meaning 'greater than 500 bytes', or just \"500\" meaning
exactly 500 bytes.
It returns a lambda comparing a object's length
to the size."
(let [ cmp (get {\- <, \+ >} (first size-str) =)
constraint-in-bytes (if (or (= \- (first size-str))
(= \+ (first size-str)))
(size-str-to-bytes (subs size-str 1))
(size-str-to-bytes size-str)) ]
(fn [f]
(cmp (.length f) constraint-in-bytes))))
(defn regex-filter [ regex-str negate ]
"Takes a regular expression in the form of a string, such as \".*zsh.*\"
and a boolean as to whether or not to negate the result.
It returns a lambda which converts it to a java regex, and performs the match
on the file objects string from getName"
(fn [f]
(let [ re (re-matches (java.util.regex.Pattern/compile regex-str) (.getName f)) ]
(if negate
(not re)
;; Determining if files are duplicates
(defn md5-file [file]
"Returns the md5sum of a file.
If the md5sum doesn't exist in md5-hash-map it adds it to reuse later."
(if (not (get md5-hash-map file))
(def md5-hash-map (assoc md5-hash-map file (digest/md5 file))))
(get md5-hash-map file))
(defn length-file [file]
"Returns the length of a file in bytes."
(if (not (get length-hash-map file))
(def length-hash-map (assoc length-hash-map file (.length file))))
(get length-hash-map file))
(defn identical-by-length [ & files ]
(apply = (map #(length-file %) files)))
(defn identical-by-checksum [ & files ]
(apply = (map #(md5-file %) files)))
;; following 2 functions provided by dbasch
(defn byte-seq
[^ rdr]
(when-let [b (.read rdr)]
(when (not= b -1)
(cons b (lazy-seq (byte-seq rdr))))))
(defn identical-byte-by-byte [ & files ]
(with-open [rdr1 ( (first files))
rdr2 ( (second files))]
(let [s1 (byte-seq rdr1)
s2 (byte-seq rdr2)]
(every? true? (map = s1 s2)))))
;; 500mb
(def ^:const large-file-threshold 524288000)
(defn partial-bytes [ file ]
"Returns the first and last 5mb as a vector."
(def byte-sequences (vec nil))
(let [ raf (RandomAccessFile. (.getAbsolutePath file) "r")
buf (byte-array 5242880) ] ;; first 5mb
(.read raf buf)
(def byte-sequences (conj byte-sequences buf))
(.seek raf (- (.length file) 5242880))
(let [ buf2 (byte-array 5242880)] ;; last 5mb
(.read raf buf2)
(conj byte-sequences buf2))))
(defn identical-by-partial-checksum [ & files ]
"Assumes files are both identical lengths,
and over large-file-threshold.
This is sort of a ridiculous edgecase, but if 2 large files are identical sizes,
we checksum the first 5mb and the last 5mb of each file and compare them."
(= (map digest/md5 (partial-bytes (first files)))
(map digest/md5 (partial-bytes (second files)))))
(defn identical-files [ file1 file2 precision ]
"Considers a file is identical based on precision, see cli-options for precision
(case precision
0 (identical-by-length file1 file2)
1 (and (identical-by-length file1 file2)
(if (> (.length file1) large-file-threshold)
(identical-by-partial-checksum file1 file2)
(identical-by-checksum file1 file2))
2 (and (identical-by-length file1 file2)
(if (> (.length file1) large-file-threshold)
(identical-by-partial-checksum file1 file2)
(identical-by-checksum file1 file2)
(identical-byte-by-byte file1 file2))))
;; perhaps use every-pred here?
;; catch FileNotFoundException in case files no longer exist
;; File objects within a path
(defn eligible-files [ path recurse ]
"Return only files within a given path, recursively or not."
(filter #(.isFile %) (if recurse
(file-seq (file path))
(.listFiles (file path)))))
(defn duplicates-of-file [ file files precision ]
"Given a file, and a list of potential matching files, and a precision level,
filter out the files that are identical and not the file itself."
(filter (fn [f]
(and (not= f file)
(identical-files f file precision))) files))
(defn --apply-options [ options arguments ]
"Returns the eligible files based on cli-options."
(if (:size options)
(size-filter (:size options))
(fn [& args] true))
(if (:regex options)
(regex-filter (:regex options) (:invert-regex options))
(fn [& args] true)))
(eligible-files (first arguments) (:recurse options))))
(defn -main
"Handles command line arguments, prints error messages/help if needed.
Then builds a list of eligible files based on the CLI options, and loops through each
one finding all duplicates, and printing the group of identical files together."
[& args]
(let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args cli-options)]
(:help options) (exit 0 (usage summary))
(not= (count arguments) 1) (exit 1 (usage summary))
errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
(printf "Building file list...")
(let [ files (--apply-options options arguments) ]
(printf "done. (%d files to examine)\n" (count files))
(def mentioned-files '())
(doseq [ file files ]
(when (not (some #(= % file) mentioned-files))
(def duplicates (duplicates-of-file file files (:precision options)))
(def mentioned-files (concat mentioned-files duplicates))
(when (> (count duplicates) 0)
(printf "%s\n" file)
(doseq [d duplicates ]
(printf "%s\n" d))
(printf "\n")))))))
(defproject cdupes "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Finds duplicate files within a directory."
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[digest "1.4.4"]
[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.1"]
[org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.5"]]
:main ^:skip-aot cdupes.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
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